ITs just more worth sharing in this server. Cause I know you all see it to.
People who don't level thier subjobs.
I'm very strict and hard on mages who DO NOT do this. It really burns me to the core to see a say...30WHM with a lv9 sub, actually I get rather pissed off at a whm with an underleveled sub. I get really burned with thier unwillingness to lvl it when I suggest it.
This BLM I helped kill the Vatgit was lv24, with no subjob. I asked did he need help with the keys(I can solo all three, but it's slow) he said, "no, I'm just trying to get to lvl30 and switch to dark. I don't wont to be bothered leveling another subjob for BLM."
I automatically assumed he was thinking of going DRK/BLM. Which doesn't work almost at all in pre30(where you need more than one with voke) so I when I said "Some usually lvl war for that job." I was ignored. I really hate that. I can't *tell*(as in: GO LEVEL IT NOW) no one to level thier subs cause it rude, but advising/suggesting doesn't get me anywhere either.
I cringe. I think about the PT's who have to play with them. :S
Why am I so gungho with lvling SJs? Cause with my first character, I was one of those "dont wanna lvl subjob" people. I got away with it for 30 lvls, til my mp wasn't enough for the PT, and I ran out way before the Yhoator Mandy was at half health.
I don't know how melees feel with thier kin having low SJ's. I look at type of sub when it comes to melees rather than level. PLD/WHM in Pt....Elathia: {Excuse me..} {I have plans} {Good bye.}
Edited, Sun Jan 30 18:15:30 2005 by Zaleshea