Damn comp messsed up on the first post, so I will put it here:
I was running through Jeuno after getting my coffer in Castle Oztroja, I was lucky that the YourFantasy LS happened to be talking about it in say and my friend Ryker happens to be a member so they were willing to help out. As if that wasn't a lucky enough break as I was running about to the tenshodo so I could trigger the cutscene with the box someone shouts that they need one more member to fight the DS. Enjoying my good fortune I ran along with them and we went to fight it (Two Smn 54, Rdm 73, and myself Drk 58) I was standing between the torches waiting for the smn's when all of a sudden two demons aggro me and attack, the rdm and I could handle the demons but suddenly five more join the fray, then four more, needless to say I was killed, so I see about getting a teleport back as I had to hp since the whole pt died and they decide to do it without me.
So I tell Ryker this and he manages to get a few of his high level friends to help on their way to get an NM, so we go back to the castle and go to fight the DS, as we build tp, I get aggroed by demons and another twenty pile on to us so the blm with us cast escape and we survive. This happened FIVE more times in a row, until we just said ***** the tp and some other people that were going to fight the NM they were going for afterwards got impatient and we just piled on to the DS, killed it in about twenty seconds, got me the flames, and I warped out.
Did you ever feel like the game was out to get you?