As i sit here alone, in my basement this christmas night, i begin to think, think back to when i had first got final fantasy XI. How it's gone from being connected to my tower, to a router so i can sit comfortably in my room, but sitting here made me think back, way back.
I sit and remember, my first vana di'el day, how my only goal was to find a friend, and the first i made, Verseone. The one who helped me so much, even when times looked grim, Geno. And the inspiration i caused in one person alone, to follow my example, and help others when they needed it, Fouldeception.
It reminded me, of some of the best memories i've had, and the people i've met, some who stayed, some who never said goodbye, but i don't focus on that, i focus on the fun we shared, and the things we helped each other with.
As i sit here alone, i think to myself why do i do it, why do i play, and remember my inspiration, are my friends that i've made, the people i help, who in return help back however they can, just for a simple thank you.
So i'd like to thank, anyone that i've met positivly for helping me, and in return being my friend, even if its just a simple act as telling me where to go, it means a lot.
So, think back today, on this special day, to the people who helped you throughout the way, if they still play say thanks, and if they dont, just remember, all the fun and good times you had together. that last paragraph wasnt spose to rhyme...