After buying the mispriced item I would talk to the seller and make sure it was or wasnt a mistake and in the event it being a mistake I would sell it back to them for what I paid thus preventing a problem to occure such as this one.
Wow, that's incredibly nice..
If someone makes an AH mistake and I end up with 300k for a 30k item, I'll be more than glad to refund the difference... or even the full amount if I get the item back. HOWEVER, a bazaar is a tad bit different. IMO, a Bazaar is like a garage sale/swap meet. You set your own prices on the stuff (usually at a slight discount from the bigger sellers, in this case the AH) and sell it yourself. I search bazaar's left and right and up and down and rinse and repeat again... it never ends. I see a good deal, I grab the item and see if I can't make anything off of it. I've lost gil by buying items I thought were more valuable than what I paid for them and found out the case to be opposite or the price is fairly similar between the Bazaar and AH.
If I were to go to a garage sale IRL, the person hosting the sale has already put out what he/she wants to sell and either has it marked or knows how much he/she wants for the item. Personally, if I pick up a $50 camera and the guy says it's $5 and I know I can get $20 for it on ebay, I'm not gunna sit there and ask the guy if he's sure he wants to sell it that cheap.
Bazaar's aren't much different. The player set the price him/herself and should be well aware of how much he/she placed the item for sale for. In a supermarket or department store, if something is mislabelled with the wrong price (not the customer switching labels, but mismarked by the company), the store will probably take a bite of their profits and sell you for the marked price as it was their error. However, if they can prove you changed the price label, then they probably would take different action instead.
Bazaar mistakes are not like AH mistakes. AH mistakes you cannot correct after you click yes to the "are you sure?" question. A bazaar you can correct any mistake you find by just resetting the selling price. Further more, for that matter, once someone buys something from your bazaar, it does not say how much they paid for it... it only says that they purchased it. Which suggests the OP was aware of the price of the item before hand if he knows how much it sold for, and therefore could have easily corrected his mislabelled price for the item. Had I been the buyer in that situation, I would have probably purchased the gear and acted very funny to the OP upon request to purchase it back for 150% of what I paid for it.