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Random Rant!!! Feel free to share your random rants here...Follow

#1 Oct 08 2004 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
1,577 posts
Ok, so I took a break from PLD which is like 2k from 63, and I'm having a blast with Ranger, so much so that I don't know when I'll make it back to Paladin....

Untill last night ><... (start rant)

Ranger has been ub3r fun and I've almost never looked back. Last night I get in a PT in CN, and it's very, very, very slow. Thf can't do damage, Paladin vokes when I Barrage > WS to turn mob for SATA Viper Bite... List goes on.

Well the Paladin had to leave (lost power and was running on his UPS)... so we get a 37nin. I was happy (not that I don't like Paladin's, I mean come on mines 62 lol I gotta like them somewhat). So the Ninja gets there and were still goin slow, mainly cause the thf just can not do damage for some reason. The highest SATA + Viper ever did was 226 O.O I don't know why or how.

Well we move on to the nest beetles, fun little bastards. Well it wasn't to noticable when fighting crawlers that the nin was taking a decent amount of damage, (I shrugged it off as she was still getting used to Utsusemi: Ni >< WRONG). She did not even have Utsusemi: Ni, cause "It's Expensive." Her plan is to level to 40 then do bcnm's untill she gets the drop.

Now me being a Ranger, and a well equiped ranger at that asked her what she thought was expensive, and her reply was 150k. O.O my reply was "Thats it?".... Now at this point I wanted to /slap /disband /n00b her ***. I almost said why don't you /check me and then stfu and go farm. 150 wouldn't even get my main weapon, barely woulda bought me 2 pieces of Noct +1 when it first came out.

Here I guess is what I'm ranting about...


Soon after my PT disbanded I got another random invite, and I accepted it, BRD from previous PT was in this PT, which was ok, he was good about prelude and minuet. So I'm just waiting for it, cause I know it's coming... and BAM >< Ninja is invited. So without word or warning I just disband, (I know it's mean).

So about 5 min later I /t the PT leader that had invited me, and I explained the situation and I appologized for disbanding w/o notice, he accepted my appology and all is good. While I wasted 7-8 stacks of arrows, and almost a full stack of meat kabobs, not to mention lots of shihei, the Ninja couldn't do her job because it was expensive.

I am really relieved that White Mages dont use that excuse for "needed" spells like RII, Erase (but thats more of a luxury).

Well, thats it, rate me, flame me, I don't really care LOL... I wasted 4 hrs in a PT that got me 3500 exp (I realize now I should have left, but the White Mage was my friend and I couldn't leave him to deal with it). (End Rant)
#2 Oct 08 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
544 posts
nah, I gave ya some love....
maybe you can answer this ponder... when should a DRK be expected to carry Absorb Dex? (400K)
You can't farm it until lvl 75.
Is it that important?
As far as the WHM.. You'd be surprised on the answers I've heard regarding lack of spells.
Same with RNG.. fighting with swords because they can't afford ammo.
I've been doing some mad farming lately, but it's almost impossible to turn a buck. I think I'm gonna have to use some of my lower levels and farm quest items and crystals... although the prices of crystals have been going crazy

#3 Oct 08 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,632 posts
Absorb-DEX is not a necessity, but a luxury. I'm level 54 and still don't have it. This is my situation right now:

I sold my Sniper's Ring about 3 weeks ago to fund Goldsmithing because I thought I was retiring DRK. Then I changed my mind and wanted him back, so now I have to farm for my sniper's ring back. That adds a ton to what I already have to farm, but I'm not leveling until I have all of this stuff.

560k - Sniper's Ring
350k - Absorb-DEX
400k-500k - level 55 gear

So yeah, I have about 350k on me right now, but I'll be buying my Sniper's Ring first, then level 55 gear, then Absorb-DEX last. Absorb-AGI is better IMO anyway.

#4 Oct 08 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
but but but warf.... farming is so hard for ppl, i mean come on. You can't expect everyone to be able to make money with all these gill sellsers around its unfair, after all we're high lvl not like we ever worked to get places we got things handed to us, SE sends us gill every day!!! Q_Q

I hear ya tho man. I worked hard to get my stuff, i refused to lvl whm untill i got erase for it, same with summoner and avatars and getting past 25 w/o getting Fenrir first. I think it gives you something to look foward to, having goals that is. If you say i need to do this this and this before i go lvl agian then you have something to do instead of sitting around wasting time ********* I've been tryin to lvl my whm and the amount of idiots i've encountered disgusts me. I dont expect everyone to have snipers, kote, fuma, hairpin, but my god, wearing crappy gear is not tolerable. I have, in my lower level adventures, met ALOT of good players tho. Made some friends too. I met Kaiden when i was lvl summoner who i'm really good freinds with and helped him pimp out his bard (so sexy). But the ninja w/o ni thing is great lol. Just dont let ****** parties with ****** players get you down, i've had amazing pts at this lvl that are just..well insane. Hurry up and lvl with me!!! whm @ 47 :D
#5 Oct 08 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
Hey man i feel fo ya,

I wrote a post on the 7th that said basically what you talked about,

PLZ PEOPLE, if your equippment sucks, take some time off and do some farmin or BCNM's to make some gil so the rest of the party doesn't suffer. After all this is an mmorpg... its not going anywhere, dont be in such a rush for everything.

rate me down please, i want to see how low i can go!!
#6 Oct 08 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Hey wassup Bani ^^? Yeah I don't expect people to have 2 snipers (I only got 1 hawkers ><), but having the 100% needed items for you to benefit yourself AND your party should be aquired.

As for excellent PT's at this level I had a super PT I spent 4hrs in the other night and did 19k exp in garlaige citidel. I was the only NA player in it, and between me and the THF we ruled the world on dmg that night LOL.
#7 Oct 08 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
hehe Warf you shoulda took my invite ya know... I watched his party while i waited for mine and he's not kidding about how bad it was.

On the up-to-date gear note i agree with him 100% that if you are not up to date yu shouldnt be leveling. I don't level any job less than prepared and I don't really think its fair when others do. Not having uber armor is excusable obviously, but not haveing Ninja's #1 most important ability ready to use the second you turn 37 is not excusable at all. A 36 NIN without Utsusemi Ni scroll ready has absolutely no business leveling. They need to be farming.

But thats just my opinion i suppose. (I said something similar in the SMN forum recently and they thought i was being unfair. There was even a SMN who said they got to 65 with only Carbuncle. Thats so unfair to the party. They brought nothing more than their WHM sub basically and a little cartoon rat.)

Anyway I'm sorry your party was so bad Warf. (I rememer being a lvl 37NIN in your Party and I had Utsusemi Ni lol - looong time ago)

(I Refused to level for over a month when i was 56NIN because i didnt want to turn 57 without a Scorpion Harness. I felt my place was farming - not levelling. So you can see this is a subject i agree with)

Edited, Fri Oct 8 14:52:15 2004 by NOiSEA
#8 Oct 08 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
2,021 posts
/poke Banigaru

Hey I have a DRK that will be 45 tonight and will be getting switched out for my 45MNK. However, I want to keep leveling my DRK because the AF gear is nuts. 3 SP members will be gone for the next 2 weeks so let me know if you need someone.
#9 Oct 08 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
433 posts

</start rant>

apologize that you don't feel good about the pt, then disband. hence forth, don't pt with them unless you feel the pt is capable.

<end rant>

that's what i do at least, and i guess it's worked, sorta. just that i'm a little too nice to people sometimes, so i stick with really bad parties in newbie areas like valkrum dunes just to try and help them out--playing style, not their gear.

i dunno, maybe it's just me believing in investing some time (to those willing to learn) in assisting some of the newbies along in newbie areas, in some vain hope that they'll shine later.

examples of some patient episodes:

1) nin/war who didn't know how to tank at all in valkrum dunes. found out that he was a 41 lvl thf main, but raising nin as tank. being the pld, we had our little conversations in /tell, with me telling him about mob placement and voking, and arranging sub-vokes for contingencies. he told me about being a thf. (man, it was invigorating to realize that SA should be used before a pull to maximize SA usage.) a mutual trade off. :)

2) 30 pld/war who didn't know the least bit about SATA and tanking in yhoatar. found out through /tells that he was the father of the kid who played that character. the father plays other online games, but the son's trying to 'entice' the father to play ffxi. so i helped him with mob placement, SC, hate-control (through self-healing). explained SATA (or what i knew of it... was only a war at that time). took the better half of 2 hours with some very angry members who just took off and left. but i think the father started really shining toward the end.

3) 10 blm, no sub, newbie. killing dahmels in tahrongi canyon. spammed nukes like no tomorrow. lol, had to tell him to keep an eye on his nuking (like waiting till i at least voked once before he starts his tirade) and encouraging him to use enfeebs first. about 30 mins into it, he was happily nuking/enfeebing away, hate-free. well, almost.

note: i used to be more of an authoritarion in the pt, especially since i'm almost always the one forming pts. i've since learnt to keep my mouth shut and watch what people do first before presuming to advise them. also, i've stopped advising people on jobs i know nothing about *shakes fists at drks, mnks, rdm* unless it's something obvious, like not being able to MB or SC, or using 2-hr in the middle of a battle for no apparent reason.

</end rant>
hehe, got ya, didn't i? ;)
#10 Oct 08 2004 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Well to be honest, that's what it started out as, teaching the PLD, then the THF, then the NIN but least willing was the NIN and at that time I had sunk enough effor into it that I was determined to level.

Ovul >< yes I should have, and that was some funny stuff between you and that other PT LOL.
#11 Oct 08 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Default
2,021 posts
/comfort Enthuz
You are WAY too patient man. That night we were in CN and those idiots trained Horn Flies to us and you just shrugged and said oh well. Maybe it's because I was 68 tnl that I was so mad. LoL.

And yeah, whatever you want to know about Monk and DRK let me know. LoL. I'm far from knowing everything but with both at 45 I think I have a little knowledge. ;-)
#12 Oct 08 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
544 posts
What level can you camp the deal for Sniper anyway???
#13 Oct 08 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#14 Oct 09 2004 at 1:46 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
well actually its do to massive farming that it has been taking me forever to lvl up..i belive do to fact i'm war i should have best armor while in pt.. but feels like i'm only war sometimes that does so..worse i've seen was lvl 29war in lizard armor..i mean how can anyone expect to do well with pt if they dont have what is needed or required..i mean i've wasted money on unneeded items and am still prepared for pts..there is no excuse.i understand it cost more money higherlvl..if anything just have to think better gear more chance you have to stay alive..and the longer you're alive the more exp you can get..ok this was a wasted rant on my part but..
#15 Oct 09 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
433 posts
Warf wrote:
Well to be honest, that's what it started out as, teaching the PLD, then the THF, then the NIN but least willing was the NIN and at that time I had sunk enough effor into it that I was determined to level.

/comfort Warf

yea, no offense to nins, but sometimes i think nin's think they are the best tank in the world, just cos they can utsusemi. recently, with the nerf (which didn't really do too much to affect it), and the number of times i've seen them fail to cast it because of a mob hitting them (more so for the inexperienced nins), i find it somewhat strange that some (probably a small number) nins still think they are the best tank in the world.

for those who fall in this category, i'd like to make a personal request that they at least keep their minds open to some suggestions. it's tough to help when any player decides that they know what's best and stop listening. ><
#16 Oct 10 2004 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
Here is a small rant: I am so sick of sitting jeuno spamming and spamming for help when i know that unless someone has to do that exact thing I will get no godamn help. I can understand that u HL out there arent there to just help others but cmon this is ridiculous. It is amazing that almost every godamn JP player that has had the luxury of having this game for a lot longer than we had will not help or for the most part talk to american players. If I wasnt so damn addicted tot his game I would probably be done with it. This isnt the first time or the last im sure that I will be sitting in jeuno spamming for help. Ok rant over. I feel a little better but not much....time to go spam. Later.
#17 Oct 11 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
765 posts
I wasted 4 hrs in a PT that got me 3500 exp (I realize now I should have left, but the White Mage was my friend and I couldn't leave him to deal with it).

I had a pty a few nights ago, died 3x. Once with raise 1. It was a jp party, 2 thfs, nin, brd, and rdm. Both thfs were sata off me. I could barely breathe without drawning aggro. Net exp of 1.5k over 4 hours. Only reason i didnt leave was because for each of those deaths but the last i deleveled.

Dont ya love dropping so much gil for so little return?

But yeah, i feel your pain Warf.
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