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Expectation of privacy was nice while it lastedFollow

#202 Jul 20 2016 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
That is what currently fits in the Utah data storage site. Presumably, you'd store more, and archive for longer if it was cheap to do so. In addition, the main constraint on searches is the transport volume capacity between the data storage facility and analyst workstations.
Just as Planned.
#203 Jul 20 2016 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Additionally, the burden of proof should not be on the public to prove we shouldn't do this, but rather on the state to provide compelling rationale that it is necessarily to do so, and is not a threat to private citizens who are not suspected of a crime.
Kind of an impossible request when people panic at the slightest change and insist the worst case scenario is the only scenario possible.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#204 Jul 20 2016 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Timelordwho wrote:
Additionally, the burden of proof should not be on the public to prove we shouldn't do this, but rather on the state to provide compelling rationale that it is necessarily to do so, and is not a threat to private citizens who are not suspected of a crime.
Kind of an impossible request when people panic at the slightest change and insist the worst case scenario is the only scenario possible.

And yet this was implemented anyway. As was COINTELPRO.
Just as Planned.
#205 Jul 20 2016 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Presumably, you'd store more, and archive for longer if it was cheap to do so.
Possibly, but you're still not catching everything on everyone, which is what gbaji was arguing.

Let's just grab some numbers, and say the NSA datacenter can hold about 10 exabytes of information. Let's say that each year the world produces maybe 10 zettabytes of information a year (yes I'm using round numbers here for simplicity, and feel free to give me better numbers if you have them, I just grabbed what was readily accessible.). That would mean that the world is producing 1,000x more information every year than can be stored on the servers. One would also assume that's a best case scenario, as they'll have to generate some of their own data to properly label, categorize, and annotate the giant amount of information there.

That goes beyond the absurdity that you have to somehow summarize the information to make it useful for people. Most people look at a raw database query and have their eyes glaze over. You'd need to get that information into a usable format before someone looking up information on a potential terrorist lead could make good use of it (which, of course, means more data to store).

In addition, you're duplicating information that's already stored elsewhere by people with a motivation to retain that information. While it makes perfect sense to have your own secure copy of relevant information just in case it gets deleted or whatever from the 3rd party site, there's no reason to have your very own copy of every cat video on youtube just because. We know these external companies get requests to view this information (which suggests that the NSA people aren't retaining everything), and again, making someone have to go submit a form to a judge before they can access it cuts down on the potential for abuse.

Edit: I don't believe that 10 zettabytes includes phone calls, TV broadcast information, information on personal computers, or other things not linked to the internet that they might want to retain? Huh, this is a surprisingly hard number to track down... Smiley: lol

Edit2: Hmm, this page seems to suggest 2.5 exabytes a day, which works out to over 900 zettabytes a year. Wonder if that adds in the other non-internet sources to get to that much higher number? That would maybe make sense? Bleh... Smiley: glare

Edited, Jul 20th 2016 10:42am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#206 Jul 20 2016 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
And yet this was implemented anyway. As was COINTELPRO.
Sorry, I just don't feel the hairs on my neck rise when it comes to defunct programs.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#207 Jul 20 2016 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Timelordwho wrote:
And yet this was implemented anyway. As was COINTELPRO.
Sorry, I just don't feel the hairs on my neck rise when it comes to defunct programs.

Oh! that one specific program is defunct, well then nevermind then. My fears have been assuaged and suspicions allayed.

I guess prohibitions on genocide or hate crimes are unfounded as well because the final solution is not in effect.

It is so nice that once consigned to the dustbin of history, ideas stay dead and gone forevermore.
Just as Planned.
#208 Jul 20 2016 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
It is so nice that once consigned to the dustbin of history, ideas stay dead and gone forevermore.
Maybe if you try to pass off a misdemeanor as a felony again it'll make it so much more convincing.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#209 Jul 20 2016 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Timelordwho wrote:
It is so nice that once consigned to the dustbin of history, ideas stay dead and gone forevermore.
Maybe if you try to pass off a misdemeanor as a felony again it'll make it so much more convincing.

I said "can be a felony", not a misdemeanor which is true, and the law specifically mentions that as well as the conditions, which would be applicable in many cases, thus it my statement was perfectly reasonable. I did not lie to you and the law was pretty explicit.

In case you still want to hem and haw, a direct cite:

The old Harassment law made the crime a Class A misdemeanor. Under this new bill, it remains a Class A misdemeanor unless "1) committed by a person twenty-one years of age or older against a person seventeen years of age or younger; or 2) the person has previously committed the crime of harassment. In such cases, harassment is a class D felony."
Just as Planned.
#210 Jul 20 2016 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
4,148 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
Oh! that one specific program is defunct, well then nevermind then. My fears have been assuaged and suspicions allayed.

I guess prohibitions on genocide or hate crimes are unfounded as well because the final solution is not in effect.

It is so nice that once consigned to the dustbin of history, ideas stay dead and gone forevermore.

I feel like you are being a little less then 100% sincere.

ETA: Quote Fail

Edited, Jul 20th 2016 4:45pm by stupidmonkey
Dandruffshampoo wrote:
Curses, beaten by Professor stupidopo-opo.
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Stupidmonkey is more organized than a bag of raccoons.
#211 Jul 20 2016 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
As long as there exist much more efficient solutions (targeting, i.e., choosing the boat as opposed to choosing the mystery box, hoping to find the boat), it will always be ineffective.

Sigh. You're not getting it. At some point, "check every single boat for what we're looking for" will actually be faster than "figure out which boat has what we're looking for and check just that one". You really don't seem to be able to grasp this. It's not choosing the mystery box. That suggests that we're still picking *one* thing at a time. The paradigm shift here is that when you have sufficient data scanning and analysis capability, you no longer have to "pick one", or even "pick some". You don't have to start out by catching and following leads and then directing your surveillance in the directions indicated. You can actually simply look at *everything* for what you're looking for and work the other way.

You keep wanting to frame this as a choice between directing our efforts at places we already suspect might bear fruit versus picking the same number of "random" places to look. But that's not at all what I'm talking about here. I honestly don't know how many different ways I can explain the same concept to you to get you to understand this.

Gbaji's argument is that as long as the capability exists, it will happen.

If we allow it to. My point is that we should not just blindly trust that no one would ever abuse power they are given. We must start with the assumption that they will, and the only reason they wont is if we keep an eye on them to make sure they don't.

I countered to say that not only is that stupid and ineffective, people wouldn't allow that to happen.

Ok. But do you see how saying "we don't need to worry about this, because people wont allow this to happen" acts to reduce the likelihood that people will actually not allow that thing to happen? If everyone is just sitting back, trusting that "the people" wont allow something to happen, then none of "the people" actually are. Which is a potential problem.

Again, Congress knew about the program in discussion and that program isn't what Gbaji is arguing against. He's arguing about a potential NEW program that grabs random stuff from everyone.

Yes. More specifically, I'm making the point that by over focusing our privacy concerns at a program like the one Congress knew about and approved, and which only uses publicly accessible data, we run the risk of creating a kind of "boy who cried wolf" scenario, where we exhaust ourselves fighting against the wrong things, and continually fail to succeed (because there isn't actually a 4th amendment violation), leading to people adopting the idea that there is no such thing as privacy anymore, which may result in apathy when/if the government actually does attempt to use data collection methods that violate the 4th amendment. Because after the 50th time some privacy advocates insist that something the government does is "a horrible violation of our privacy and must be stopped", and then nothing comes of it, then the one time they are trying to point out an actual real violation of our privacy, no one will listen. We're programming the population to ignore cries about government domestic spying by doing this.

I'm reasonably sure I've already explained this several times. i didn't think it was that difficult a concept to grasp. Apparently, I was wrong.

Edited, Jul 20th 2016 3:39pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#212 Jul 20 2016 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I would consider myself below "script kiddie" and I know the answer to that question is to scan by ranges for particular open ports on different OS that can be exploited.

Um... That's what nmap does. You know, the tool I mentioned three posts ago as a means one could use to scan subnets for open ports? It's by no means the only method, but it's probably the most well known. The fact that you didn't recognize it kinda speaks volumes here.

You just threw out random routing/switching terminology as if the two were related.

I threw out a number of terms. Mostly to see if you had a clue what I was talking about. I have my answer now. You obviously don't understand that the first step to hacking computers on any network is actually understanding the structure of networks themselves, how they send and receive packets, how the packets are structured, and thus how you might take advantage of these things to trick a computer into granting access, perhaps even without being detected. The tools that you might have heard of were written by people who know these things. The "random terms" I tossed out are the things that tools that are written by those people and that the script kiddies use to hack computers actually do on the back end. Most people don't know what they are because they only interact with a tool that someone else wrote.

You mention MAC addresses (as an alternate to IP addresses), broadcast address, arp tables, dhcp, etc., but none of those things assist you with popping a box.

They all assist you in locating a box to be popped in the first place. Which is kinda the very first step before you can do any sort of hacking, right? More to the point, some of those techniques allow for scanning of subnets in a non-promiscuous manner (meaning that the system being located nor any other form of detection method on the subnet will detect it, or wont think it's anything unusual if it does. Which, again, if you're writing some kind of automated self reproducing hack to infect large numbers of systems, might just be useful. Obviously (well, to me anyway), this is just one method, and a likely decent starting method. Other methods involve spreading said hack via interactive client applications (like web browsers and email). But that's an even more broad topic of discussion.

That information might be useful afterwards, but none of that matters if you're doing an automated massive scan of everything.

That information is used beforehand, not afterwards. What do you think a subnet scanning tool is actually doing when it scans? A really basic one could just ping every address looking for returns, but that's going to miss a ton of systems with even the most basic firewall running. Doing something like querying the arp table on a subnet gives you the ip and mac of every system that has sent or received any packets that routed in/out of that subnet since the last table flush (and you can actually force a refill of the table if you want, but that can be detected). No firewall on the system itself can hide that, since any packets it sends or receives have to be known by the router and directed to the correct system on the subnet. You get that a router (technically, the switch) doesn't actually know or care about the ip address of the systems on it's own subnet, right? Well, no, you don't. But trust me that it's true. It only looks at mac addresses and associates them with physical wires attached to ports on a given subnet segment. The ip address is used only for routing to a remote subnet and for determining if a given system is on the local subnet or not. The switches actually route packets to the physical systems themselves. And they do that by communicating across the subnet so that they know which mac addresses are attached to wires running off which switch, so they can send packets to the correct place. Once on the "local" subnet, all "routing" is done via mac address, not ip address.

Which can be used for locating and hacking systems. Again though, the first step is finding systems to hack. Then you hack them. And, just as with every other aspect of this, the details of how you go about that is a massive subject all in itself. The main point here being that any automated tool you write to do this would first scan the subnet, locate systems, and then scan the systems for open ports, and the take some other actions based on that information. Well, again assuming we're talking about a direct active hack, and not a more passive method (like email/web viruses, which can honestly be even more effective for broad dissemination of a hack, but might not be a method used by a sophisticated government created one). There's a lot of ways to cook that goose.

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

Yeah. You'll have to forgive me for not taking your word on that.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#213 Jul 20 2016 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:

Sigh. You're not getting it. At some point, "check every single boat for what we're looking for" will actually be faster than "figure out which boat has what we're looking for and check just that one". You really don't seem to be able to grasp this. It's not choosing the mystery box. That suggests that we're still picking *one* thing at a time. The paradigm shift here is that when you have sufficient data scanning and analysis capability, you no longer have to "pick one", or even "pick some". You don't have to start out by catching and following leads and then directing your surveillance in the directions indicated. You can actually simply look at *everything* for what you're looking for and work the other way.

You keep wanting to frame this as a choice between directing our efforts at places we already suspect might bear fruit versus picking the same number of "random" places to look. But that's not at all what I'm talking about here. I honestly don't know how many different ways I can explain the same concept to you to get you to understand this.
When you do research for a paper, do you look for specific documents that might assist your paper, or do you download a random large number of documents, to sort through later? You seem to think that the sorting only happens in one scenario.

Gbaji wrote:
If we allow it to. My point is that we should not just blindly trust that no one would ever abuse power they are given. We must start with the assumption that they will, and the only reason they wont is if we keep an eye on them to make sure they don't.

Gbaji wrote:
Ok. But do you see how saying "we don't need to worry about this, because people wont allow this to happen" acts to reduce the likelihood that people will actually not allow that thing to happen? If everyone is just sitting back, trusting that "the people" wont allow something to happen, then none of "the people" actually are. Which is a potential problem.

Gbaji wrote:
Yes. More specifically, I'm making the point that by over focusing our privacy concerns at a program like the one Congress knew about and approved, and which only uses publicly accessible data, we run the risk of creating a kind of "boy who cried wolf" scenario, where we exhaust ourselves fighting against the wrong things, and continually fail to succeed (because there isn't actually a 4th amendment violation), leading to people adopting the idea that there is no such thing as privacy anymore, which may result in apathy when/if the government actually does attempt to use data collection methods that violate the 4th amendment. Because after the 50th time some privacy advocates insist that something the government does is "a horrible violation of our privacy and must be stopped", and then nothing comes of it, then the one time they are trying to point out an actual real violation of our privacy, no one will listen. We're programming the population to ignore cries about government domestic spying by doing this.

I'm reasonably sure I've already explained this several times. i didn't think it was that difficult a concept to grasp. Apparently, I was wrong.
Once again, your "concern" of misuse of power is true for everyone who has power. We can manage this scenario the same way we manage other powerful people/organizations with power, i.e. the people who control your money. Are you more concerned about someone reading your diary than someone spending your life savings?
#214 Jul 20 2016 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:

Um... That's what nmap does. You know, the tool I mentioned three posts ago as a means one could use to scan subnets for open ports? It's by no means the only method, but it's probably the most well known. The fact that you didn't recognize it kinda speaks volumes here.
I overlooked you mentioning NMAP (which was what I was looking for); however, if you truly understood how NMAP works, then you would have known that you can scan the entire Internet in one command.

Gbaji wrote:
I threw out a number of terms. Mostly to see if you had a clue what I was talking about. I have my answer now. You obviously don't understand that the first step to hacking computers on any network is actually understanding the structure of networks themselves, how they send and receive packets, how the packets are structured, and thus how you might take advantage of these things to trick a computer into granting access, perhaps even without being detected. The tools that you might have heard of were written by people who know these things. The "random terms" I tossed out are the things that tools that are written by those people and that the script kiddies use to hack computers actually do on the back end. Most people don't know what they are because they only interact with a tool that someone else wrote.

Gbaji wrote:
That information is used beforehand, not afterwards. What do you think a subnet scanning tool is actually doing when it scans? A really basic one could just ping every address looking for returns, but that's going to miss a ton of systems with even the most basic firewall running. Doing something like querying the arp table on a subnet gives you the ip and mac of every system that has sent or received any packets that routed in/out of that subnet since the last table flush (and you can actually force a refill of the table if you want, but that can be detected). No firewall on the system itself can hide that, since any packets it sends or receives have to be known by the router and directed to the correct system on the subnet. You get that a router (technically, the switch) doesn't actually know or care about the ip address of the systems on it's own subnet, right? Well, no, you don't. But trust me that it's true. It only looks at mac addresses and associates them with physical wires attached to ports on a given subnet segment. The ip address is used only for routing to a remote subnet and for determining if a given system is on the local subnet or not. The switches actually route packets to the physical systems themselves. And they do that by communicating across the subnet so that they know which mac addresses are attached to wires running off which switch, so they can send packets to the correct place. Once on the "local" subnet, all "routing" is done via mac address, not ip address.

Which can be used for locating and hacking systems. Again though, the first step is finding systems to hack. Then you hack them. And, just as with every other aspect of this, the details of how you go about that is a massive subject all in itself. The main point here being that any automated tool you write to do this would first scan the subnet, locate systems, and then scan the systems for open ports, and the take some other actions based on that information. Well, again assuming we're talking about a direct active hack, and not a more passive method (like email/web viruses, which can honestly be even more effective for broad dissemination of a hack, but might not be a method used by a sophisticated government created one). There's a lot of ways to cook that goose.

Your response is as if you were managing a small network as opposed to taking ALL INFORMATION FROM EVERYONE AT ONCE. The goal is to minimize your presence on the network. Determining DHCP, MAC addresses, ARP tables, etc. will only complicate the task. The smarter, more efficient way would be to do a mass scan for common vulnerabilities and zero days to drop a payload. You're literally talking about mapping out the entire network. That is something you would do for an organization/group/target, but not for everything in the world. It would take you a very long time to enumerate the entire Internet. Which is why I said that this is not feasible.

Gbaji wrote:

Yeah. You'll have to forgive me for not taking your word on that.
Says the guy who wants to map out the Internet to exploit.
#215 Jul 20 2016 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Why? Because it's going to have a horrendous false-positive rate. You're going to be returning matches to college students taking classes on the middle east, people with similar names, journalists, etc. etc. regardless of how stringent you make it. If you have information in the database on 300 million people, there are only going to be a small fraction of a fraction of a percent of those that are relevant to your query, and plenty of people who are going to get hit randomly who have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism, or whatever it is you're looking for. The more people you search, the more people are going to pass all your criteria by random chance.

Sure. But how do you trim your database to just those people who are "relevant to your query"? You'd have to do the same sorting either way.

Whereas if you start with useful information, say people who have usernames and passwords to some darknet message board where you know a couple of high-quality targets have been passing information, well now you're starting with maybe a couple hundred data points instead of a potential 300 million, and a sizeable percentage of them can yield useful information. The chances for one of those 200 or so names to pass your same multiple criteria simply by random chance is much lower, by several orders of magnitude. Meaning you can have that much more confidence you're actually chasing useful targets.

Why not start with a massive amount of data on a massive amount of things, and then use a set of search parameters to trim your search down? It's the same thing, except doing it that way reduces the chance that you miss something because you decided not to look at people and information that you didn't start out thinking might be relevant. I think we're really describing the same thing here. Obviously, if data storage is an issue you must do some of your sorting before doing data collection so as to trim the resulting database to a manageable size. But if storage isn't an issue, then there's no reason at all not to collect everything you can and then search on that. Keep trimming your hits on those searches until it reaches a manageable number with a higher probability of actually matching what you are looking for.

If you restrict your data collection first, you may very well eliminate data that you might not see a pattern in unless it's included with a whole bunch of other seemingly unrelated data, and you might just miss something.

That's a lot less potential for wasted man hours, less potential for a public relation fiasco from putting the wrong person on a 'no-fly' list, less potential to have a failed court case, etc. etc.

Not really. It's a purely technical limitation. Again, you're doing the same sorting either way. I'd actually argue that it would waste more man hours if you first start out trying to figure out criteria to determine what to collect and then search on it, rather than just grabbing everything and running searches on the resulting (much larger) dataset. The only reason not to do it the way I'm suggesting is if you have storage restrictions.

The vast vast majority of that information is useless, a potential invitation for misuse, and an attractive target for theft. You're wasting time searching a database that has very little useful information. Why not just pick out the remotely relevant parts of it and throw away the other 99.9999% of the data? It's not like you can't reacquire most of it later anyway. Especially if companies have their own reasons to retain it. It becomes their problem, not yours.

How do you know which are the relevant parts of the data if you don't first collect it and search through it? If there's X amount of total data out there, you can either trim X down to .01X and search on the much smaller set, or just search on the whole thing. But to trim it down to .01X you have to have some kind of parameters to decide what is relevant and what isn't? How do you decide that? You can't. You can't possibly know if the contents of any of a million people's social media is going to provide a pattern match indicating terrorist behavior before looking at all of the million people's social media. So you either decide to just not use anyone's social media, or you decide to use everyone's social media, or you have some other initial search through social media to detect patterns that you think might later match a pattern indicating terrorist behavior and collect those people's social media. Um... But you had to do that search, right?

Which means you're doing the same amount of work. More really. You want to leverage the technological capability of the tools you have to the maximum degree possible. Why insist on doing a step that avoids using those tools? Just dump everything into a big pot and look through it. A computer can do that far far more efficiently than any other method. I'm not sure how pre-sorting helps here.

Surely you've noticed the limitations of these automated search engines at some point right? When you're looking for a more obscure piece of information perhaps? There's only so much an automated anything can do for you. There's a point automated scripts need to give way to a person doing detective work, and that's the precious time you don't want to waste on what's simply an interesting correlation.

That's a limitation of the search tools, not the data set. Again, you'd have to somehow use the same exact sorting methods to eliminate data from the set in the first place. That seems like an unnecessary thing to do that will only decrease the accuracy of your search.

Your argument is like saying that if we just eliminated 90% of all the metadata google uses for searching for stuff, we could get more accurate and faster searches. Well, they'd be faster, but less accurate. Because the very things we're looking for (perhaps the obscure and hard to correlate things) would be the most likely to have been eliminated in our first round of data cuts. So instead of just having a difficult search to find what we're looking for, we have an impossible one because what we're looking for will never be found because it's no longer in the searchable dataset.

I'm talking about whether the government can create some kind of automated tools that pull data out of large numbers of people's home computers without any warrant and add that to the database. What they do with publicly sourced data is a concern, but it's not illegal. I'm just trying to draw a line in terms of legality here.
It just seems like a rather remote possibility is all. The risk vs reward just doesn't seem to be there in this case. In the end any information needs people to act on it for it to be useful, and there's only so many people who would be willing to do that. It's an interesting thought experiment I suppose, if nothing else.

Sure. But it becomes a more likely possibility if too many people adopt the mindset that we don't have privacy today. You're more likely to fight to keep something you believe you actually have than to continue to fight for a cause you believe is already lost. That's my point. I get that it's hypothetical and a bit esoteric, but that's what it is. It's just that I've seen more and more people making statements like "privacy is dead", and becoming increasingly apathetic towards the notion of privacy. That's what I find dangerous and a bit scary. If people don't think that privacy exists, or don't think it's important, then that's when we may actually lose it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#216 Jul 20 2016 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
[When you do research for a paper, do you look for specific documents that might assist your paper, or do you download a random large number of documents, to sort through later? You seem to think that the sorting only happens in one scenario.

Ok. How do you "look for specific documents that might assist your paper"? You search though a dataset that someone has collected and indexed for you to search. If Google hasn't created a reference to a given paper, you will never find it. Similarly, if our hypothetical government database doesn't contain information about a given person, place, action, whatever, they will never be able to find it in a search. They can't "just search for people who might be of interest", without first... you know... doing some kind of search. I think you are getting stuck on the whole idea of "collecting a dataset". This doesn't require physically copying every single thing in existence, but in most cases, just a reference to it (just as google just holds metadata used for their searches). There's no need, for example, for said government database to duplicate things that can already be located via a google search (although they might use their own more capable tools on the same data). Other data, that is perhaps more transitory in nature would need to be actively collected in its entirely and stored. How long would depend on a number of factors.

Gbaji wrote:
Yes. More specifically, I'm making the point that by over focusing our privacy concerns at a program like the one Congress knew about and approved, and which only uses publicly accessible data, we run the risk of creating a kind of "boy who cried wolf" scenario, where we exhaust ourselves fighting against the wrong things, and continually fail to succeed (because there isn't actually a 4th amendment violation), leading to people adopting the idea that there is no such thing as privacy anymore, which may result in apathy when/if the government actually does attempt to use data collection methods that violate the 4th amendment. Because after the 50th time some privacy advocates insist that something the government does is "a horrible violation of our privacy and must be stopped", and then nothing comes of it, then the one time they are trying to point out an actual real violation of our privacy, no one will listen. We're programming the population to ignore cries about government domestic spying by doing this.

I'm reasonably sure I've already explained this several times. i didn't think it was that difficult a concept to grasp. Apparently, I was wrong.

Once again, your "concern" of misuse of power is true for everyone who has power. We can manage this scenario the same way we manage other powerful people/organizations with power, i.e. the people who control your money. Are you more concerned about someone reading your diary than someone spending your life savings?

I'm concerned about both. I'm not sure what your point is here. I don't think anyone is arguing that the expectation that your bank not embezzle all your money was "nice while it lasted". But some people are arguing that with regard to our expectation of privacy (again, it's in the thread title), specifically with regard to unwarranted searches of private computers in someone's home. So yeah, I'm going to talk about that issue, because... wait for it... it's the topic we're talking about.

If someone creates a thread about the safety of my savings account, I'll talk about that instead. Cause then that would be the topic. See how that works?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#217 Jul 20 2016 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
Ok. How do you "look for specific documents that might assist your paper"? You search though a dataset that someone has collected and indexed for you to search. If Google hasn't created a reference to a given paper, you will never find it. Similarly, if our hypothetical government database doesn't contain information about a given person, place, action, whatever, they will never be able to find it in a search. They can't "just search for people who might be of interest", without first... you know... doing some kind of search. I think you are getting stuck on the whole idea of "collecting a dataset". This doesn't require physically copying every single thing in existence, but in most cases, just a reference to it (just as google just holds metadata used for their searches). There's no need, for example, for said government database to duplicate things that can already be located via a google search (although they might use their own more capable tools on the same data). Other data, that is perhaps more transitory in nature would need to be actively collected in its entirely and stored. How long would depend on a number of factors.
Life is a database, so answer the question.

Gbaji wrote:
I'm concerned about both. I'm not sure what your point is here. I don't think anyone is arguing that the expectation that your bank not embezzle all your money was "nice while it lasted". But some people are arguing that with regard to our expectation of privacy (again, it's in the thread title), specifically with regard to unwarranted searches of private computers in someone's home. So yeah, I'm going to talk about that issue, because... wait for it... it's the topic we're talking about.

If someone creates a thread about the safety of my savings account, I'll talk about that instead. Cause then that would be the topic. See how that works?
So, let me get this straight. You are equally concerned about your bank embezzling your money as the government creating this automated program to gain all information from everyone all at once?
#218 Jul 20 2016 at 7:47 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
gbaji wrote:
Sure. But how do you trim your database to just those people who are "relevant to your query"?
You start with a list of known leads. We were tracking terrorists before they built the database, so there should have never been a point they didn't have working intelligence to start querying from.

Why not start with a massive amount of data on a massive amount of things, and then use a set of search parameters to trim your search down?
This, in a nutshell, is the problem. Ways around the problem are problematic at best and have their own downsides and limitiations. It's a major drawback to getting actionable information from "big data" situations.

But if storage isn't an issue, then there's no reason at all not to collect everything you can and then search on that. Keep trimming your hits on those searches until it reaches a manageable number with a higher probability of actually matching what you are looking for.
It's only worthwhile to check more data points if they increase your true-positives at a rate that's acceptably faster than your false-positives.

If you restrict your data collection first, you may very well eliminate data that you might not see a pattern in unless it's included with a whole bunch of other seemingly unrelated data, and you might just miss something.
And if you include everything you risk adding in a bunch of misleading data. If you start with known "terrorists" not only do you have a better set of high-quality data you have a set of data points (known positives) you can use to refine the information you're looking at. You can't even hope to build a decent search in the first place unless you know what the correct answer looks like.

The only reason not to do it the way I'm suggesting is if you have storage restrictions.
Which of course, was my other point made above. Smiley: wink

How do you know which are the relevant parts of the data if you don't first collect it and search through it?
How do I know how to drive a car without searching a giant database? How do I know how what a banana looks like without searching a giant database? How do I know my cousin Jimmy is going to Western Baptist University without checking a giant database? How do I know some guy ran over a lot of people in Nice without looking at a giant database?

There's plenty of ways to gain knowledge without searching a giant database.

Again, remember we have actionable intelligence that predates the giant database, we don't need to start over from scratch.

You can't possibly know if the contents of any of a million people's social media is going to provide a pattern match indicating terrorist behavior before looking at all of the million people's social media. So you either decide to just not use anyone's social media, or you decide to use everyone's social media, or you have some other initial search through social media to detect patterns that you think might later match a pattern indicating terrorist behavior and collect those people's social media. Um... But you had to do that search, right?
No, you just start by looking at the social media accounts of known terrorists and people they've had contact with. Again, we did know stuff prior to facebook existing, there's no reason to start over again.

Which means you're doing the same amount of work. More really. You want to leverage the technological capability of the tools you have to the maximum degree possible. Why insist on doing a step that avoids using those tools?
Because it's already been done. Why redo work that's already been done, especially if you already have more actionable intelligence than you can follow up on?

That's a limitation of the search tools, not the data set.
So what's the point of using a search tool if it's giving poor results even with a "complete" dataset? I mean, even when google knows what you're looking for (and it is, of course, pretty good at this) you're probably only ending up with a few good top hits. As you go down the list, page 5, page 10, page 50, you start to increasingly run into problems with it returning things that are no way relevant to what you're looking for. No one is trying to find the top hit, the most obvious terrorist in the world, the idiot who spams anti-American rhetoric from his Google+ page while searching and purchasing bomb-making materials with a credit card over the internet. Everyone already knows about that guy, and it doesn't matter much what you use to look for him, you'll find him regardless. Your top 1000 hits might well be 90% garbage, why would anyone use that method to try and find a number of candidates.

Again we're assuming a terrorist even has a discernible online presence that would flag him to authorities. These people aren't dumb, they know social media, phone records, etc are all searchable by the authorities. They'll know how to stay off of a "top 1,000 terrorist candidates of 2016" list. Really how many recent terrorists can we say we were actively tracking online before they killed people? More likely to hear "suspect was unknown to authorities" than "we were already watching him closely."

Edited, Jul 20th 2016 7:38pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#219 Jul 20 2016 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I overlooked you mentioning NMAP (which was what I was looking for); however, if you truly understood how NMAP works, then you would have known that you can scan the entire Internet in one command.

And? Did I ever say that it couldn't (although... good luck with that)? I'd also like to point out that there's a difference between understanding how something works, and understanding how to use it. You only know the latter. All that stuff I was talking about earlier that you dismissed? That's what nmap is doing on the back end. The side that you don't know about, and appears to be "magic". Newsflash: It's not.

Your response is as if you were managing a small network as opposed to taking ALL INFORMATION FROM EVERYONE AT ONCE. The goal is to minimize your presence on the network. Determining DHCP, MAC addresses, ARP tables, etc. will only complicate the task. The smarter, more efficient way would be to do a mass scan for common vulnerabilities and zero days to drop a payload. You're literally talking about mapping out the entire network. That is something you would do for an organization/group/target, but not for everything in the world. It would take you a very long time to enumerate the entire Internet. Which is why I said that this is not feasible.

You don't understand what I'm saying. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, we're speaking different languages. You're discounting what I'm saying out of ignorance.

But here, let me try to educate you on the right way to do it:

If you want to hack "everything", you don't sit on one computer and run a single scan on "everything". You write a hack that targets local systems, embeds itself in them, replicates itself and spreads to other systems via a variety of methods, jumping across subnet boundaries and compromising more and more systems. Why? Because if you understand how network communication actually works, you'll understand that any attempt to do something like you are describing will be easily be detected. You *can* scan ports on a system across a subnet boundary (anywhere on the internet if you want), but you have to use active methods to discover which systems are on a remote subnet, which will be very very detectable. If you restrict your direct hacks to systems on your local subnet (like say folks connected to your local coffee shops wi-fi network maybe, or (less recommended) the computers connected to the same loop your home cable modem is connected to), you can identify targets quietly. If you are located on the same switch (and not just the same router), you can direct scans at them that can't easily be detected (since they are directed from mac to mac and never touch a router or even cross a switch boundary, so there's no broadcast being done to discover the system you are targeting). This, btw, is why I said that understanding how networks actually work is important.

Once you infect a number of systems with this kind of hack, they'll continue to infect others. The aforementioned coffee shop example works well since most systems connected to them are mobile and will walk around infecting other systems at other hotspots, which will do the same elsewhere, and so on, and so on. All you have to do is wait.

Now what your hack "does" is up to you. One of the more common hacks is to just drop some code in place that targets ping floods at a given address or address range on a given day and time. So a month later, several thousand systems of some unsuspecting dupes take part in a DDoS attack on the servers of a game company that banned you for using cheats. Those bastards probably had it coming, right? Of course, you could also use those system both as infection spreaders and as storehouses for future hacks (even the more direct attacks since they're not coming from you now). Maybe they periodically "check in", for updates. Maybe they upload certain files on their system to another hacked remote system (which you know about cause you hacked it and set it up). Now you can trigger any of a number of different actions that you want, all being performed by your zombie horde of hacked computers around the internet.

Now, imagine that times like 1000 for what a sophisticated government hack could do. Replace "infect computers that happen to connect to an open hotspot" with "set up our own trapped hotspots around the country" (heck, we could even create a funded government program to provide "free wi-fi", as cover for this), or even "drop embedded custom binary code into backbone routers that insert infected code into appropriate packets crossing the router", or "plant code writers at Apple and Microsoft and just put our own hacks into their tcp stack code", or "embed our hack into the login for Obamacare". Remember, all you really need to have is a hack that allows you to direct the hacked computers to do something you want at a later date. That's actually a lot easier than you might think.

You're thinking in terms of brute force hacks directly across a wan. That's a great way to get yourself on the FBI's radar, but not much else. And that's not remotely scalable to the level I'm talking about. The fact that you can't imagine how broader and more subtle hacks could be done, doesn't mean that there aren't dozens of ways to do it.

Says the guy who wants to map out the Internet to exploit.

Just one subnet at a time. What I think you fail to grasp is that this isn't time consuming on a local level. It is, in fact, exactly how the network already works. Systems "scan" their local subnet all the time, constantly. You'd be shocked at the amount of network traffic is merely involved in "mapping" the local subnet, which in turn finds a route to a remote subnet, which in turn is "mapped" to find the exact computer you are connecting to. This happens on every subnet, thousands of times a second. All the time. All traffic is "local" in this regard. The very design of the internet is to work this way. You don't need to know or care about anything "far away". Each portion knows about it's own portion and knows how to talk to adjacent portions. Add enough of those bits together and you have the massive thing we call the internet. But each piece is the same. And it works the same.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#220 Jul 20 2016 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
And? Did I ever say that it couldn't (although... good luck with that)? I'd also like to point out that there's a difference between understanding how something works, and understanding how to use it. You only know the latter. All that stuff I was talking about earlier that you dismissed? That's what nmap is doing on the back end. The side that you don't know about, and appears to be "magic". Newsflash: It's not.
You responded as if you didn't have the time to logically explain how this would be done. NMAP doesn't just do all of that stuff in the background without you adding in the triggers.

Gbaji wrote:
You don't understand what I'm saying. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, we're speaking different languages. You're discounting what I'm saying out of ignorance.

But here, let me try to educate you on the right way to do it:

If you want to hack "everything", you don't sit on one computer and run a single scan on "everything". You write a hack that targets local systems, embeds itself in them, replicates itself and spreads to other systems via a variety of methods, jumping across subnet boundaries and compromising more and more systems. Why? Because if you understand how network communication actually works, you'll understand that any attempt to do something like you are describing will be easily be detected. You *can* scan ports on a system across a subnet boundary (anywhere on the internet if you want), but you have to use active methods to discover which systems are on a remote subnet, which will be very very detectable. If you restrict your direct hacks to systems on your local subnet (like say folks connected to your local coffee shops wi-fi network maybe, or (less recommended) the computers connected to the same loop your home cable modem is connected to), you can identify targets quietly. If you are located on the same switch (and not just the same router), you can direct scans at them that can't easily be detected (since they are directed from mac to mac and never touch a router or even cross a switch boundary, so there's no broadcast being done to discover the system you are targeting). This, btw, is why I said that understanding how networks actually work is important.

Once you infect a number of systems with this kind of hack, they'll continue to infect others. The aforementioned coffee shop example works well since most systems connected to them are mobile and will walk around infecting other systems at other hotspots, which will do the same elsewhere, and so on, and so on. All you have to do is wait.

Now what your hack "does" is up to you. One of the more common hacks is to just drop some code in place that targets ping floods at a given address or address range on a given day and time. So a month later, several thousand systems of some unsuspecting dupes take part in a DDoS attack on the servers of a game company that banned you for using cheats. Those bastards probably had it coming, right? Of course, you could also use those system both as infection spreaders and as storehouses for future hacks (even the more direct attacks since they're not coming from you now). Maybe they periodically "check in", for updates. Maybe they upload certain files on their system to another hacked remote system (which you know about cause you hacked it and set it up). Now you can trigger any of a number of different actions that you want, all being performed by your zombie horde of hacked computers around the internet.

Now, imagine that times like 1000 for what a sophisticated government hack could do. Replace "infect computers that happen to connect to an open hotspot" with "set up our own trapped hotspots around the country" (heck, we could even create a funded government program to provide "free wi-fi", as cover for this), or even "drop embedded custom binary code into backbone routers that insert infected code into appropriate packets crossing the router", or "plant code writers at Apple and Microsoft and just put our own hacks into their tcp stack code", or "embed our hack into the login for Obamacare". Remember, all you really need to have is a hack that allows you to direct the hacked computers to do something you want at a later date. That's actually a lot easier than you might think.

You're thinking in terms of brute force hacks directly across a wan. That's a great way to get yourself on the FBI's radar, but not much else. And that's not remotely scalable to the level I'm talking about. The fact that you can't imagine how broader and more subtle hacks could be done, doesn't mean that there aren't dozens of ways to do it.

Gbaji wrote:

Just one subnet at a time. What I think you fail to grasp is that this isn't time consuming on a local level. It is, in fact, exactly how the network already works. Systems "scan" their local subnet all the time, constantly. You'd be shocked at the amount of network traffic is merely involved in "mapping" the local subnet, which in turn finds a route to a remote subnet, which in turn is "mapped" to find the exact computer you are connecting to. This happens on every subnet, thousands of times a second. All the time. All traffic is "local" in this regard. The very design of the internet is to work this way. You don't need to know or care about anything "far away". Each portion knows about it's own portion and knows how to talk to adjacent portions. Add enough of those bits together and you have the massive thing we call the internet. But each piece is the same. And it works the same.
First, let me clarify that I'm arguing that any "solution" is stupid, so yes I agree the aforementioned solution would be incredibly noisy. However, your solution is incredibly unreliable. You're essentially creating viruses and worms. Those are created and used every day.

Remember that there are two parts of my disagreement. 1. It's ineffective. 2. The people wouldn't ever support it. Contrary to popular belief, the government doesn't provide any technology. Everything is contracted out. Your solution would consist of not only the government being corrupt, but all supporting contracting organizations. That will never fly.
#221 Jul 20 2016 at 8:36 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
You start with a list of known leads. We were tracking terrorists before they built the database, so there should have never been a point they didn't have working intelligence to start querying from.

The assumed reason for using a database system is to not have to rely on known leads.

It's only worthwhile to check more data points if they increase your true-positives at a rate that's acceptably faster than your false-positives.

Sure. But there's no reason to believe that adding more data to the set will increase false-positives. It will, however, increase true-positives that you would have missed in a smaller set.

Here's an easy way to look at it. Let's say my search criteria is "left handed males". One dataset includes 5% of the US population, the other includes 100%. There's no reason to expect that I'm going to accidentally match people who are not males or not left handed in my search simply because I increased the total size of the dataset. I'm still searching for the same criteria. I'm just not missing 95% of the hits.

And if you include everything you risk adding in a bunch of misleading data. If you start with known "terrorists" not only do you have a better set of high-quality data you have a set of data points (known positives) you can use to refine the information you're looking at. You can't even hope to build a decent search in the first place unless you know what the correct answer looks like.

The same can be said of whatever method you'd use to trim your dataset down in the first place though. And in your example, it's the "unknown terrorists" we're presumably looking for, right?

Again, I'm not seeing how adding a ton of extra data to the set that doesn't match the search criteria in any way affects the accuracy of the search. If I add a million bits of information about people who are clearly not terrorists, they're still clearly not terrorists and will not match whatever search parameters I'm using to search for terrorists. However, it's quite possible that a few of those million bits of information that I would have excluded at first blush might work in concern with some other bits of information in the dataset that would show me someone I thought was clearly not a terrorist, but who actually is.

And yes, you're right that this could be a false positive, but assuming that these sorts of searches are used to initiate additional human surveillance actions, then the harm from a false positive in this search is relatively low, while the harm from failing to detect a true positive is very high. Let me point out that I'm not making any kind of moral judgement here. I'm just pointing out how using the largest dataset possible is a better way to go here. The restriction is really just about how much data you can either store yourself, or index against other available sources.


Which is a totally valid point, and I'm not disputing it. I was mainly responding to the idea that this would not be a good way to do searches at all. I heartily disagree. The more data, the better (well, from a "we want to find as many bad guys as possible" point of view and not necessarily from a "we want to protect people's privacy" point of view).

How do you know which are the relevant parts of the data if you don't first collect it and search through it?
How do I know how to drive a car without searching a giant database? How do I know how what a banana looks like without searching a giant database? How do I know my cousin Jimmy is going to Western Baptist University without checking a giant database? How do I know some guy ran over a lot of people in Nice without looking at a giant database?

I'm not sure how any of that is relevant to pattern searches for behavior that may indicate some kind of terrorist or organized criminal activity. I think that once you even begin talking about searching a database we're past the point of "things we know directly". If we knew who all the terrorists were, we wouldn't need a database in the first place, right? Seems axiomatic that the very discussion assumes that we don't know what we don't know, and are trying to search through large amounts of data for patterns that a computer search can spot, but that humans will miss.

There's plenty of ways to gain knowledge without searching a giant database.

Again though, we're specifically not talking about those things. We're talking about things that can only be found by searching a giant database.

Again, remember we have actionable intelligence that predates the giant database, we don't need to start over from scratch.

If said database existed solely to assist us in tracking the activities and behavior of already known "bad guys", you'd have a point. But that's not the extent of what these things are constructed for today, and certainly not the limit of what they could do tomorrow. The government wants to use these sorts of things to search through large amounts of seemingly unrelated data for patterns at a speed and accuracy that humans could not come remotely close to. By definition, we're looking for things that we can't already figure out, or else we wouldn't need the system in the first place.

No, you just start by looking at the social media accounts of known terrorists and people they've had contact with. Again, we did know stuff prior to facebook existing, there's no reason to start over again.

Again though, you're going to miss the unknown terrorists that way. Also, as I've stated a couple times already, if that's all you're doing, you don't need a searchable database at all. You're just collecting evidence at this point, which, as you stated, we could do by hand before and can do by hand now. I just can't get past the point that the assumption behind this whole thing is to add an additional tool that could be used to spot terrorist plots that we can't detect just by following the trail of known terrorists. And to do that, you want to cast your net as wide as possible.

Which means you're doing the same amount of work. More really. You want to leverage the technological capability of the tools you have to the maximum degree possible. Why insist on doing a step that avoids using those tools?
Because it's already been done. Why redo work that's already been done, especially if you already have more actionable intelligence than you can follow up on?

Because the search for "known terrorists" didn't stop at some date in the past. It's ongoing. So it's not "already been done". It's being done today. It will be done tomorrow. It'll still be being done a year from now. So given that you have to spend the time and effort generating that list in the first place, why not use the best tools to do so?

So what's the point of using a search tool if it's giving poor results even with a "complete" dataset? I mean, even when google knows what you're looking for (and it is, of course, pretty good at this) you're probably only ending up with a few good top hits. As you go down the list, page 5, page 10, page 50, you start to increasingly run into problems with it returning things that are no way relevant to what you're looking for. No one is trying to find the top hit, the most obvious terrorist in the world, the idiot who spams anti-American rhetoric from his Google+ page while searching and purchasing bomb-making materials with a credit card over the internet. Everyone already knows about that guy, and it doesn't matter much what you use to look for him, you'll find him regardless. Your top 1000 hits might well be 90% garbage, why would anyone use that method to try and find a number of candidates.

Exactly. But by limiting the dataset, you'd be effectively limiting the results to just the top 1000 "known terrorists and obvious associates". You basically just made my point for me. We want a tool that does allow us to look at the 100,000th guy who matches our search criteria, and then narrow our search to see if that guy still matches those parameters. Then narrow it some more. And if he's still there after we've eliminated number 1001 to 999,999, we might realize we need to take a closer look at this guy. This same guy we would have completely missed doing it the old way.

Again we're assuming a terrorist even has a discernible online presence that would flag him to authorities. These people aren't dumb, they know social media, phone records, etc are all searchable by the authorities. They'll know how to stay off of a "top 1,000 terrorist candidates of 2016" list. Really how many recent terrorists can we say we were actively tracking online before they killed people? More likely to hear "suspect was unknown to authorities" than "we were already watching him closely."

Exactly. Because we're only looking at the obvious signs that the dumb guys (or the guys who don't care) give us. But the idea behind the kinds of mass data systems I'm talking about (again, I'm not making a moral judgement here) is that if you could include a lot more data in your set, you could find patterns of behavior that could accurately flag those "unknown subjects" before they commit their acts of terrorism or whatever. Patterns that you would otherwise miss because you're simply not collecting the data that you need to make the correlation.

Edited, Jul 20th 2016 8:08pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#222 Jul 20 2016 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
You responded as if you didn't have the time to logically explain how this would be done. NMAP doesn't just do all of that stuff in the background without you adding in the triggers.

And your car doesn't move unless you press on the gas. Knowing how to press on the accelerator, shift gears, and steer, doesn't mean you understand how an internal combustion engine works, or how a transmission works, or how different types of steering work, or differential gears, or exhaust systems, or any of a hundred different components that are in your car actually operate.

The person operating the car does not need to know how those things work. The guy who designs the car does. In the same way, the guy using a tool like nmap doe snot need to know how it works. The people who write the nmap code do. Get it?

First, let me clarify that I'm arguing that any "solution" is stupid, so yes I agree the aforementioned solution would be incredibly noisy. However, your solution is incredibly unreliable. You're essentially creating viruses and worms. Those are created and used every day.

Yes, they are. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because they are actually very effective at spreading arbitrary code around the internet?

You don't seem to understand that the very "hack" used in the linked article in the OP was essentially a web virus. One that was limited to forcing the computer which accessed a given page on a web site to report a narrow set of identifying information that law enforcement could use to locate the person using it, but still basically a very simple (almost more of a malicious executable really, since it doesn't actually "infect" the target computer). Same deal though. They could have had the same code force the computer to download anything at all. I mentioned web/email based methods for delivery earlier. Again though, these are merely differences in delivery of the code. As I said earlier, there's many ways to do this.

Remember that there are two parts of my disagreement. 1. It's ineffective. 2. The people wouldn't ever support it.

1. That's just not true. You keep saying that, but merely repeating the same statement over and over doesn't make it true.

2. As long as people continue to value privacy and their 4th amendment rights with regard to information in electronic form, you are correct. My fear is that this value is eroding over time and may someday reach a point where people don't care enough to fight it. Just saying "the people wont accept it" over and over doesn't address that concern.

Contrary to popular belief, the government doesn't provide any technology. Everything is contracted out. Your solution would consist of not only the government being corrupt, but all supporting contracting organizations. That will never fly.

What do you think our current cyber command does? What do you think the NSA does? The CIA? The DIA? There are probably tens of thousands of "government contractors" all working on secret projects, some of which are technically illegal, right now. I think you and I have very different ideas of what will or will not fly. I also find it very strange that someone who doesn't trust the local police to use good judgement and stay within the law when deciding to make a traffic stop has such great confidence in vast federal agencies designed to be secretive and do things that "you don't want to know about" never doing anything wrong. That's just odd. Seems like you've got things backwards there.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#223 Jul 20 2016 at 9:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
gbaji wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
You start with a list of known leads. We were tracking terrorists before they built the database, so there should have never been a point they didn't have working intelligence to start querying from.
The assumed reason for using a database system is to not have to rely on known leads.
That doesn't seem like a prudent idea. I mean we're certainly not great at catching terrorists, but are we really so bad we need to start over from scratch? Remember you likely will have to pull people from active investigations into known terrorist networks to chase these new leads, so you're losing out on gathering further intelligence in those areas.

If we knew who all the terrorists were, we wouldn't need a database in the first place, right?
Sure we would, that's the whole point of the database, to expand on existing knowledge and track known individuals. Even in a perfect world where we know who all the terrorists are we still don't know where they are, where they'll strike, if they're recruiting more people, etc. etc. These are things that could be gleamed from information without exhaustive database searching.

Again though, we're specifically not talking about those things. We're talking about things that can only be found by searching a giant database.
I can certainly use my outside knowledge to limit what I'm searching against. If there's subsets of the data I know aren't relevant, say maybe all those cute cat videos on youtube, there's no reason to sift through them. If I know there are parts of the database with useless information why would I use them? Why would I even put them into the database in the first place if I have limited storage capacity?

If said database existed solely to assist us in tracking the activities and behavior of already known "bad guys", you'd have a point.
That's what I'm assuming the primary purpose of it is, yes.

and certainly not the limit of what they could do tomorrow.
This is where we start sliding down the slippery slope isn't it? Hypothesizing about future capabilities and uses of technology isn't something we've been especially good at as a whole in the past. I mean, we're still waiting for our flying cars and vacations on the moon and whatnot right? The Russians never did shoot nukes at us. We could probably continue down the road of things we were worried about in the past that never happened. It's very likely the things we really should be afraid of in the future aren't even on our radar now. Hey, even Al Gore didn't see the internet coming. Smiley: clown

In the end I imagine all of this you're talking about is technically possible, but I'm still dubious it's useful in generating actionable information. At least enough more-so than traditional means to make it a worthwhile endeavor.

Edited, Jul 20th 2016 8:15pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#224 Jul 20 2016 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
I think we're talking about two completely different things. You're talking about a database of information we gather about terrorists, their associates and accomplices, etc, and then using that to track their activities and see if/when they're maybe planning an attack, who they might be recruiting, etc. I'm talking about something very different. I'm talking about programs that either directly collect or indirectly index vast amounts of data about everything, so that they can search though that data for patterns indicating whatever kind of activity they're looking for. Even to the point of flagging people they had no knowledge of absent the searches through that data.

BTW, this is exactly the kinds of programs that Snowden blew the whistle on, so it's not like this is far fetched. We're already doing this, maybe not on the scale I'm talking about (or maybe we are? Smiley: tinfoilhat), but we are already doing more than what you're talking about.

I think we also got sidetracked here (and honestly, a good portion of that was Alma's insistence that it's not feasible, or efficient, or whatever). My primary point was about the kinds of data that we should be ok with our government accessing for these purposes and the kinds of data we should not be ok with. That was actually one of my major issues with Snowden. He blew the whistle on programs that were basically just collecting/indexing already publicly available information and searching through it. So while a bit creepy (maybe quite a bit), not actually illegal, and not actually a violation of the 4th amendment. By doing that though, and (predictably) no legal action resulting from it (other than him I suppose), it gives the impression that "violations of our privacy" by the government are just things we have to accept and there's nothing we can do about it. Combine that with the folks ranting for years about NSA warrantless wiretapping (which was also not illegal nor a violation of the 4th amendment), and ranting about collection of phone metadata (also not illegal nor a violation of the 4th amendment), the "boy who cried wolf" aspect of this just keeps growing.

I believe that far too many people don't really understand what is actually protected by the 4th amendment, and what is not. As a result, they are spun up by false or mistaken claims about alleged violations of their privacy rights, only to see them time and time again result in a determination that no crime was committed. This leads them to conclude (as the topic title suggests) that the very idea of privacy no longer exists. And if that spread to a sufficient level of apathy for a large enough number of people, then no one will stand up when actual violations of the 4th amendment do occur with regard to electronic data. And yeah, that actually does concern me. As I've mentioned a few times, I've seen this mindset grow over the last 15 or 20 years.

I'm not sure that "the people wont stand for it" will be true in another 15 or 20 years, much less in 2 or 3 generations. I can totally imagine a future where the citizens just accept the fact that the government constantly monitors everything they do and say and write or watch or listen to, even in their own homes. Heck. I'm assuming that one day our homes will all be wired for surveillance for our own safety. Automated systems will watch us day and night, turning on and off lights so we don't waste electricity, providing us with whatever we need when we ask by responding to voice activated queries to provide information, education, and entertainment. This will require that our homes be connected to a larger monitored system, of course, and we'll just accept it as "normal". And if we fall and hurt ourselves, emergency personnel will come help us. Or if we commit an act of violence we can be detained and "re-educated". If we say something anti-social, our thoughts can be corrected to a more socially acceptable pattern. All for our own good and the good of the whole society, of course.

Far fetched? I don't think so. We're already heading there. Fast. All it takes is that last step, and for people to see the benefits of being "plugged in" all the time, everywhere, even (especially!) in their own homes being so significant that the quaint concept of privacy will not be a concern anymore. We're already seeing people plugging themselves into health monitors connected to networks. We already saw our government force a health care mandate on us, based on the principle that forced health care would reduce costs for the whole, and was therefore justified. Would not the same logic conclude that we could prevent many illnesses if we required everyone to wear a health monitor that might detect problems before they become serious and expensive? The same sort of logic could apply to all sorts of social interactions as well. If we all wore something that listened to us all the time, we could pick up on key aggressive phrases or tones of voice and take some action to prevent violence. Think how much crime and violence we could prevent with such a system? Who would ever try to mug someone if they knew everyone was "plugged in". Who could break into a home without getting caught? Heck. The potential criminal would have a monitor too, so we'd likely pick him up in the planning stages. And of course, to make this work, everyone would be required to wear them, and we'd equip scanners that would detect if they were not. And, of course, once you've "plugged in" for the first time, you're being tracked, and the government will know if you disconnect the scanners and dispatch emergency personnel right away.

Far fetched? Again, I don't think so. And the sad thing is that the future generations living in that world will probably think it's a great thing. Heck. I'm sure of it.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#225 Jul 21 2016 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
1,159 posts
Saudis did 9/11.
Timelordwho wrote:
I'm not quite sure that scheming is an emotion.
#226 Jul 21 2016 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
And your car doesn't move unless you press on the gas. Knowing how to press on the accelerator, shift gears, and steer, doesn't mean you understand how an internal combustion engine works, or how a transmission works, or how different types of steering work, or differential gears, or exhaust systems, or any of a hundred different components that are in your car actually operate.

The person operating the car does not need to know how those things work. The guy who designs the car does. In the same way, the guy using a tool like nmap doe snot need to know how it works. The people who write the nmap code do. Get it?
If you're going to argue that we will one day have the capability to create a car that will fly in the air and submerge under water, then you better have an idea of all of the intricacies of the car.

Gbaji wrote:
Yes, they are. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be because they are actually very effective at spreading arbitrary code around the internet?

You don't seem to understand that the very "hack" used in the linked article in the OP was essentially a web virus. One that was limited to forcing the computer which accessed a given page on a web site to report a narrow set of identifying information that law enforcement could use to locate the person using it, but still basically a very simple (almost more of a malicious executable really, since it doesn't actually "infect" the target computer). Same deal though. They could have had the same code force the computer to download anything at all. I mentioned web/email based methods for delivery earlier. Again though, these are merely differences in delivery of the code. As I said earlier, there's many ways to do this.
Because this is done every single day. If your goal is to just p1ss people off and exploit those with weak security, then go for it. However, if your goal is gain ALL information from everyone all at once, that's not going to cut it. Remember when you questioned me scanning my VMWare? My host machine blocked the scan and I have standard security. How are you going to exploit people/organizations using Security Onion, HBSS, etc. with dedicated security teams?

Gbaji wrote:

1. That's just not true. You keep saying that, but merely repeating the same statement over and over doesn't make it true.

2. As long as people continue to value privacy and their 4th amendment rights with regard to information in electronic form, you are correct. My fear is that this value is eroding over time and may someday reach a point where people don't care enough to fight it. Just saying "the people wont accept it" over and over doesn't address that concern.
See Post #217.

Gbaji wrote:
What do you think our current cyber command does? What do you think the NSA does? The CIA? The DIA? There are probably tens of thousands of "government contractors" all working on secret projects, some of which are technically illegal, right now. I think you and I have very different ideas of what will or will not fly. I also find it very strange that someone who doesn't trust the local police to use good judgement and stay within the law when deciding to make a traffic stop has such great confidence in vast federal agencies designed to be secretive and do things that "you don't want to know about" never doing anything wrong. That's just odd. Seems like you've got things backwards there.
You're once again just throwing out terms with no understanding. Each organization works under a different title. The rules of engagement are very public. In order for you plan to work, the private sector would have to put the government interest over their bottom line. History has shown us that will never happen.

In response to the police: See post #182.

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