Hi, i've been looking around these past few days for this Optical Needle (Throwing) lv50 Acc+1, but it's not listed on the AH and i was asking in Jeuno and nobody knows about it.
I'd like to have one of these, but Alla doesn't say how to get it or anything, so i wonder if it actually exists >.>...
Another item, now that i remember, the Tortoise Earring, lv45 Att+3 Eva-3, or the +1 ver. I think someone sold the +1 ver to himself but from the normal one there aren't any entries in Jeuno, BUT it is listed on the AH. I wanted those earrings, not anymore cuz i just bought the Fang +1.
But anyway, does anyone know something about these 2 items? specially the Needle?