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Things that bother me the most.Follow

#1 Jan 30 2005 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
ITs just more worth sharing in this server. Cause I know you all see it to.

People who don't level thier subjobs.

I'm very strict and hard on mages who DO NOT do this. It really burns me to the core to see a say...30WHM with a lv9 sub, actually I get rather pissed off at a whm with an underleveled sub. I get really burned with thier unwillingness to lvl it when I suggest it.

This BLM I helped kill the Vatgit was lv24, with no subjob. I asked did he need help with the keys(I can solo all three, but it's slow) he said, "no, I'm just trying to get to lvl30 and switch to dark. I don't wont to be bothered leveling another subjob for BLM."

I automatically assumed he was thinking of going DRK/BLM. Which doesn't work almost at all in pre30(where you need more than one with voke) so I when I said "Some usually lvl war for that job." I was ignored. I really hate that. I can't *tell*(as in: GO LEVEL IT NOW) no one to level thier subs cause it rude, but advising/suggesting doesn't get me anywhere either.

I cringe. I think about the PT's who have to play with them. :S

Why am I so gungho with lvling SJs? Cause with my first character, I was one of those "dont wanna lvl subjob" people. I got away with it for 30 lvls, til my mp wasn't enough for the PT, and I ran out way before the Yhoator Mandy was at half health.


I don't know how melees feel with thier kin having low SJ's. I look at type of sub when it comes to melees rather than level. PLD/WHM in Pt....Elathia: {Excuse me..} {I have plans} {Good bye.}

Edited, Sun Jan 30 18:15:30 2005 by Zaleshea
#2 Jan 30 2005 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
#3 Jan 30 2005 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
It's all the more fun to stand in a lowbie area where people /sh for a party...

WAR/MNK: War21/mnk7 <|Looking for party|>

Yes... please advertise that you didn't take your time to level your subjob.

I'm not trying to say that I'm perfect--- I had an underleveled BLM Sub for a while because I couldn't stand playing BLM (No offense... the job just wasn't fun >.>), but after a while I figured it would help and took the blow of leveling it. It really just makes you feel a lot better knowing you took the time to better yourself.
#4 Jan 30 2005 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent

Talk about an intelegent reply... Oh, wait, no it wasn't. It just proved that you didn't have anything productive to say. So, Instead of not saying anything at all, you helped prove your own stupidity.

Good job.

Edited, Sun Jan 30 18:26:03 2005 by Sotaka
#5 Jan 30 2005 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I fully agree. But a couple of points:

I'm not one to be confrontational. At all. So usually if I have an underleveled sub person in my party I don't really say anything to them. Unless some days when I feel hasty and I send them a /tell saying something like, "If you level your sub you'll get a lot better stats =D" or something.

But I think it REALLY affects mages more than melee jobs. This isn't to say having an underleveled melee sub is OK though. I think people that have underleveled jobs are missing out what this game is really for - to try out different jobs and have fun.

So yep, it bothers me too.
#6 Jan 30 2005 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
yes..I just love to have to pty with people who have under developed subjobs or subjobs that completly have no use for there main job.... Its hard to belive someone flipped out on my when i told a whm that whm/war was a bad idea.... and i have seen a mnk/1WHM OK REALLY!!!!!!!!!! this resent flood of n00bs EVERYWHERE are driving me crazy and its not only themselves they are gimping its also the people they pty with! ok i dont mind say im in a pty with a lvl 49thf/24rng (actually happened) and they lvled and now there 50thf/24war i dont really care 1 lvl isnt going to make the hole pty now suck ***. I dont really mind the difference. ANY ONE WHO IS READING THIS POST AND ARE GIMPING THEMSELVES WITH CRAPPY SUBJOBS OR BAD EQUIPMENT STOP PLAYING WE DONT NEED ANYMORE DUMB PEOPLE!!! ok in regards to that if you are willing to lvl your subjob when someone tells you, you need to then good for you your at least inproving yourself. but when some tells you you should lvl it and you flip out because in your sick lil mind 50pld/16war is a good idea then just stop your going to get someone killed and everyone is going to hate you for gimping yourself and your pty.
#7 Jan 30 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
I usually put up with one in the party. I offer a kind word or two, in private, on the pluses of leveling a subjob- not surprisingly it's met with hostility and then they cry to their ls mates that I'm an *******- when I'm not the one that was too retarded to level a subjob.

If it bothers me too much I may simply leave the party. The important thing is I make it a point to say why I'm leaving. Sometimes the offender will leave before I get a chance to, or the leader will /tell me that he aggrees and will kick the offender if I stay.

To those that have poor or underleveled subjobs- true, it's your choice to walk that path, but don't ***** when people like us- you know, good players- say something about it.

That's all I have to say about that...

Edited, Sun Jan 30 22:26:47 2005 by GalkaAnimal
#8 Jan 31 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
312 posts
My philosophy on sub-jobs is simple. I don't party with people who have underlvled subs. This doesn't mean that if I'm in an xp pt and someone lvls up and are now 56/27 that I disband; but if I join a pt and see people that are 42/15, I generally say, "Sorry guys, I don't pt with people who have underlvled subs, it's nothing against you, it's just my playing style." Then I disband without waiting for a response. I'd say more than half the time the pt leader will kick the person with the underlvled sub, and ask you to come back. I also /sea the person who is inviting me before I accept to check things like sub, rank, etc. Occasionally you get the people that get really mad at you for doing that, but I figure people who try to xp with underlvled subs aren't really worth my time anyways.
#9 Jan 31 2005 at 4:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I'm guilty i went to 30 as a war30/thf10 ;_;

But that has changed, i won't do it again, and at 59 i'll stop DRK to take all my subs (war, thf, nin, sam, blm, whm {yeah mage jobs are very usefull for a DRK when questing}) to 37.

And yeah, when i'm making a pt i usually never invite ppl with underleveled subs, only when there's no more choice, so i'd rather get a rdm55/blm20 than not having a rdm at all for example.
#10 Jan 31 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
I dont mind so much if the subjob is underleveled by just a few levels, i would advise them to have it leveled by their next party. But if its below 4 levels... {party} {no thanks}

Edited, Mon Jan 31 08:29:09 2005 by BalrockJ
#11 Jan 31 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
I have to agree with Zaleshea, since I learned this the hard way, Long ago when Warrior was my main and I wasn't still prepared to take on an advanced Job (had a couple open but not the gil to level them).

I was looking for party as a Warrior 45/Monk 19, I got asked for a party to which I said (yes, please).... I was asked to hold a few... I kept waiting and no /tell from that party leader, so I send XXXX player a /tell asking if he was still interested in me to join his party.

Next thing I know XXXX player said to me: I'm sorry but we got another player which sub is not underleveled.

Instead of me sending that player a rant for having wasted my time waiting on his response, it make realized that he was right about me being underleveled and expecting to get into parties, advice taken I went back to leveling my subjob no offense taken.

But I stopped a long time ago giving advice to players with underleveled jobs or the wrong equipment for their job, since most of the time, no matter how kindly the advice might be, it usually gets received with hostility and the likes of you think you better than me you noob.

So it might be best, either to leave that party and explain why to the leader or just suck it up if you are an experience points *****.

Sandoria Crew Elvaan Rank 8 Paladin Ranger

Edited, Mon Jan 31 10:41:49 2005 by RVASQ
#12 Jan 31 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
Why am I so gungho with lvling SJs? Cause with my first character, I was one of those "dont wanna lvl subjob" people. I got away with it for 30 lvls, til my mp wasn't enough for the PT, and I ran out way before the Yhoator Mandy was at half health.


There you have it. You learned from experience that playing with an underleveled sub makes your job harder and can hurt the party. Others too will learn this the hard way.

I too choose not to exp with folks who dosnt have there sub up to par. I'll take someone with a wierd sub such as, War/Whm over an underleveled sub.
Pointing out the importance to level subs to newbies is our duty. They can take it or leave it but eventually they will learn the hard way.

QUIT YOUR ******** WOMAN! 

I actually thought that was kinda funny. >.>
#13 Jan 31 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,309 posts
There is a whm named Aerisstrife (Unoriginal but not my point) she is about lvl 25 and she refuses to get a subjob, apparently it "doesn't impress her" and is not "worth it." I don't remember what her levels were but I really hope she doesn't make it to 30 and get Smn, she doesn't deserve it compared to the work all of us did.
#14 Jan 31 2005 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
noiradle wrote:

Oh go **** yourself. >_>
#15 Jan 31 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
30whm/10 blm all the way baby XD

edit: Back then, it was the cool thing to do.

Edited, Mon Jan 31 14:45:36 2005 by Banigaru
#16 Feb 02 2005 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I was a 30WAR/9MNK lolol.
no points for guessing I was, and possibly still am, a noob.
#17 Feb 02 2005 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
; ;

Edited, Wed Feb 2 20:33:05 2005 by nlurg
#18 Feb 02 2005 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
You guys have to cut some people slack. Spending nearly 150k on ninja tools and gaining 500 experience in four hours because everyone is afraid to level on anything but mandies and the party already sucks is a big turn off.

Lol, and Aerisstrife is a funny. She's always on anon, 25+ with out sneak or invis. I'm on her bad side because I couldn't save her after catching aggro from a few bats and eyes and jellies and scorps when the drg/whm disconnect. ^^;
#19 Feb 03 2005 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
-whispers: i was a lvl 30 whm/8 blm-


and now i'm 60whm/29blm...


lol but then i stare at my lvls, and i get annoyed nowadays.. =P

-heads to kazham and lvl her sub-
#20 Feb 03 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
30WAR/12MNK. (*^_^*)v
#21 Feb 03 2005 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Well to tell you the truth I really don't think its that important when you are under L30 to have the a leveled subjob. I mean sure it would be nice if people in my pt all had leveled subjobs, but I really don't think you can expect too much out of players at that stage in their FFXI careers. The thing is instead of just avoiding them send them a tell and try to explain the importance of a leveled subjob. As been said before, like you these players too will learn the importance of having a their subjob leveled.

-Swilly (noobis)
#22 Feb 03 2005 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
Lots of good points here (except for ppl who just swear and attack other ppl) Fact is, you play the game, you learn what you have to do, i.e. lvl sub job. And we can pass this advice on to ppl who don't do so, but we can't make them do it. And there is no point complaining about them. You want to get mad at these ppl for endangering your pt? No, get mad at yourself, because if it truly endangers your pt, dont pt with them. If ppl with underlvld subjobs get pt after pt with ppl screaming at them to lvl their damn subjobs, its an even tossup as to whether they will actually do it. But, if everytime they put their flag up, they sit around for 5 hours without an invite, they will probably get the message. They will learn. And we all have to learn things in this game, no one is born with the knowledge. Those that dont learn, well, they'll probably quit. oh well.

On the other side of the issue, an underlvld subjob isn't always a mortal sin. Sometimes factors interfere. I know ppl who go weeks without being able to get a pt to lvl their sub job. does that mean they have to stop playing the game until they can? Sometimes ppl are trying to keep their main job on par with their friends so that they can still pt together, and perhaps time constraints from RL prevent them from simultaneously lvling the subjob. Should we curse them out for wanting to enjoy the game as they see fit? We know its best to keep the subjob lvld, but its not the law.

And on yet another side, those of you who don't always do what's best...that's your right, and people shouldn't order you to do otherwise. But when people offer you help and advice, giving you the benefit of their experience, you have no right to go off on them. And im not talking about the ppl who say "hey, you ?????? NooB, your doing that wrong. Get it right ya moron!" Anyone who talks to you like that, doesn't understand the game half as well as they think they do, and you shouldn't listen to them anyway. But there are a lot of good ppl in this game, who simply want to help you, to improve the game experience for everyone. I know because i have recieved a lot of this help, and i am grateful. When these ppl give you suggestions, you dont have to take them (although i wouldnt dismiss them out of hand), but you do have to be civil. show some respect. You'll find yourself far less ostricized saying "Thanks, Ill think about that," instead of "Mind your own ?????? business!"

Thank you.

#23 Feb 03 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
My current character is lvl 13, so no subjob for me yet. But my previous character was 34THF/11MNK. Only one or two people ever complained about that, but they were very polite, so I didn't mind. I just told them that I *dreaded* going back to Valkurm and gave them a little :P and they laughed and said they understood. Personally, I don't mind playing with people with underleveled subjobs, bad job/subjob combos, or even no subjob. My theory is "You'll never get killed if you don't take on monsters that are too tough for your party." Y'know... aside from the occasional nasty aggro or link, but that can happen to even the best of parties. Of course, I'm also one of those people who lacks the mentality of "We must maximize exp/hour!" If you feel that way, then yes, definitely tell people (politely) that you don't party with people who have anything less than a fully leveled subjob. And rather than complain about them, just try to ignore them, and be thankful that there are plenty of people who *do* have their subjobs leveled. Ultimately, the people who are the real problem are nasty hostile ones who say rude things. And they're on both sides of this issue. (Like for instance, I wouldn't mind if I never heard the word gimp again.)
#24 Feb 03 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
I'd Rather have a 30/12 War/Nin or War/Mnk than a 30/15 War/Pld. Your main being level 60 does not make this o.k.

i.m.o. this is more n00b than having an underleveled sub... at least War/Nin or War/Mnk is appropriate.

Or War/Drk or War/Drg.. etc..

Edit: added war/drk and war/drg as examples of people leveling their subs who don't think they're n00bs because their main is level 60.

Edited, Thu Feb 3 13:21:14 2005 by elGranto
#25 Feb 03 2005 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
Swilly wrote:
Well to tell you the truth I really don't think its that important when you are under L30 to have the a leveled subjob. I mean sure it would be nice if people in my pt all had leveled subjobs, but I really don't think you can expect too much out of players at that stage in their FFXI careers. The thing is instead of just avoiding them send them a tell and try to explain the importance of a leveled subjob. As been said before, like you these players too will learn the importance of having a their subjob leveled.

I really have a problem with 30 and below where players cant seem to bother raising a subjob to lvl 15. Most subjobs in the game can be leveled there in a night, 2 if you're a casual player. BLM, WHM and THF being the glaring exceptions to that rule.

I expect new players to make mistakes, they are after all, new. But when someone comes along and explains (politely) about the benfit of a properly leveled sub, and all you get in return is "shutup n00bx0rz, u r teh suxs4uc3, i r teh l337!" it grates my nerves too.

I think fundamentally this is more a social problem than a game problem. The "Don't tell me how to do something better, even though I've never done it before and you've been doing it for a year!" attitude is prevelant in most facets of modern society. It's unfortunate, but true.
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