OK this is completely stupid, but its just a question.
Would it be possible to form an alliance of 12 or 18 peopl @lvl 15-20 all the same lvl and consistently get chain ITs? Thus the neverending flow of xp?
Think about it for a sec before dismissing it. If you pul the 3 pts as separate entities in a small area, but not all in one camp. There could be three fights all at once. And if each pt is a full pt on it's own, they could fight indipendently of eachother yes. But the alliance would be for the insane amount of chaining. Since it could possibly be timed to have the mobs die right after eachother, thus making for really fast chains.
My thought is this would only be possible if you were extremely lucky in Kor.. Tunnel or Bubu.
Im gonna go to sleep now, but I'll check back in the morning. But please just give it a thought. An entire ls could do this with their subs and/or odd jobs from time to time. Might be fun. lol
Edited, Fri Jan 21 23:58:52 2005 by ffxirandomname