Hello everyone!
I don't usually come out of my shell long enough to post something of relevence, but for once I'm giving it a shot. =p Hah.
Anyways, I've been having an extreamly difficult time getting ANYONE to go after Subligars. I don't know why so many people be so anti-to it... maybe they just don't have it open yet? Meh. >_<
The subligars come from Phomenuia Aqueducts, and drop off Fomors. The subligars are used in a body armor quest (Boghertz the Stylist Returns) that is pretty good for a lot of jobs.
I would like to set up a party for next weekend. Saturday or Friday (both?) would be best, in the afternoon probably (around 5:00 EST)... I'm sorry for my vagueness, but I'm not the best of scheduelers out there! ^^;
So far, all I have is myself (WHM) and Laago (RNG or SMN), if you're interested, just post here or give a tell in game to Sotaka >_> I spend most of my life online =P