Yeah, stuff happens, at least we have the cash to stay caught up on bills for the next couple of months (thank god I got a good job). We have an attorney that isn't afraid of a big corporation, so that will help. Plus they dont have much to stand on anyways. She basically was fired over hearsay.
The worst part is I was gonna get cable and internet on my next check, I'm really going through withdrawls, not just from no FFXI but also from no cable LOL. Oh well, real life calls.
Thanks for the concern, and Fowler, I really wanna get my RNG leveled, but I also need to do ZM 5-12? to get sky in the first place :D I guess I should lvl throwing huh? Isn't there something that only RNG's can throw at god's?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!!! I feel so behind, I miss you all so much. I miss talking about the Patriots w/ Cass ; ;. Nice thing is though, there are 3 (incld me) in my department that are Patriots fans :D.
Well enough rambling for now. I'll get on later. Thanks for the support and well wishes.
Tell everyone in YF I miss them, and tell Cass to think of me on Superbowl Sunday :D
Oh Tek, I don't have to tell her that, Tuesday night (day after she got fired), I came home to clean house and homemade spaghetti :D However your right, whenever I say that stuff face to face, I usually end up with "The Look" D: LOL
Edited, Thu Jan 27 15:56:55 2005 by Warf