Helping someone get to well in Davoi....forgot to get book of West and East...
lol.. @_@;
sneak and invi(oils and powders or whatever) get a map of davoi... do some background research (ok.. didn't even need alla on this.. my book of lies (strat guide) actually was enough on it..)... walk down the river and its not exactly that hard to head to the well surely? >< i'm sure lvl 30 and solo that...
yeh.. it does feel like now a days a lotta ppl don't actually play their game.. they get someone to walk it for them @_@;
i mean.. i escorted someone to jeuno the other day, first time to jeuno, its dangerous and hard esp when you dunno the way. so i helped... told them i'll meet them at crag of dem... and he says how do you get there @_@;
o....k... he was in bastok.. he was a bastokan... erm... /map?
and asking help for sub job quest.. got all the items and all.. in dunes... need a guide to show him where is the galka in selbina.. i mean.. thatz just totally stupid...
and i do think PL spoils ppl.. i can't say i'm an excellent whm, but i do think i know what i'm doing at least.. how to not get too much hate but to keep party up and alive, conserve mp and all
i didn't have much PL through my life as a whm.. esp in low lvl since i dunno anyone at all when i played and the dunes -> qufim partys are places where you really learn your jobs.. learn from your mistakes.. death is harsh but its a great opportunity to learn from it and never do it again...
its scary how many people spam Cure III(or cure II for that matter) at those places... and thinks its alright since they've had PLers with them all along...
also people who don't lvl unless they have a PL.. i know someone that asks ppl to pl him to increase chance of party... and now he's lvl 52 and still doing it.. @_@;
money begging... that is actually getting pretty annoying... people are like "o.. i neeed this item and i need this amount of gil, {please}{Help me out!}"
erm.. erm.. how about just stop lvling like a machine and take some time out and farm? where do you think i got MY cash from? @_@ so i spend my time, lvling crafting... harvesting.. teleporting.. farming .. my hard earned cash so that you can lvl without earning yourself some cash for your gear?
i'm not saying i don't lend cash out.. i mean.. if people just lack cash for a chocobo during an EXP party or they have earned a lotta cash for a item and just a few k short.. i'm more than happy to help =) i teled my *** off for my Raise II, i was 71k short (earned l;ike 210k from teleport.. that was the only way i could earn gil back then since i didn't know any other ways lol) and ls member lent me the cash i needed... paid him back as soon as i got enough gil =).. thatz.. not too bad no?? but some people just don't care.. want top notch EQ without working hard for it... x_x
and people just want rank 5 without even looking out for where you gotta go in the magicite missions... ffs....
ok.. i understand if you need help to kill those nm for the Item since its not exactly solo-able till high lvl.. or if you're a whm.. i dunno.. never tried soloing it lol
but.. come on! i have really bad sense of direction, but i managed to solo to get my magicites by researching on Alla, get exact direction (the guide is pretty cool btw) and didn't have a map of beadeaux or davoi and was able to do it easy... (well.. got killed in castle ojt.. (SP><) but that was becoz of lack of skills in invisible... ) why can't you do it if you want rank 5?!
and hte sense of reward after getting it.. its great!
so i agree.. people who've tried and failed or researched and know can't possibly do it themselves deserve the help.
eek.. long post.. sorry lol