Goby's a gimp n00b. Surprised your entire group didn't wipe as soon as they zoned into Davoi with him around. Hell, I wouldn't have been surprised if that NPC goblin attacked everyone with that {Too weak} {Galka} in your alliance. I hateses the Goby.
Oh, and grats Jarden on putting together that group, and to Foul on getting the AF! My only disappointment came when I actually left alive. You ruined my track record of dying in amusing ways when I help with AF, Genkais, etc. I don't consider it a success unless I'm face down in the dirt.
My personal favorite was helping with Genkai 3 in Castle Oztroja. Got through the torch door, guessed the passwords, then invised up and the two of us ran to the top platform. Feeling a little bored and itching for some excitement, I decided to "play" with the true sight High Priest, who was getting a little too close for comfort, and voked him then linked all the other Yags nearby, while the friend I was helping got her key item and warped safely back to Jeuno. My scroll fired off just in time for my corpse to show up in front of the mog houses in Upper Jeuno. Good times, good times.