Did you honestly expect people to be nice to you after the whole BCNM incident? Seriously, people entrusted you (I know its not real money, and its just a game) But trust in the online world and in the real world is pretty similar.
And yes, the BCNM incident was like stealing real money, and also time because people paid to play the game to get 40 seals for a BCNM orb.
But anyway, I'm not going to be mean and say "Thank god, one less thief" because thats not the kind of person that I am.
If the game is starting to have effect on your real life, maybe its for the best.
But yes, the gear that you bought with that money should go to the people who you stole the money from. Make one of your last acts something positive people may remember you by.
I don't think anyone would make up a story like that just to hate somebody. We all know that you did it, and we have seen the proof.
Good luck
Edited, Thu Jul 14 05:50:15 2005 by CallistaofCerberus