hi Wyrn ^_^ /kneel
yeh i realised as soon as i typed it.. /blush
well.. sorry guys i couldn't find you all when i did it, but i managed with 2 blm 1 brd a bst and me (60whm)
all i can say is.. this mission is a cake! here was what happened (hopefully will help you guys to do it... =)).. (now don't yawn..)
the glitch still works... but we weren't really trying it that much, BST sneaked up there and touched it then pet pulled the cups back, we didn't sleep it, instead we killed it, by the time we killed the cups, all other 3 has despawned... o.o so. we touched the thing and part 1 done! the cup was easy, overkill (haha it used benediction.. recovered about 1k hp..)
part 2... is... spira got lost.. >< (note to all, never trust spira and directions..) and go BST! downloaded a map of T.Canal adn we got to full mountain safely! (thud = always be my fav bst ^-^)
anyways. i'm up for 6-2 if anyone's interested ^-^
p.s... G1... is still my worst nightmare.. i /kneel for anyone that helped me with it ^-^"