Well i understand the situation, although most of the times i'm the pt leader, i don't like to boss around or stuff, but if someone is bugging the rdm (or brd) or something then i'll ask them to have some more consideration or just to be polite in some cases.
Because there are some VERY annoying PLDs that just keep asking for Refresh when they have it on, but they don't have any mo because of over-casting~
But that doesn't apply only for RDMs but for WHMs too, the RDMs are already too busy refreshing and dispeling like to be casting "Haste" on the DRK, while the whm is standing there spamming Cures to the pally, so a couple of fights later the DRK starts getting pissed because after casting 2 spells he has fell beyond the RNG on TP too much, so he would like to have that "Haste" that has been had only by the pally with his underleveled Staff and missing 3x more than me, so his haste is kinda goin to waste while my 100+ hits are taking longer to land...
... so the DRK starts asking for Haste to the WHM, but he doesn't Haste him, next fight he asks for it again, and nothing, next fight he sends /tells to the whm asking him *directly* for Haste, so finally the DRK gets Haste.
3 fights later he hasn't been Hasted... so DRK gives up and just keeps praying for those Double Attacks and Criticals to kick more frequently...
Sorry about the rant... >.<