Kainia... if you still need a head, let me know... I would be willing to get it for you for a meere 20k if you can supply the cloudy orb for the bcnm20 in horlais peak. I can solo it with ease, and require you do not engage at all whatsoever... If you can manage to not engage or agro the fish, I can solo them dead and claim you a victory. The BCNM awards a mannequin head every time... unless it coughs up a mannequin body instead (or a solo, non-pt, player already has mannequin head).
If you're interested, shoot me a /tell any time past 5pm PST. The name's Nebz...
It depends on who is selling it. on my server i've seen them for anywhere from 200k-400k
No wonder my head sold in less than 4 hrs @120,000 gil.
Edited, Mon Sep 12 14:20:35 2005 by ElvaanKrem