Did Prom Dem, Holla and Mea with my LS on New Year's day. Technically speaking if your PT is good you should be fine. Maybe don't Main Tank though. Our config was WAR/NIN(Dalyss), PAL/WAR(Limbripper), WHM/BLM(Vashaiko), RNG/NIN(Vuloran), BlM/RDM x2(Ikhnaton and Norifyne). Our WAR/NIN was our puller/guide. Worked out well.
If your Party is planning on farming recollections for plenty of animas then you will be more than fine. I almost think that animas are too powerful lol.
We were told that Mea was the hardest boss so we didn't use our animas until that boss. Of course we collected many while doing Dem and Holla. When we made it too the Mea boss we just unloaded all of them. He just kind of stood there and took it.
Anyway, if you can at all get the levels before going obviously that would be optimal. If not then you should still be fine. Good luck to you, and I hope that you have fun!^^