Still way too early to really speculate, but it looks like SE is planning to do a balancing act with rng and the rest of the normal DD. The arrowburn parties on IT++ may not be quite so lucrative anymore.
A few weeks ago we were building a party and a bard popped up LFG. Jackpot! Sent him a tell and he replied: "How many Rng do you have"? to which I said none. He never replied again lol. I have no problem with arrow burn parties, but I am starting to see the effect on support jobs being spoiled by 7k/hour hunts.
Many Rng argued they didnt need a nerf due to the fact that they paid so dearly for the extra damage output. But to balance this I wish SE would have given other melee the costly option to reach the RNG damage level, rather then bring RNG down to our level.
But with gil at $20 per mil and everyone and their dog buying it, the "throw money at it till its dead" method has created many sub-par RNG who never farmed a day in their life. By giving this option to all DD, the road to 75 would be even shorter then it is now.
However, the way its worded kind of implies that rng who pay attention to their effective range can still maintain that killer edge they have over other melee. Also on a bonus note, RNG who pull hate can shed it easier with the new shadow emnity effect.
(As for the shadow emnity change, this could be the REAL nerf that shakes the game up a bit. Ninja tanks work so hard to hold hate as is. I expect emnity gear to soar in price if this Nerf is a bad one)
Edited, Thu Jun 30 11:05:19 2005 by Thornn