I almost didn't beleive that this had happened and had I not been at a friend's house with him watching I would not have believed it.
It was an afternoon like any other for me and I had just gotten a party in the dunes, layout of the party was two nin/war (I was one of them)a jp smn/whm, two thf, and a mnk. At the level of my main (56drk) this probably would not have worked but in the dunes it can. Upon reaching this party we saw that there was a high level smn/whm in the area (50+ named Rectiene if anyone knows her) and she was nice enough to power level us for a while. Obviously myself and the other Nin were tanking unless the PL took aggro at which point she could keep it, so the party goes for a while and then eventually the pt leader (the mnk) has to leave. So to replace him we find a 15 blm with no sub whose name I will not mention. So we are fighting and the blm is casting fire like crazy on the pugs we were pulling, the other nin and I lost aggro to the blm once but we quickly pulled it off after one hit and the battle proceeded smoothly.
Anyway as we're progressing the blm starts to complain that the power leveler won't cast protect on her so the other Nin/war and I both say that it is not the the PL's responsibility to cast protect on you. Honestly if your going to blame anyone for taking a hit then it should be the tanks who are supposed to be holding aggro, so after two more battles the Blm says that since the PL won't cast protect she's leaving. Now I ask you, why would you turn down a free power level when your not really running the risk of dying and even if you do die you will probably get double the experience you would have had?