Volurath wrote: Quote:
Labeling him as dishonest and untrustworthy just because he left a linkshell is the most asinine statement I've ever read.
Ummm.. not sure where you read that. What Dena said was:
Denaunie wrote: Quote:
...he was straddling LS's.....and given you (Voulrath) have two lvl 75 jobs and are Rank 10, I'll take a chance and assume yours is not a social LS...and if you've known him as a LS mate longer than four months and yours is a HNMLS, then Myo was in violation of VF LS by-laws...which would place him in a position of greater distrust and dishonesty.
She was a) pointing out that VF thinks he's not up to our standards and banned him for breaking our rules (HNMLS hopping), b) that his willful and concious breaking of our LS rules shed a very "dishonest and distrustful" light on him in VF's eyes and c) Dena stated that Myo was not always "a long time member" of your ls like you said he was. At no point did she say that we labeled him that for LEAVING. You even verified he hops LS's in your response:
Volurath wrote: Quote:
He's in YourFantasy now.
And he must not like it there either since he wanted back into VF. :/
Volurath wrote: Quote:
I actually partially blame us in MorningWood for influencing his personality.
Hmmm that's not a very nice thing to say about your LS! :( And didn't Phrosty get banned?? He was a nice guy most of my encounters with him, but... Ummm... yeah.... banned.
Like I said before, you deal with this as you see fit. The readers will do with this as they choose as well. I see him as a liar and a thief. Thats my perogitive and I will deal with him in game as such.
And as for VF accomplishments, well... check out the VF webpage (although a month behind in accomplishments posted...) and then you would know what we have been busy doing. We don't have to talk about what we do to be a good HNMLS.
Edited, Sep 3rd 2006 at 11:53pm EDT by lewbaby