(I posted this on KI, but I'm sure there are some that don't like KI so I wanna make sure I say goodbye to everyone...)
...must come to an end. Right?
Well, I think that time has really come for me. I've tried a couple times in the past, but had some unfinished buisness and came back. I think I've finished as much buisness as I care to. I've done everything in the game that I actually set out to accomplish.
RotZ - Complete
CoP - Complete
I've killed every big HNM (Save for KB but Dynasty doesn't camp) in the game. I thank my LS for the opportunity that I was given and I hope that I tanked and played Samurai to your satisfaction. I never had more fun then being in the LS and doing the things we've done. From exping to KS99 and team Salad ****** to Dynamis, it's all been good times. I just figure it's time to get out before I get drawn in by a 3rd expansion >.> Too much time has been left in a virtual world and not spent with those in my life that matter most. My wife and my friends/family.
I've leveled 2 jobs to 75 and found nothing more for me to do but exp for Merits or a 3rd Job. Sadly, that isn't enough for me to stay anymore. The shine of the game has worn and has left me without much.
To those I'm leaving behind (aka friends ) - There are far too many of you that have made the last 2.5 years since NA release memorable and fun. From my noob days in Unorthodoxiusfew to the pinical of my FFXI days in KoN/Dynasty, each of you have made my game play fun. I appreciate that. There are too many to mention, but I'll name a few. Akoa, Anime, Hitokirin, Spyre, Sonfreil, Samaliel(the real one), Bluenu, Phrosty, Cataclysm, Miklotov, Illthis, Eponine(the real one), Eleyne, Sukiteki, Mocha, Gorgeous, Obiwanfoshobi, Banigaru, Xrave, Typo, Nicholus, TeamTS/Morningwood LS, most of YF, Altruist, Usmc, Extacee. I know I'm forgetting way too many people, and I apologize for that.
Anyone that wants to keep in touch send me a PM, I'll give you some contact info.
I'll be on over the next week to sell some gear, give some to friends and make sure I get to say goodbye to all those I actually want to.