I say good luck cause I'm almost at spidy web levels too... one of my recipes already used it... but then again, that was my Lilac Corsage.. and yes, I made the twinthread myself. Both synth's were very nerve wrecking and terrifying... mainly the twinthread synth as I was still 3 levels under cap at the time. When I did the Lilac Corsage, I was lvl 54 and it was a new moon... so I wasn't as worried. However, since it was with a terra crystal, it added a little apprehension there.
G/L on cloth... I'm currently at 56, any tips? I've currently been doing Green Ribbons, but I loose about 4-5k each time I synth. I can do white cloaks and white capes... but that's even more loss, so I usually only do those at request of friends seeking a signed item. Lately I've been trying to make gil from HQ's and it's working... but I'm still getting more regular synth's than I'd like and as we know, most regular synth'd items are often cheaper than their main ingredient because people have a high supply of them from trying for HQ's. A Mercenary Gi actually costs more on the AH than the Windurstian Gi sells for... so I don't really like messing with that synth till I KNOW I can yield a HQ with rather good success.
I'm about 1/6 on Windurstian Gi HQ's (Federation Gi)
I'm about 4/9 on Windurstian Hachimaki HQ's (Federation Hachimaki)
I'm about 9/25 on San d'Orian Tunic HQ's (Kingdom Tunic)
I'm 0/1 on Windurstian Slops HQ (Federation Slops) (I think this might be higher than lvl 30 cap?)
I'm 0/5 on Combat Caster +1 HQ's (Combat Caster +2) (0/4 on Cloaks and 0/1 on slacks)
soooo, any tips? (Also, see you around windurst ^^)