I noticed a thread on the WHM board like this (terribly funny stuff) so I thought I'd start one here. Please excuse me if there is one already here that I missed.
I'm in the Valkurm Dunes on <Raise> duty as 38 rdm. Just got the spell and had to take it for a spin.
me>>/sh Please /tell me if you need a raise. Free for all callers.
wait 5 minutes
randomperson>>Hey, can I get a raise?
me>>Sure, whats you <pos>?
randomperson>><insert pos>
me>>kk, brt
Run to <pos>
me>>Umm, can find you. What are you by?
randomperson>>I'm by the tree.
me>>Several trees around here. Can you be more specific?
randomperson>>OMFG!!! THE tree. Can't you see it??
me>>I see several. What I don't see is "THE" tree.
randomperson>>OMFG!! You must be an idiot!!!
me>>Least I'm not a dead idiot. Good luck getting a raise.
/blist add randomperson
/sea all randomperson
randomperson in Sarutabaruta East
/em scratches his head in wonder.
me>>/sh Please /tell me if you need a raise. Free for all callers.