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Is the end of FFxi nearing day by day?Follow

#27 Nov 15 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
The One and Only tekkub wrote:

And no, I don't hate you either, I just don't give a **** about your opinion but am more than willing to debate as long as things stay civil and this doesn't degrade to a flame war.

And Shep stop your whining you whiny whiner and come over to the "dark" side with me ^^

Edited, Sat Nov 13 19:54:28 2004 by tekkub

Seems kinda pointless, doesnt it? I mean, why debate when you dont give a **** about his opinion...
#28 Nov 15 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
Ah but isn't that what debating is? I think you're stupid and wrong, but I will try to prove you're stupid and wrong by finding valid points that go against what you are saying!

When it degrades to pointless "You're stupid" "noob" "you're just wrong cause you're a moron" then it's flat out flaming and a waste of time. Like I said, keep it civil and I'll debate with you all night, even if I do think you're a noob ^^
#29 Nov 15 2004 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
319 posts
Indeed. WoW more than likely will take a few people out...As long as they ain't from my shell I look forward to it. The thinning of the herd and what not. A friend of mine (local) is in the beta, he's absolutely loving it. Of course he despised FFXI, it was very difficult for him as he started out as a thief and didn't tell me he was going to play. I cannot imagine how frustrating that was...Especially once he hit 12, wich is right around the time he gave up and quit...

I'd imagine that's like taking a Galka race based character and focusing entirely on being a mage. As my highest mage is 22 I cannot fathom how frustrating that would be Tekkub. I will forever wonder at how you and Cowlick (cowlick especially) managed to get as high as you did without ripping your hair out.

Level grinding in any succesful MMORPG is there or will be there. You taking two primary trade skills all the way to one third of there cap will almost certainly be adjusted. I'd imagine changes will be made to the game before it ships that will slow things down. They did it to AO and DAoC they'll do it to WoW.

I do not believe WoW is the going to be the light at the end of the tunnel, the holy land where all things in an online game are perfect. That being said if certain folks from my LS were to decide that it was time to move on to something else, and they wanted me to come along I'd be there right with them.

And just so that I'm on subject of the thread....

No. I do not believe games like Halo 2 or GTA SA will have any effect on FFXI constant population. They are, as Tekkub and a few others have pointed out, completely different types of games. I have GTA SA and I cannot imagine spending as much time playing it as I do playing FFXI.

Edited, Mon Nov 15 15:12:51 2004 by Jackybob
#30 Nov 15 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Dunno Tekkub, maybe ur right, maybe I AM stupid and wrong, never thought about it like that...
Guess that proved ur point...

Thanks Jackybob for a post well worth reading.
Not much left out...

Edited, Mon Nov 15 16:33:14 2004 by Guzznizz
#31 Nov 15 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I am staying in FFXI. I have no intention to try another game right now ^^ This is because of my friends. It has nothing to do with the game play. Remember the word "Multi-Player", you play with real people. I met cool people in FFXI, and there I will stay. It is sad I saw a few good friends have to leave in the past (; ; Where is Sahn the Impossible the Guage BLM?), it will be sad if WoW draws some of my friends away.

Regardless some people will leave for WoW, but Jeuno and Bastok are my game home ^^
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#32 Nov 15 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Good
Guzz I don't think you understood at all what I was saying. My opinion of you has no bearing in a "real" debate. If, for some reason, I did think you were a moron I'd likely just flat out ignore you. However, those who have the balls to state their opinion and back it up are rarely a moron in my book. Either way, I sure as hell wouldn't be in a debate if the whole thing were simply name calling. It's kind of like those people who rate down other's posts because they don't agree with them. I won't rate down someone for being opinionated, I only rate down in the few rare cases where the person's posts add absolutly nothing to the conversation and are usually quite rude.

Besides that, I wasn't debating with you so my opinion of your opinion on the subject of this thread doesn't really even exist. If you want to debate the subject of debating start a thread in the off-topic forum and give me a link^^

Jacky, honestly being a Galka mage was quite enjoyable. It's the whole leveling process I hated. That and the fact that as a WHM I couldn't set foot outside unless I was on chobi or had a bodyguard. Even Rohon thought I used Sneak/Invis too much... but then of course, he died to random aggro a lot more than I ever did. I always invite people to try WoW and see if they like it better, but it's a tad late for that now unless they re-open beta signups. See ya around :)

Edited, Mon Nov 15 17:35:41 2004 by tekkub
#33 Nov 15 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
If you want to debate the subject of debating start a thread in the off-topic forum and give me a link^^

I am total aware of the fact that you would, by all means, join such thread...
#34 Nov 15 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
am staying in FFXI. I have no intention to try another game right now ^^ This is because of my friends

I think i told u about the pld that drove me outta congolmerate, and when theres people like that playin, it just isnt fun anymore, i mean, aman, u were there the day i went on it the first time, oh btw...i appologise for the whole yuhtunga jungle incident where i kinda..blew smoke at u for about 15 minutes striaght..but thats what seemed to be happening with this guy is his constant attitude that just because he was a pld and got pt's faster it made him better then me....of course in the end i decided that i loved the ls too much and broke his pearl...but THATS another story!
#35 Nov 21 2004 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
Well, im hooked to FFXI, i dont see myself going anywhere for quite awhile, and ive been on it for at least a few months. As for everyone making comments about the "level grinds"....that just sounds so negative. ^^ I prefer to call it experience partying. I believe this is where all the magic of FFXI comes into play. Think about it, if youre in a good exp party, do you really think of it as a level grind? I have loads of fun partying with people i dont know, yes, some of them are idiots, but those kinds of things pass, and you meet new people. If you made any friends, got into any cool Linkshells, or did anything with anyone, it most likely branched off from an experience party. I love the way FFXI forces us to work together...if we could do everything on this game by ourselves...then whats the point of making this a MMORPG? Why have tons of players on a server, and not let them work together? Recently, for the most part, i soloed Rank 5, with the exception of getting the magicite in Beadreaux. I really didnt have much fun....really boring..even with the cool cutscene on the last magicite, however Rank 3, i had a blast! Getting a party of friends together to kill a enormous dragon...geez, now that was fun. Just the simple fact of getting a party together, and organizing SCs, MBs, Hate control, and even deciding where camp should be...hate if ya want...but i love that. :) You could ask anyone on my linkshell when i started leveling my pld (no not the pld Shep was talking about) i went straight from 1 to 30 within about 2 weeks, almost forgot i had online friends ^^. Anywayz, my point is:
If youre gonna look at the negative things, try to look at the positives. I think youll find out in the end, the positives have a huge advantage.
#36 Nov 21 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
Tekk, let it alone man. LOL, don't take a stab at the game, you might not like how you come out of it.

Personally, I was "addicted" before I learned better. I had 73 game days in before I quit this game. This game was my first MMO, and I think it was a good begining for me. However, with the flaws that ARE there, no matter what you fan boys wanna sugar coat it with, it just isn't the same as it was at NA release date (when I started playing).

There are many issues, that are blatently NOT addressed by SE. You all know them, so there is no need to bring up any "known issues." I know that your gonna defend your game, and thats cool, I was the same way. Seriously though, I know SO MANY people that have or ARE going to leave FFXI for a multitude of reasons, and they are going to a multitude of different games.

I personally am going to WoW at some point after release. I played in OB and I really enjoyed the make-up of it. However, I loved FFXI, was a 64PLD before I left. Now, I have valid issues, and I know a lot about the inner workings of the game. However, my reasons are basically the same as listed above:

Level grind; lack of content (yes even in the mid 60's unless you can pull together a good group and do all the ziliart missions, theres absolute **** to do); gil sellers; and a multitude of other reasons.

Things that kept me on FFXI for so long? Well that list is MUCH shorter: Friends. I just cant justify paying 13 bucks a month to play a game I despise right now, just to be with friends. As much as I miss everyone, I can't waste money like that.

So please, just because someone points out flaws in the game, don't jump on him, and don't yell and scream. He's right about the game make up. I got to "high" levels, I did the first CoP missions (was glad I did, its where I retired my PLD), forced grouping for questing isn't always fun. CoP is out of line too. Meaning, CoP is a continuation of the storyline, so why make that accessable before you can do the Zilart stuff?

Just some food for thought.

Edit: Spelling.

P.S. I have also heard that there is no more storyline to be had. Granted, I don't have links to support that. Why would SE be working on a new MMO already though? Not another expansion, but a new MMO all together.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 09:34:19 2004 by Warf
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