A little over a month ago, I gave away all my stuff, canceled my account, and quit FFXI. I even said goodbye on Alla, I even said that would be my last post on that thread.
I forgot about FFXI for awhile, I even bought a cool game called God of War, and beat the hell out of it(on normal mode >.>). I even started paying attention to when my friends called me. Then, out of nowhere I get a newsletter from Square in my email about "Return to Vana'diel" or something like that, where I can reactivate my account and such. O.O I swear, I have never felt a crave to play this darn game as I have now, since I first had to wait for the game to install. I'm going mad, and I'm on the brink of playing again. I'll try to fight it, but I have a weird feeling that Danyu might just return for another adventure.
Hopefully, I'll pay attention to when my friends call me on my cellphone this time...No! Fight the ADDICTION!