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Interesting chat convo with a GM....Follow

#1 Nov 07 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
951 posts
Okay, we all know how bad the gil selling problem is right? Well I finally got through to a GM today about the lovetoo !@#$ers trying to ***** up time on stroper chyme, convo went exactly like this

GM: Greetings Corrderio, GM {CENSORED} responding, I am sorry to hear of your trouble with these players. While I
GM: do understand your frustration, players my hold a monster without killing it if they wish

Me: yes, I do understand this, but they're also using the Stroper Chymes drop to make a profit IRL
Me: my LS tried to hunt it for a few past weeks, and the same people, at any time are there

GM: I see. did these players offer to sell you any in game content for real money?

Me: they don't ask you over the game to buy it, there are websites where you can buy/sell gil at
Me: that's where they're probably selling it

GM: Indeed there are, but we have no control over internest content, we can only enforce in game actions

Me: but if buying accounts/currency is against the user agreement, why dont' you ban those that do this?

GM: if a player offers to buy or sell i game conecnt for real money, then we will address any such issue
GM: if it is reported to us. if a player never makes such a statement then we have nothing to investigate
GM: was there any other issue I could assist you with

Me: okay, so you're saying unless they make a statement abut guying/selling accounts/gil...
Me: you can't do anything

GM: correct. they must make such an offer in game to investigate it

Me: and why would they do this for
Me: I'm sure no one is gong to go aroudn saying they bought gil or an account

GM: who can say? if this does happen please report the issue to a GM. good luck and safe journey Corrderio.


Okay, so the GMs are gonna sit back and let this happen... okay, WTF is going on here, I thought the GMs were suppose to monitor any activity that's... I dunno, AGAINST THE USER AGREEMENT and unless your IQ is below 0, you're NEVER gonna admit to this, so if the GMs are reading this... GET COMMON SENSE, if a ton of people report a certain person or group... shouldn't you be watching this person or group instead of your stupid auto-MSGs?

/rant off

Edited, Sun Nov 7 11:31:08 2004 by Corrderio
#2 Nov 07 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
1,632 posts
Yeah, it sucks. I'm thinking you're probably talking about Rooepp who constantly camps the Treant in Batallia Downs. That focker always continues to sleep the tree until I leave. He could go on forever doing that as well since he was a RDM.

On one occasion, I got the pop and invited 2 of friends to join in and help, 59 BRD and 30 THF. I continued sleeping it while the BRD would caasts Ballad I and II on me so I could keep sleeping it.

Well, we had it for about 2 hours and Rooepp comes back with about 25 Stalking Saplings and proceeds to logout right next to the Treant. He logs out and they end up killing the THF AND BRD. Although the BRD didn't care because she said she was gonna take the death to keep Treant claimed, it was still an MPK. (He had tried this twice earlier when it was just me by the way and I had called a GM both times for attempted MPK.)

So anyway, after 3 attempts to MPK me and MPK'ing my THF and BRD friends, they both called a GM as well. Rooepp proceeded to stand beside them and do /laugh.

So you'd think this would be enough to get him suspended at the very least right? Wrong. GMs have done nothing at all. I do a /sea all Rooepp and there he is, still online in Batallia Downs, not suspended or banned.
#3 Nov 07 2004 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
honestly, i don't think this problem will ever be solved, unless everyone in the server canceled their accounts on the same day, after a mass GM call over it.
#4 Nov 08 2004 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
A few weeks ago, I was with a pt in Boyahda Tree when one of my pt member noticed that Aquarius had popped. We escape and zone back in and go to try and claim Aquarius. We get there and notice there was a jp bst and rdm by the name of Cilia fighting it. Well, somehow they lost the claim, we wait a few moments and one of our members claims it. We kill it and invite a random lv 50's rng to our pt and let him have the Francisca. Ok, now the jp rdm starts following us everywhere. We go back to the ancient goob room to exp on flies, we start to kill a fly when that rdm comes in, pulls the ancient goob to us and then chainspell and escapes out of there, so we also have to escape. So we decide to head back in and there the rdm is following us again. We start again when she pulls an elemental and crawlers, then she escapes again. Ok you guessed it, we had to escape a second time. By this time we say f-it and log since it was late anyway. The next day I log in and check my delivery box and a charactor by the name of "Regg" had sent me about 100 magic mart fliers. Insted of dumping them I just returned them but it still took me over 30 minutes to do this. I then spoke with my other pt members and they had also recieved fliers from different names. At that point we all call a GM and explain the situation to them, they said that sending fliers like that was a violation of the user agreement, and she would be investigated. Ok as time goes by we notice that the crazy *** rdm was following us everywhere we go, if she wasn't following me, she was following the other members that were in the pt. She followed me once when I was doing rank 9 but she couldn't find me. Then she started following one of the other members from that pt from the tree. Well, for the next few days she keeps sending us a crap load of these magic mart fliers. All along we were contacting GM's about this, then we notice hey, Cilia was not on. We checked for like a week and we didn't see her. We were like Hell Yea about time GM's did something about this. After the week had passed we do a /sea all Cilia and we see her on in Garlaige Citadel. We were all laughing, OMG Crazy *** Rdm is So I guess they suspended her for a week, but since then she has not bothered any of us. Anyway I guess if you bug GM's enough they will respond and make life a little easier. Sometimes

Edited, Mon Nov 8 06:32:15 2004 by Reg
#5 Nov 08 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
Reg, you are an idiot.
For stealing a NM all that was deserved, you and your party should be the ones suspended. :(
#6 Nov 08 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
lol, somewhat of a good point,
about Gil sellers, i tried also to get Gil sellers out of our server by calling GM, i almost got suspended for accusing GM of defending the gil sellers, the GM was being a smart *** from hell, and so was i, long story short, is a waste of time, they will not doing anything about it, by the way i even made a deal with luckgirl to buy gils from her and GM said "we will investigate" guess what.... Luckgirl still roams around 24/7
#7 Nov 08 2004 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
Sabotendar, you are the idiot for not reading my Like I said in my post, we waited for a few moments, long enough for them to claim it again if they had wanted to, they didn't claim it again so one of our pt members pulled it. Next time you call someone an idiot, try reading the whole post before you reply to While I am thinking about it, your not really a high enough lvl to know this but jp players steal NM's all the time. I have experienced this several times. You give them one inch and they will take it from you, if something happens and you loose the claim, they will take it right then. My pt gave the rdm more than enough time to get it back if they would have wanted. So, keep your worthless comments to

Edited, Mon Nov 8 06:53:19 2004 by Reg
#8 Nov 08 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
yup, thats the sad truth. gm cant do anything about people selling gil over the internet, as long as they dont violate the user agreement in game.

as for the bst and rdm, you and your deserve to get mpk and harrased by them if you stole their NM. theres no excuse for claiming another players NM during battle unless they run and zone.
#9 Nov 08 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Ok ok.. enough bashing each other. :-b

The only way I have been able to get through to a GM is when one of the gil selling morons decided to train bats and put them in my face. Because bats are an aggressive monster, it did violate ToS. I left out my disgust for the gil sellers because they are tired of hearing it and can't do anything about it. (Yes, I hate it too but they are less likely to listen if we rant) I kept it to the fact of training aggressive monsters and the GM seemed interested in helping. Now whether he/she will or not, that's another story.
#10 Nov 08 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
One thing I did want to say...

Instead of blaming all that on gil farmers, we also have to make gil farming and gil selling unprofitable in RL. In other words, we have to ask people to STOP BUYING GIL.

I repeat please urge people to STOP BUYING GIL. That is the only real long term method to stop this in a long term. As long as gil selling is profitable, gil farmers will try to find a way to come online.

Why do people email spam? Why do telemarketers don't stop if you ask them too? Why does even Oil barons want Bush to be in power... It is the same as gil farmers -- Money.

Let that be known to everyone in Lower Jeuno, Bastok Markets, and Windurst Woods.

Instead of blaming others completely, look into yourself too.

Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#11 Nov 08 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
765 posts
Reg, you are an idiot.
For stealing a NM all that was deserved, you and your party should be the ones suspended. :(

Tell that to the jp who stole the HNM (nihddogg i think, it was in boyadha) from Kon or Nothnx. I saw that outcome first hand.

Or how about that time my ls was camping serket. We get the pop and all of a sudden all of the undead get trained on us. 12+ People dead. A whole ls worth of people call gm on the people who trained and mpk us. Nothing was done about the mass mpk, nor the loss of a claw and ring.

You wanna know what GM's say to this situation? Claim was lost, you have ever right to engage an unclaimed mob.

But what about the rdm mpking? Last i checked, (see above) claiming a mob is not against tos, but mpk is. And see above for what happens when people get mpk'd. NOTHING.

Or what about all those people who stole gear/gil whatever from another person? You want to know what gms do about that? No return policy or whatever its called. Basically if you get stolen from you sol.

Or how about all those people who bot? Last i checked, using outside programs with ff was against your contract warrenting some form of punishment. Go camp the stroper, see how well you do. Then report it, nothing will get done.

Is it wrong? Yes, most people would aggree that you should do that stuff. Does it happen: a hell of a lot more then you think.

Become a victim a few times, youll see the light.

I have had stuff stolen from me countless times. I have been botted out of camping stuff. I have been mpk'd more times then i would like to recall.

Through all that, i wont mpk someone. But i am more competitive now with stuff. Ive learned that if SE says its ok, then your living in a dream world if you think people wont do it.
#12 Nov 08 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
141 posts
I have called a gm's many, many times about the gil sellers.
They always tell me they need proof. On two instances I provided proof to the GM's here's how the /tells pretty much went. I'm going by memory on these so please forgive me for not being word-for-word.

Luckboy in Bastok Markets was in a shouting argument alot of people flaming him for being a gil seller. Luckboy eventually says /sh I do this to help you get gil.

So I think OKAY this has got to be enough proof or at least enough for the GM's to investigate. I call a GM. This call was made about 2 months ago.

GM: Hello this is bla blah blah blah.. (Insert GM Intro)
Me: Yes if you read my log time was 00:00 - 00:00 Luckmoon basically states that he is a gil seller and does it to help us get gil.
(wait about 1 minute)
GM: Luckmoon lied?!!
ME: I doubt he lied he and his clan a.k.a. the lucks have been gil sellers on our server for a very long time. There is a Japanese Website that even shows lists of all the gil selling clans on all the servers.
GM:Nymia thank you for your information. We will look into this matter.
(End call)

Now for a more recent call that excited most of my LS. I was in Bastok and walk out of MH. As I walktowards the AH I see

t (charactername) Your gil has been sent to your moghouse. Please remove it from your delivery box promptly.

I dead stop and think, hmm big mistell, I quickly do a /sea all (Gilsellers name) lvl1 war rank1. ::hmmm::

So I /tell the buyer and ask him.
ME:"Dude, did you just buy gil from a website."
Buyer: "Why do you ask?"
ME: "Cause the person you bought from just did a mistell and everyone in the guys radius just heard you name linked with buying gil."
(Wait for a long time)
Buyer: "Well that's just great! I knew I shouldn't have done that. My friend gave me the link."
Me: "mmhhmm.. Well gilsellers on our server are a very large problem."
(I'm calling a GM at this point..)
Buyer: Can I get banned for this?
(Buyer logs off)

The GM chimes in about that time. And I proceed to tell him word for word what I seen and heard. This GM seemed very excited about this information and says he will investigate. About 10 minutes later the GM chimes back in and wants time, where I was, where the buyer was at when all this occured. Luckily I knew the buyer had been in Port Bastok from doing a /sea all.

ME: "I think he got scared and logged off."
GM: "He sure did. thank you blahblah blah."

Since then I haven't seen either person online. I had hoped that the gil sellers account would be linked to one of the farmers, clans, etc. But I haven't seen any of them dissapear.

Sorry for the long post. But that is how I caught a gilseller.I "kinda" feel bad for the buyer but he should have known not to do such things to begin with. I also want to apologize because I am not a very good storyteller.
#13 Nov 08 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
So... when a JP steals a NM hes a devil, but when a NA steals a NM hes a godsend?

I have been a victim to all that, minus the HNM, since i am not high enough yet.

Thank you for the rate down though.
#14 Nov 08 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
661 posts
Coolcoco said this to me in game, and I called a GM:

Allow me to preface this, I've been /t'ing Coolcoco friendly for a few weeks (HI!, wussup, etc etc), and I know his/her name is Pan Xiao Dong, and lives in Hong Kong, China.

Coolcoco: 1000K you need?
Desta: huh
Coolcoco: you tell me you need gil right
Desta: yea for my dark staff...>.<
Desta: but all those evil gil sellers make gil hard to get >.>;
Coolcoco: 1000K =150$ k?
Desta: if I give you 150 gil you give me 1000K?
Coolcoco: nononono i seeel (yes, seeel) you gil 150$ 1000K
Desta: you selling me gil for US CA$H?
Coolcoco: yes I G E. tell them. u buy, gil, u need gil, dont u?
Desta: eh
Desta: i wouldn't go around telling people you sell gil...
Coolcoco: i need gil. i live in china. poor, money i
Coolcoco: i need 180K gil, then i change location
Desta: you're moving?
Coolcoco: yes to us
Desta: but you sell gil for I G E?
Coolcoco: yes, money is hard in cn
Coolcoco: my job ffxi gil
Coolcoco: do you need 1000KFF?

At this point, I wondered if it was moral or not to call a GM, but I remember a long *** GM chat I had, my friend was a gil buyer (>.<) and the GM told me to report ANYONE buying or selling gil in the future, he said 'you MUST do this, Desta' etc, etc, so I thought about that...anyways, on with the /tells

Desta: not if it's breaking any rules
Coolcoco: hehe, break rules
Desta: i don't want to get my account banned over gil buying
Desta: i won't ever buy gil, it's dumb
Coolcoco: hehe, you need 1000KFF? 150$

At this point, it was 100% clear in my mind Coolcoco was a gil seller. Not to ignore what GM {Censored} said, but I called a GM, here's that chat:

GM: Hello Desta, this is GM {Name}, explain what your call means?
(My call was 'I would like you to read over my chat log')
Desta: yes, can you look over my chat log and see what i talked to coolcoco about?
GM: I see. Explain what happened.
(I am puzzled now, can GMs read chat logs or not?)
Desta: she offered me 2 or 3 times for '1000K = 150$'
(15 minutes of chatting with GM about gil selling and buying)
GM: I'll personally make sure (or something like that, i don't remember 100% about the end) that I will look into this.

Coolcoco hasn't been on since

#15 Nov 08 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
I heard coolcoco got banned. Probably just a suspension like the CN clan got. I'm sure SE will slap her hand. Suspend her for a week or so and she will be back. BUT, I do hope she won't. (Edit: nm just did a /sea all cool and she's on.)

I don't want to see bad things happen to this game like what happened with so many others. i.e Diablo.

Maybe one day they will just let us run our own servers like UO and then we can all control our worlds and not have these issues.

Maybe I'm talking out my a$$. But I can hope.

Edited, Mon Nov 8 12:45:13 2004 by Nymia
#16 Nov 08 2004 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
319 posts
I have to totally agree with Amanada. I've been kicking around the idea of buying gil myself, simply because I don't have alot of time and what time I do have I want to spend with my friends doing stuff...Stuff that actually counts, running around smacking critters in a zone I should have left 20 levels ago is not fun.

That being said I also know how badly it screws with you guys who do camp NM or HNM or what have you. So I think I'll just tough it out and continue to whack the heck out of tigers =)

P.S. This decision has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that my wife would probably kick my *** if I spent real money on game money...Really.
#17 Nov 08 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
unfortuately, gilsellin is in every game now peeps!!

it does suck. but the places these people sell the gil at are also offered with games like WOW and EQ2.

so if your thinkin of leaving FFXi or wow or something, think twice because these guys are everywhere on every server.

Trust me, ive done the research..
#18 Nov 08 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Gil buying and farming also (contradicting to certain claims) also causes inflation. My friend Delfin was complaining an inflation of Raise III to 1 million gil recently, and my SAM 65 friend Fiercelink just cannot afford sniper rings because of the extreme steep cost.

My hypothesis:

Allowing gilfarmers to monopoly on certain items will certainly causes inflation. Basically you are allowing certain people to control the price in some important item. (i.e. inflation of Morion Tactum and Sniper Ring price)

Also gilfarmers who target gil or item dropping mobs also increses the total pool of gil in the game (either a direct gil drop or selling items to NPC vendors), which certainly helps inflation.

Also with gilbuying, certain players are willing to afford a higher price of certain item, joined with less people who wants to make gil by selling certain items the proper way (i.e. Erase, Raise III are BCNM drops). A smaller supply of Erase and Raise III will certainly drive the price up, and there are people who do not care about this and throw in the gil they bought from gil sellers. This positively feedback to the steep cost Raise III and other items.

So please do not buy gil from gil farmers. You are hurting every player in this game, and encouraging gil farmers to continue. The game is for fun, and fun can also by achieved by the challenge of economic viability and sustainability ^^; (sounding academic just like my RL job)

PS Doing BCNM, NM, or HNM for gil is fun :D I love to be got smacked by those mandys and about to die. And the challenge to beat Serkit and Adamatoise is certainly fun.

NM camping, fishing, mining, or crafting give you a chance to talk to other players in your LS and who are around -- socializing is an important component of the game

Edited, Mon Nov 8 16:25:20 2004 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#19 Nov 08 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I've been kicking around the idea of buying gil myself, simply because I don't have alot of time and what time I do have I want to spend with my friends doing stuff...Stuff that actually counts, running around smacking critters in a zone I should have left 20 levels ago is not fun.

I myself have that idea in the past too.

Stuff that actually counts, running around smacking critters in a zone I should have left 20 levels ago is not fun.

The key is this game is not only about leveling and killing Kirin. Socializing is important. When gil making, you can talk to others. IMO, smacking Torama after Torama for like many hours to just get one level is just as "boring" smacking Gobbues and fishing.

Fun has 2 folds in this game. 1) The challenge 2) The people. Buying gil eliminates 1 and partially elimanate 2.

Allow me to preface this, I've been /t'ing Coolcoco friendly for a few weeks (HI!, wussup, etc etc), and I know his/her name is Pan Xiao Dong, and lives in Hong Kong, China.

My friend has also talked to Coolcoco before. And from what I heard Coolcoco is actually pretty cool. From how the name is written, I will guess Coolcoco is an Mainland China immigrant to Hong Kong (local "Hong Kongers" don't have names like this -- I was from Hong Kong myself). Life in Hong Kong can be hard for an immigrant where living cost is not cheap. If you have been to China, Hong Kong is a different world compare to most of China with the exception of Shanghai.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#20 Nov 08 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,332 posts
I have an idea. From now on, let's not censor the names of GMs.

GM's are basically the "offical" word from SE regarding almost anything in the game, including gilselling. We might as well know what GM said anything at a given time.
#21 Nov 08 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
Im with you on that one Jeryhn!!
#22 Nov 08 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
765 posts
So... when a JP steals a NM hes a devil, but when a NA steals a NM hes a godsend?

When did this become about nationality?

Oh, and being robbed of a nm is nothing compared to hnm. Few reasons : nm are 2 hour pops. HNM are 24. NM take you 10 mins to fight. HNM can take upwards of 2 hours. NM drops are usually < 1 mil. HNM are worth over 1 mil. NM takes what? 1-6 ppl at most to kill. HNM take alot more. It sucks alot more to have a HNM stolen, let alone be killed so they can get it.

Oh, and neither are good or evil according to SE. As i said, they say, "You have every right to claim a mob that is unclaimed" So its not so much good or evil as playing the game to SE. Regardless of how much it pisses you off, or the you wasted time , SE sees nothing wrong with it.

I have been a victim to all that,

So, if you have been a victim of all that, did you report it? I know that every time i did, i never got any justice. How did that make you feel? I lost 3 hours of my time, and 2k exp due to an mpk for an hnm (so 3 hours of time, +2k (which is about 3-45 mins of my time, and roughly 6k gil, since im a rng exp=gil). And what happened? Nothing. The guy who did it wasnt jp either, if thats what you think this is about, he was UAE i think. I was pissed, over the loss of my time if anything.

I remember in garliage, i was there camping serket. A bst comes by with a hell mine. At first i was like "ok, odd he would make his pet fight right next to me" so i move. Right as i move, it explodes, almost kills me. Close call i think, bad luck for me. So a few mins go by, im fighting a beetle with a friend to kill time, both of us are taru btw. We are both not full health at this time and i see that bst run behind me. Not thinking anything of it we keep fighting. Next thing i know, both me and my friend are dead. Bomb exploded and killed us. Get raised and go sit aside. I see the bst running near me again. I called a gm about it. Nothing happened. The next day he was still in garliage. THough i got a laugh when a bomb killed him. Would i mpk him if i could? No. Thats just not me. I would be damned if im gonna have anything to do with that guy though.

I have had trouble raising gil to exp, because of the gil sellers making inflation common. Is there any consolation for me? no. It kinda sucks to be lvl 68 and have each means of cash flow that you know be gone (mining, nm, a few crafts which are running dry), let alone be a lvl 68 rng with such problems. Your a rdm, i really dont think you have anything keeping you from exping except time. So i dont think you would understand my frustration, since i cant exp my job of choice without gil. (oh and i had a system that worked very well, well enough to take me to my level, so dont say "your rng, you should have known it was expensive")

Moral of this story. 1) its a game. 2) Its all well and good to think there is a clear defined good and evil. But in this game ( as in reality) things are not so, esp to SE's terms. Maybe when people start leaving this game they will wake up and adjust their rules.
#23 Nov 08 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Default
3,215 posts

When did this become about nationality?

Tell that to the jp who stole the HNM (nihddogg i think, it was in boyadha) from Kon or Nothnx.

The NA guy(Reg), stole a nm, the JP got pissed off, and made bad things to reg and his thief friends. They reported it to a GM, everyone is happy.

Then i told him that stuff was well deserved. And you come and tell me, because some JP stole a HNM, all other JP's should get their NM's stealed and get reported to GM's for being angry.
#24 Nov 08 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
765 posts
And you come and tell me, because some JP stole a HNM,

That was an example. You really ignored the rest of my post. The guy who mpk us in serket was uae. The bst who mpk me was na from what i saw.

The NA guy(Reg), stole a nm, the JP got pissed off, and made bad things to reg and his thief friends

2 things. Claiming an unclaimed mob is not against the rules. As i said, no matter how much it pisses you off, its fair game.
MPK is against the rules. Which is what that rdm attempted.

Who is in the wrong? According to SE, who made the game, the mpker is wrong.

Then i told him that stuff was well deserved

No, read the full story. If you havent been there, who are you to tell whats deserved.

And you come and tell me, because some JP stole a HNM, all other JP's should get their NM's stealed and get reported to GM's for being angry

And where did i say that? You assume too much. And we all know what happens when you assume.
#25 Nov 09 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Default
3,215 posts
People are able to steal nm/mobs because they turn unclaimed.
Thats what happened in both cases, the NA was not stealing, the JP was stealing. NA didnt deserve to get people angry at him, but the JP should go to hell?

This isnt about the MPK; this is about them stealing a NM.
That MPK could be prevented, bu them not stealing a NM.
#26 Nov 09 2004 at 2:33 AM Rating: Default
Sabotendar. You go ahead and play your way and I will play mine. I made my post because I thought people would get a good laugh and also see that SE will "sometimes" solve our problems, but you come on and flame me calling me an idiot. Too Mag your posts are 100% correct. I think our friend Sabotendar has much to learn.
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