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Influx of RangersFollow

#1 Apr 28 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
It must be me, but I seem to notice there are a lot more Rangers nowadays when compared just 1-2 months ago. Some of new rangers are associated with certain LSs, but is it a general trend want to play Rangers more nowadays...?

I used to see more monks and dark knights. I will agree Ranger are high power non-magic damage dealers, but I think a WAR/SAM, WAR/NIN, MNK/(something reasonable), SAM/RNG (<< really bad ***) are really good too.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#2 Apr 28 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
what your saying could be true, for last night I partied with 3 different Rangers, all very good and worthy, and the day before I was in a pt with 2 rangers.

however I still see many darks, It would be nice to see more warriors out there though, War/nin is ok but I strongly believe War/thf using great axe is a nice way to go in a pt,
#3 Apr 28 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
It's not just you. An LS member did a search on various jobs and RNG almost doubled the second closest job. There were 115 rangers on at that time and 73 dark knights. That's a pretty big gap.
#4 Apr 28 2005 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
It's simple, most people who play melees don't like mage jobs (like myself), or tank jobs (also like myself), but since most melee jobs aren't 'uber' for things like HNM, Gods, CoP BC.. they get shunned and uninvited to things. However, there is one melee-style job that you can play and be considered 'useful', and that's RNG.

I myself have now been levelling RNG (it's 56 now) with the hopes it'll better my chances to get into CoP missions/SP/LS that seriously are pushing towards (sea). That's what I really want, so far though I've had no luck getting help but.. anyways I been stuck on Riverne B01 for a very long time (Feb or March i think?) and been asking continuously for help-- as a MNK i was told I wasn't good enough for the BC, several times.. so I went RNG, now that excuse cant be used-- now it's just a matter of getting help=/

I also would like to do a subligar hunt to get my RNG a beautiful black aketon =D anyways, that's why i did RNG, i really want to get through CoP and being a 'useful' job for all the BC is the way to go, I guess. Still waiting though.

- Skyangel
#5 Apr 28 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Hey sup SkyAngel ^^
#6 Apr 28 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Hello Snapper=P Were's my RNG subligar huh huh huh??=P
#7 Apr 28 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,577 posts
LOL your behind the times, RNG got big with the release of CoP. It was a quick way to get through the promys, and through the other missions, as you need high power DD's for some of them.
#8 Apr 28 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
Yes I've noticed this as well.
#9 Apr 29 2005 at 6:20 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
This has been happening more than a few months now, unfortunately. I can't really say much because I'm levelling ranger myself, but for me, its only as a Subjob for my Samurai. As was stated earlier, due to the superior damage output of ranger, the fact that its much easier to make gil than it was (due to people buying from gilsellers and increased prices on certain farming items) combined with a fairly steady arrow/bolt market, more people can afford ranger. Ranger's were always great damage dealers, but the one thing holding them back was the amount of gil that it took to keep them going- most people couldn't afford it without doing massive amounts of work to keep the class going. Nowadays, though, will the above listed situations, anyone can play ranger at least fairly well. Personally, I love my Samurai and I would never drop it for ranger as a main, but due to the fact that the other DDs just can't hold up to Ranger damage, there are less party invites, which is one of the problems with the game-- people only see numbers.


Edited, Fri Apr 29 07:21:14 2005 by KLGChaos
#10 Apr 29 2005 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
It seems that the influx of rngs is because they setup parties with setups like this: 4 rng/nin's, 1 whm, 1 rdm. They kill fast and share hate and skill chain off each other very very often. Just something I noticed because I have been invited to those parties and the XP is insane.
#11 Apr 29 2005 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
I have more to say..

I think what is going on here is the same thing that is going on with whms. Everyone eventually goes RDM or BRD cause they get alot more love/invites/praise. People can say otherwise but I don't care, I know this is true cause it's so obvious.

Melees like monk wait for a god aweful longtime, no one(except maybe me) likes Drgs, DRK has a reputation to attract some of the most egotisticle players - in general, SAM is underrated for dumbass reasons, and WAR just is out there with PLD. The biggest point of all is RNG gets invites like they are mages, pure and simple.

IMO this is why RNG might get some heat from other DD jobs cause they(the other DDs) will feel that people are only playing this job for invites. You dont have to be a RNG to be considered uber, but I'm too tired to type all about that.
#12 Apr 29 2005 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
yea there's a lotta people i know who've started to play ranger

this trend is also caused by people getting more and more keen havin 3/4 rng pts.. might just be me but i'm seeing/been in much more multiple ranger pts than a few months ago.

so people invite rangers, and other melee DD jobs gets neglected i guess.. a lotta drks have gave up on drk for having to wait for 3/4 hours to get an invite... sad really =(
#13 Apr 29 2005 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I tend to be more old school, and sometimes dislike cookie-cutter tactics in beating BCNM, or people just want to get to do HNM or Gods fast. Sometimes I find conventional pts are more fun as it is more challenging, and require better pt tactics and skill (not just gil and mana buring). But I can see why people doing this, and hence the popularity of rangers or the recent rise of Black Mage parties. The best exp pts I have been in, which I have to admit, involves at least some rangers and black mages.

Some of the CoP BCs are very hard -- far harder than Zilart missions BC, which are not easy already (Jeuno Archduke and Ark Angels are bad ***). But Zilart Missions BCs are uncapped-non handicap, that makes them a lot easier. CoP BCs are defeatable with a regular pt (I beat Promvion-Holla or Diabolos with a well balanced non-high power PT), but it will require a lot of skill, planning, and luck too.

Using a high power pt makes a lot easier. We defeated Ouryu last night (got a JP invite to do that in the middle of exp pt in Gustav Tunnel -- who says Search Comments does not work o.O when I put Riverian Site #B in my comment). We just Sleep >> Therody >> Freeze and AerogaII it to death.I think towards the end of CoP BCs with the exception of the bomb one in Bearclaw Pinnacle, a more regular pt will do better (it does not mean they are easier).

As a player like myself that is relatively poor, and spend more money in buying nice reusable gear (Elemental Staves etc) and crafting over non-recylable items (like ninja tools and arrows), I will probably never level ranger.

IMO Each job has its strength, I am sure there are creative way to use certain jobs to be effective at different situations. Like a lot of lower BCNMs, going without a DRK is really dangerous as DRK is the only job that can stun consistently below level 40 (hence why DRKs are so powerful Giddeus BCNM40 and Diabolos fight). Monks are the best DD against certain type of mobs (skeleton and magic pots). Samurai on the outside may not have the high firepower as DRK, MNK or RNG; I wonder how many people on our server actually do SAM/RNG (the only NAs that I know do/did this regularly are Sonfriel, Brisk and Branwen) (yeah I cheated with that /RNG sub there ;p). SAM also being a SC master, and if teamed up with a BLM, it can be really powerful.

Dragoons and Warriors are very underrated. I personally think DRG and WARs are one of the best damage over time attackers. I do admit damage over time may not be something you want all the time (big killing blows are better against certain type of mobs).

The point is that each job has it use at different occasion. It is up to player how many times they want to get in that different occasion. It may be true Rangers are powerful in CoP missions or Sky, but there are certain cases rangers are not useful, and other jobs will preform better.

I think it is more important to play the job you like. You will find your home. If you play a job that you think getting pt is difficult, make your own PT -- it isn't that hard, and just take some basic knowledge of what jobs can bring in what, the SC combination certain jobs can do). Different jobs go up and down in popularity with time. It just may be we are in the ages of Rangers.


For example, take Dynamis, when total fire power is more important than individual fire power -- damage over time may actually be better.

There are cases when hate control is important, which makes big sluggers are less attractive while gradual damage is better.

There are certain mobs in this game are much harder to tanks as a NIN or as PLD (usually fast soft hitting mobs are better tanked with a high defense PLD while slower hard hitters are better tanked with a NIN). Have a NIN to tank monk type mobs (like mandys)? It is not gonna be fun.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 12:59:24 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#14 Apr 29 2005 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
I remember when I was level 50-60 all I ever saw in Jueno was DRK's in AF, the problem I think is that there is so much gil in this economy from gilselling abd buying; that it doesn't take much time for someone to level ranger anymore since they can just cough up RL money for gil. When I was levelling rng I had to constantly camp VE for a source of income ( and because I didn't ever feel like crafting to level wood XD ). Almost everyday before an XP session I would be out camping VE - and this was when the hairpin was only 300k.

I think more people ahave a much mroe casual attitude to buying gil seeing as how the prices have dropped and it's not very hard or expensive to buy 1 mil and level wood high enough to spit out bolts and arrows on demand.

When I was levelling rng there wasn't more than 4-5 of us from 30+ and we all knew each other, and the 4-5 rng in the level tier ahead of us. Now there are little rng running all over the place it's insane @_@.

I think in my LS alone we have upwards of 8 rangers ( but we don't neglect our drks, sam, mnk's, and drg =P ).

But endgame rng do serve alot more purpose than dumping an asston of damage on HNM. Shadowbind and /NIN help alot with Kirin and for some HNM if things get out of hand you can Shadowbind - and rng can make a damn good sub in tank if things go wrong in some instances.
#15 Apr 29 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Well, as a RNG i finally achieved a successful defeat of Ouryu. It's definately more useful to fight him when you can damage him in flight and beat through his stoneskin with harder hitting attacks. That EES shot in the very end can really save the day. many melees do not have this one shot save-the-day kill move, and even when that's not enough-- we got barrage up our sleeves, for another big blow (hopefully), other melees lack this quick last resort pimpslap abilities of this magnitude. SMNs and BLMs are the only other jobs that really can do this relatively flexible.

Also, when a mob has to be kited, HNM or God or BC monster or whatever... you know as well as I do-- you cannot hit something whne it's running around, it doesn't work. on top of that, if you pull hate meleeing, it's a lot more difficult to help the tank kite it when you're right next to it. rangers best sub IS nin, so they always have utsusemi available, on top of that, shooting from a distance 1. destroys the problem with something running from you while trying to hit it, and 2. gives you distance from the mob in case you get hate. you can run away and get a headstart to help kite.

Also, RNG attacks are consistent, not random. You aren't relying on luck to get that 1000 dmg weapon skill damage, you know you will do that barring any stoneskin/defense up abilities being on the mob. A ws on a melee can do anywhere from 200 to 800 under the same exact conditions on the same mob, so it's not as reliable. Also, while melee attacks often do 0 damage to something heavily armored (i.e. genbu) , a ranged attack deals some real damage anyways.

IT's the way SE designed the ranged attack system, when it all boils down to it.
#16 Apr 29 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
209 posts
Personally i didnt lvl rng b/c it was the job everyone wanted. I started lvling rng b/c i was waiting on pld af body. The problem is, once you start playing RNG you realize how much fun the job is. everyone assumes ppl play rng b/c its the job to be, but some play it just b/c they love the job. You can usually tell who actually enjoys the job and who just wants pts by seeing if they take pride in what they do. Yeah i might not have all the "High End" gear, but im well equipped and do my job well, or so ive been told. So before everyone assumes all RNG just want pts look around at the ppl like me who jut love the job.

#17 Apr 29 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
EES sucks on Ouryu when compared to a blms Frezze, Smner 2hr. As with the next mission rngs are not a great help ethier, and god forbit the prof. warps as you hit EES. To say Rngs are not awlays favored in the Cop missions.

My Cop SP has been Blm, Rdm, Pld or War, Smn Sam and myself a Rng. Our Sam has rocked so much damage its nuts -to say we sc always!- but thats Sam right. If you filled a Blm, Smn, War -even thfs in some cases- in my spot, Yes a no Rng Cop SP! would it work? Dam rights it would!

Blm,Smn and a good tank are the Gods of Cop. Youll always need surport jobs yes - Thf to kite on River A01- mabye a Brd to keep things rolling or sleep Ouryu. Promy missions were great for Rngs. EES was still in its prime, however the promy missions are capped 30. River A01 is capped 40 and is very open to alot of jobs -who needs Rng now-. The "three forks" missions are uncapped 60-65+ job is way better then your new and upcoming rng. The influx of rngs can not be blamed on Cop, sure it boosted the influx gave it hope so to speak.

Pepole may have been unware that other jobs can be suited for Cop or even to fill a "Surport" postion, which Rng is really.

The main reason i would think, is Rngs are godly DD's, and cost alot to maintain -arrows, shadows etc.- These 2 points' gives Rngs a -upper class perspective- A felling of Pride and Respect! thats your Influx.

#18 Apr 29 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Well, the thing about Ouryu is this:

He spends most of his time flying, which means melees cant do anything to him.. but RNG can shoot at him just fine. Whenever he comes to the ground, this is when he gets slept so no one should be touching him then-- so the BLM/SMN Can do their freeze/astral flow thing. Then he's wahcked, woken up, and flying again... melees once again can't touch him... but my RNG was able to shoot at him all that time he is in the air. That, i'd say, make RNG a viable job for the BC.

My shadowbind came in handy at the same time as well.

Edited, Fri Apr 29 23:02:01 2005 by KuroTsuki
#19 Apr 30 2005 at 3:04 AM Rating: Default
Jumping back a step or two.

War/nin is ok but I strongly believe War/thf using great axe is a nice way to go in a pt,

I strongly agree. I sub THF with my WAR and I SHRED hate from PLDs and NINs. Not saying that is a good thing to do but it sure tells me that I am dealing some serious DMG. I was told by my last PT that I wasnt allowed to use Warcry while ending the SC just because I was dealing massive DMG already without it and Warcry pulls enough hate alone. But that was with a NIN tank and a PLD would be able to handle it better. So instead of the tank losing hate as I use Warcry he/she as a PLD may more likely lose it after I perform the closing WS for the SC.

That is kinda off the main subject but its great to find people who agree with you battle tactics and job setups.

As for the RNGs yes, I see many many many more now days and they are great to have in a PT and are truly nice to use on the majority mission battles and what have you. I plan to LVL up RNG myself and after gaining all the knowledge about them through sheer XPing I am quite confident that I will be a promising RNG DD.

Would like to mention the most "uber" RNG I have PTed with yet. His name is Ashell and he was ocasionally dealing DMG in the low 2000's on IT mobs when I was LVLing in The Den Of Rancor.

Gratz ˆˆ!
#20 Apr 30 2005 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
I lvled rng to 63 mainly for CoP as most missions require a)good tank b)fast damage c)healing and d)money since a rng can kinda tank and deal fast damage i went with that course they do cost alot.

As far as blm... i would never count on them to be heavy dd in a bcnm as they would steal hate with thier instant 800-1000 damage and then die while the rng would live for a time... (btw 3rng 1 nin 1whm 1smn slapped ouryu around almost beat record had we all used 2hr would have but we were being safe)

As a brd (yes i gave up on drg at 59 cause of lack of invites and help) i look at exp/hr as the end all be all if im in exp pt. Rng's simply have a higher ability for exp/hr than ANY other class and they pay for it. Personally im not too happy with pts that average under 4k/hr. 4rng 1whm 1brd = decent exp/hr.

I also believe rng's get invites to pts faster than brds... i know anytime im wanting to exp there is always shortage of available rngs, and sometimes another brd seeking.
#21 Apr 30 2005 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
951 posts
Off Topic:
He spends most of his time flying, which means melees cant do anything to him.. but RNG can shoot at him just fine.

From what I noticed, nothing can affect Ouryu when he's in the sky, only time I seen something hit him when he was in the air was Akou's EES

On Topic:
I agree, I seen a large increase in RNGs lately, I still think it's stupid how ppl only want RNGs, at 65 DRG/THF/BLM in the PT works wonders, Light SC + MB takes the mob down to usually 50% of it's HP from what I've seen

I also think it's because of the NIN SJ that RNGs have a high advantage over others, since RNGs main weapon is bows/guns/crossbows, they only use melee weapons for the accuracy bonus, and with dual weild they can easily get an advantage over hit rate compared to other jobs.
#22 Apr 30 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Default
As far as blm... i would never count on them to be heavy dd in a bcnm as they would steal hate with thier instant 800-1000 damage and then die while the rng would live for a time...

It is true that tanks lose hate often to high ammounts of damage dealt on mobs. This is why.

I.E. In PT = Mob is pulled / Tank Vokes and does w/e they do in the start of fights / Melee pull off SC / BLM Bursts / Voila... / Hate is lost...

One of the main reasons a tank loses hate to a BLM is because of the PT's failure to allow the tank to set hate in the beginning of the battle. Tanking is my life on FFXI and I do it very well. I dont lose hate to high ammounts of damage unless under the aforementioned circumstances. So try to allow a tank to set hate and see if that helps. Might make a better player out of everyone.
#23 Apr 30 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
433 posts
maybe it's just cos the world got richer, and some high lvls decided to restart the game as rngs. when you're literally flinging gil at the mob, where (within lvl constraints) the more gil you fling, the more overall dmg you deal, it's not hard to see why rngs are usually not the first choice for any newbie player. even the richest person could be easily paupered by selecting rng as a job. throw in the /nin, and you'd be looking at astounding numbers in gil per lvl.


addressing another issue i'm uncomfortable with:

rdms and brds do get pt invites easier, but i fear it's partly because of the ignorance of the people who start the parties. some people wrongly believe that a rdm's refresh ability and brd's ballad would in themselves allow the pt to chain indefinitely. this is, in my experience, a misnomer, or at best a half-truth.

contrary to popular belief, whms are not redundant. even without erase, whms are by far the most-able dedicated healer in any pt. a dedicated healer implies that aside from just curing (at various appropriate lvls), and the ability to buff parties appropriately (with bar-element, bar-status, protectra, shellra), they can/must be quick with the -na spells too (within 3 secs of the status afflicted). some of the mobs in vanadi'el cause very detrimental status-ailments that only a whm of the appropriate lvl can lift easily (curse, virus).

whms also come with reraise ability post-33, and with their ability to resist some abuse (stoneskin, blink), along with their ability to sneak around unaggroed (1 less person to worry about dying). post 44, regen II is useful; post 56, raise II is a much desired ability; post 50, divine veil is another very desired ability. if the whms have the dark/light staves and juices to compliment their job (just like any magic using job should look toward having), there is relatively little downtime.

the only other job that can give a whm the run for the money (in a lesser capacity) is the rdm. however, a rdm in party as a main heal is already more risky than having a whm. the lesser the ability of the healer, the more the ability of the remaining members must be in order to make up for it.

i'm not saying that whm >> rdm at healing. nor am i implying that one job is better than the other. i'm stating that i find it depressing that some would form the basis of a party based on mere rumors instead of finding it out for themselves.
#24 May 01 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Another point for RNG:
Me dealing constantly 1000-1200 dmg sidewinders at 59 to IT mobs, 600-800 dmg barrages, and 150-180 dmg per arrow + ~10 dmg added effect. Add another RNG like that which was in my pt last night, mobs died fast, got chain 7, couldn't get 8 cuz there was nothing left to pull^.^ The only melees that do 1k DMG to exp mobs are DRK/THF, WAR, and MNK(on bones) , all after level 71+
#25 May 01 2005 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
There were 115 rangers on at that time and 73 dark knights. That's a pretty big gap.

god i hope i did that right... i'm pretty new to thread posting...

anyway, i often do /sea all ___, and every time i do, there are about 45 DRG on our server at any one time.... i know i'm lookin out for my own here, but are DRG really THAT hated?... less competition for me, im 33DRG atm, but some diversity would be nice...
#26 May 01 2005 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
god i hope i did that right... i'm pretty new to thread posting...

anyway, i often do /sea all ___, and every time i do, there are about 45 DRG on our server at any one time.... i know i'm lookin out for my own here, but are DRG really THAT hated?... less competition for me, im 33DRG atm, but some diversity would be nice...

First off, its not that Drg are hated, its quite the contrary, Cerberus is one of the most Drg friendly servers i know of. Drg isnt a popular job no...But neither is Drk Thf Sam or Nin anymore, everybody's gone back to box thinking where "the only working good pt will consist of "lm Rdm Whm Pld Rng Rng".

i've seen threads lately of people looking for Sp's, but will only take Rng's, i think one of them said the setup so far was Pld & Rng, and they want a rdm whm and 2 more Rng's if possible.

It's probably been said before, i'm too tired to go thru all the posts right now.

But my opinion isthat people arent thinking outside the box, as stated earlier.

The fastest jobs to 75 are Blm, Pld, Whm, and Rng. Almost any pt will take a RNG over a Drg Drk or any other melee, and then get the rest as they go. The reason for this is that arrowburn pt's rng doesnt hold any restraint, and is able to take and keep hate off a pld. Pt's seeing this want one of these in their pt because that is a "L33t" pt, i mean, they can do incredible amounts of dmg right? who needs anything else.

So basically it's melee's in the 45-60's and possibly higher that have finally got so fed up with waiting, they'll change to rng.

Flame me, rate me down, do whatever. I'm feeling the lack of invites burn, and i know people who've switched jobs to rng because they're fed up, thats just my opinion tho.

P.s. my info isnt skewed(sp?) go take a look at some of the RNG's forum posts, i stopped looking in that forum when i saw an entire thread devoted to just bragging about how they can do the above listed.

Edited, Sun May 1 19:58:15 2005 by Shepppard
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