Thanks.... hopefully your group finished 12 lastnight. If not let me know. I'll be on after the update is done. Thankyou again to those that helped. There are a few that stick out in my mind right off the top and you guys deserve some credit:
Sam: Anaconda, It was a pain but we made it!
Mnk: Skiznod, Thanks for taking your time to help, especially when I was lit like a X-mas tree lost on the first floor of delforts tower. "sad thing was I even had a map"
Drk: Mobsta, Didn't even need zilart 4 and you were a champ and helped us finish it. Damn good fight on the tonberries even with only having the 5 of us.
Blm: Arifas, You came through on zilart 8 and 12 like a champ. I'll help yah with promys anytime.
Rdm: Radix, Glad you were there on zilart 12, " and yes I would have tried to solo it" j/k
Whm: Kimber, As always ever so impressive with your play of whm. Thanks for keeping us alive on several of those.
Pld: Hany, {incredibly tough} {paladin} Came through when I needed a tank like a champ as always.
Blm: Extacee, Even though SE offically hates you for these missions you stuck it out and achieved sky. { congratulations }
Thank you again all for your help. And too those of you that helped and I didn't mention you. Thank you.
{zilart ark angels} I have it! =)