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apparently I am a moron (how to **** off an entire LS)Follow

#1 Feb 24 2005 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
27 posts
Well last night i was in a party consisting of pld rng rng brd rdm and me as the blm lvls 53-55 fighting in King Ranperies (sp?) Tomb. It was a good pt, we had some problems finding a tank but eventually got the party going, and the xp was great before a member hit 56 and the kills were very quick. The other 5 members were all in the same linkshell, Darknemesis, but said they were not in a static party. The problem i had was that in my opinion the brd was horrible. Keep in mind that this was my my point of view (as a blm at the time).

First off, he didnt give hunters (or was it archers?) prelude to one of the rngs, and the rng had to ask for it many times before he got it.
The first time time there was a link he ran to the zone instead of even trying to sleep the bats, resulting on them attacking me because i was resting and i died.
Not once did he use a Threondy (sp?) on the bats, even though i thought it was obvious i was having resists.
I never had Learned Etude (for +int) used on me, and i never saw him use Vivacious Etude (or whatever the +vit songs are) on the pld.
After the second link, the puller died after he was back at camp, waiting for the link to be slept, which we all had assumed the brd would do(bats are weak to light, and a brd's Lullaby is light element if i remeber correctly). Unfortunately the brd (who was moving around and kinda looked like he wanted to zone, so I assumed he wasn't afk) didn't attempt to sleep the bat that linked untill after the rdm had done an Elemental Seal + Sleep II, which he managed to stick on the bats . I have no idea why he would wait to use Lullaby untill after the link was slept and the puller dead and the pld voked the other and engaged.
Also, the brd seemed to not use the pt positioning of mages in the back, melee in the front to cast approperate songs. althought i enjoy the +acc song as much as any person, i would stillprefer if he went a little bit in front of the melees and casted it so i could keep my ballad on.

I never mentioned anything to him, since as everybody knows half the time when you try to give a helpfull suggestion you get someone saying "stfu its my job and I'll play it how i want".

So eventually one of the members had to go, and since it was midnight we decided to just disband. Now i gave everyone a warp II except for the brd, because i thought his performance was bad during the party. Well of course the brd send me a /tell after I had warped everyone else then warped myself. the brd asked why I hadn't warped him, and i explained my reasons that I was unsatisfied with his performance. I didn't feel too bad because we had walked in there, and he had whm sub so he could walk right out.
Now a min or so later, i get a /tell from one of the pt members asking why I didnt warp the brd. I explain my reasons to him and then he tells me that his entire LS (Darknemesis) has blisted me. Well since i hold this linshell in high regards since they have invited me to dynamisis (sp?) and last weekend we went to go play with Tiamat, and i got some great screenshots of 40 people being eaten by a huge hungry dragon.
I wanted a fair chance to explain my reasons to them, so i asked for a pearl so i could explain myself to them and hopefully avoid having an entire HNM LS blist me. They gave me a pearl and I started explainging my reasons, and of course they dont agree with me and say i should have given him a warp, and were a little hostile with me, which i fully expected. about halfway through my explanation they break my pearl. Only one person from their LS sent me a /tell agreeing with my decisions.

During this entire incident i did not use any bad language or try to yell at anyone, i just wanted to state my reasons and hopefully they could see my side of things.

Bottom line is i guess it is expected of a blm to give everyone a warp II at the end of the party, no matter how bad i thought they were. from my experiences in the past it wasn't uncommon from a blm to not warp a pt member they didn't like.

Sorry for any spelling and grammer errors, and thanks for reading this post.

/goodbye to my nuetral 3.00 karma.
#2 Feb 24 2005 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
dont let it go to your head... Darknemesis is ran by the bigest loser ever... before the ls was called Divine Spirit and before that it was Divine Hearts ( or vice versa i cant rember) we any ways the original ls was ran by the sickest drg ever (meeb) and he was a very cool and helpfull guy he left the game for a while and he left Fateholder in charge.. when that hapend Fateholder kicked me out of the ls in like 1 week because i was mad at him because when we would do bcnm he would take about 80% of the profit for him and then give the other 5 people doing it just enough to cover the expences for like the food and things... so one i asked him why he did that there was a silence and then (you linkshell has ben broken) so from my many frineds in that ls i got some more pearls and then i asked him why hr did that... he made up some lame *** reason that i was runing a cosino and when he gambled i took all his gil and i warped. so now everyone new to that ls is told this so i get cursed at and told to F**K off when ever i c one of them.

so i was sad not to get to take to any of my friends i had on that ls... (first ls i got and i had it for about 8 months)

morle of the store is dont ever ever trust Fateholder

(sorry i cant spell worth anything)

Edited, Thu Feb 24 15:19:18 2005 by Grandtarupimp
#3 Feb 24 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
I'm a very old former member of what used to be Divine Hearts. Back when I had my mithra. Fateholder always came off like a cocky little know it all, I didn't really like him.. True what is said about Meeb, aside from the drg comment. Don't remember why I left that LS, but it led to the creation of my first LS a year ago.
#4 Feb 24 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Hi Zokiki. Did you used to be in Peacemakers back in tha day? Name sounds really familiar. Anyway, I would have warped him anyway. Maybe he was having a bad day, it happens. Doing things like D2ing ppl you dont like, or not warping someone after pt disbands just seems like you were going out of your way to be a jerk. I wasnt there, and maybe I would have a different opinion if I was.

That being said, I wouldnt have been to upset if you didnt D2 me, I would have just laughed and walked my self out.

I never really understood why people always told people that they were being blisted. If you want to blist someone, just do it, no need to let them know about it, unless you like drama i guess.

Head up Zokiki, there are lots of good ls out there, although its a shame that this one is blisting you.
#5 Feb 24 2005 at 3:54 PM Rating: Default
Are they an HNM ls now? Hmmm, have to find out more about that. But on the subject at hand, it wasn't "wrong" of you not to d2 him exactly. But wouldn't you have saved yourself a lot of drama by just going ahead and being a nice guy and doing it? Unless you like drama that is, in which case you're on the track ^.~
#6 Feb 24 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
warp whoever you want, it's your spell
by lv40 (when w2 is available) all non-/blm should have instant warps anyways

Edited, Thu Feb 24 16:25:56 2005 by noiradle
#7 Feb 24 2005 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
123 posts
Warping everyone in your party except for 1 person because you didn't like his performance is not kosher. If he was being a jerk I can understand.
So the guys sucks at his job, maybe even the game.. but that means you should punish him by singling him out and have him take 15 mins out of his time to trot back to sandy...
Ya, i would say thats messed up. lol
#8 Feb 24 2005 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
498 posts
I hate stepping on toes but i would have to agree with Marzi. I have had many a sub par nights where i should have been kicked in the first few minutes. Several of the areas i enter with a group are certainly not areas i wish to leave without one. Just my humble opinion.
#9 Feb 24 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Good
488 posts
What i dont understand about your story zokiki is how the hell did that ls members of darknemesis who were in that pt not even notice how badly the bard was playing? Granted i would have probably done the same thing and just left um without a D2. IMO if you dont pull your weight in a pt what does it justify the people in pt have to do things for you afterwards?
#10 Feb 24 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
In my opinion its your spell use it how you see fit.If it was me i would have given the d2 just to be nice.Not everyone the same though.Fateholder is cool.Just misunderstood sometimes.
#11 Feb 24 2005 at 7:43 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
Ok ok i come from Darknemesis.... (DON'T KILL ME) I have to admit Fateholder can be harsh sometimes, but that is his job in our last ls (Divine Hearts or whatever i don't remember, there was a bunch of bad people in it and Fate got tired of this and made an ls and only let the good people from the previous ls to join.)

You gotta agree with Fateholder you don't want a bunch of asswipes on your ls that do nothing to contribute to our ls. Yes Darknemesis is turning into a HNMls but not completely i mean in this ls we got a like 2 people under 45, BUT! this ls has something called "LS help day on friday" which means all the high levels will be willing to help you on whatever Missions,AF,Quest, etc.... Fate created this, he likes every member of our ls so he's showing that love by making this, so please don't misunderstand Fateholder. And Grandtarupimp i mean your nice and all but when you were in the ls you made a bunch of the members mad we had no choice but to kick you out for the benefit of our ls. Im sorry whatever bad experience you had with a member of our ls but we all have our bad days in parties but calm down the BRD you partied with probably already learned his mistake. So in the end we have to give each other another chance because im sure there were bad days when you performed badly in a party (I know i have).

Edited, Thu Feb 24 19:50:26 2005 by Rockyroad
#12 Feb 24 2005 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
I wouldve d2 him just to avoid conflict. Please anyone from Darknemesis /blist add Enik. thankyou^^;

no gimp suck players in my exp PT.
#13 Feb 24 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
LOL Enik you silly person.
#14 Feb 24 2005 at 11:07 PM Rating: Default
i used to be in DarkNemesis, i left because apperently i made everyone mad by not realeasing the recipe to fire ore, at the time when i was asked to release recipe about 25 people were on the LS, i figure i would let everyone do their own research just like i did, but instead i mad everyone that was on that night mad at me, Oh well, DN is somewhat a hnm LS but kinda sucks when you have 21 people show up to a Simurgh fight, well thats just my opinion.
#15 Feb 25 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Oh boy.. I fell the need to chime in again. ;-b

I think the improper thing about what you did is to D2 everyone BUT him. That's just a direct slap in the face. If someone PTed poorly, try to suggest things during a pt. Yes I've been met with hostility before, but more and more people will try it. The trick is to make sure you don't come across as if you know more about their job than they.

I agree everyone at this level should have preperations for their own safe return, but it's easy to forget. After I got my Rep. Army Mantle (24k cp ><) I was quite strapped for CP for a while. Couldn't afford to get a scroll. :-/

I think it is seen as common courtesy for a BLM with D2 to warp the other players out safely. You are by no means required to do so, but to warp all but one is just screaming for confrontation.
#16 Feb 25 2005 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
Not to take this completely off topic, but as a bard I do NOT usually give vivacious etude to the tank, unless of course their gear is complete trash (which hasn't happened in many many levels). I find that they're better off with (assuming pld) ballad and minuet. Learned etude for the blm, definitely.

Back on topic... pick your battles. Making a statement by not give the person a D2 is more of a hassle than it's worth. Furthermore, (s)he was probably confused why you didn't -- there is a good chance that the bard had no idea they were doing poorly, especially since you never said anything.


47 BRD
#17 Feb 25 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
You probably would have been better off just saying "oops I hit the wrong macro" or something like that. In my experience it is EXTREMLY difficult to get bards to listen to anything you have to say that may make your party better. Even I on occasion have been stubborn, but everyone learns at some point or other. But just because you are a bard, doesn't mean you can suck and get away with it, thats for dragoons (just kidding). I've had many occasions where I'd try to give lower level bards some advice and gotten snapped at. I was like "umm...I'm lvl 75, here's some good advice" and gotten "#%#$%# you" and even one guy who was like "omg ur not 75 u lyyyyyeee!" and crap like that, bards can be annoying as hell, especially when they have to announce every song they play (with exception of lullaby, thats only one that should have /p in macro (imo)) Luckily the majority of bards are quite skilled and many i've befriended over the course of time, giving advice and helping and stuff. But, back to OP, I would have d2'd his *** and gotten a RDM. When I was lvling WHM with my BLM friend, he'd d2 crappy whm all the time for me to join party lol.
#18 Feb 25 2005 at 10:42 AM Rating: Decent
441 posts
#19 Feb 25 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
Get it right, it was a sword and sheild and i was war/whm
#20 Feb 25 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts

I saw that comming a mile away. -_-
#21 Feb 25 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
heh, your spell, your choice. also, your consequences.

i don't think what you did is wrong. no-one in pt should ever expect a blm to D2 them just cos they have the spell. just like i always pack an instant warp handy, or just bloodwarp.

frankly, in your shoes, i'd have done the same (if ever i get to that stage... takes a lot to **** me off than just bad playing skills; bad playing skills i can live with, but snobby attitude i can't really...). just that i probably would have gone "oops, wrong macro. >.>"

note that you could have voiced opinion during the pt, but didn't. if the brd had already known that your opinion of him/her, i'd put in the full hoe-down after deliberately not D2-ing. in this case though, since there is no suggestion of prior conflict (and it seems you don't even want to bother), then it's best to skirt the issue while inconveniencing the fella. :)

as for the ls /blisting you, meh, never had a good impression of supposed HNM LS-es. elitism at the core of it all. *BWahAAhaAhaHa~~!*
#22 Feb 25 2005 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Get it right, it was a sword and sheild and i was war/whm

Ok Lovegod. -.-

You makeshift PLDs. geesh
#23 Feb 25 2005 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
441 posts
ok anyway.

I've learned that your gonna run into ****** peeps from time to time. Sometimes these people are just having a bad day. The best thing to do is just leave or log out or whatever to avoid a conflict.
I had this horrible red mage in a pt the other night. I would go up to 3 fights without refresh. the whm kept sending our rng. which was in my ls tells not to pull fats casue she never had refresh. I was leader of this exp pt. 4/6 people sent me tells complaining. But, I asked all of them not to say anything and just sit back and enjoy getting any exp we can. well we got like 2.5K an hour for 2 hours. When the pt was done we all said our (see you agains) (nice to meet you) and whatevers.
well a few days later I was camping a NM with LS. this RDM was in another party camping that NM. She spoke to me and actually took a link or two once. She also told me thanks for not booting her the other night cause she knew she did a horrible job. was on pain pills for a tooth ache or sumin.
so yea i think you should just D2 the bard and dropped it. I know ive went off on a few people before, had good reasons to, but nothing positive ever came out of it. so if someone pisses you off or is doing a bad job just leave or avoid them. If they do sumin bad enough report em to GM. you will come out ahead in the long run like this.

Or you could stalk them, MPK the whole LS , and them shout

#24 Feb 25 2005 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
Remind me not to **** you off Algar. >_> Sure you could do everything except MPK our whole ls >_> we have alot of 70+ PLDS.

Edited, Fri Feb 25 13:51:03 2005 by Rockyroad
#25 Feb 25 2005 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Speaking from a bard, I know what it is like to feel pressure. This bard in no way threatened you. Sure, they weren't up to par and it is frustrating. We all from time to time, have not performed to our standards in a "exp" party.

You made a lot of people angry with your actions of not D2. Is it your responsibility to warp anyone? No. It is your spell. Just like a WHM has Raise. You cast it on who you see fit. Do you think that maybe instead of acting childish that talking to the bard and letting them know the situation would of helped?

What if you pulled too much hate and the PLD did not voke and you died. And you asked the PLD, "Why didn't you voke?" and the response was, "Cause I didn't like your performance with pulling too much hate, etc."

It would **** ya off huh? Maybe not the same situation, they are different but the underlining affect is the same. Communication.

You have shown crass. Try not to lower your levels and act sheeplishly. It will get you nowhere but blisted.
#26 Feb 25 2005 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Are they an HNM ls now? Hmmm, have to find out more about that

lol...I didn't know this either -_-;;
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