I'm that guy...you know, the one who bought FFXI on the first day of its release on the PS2. What was that....sometime March last year. My game time is somewhere over 30 days. Oh, and my signature is not wrong...here in lies the problem.
My highest job is 32 and everyone is passing me by at a rapid pace. I know this is a game to take at your own time, but I think I may be pushing that. I'm a 32 Warrior stuck in Rabao thinking about maybe, possibly joining a party one day. I have most of the expensive equipment...farming is a nice thing to do while you're at your boring job. So what is my hold up?
I dunno, maybe I need a kick in the rear. It's actually kinda embarassing. So I'm putting my shame out in the streets and hopefully, starting Tuesday, I'll actually make the 15+ bucks I spend monthly worth it like it used to be when I first began.
Sorry that there is nothing helpful or even somewhat entertaining in this. Kinda selfish of me....maybe I'll throw a corny joke in for the helluvit....
"A mushroom walks into a bar, says 'Howabouta beer?'. Bartender says, 'Sorry, we don't serve mushrooms here'. Mushroom looks angrily and says, 'Why not? I'm a fungi'."
Yeah...well now I'm sorry for that too.
Edited, Mon Feb 14 16:07:39 2005 by Brasstown