Sometime around 2006, my weight, which had always been high, finally crossed the 300lb threshold. Since then, it has fluctuated somewhere between 325 and 380. But last year, in May, I did a weigh in and it had gone up to 399, which obviously upset me. I refused to let 400+ be the new norm. So, from May 2017 to March 2018, I counted calories and watched what I ate. I saw some success, stabilizing within a few pounds of 361, which was the floor for months, never able to drop below it. And, it was very difficult. I found myself hungry most of the time.
Then, a couple weeks into Lent this year, I realized I'd forgotten to come up with something to give up. So, on a whim, I gave up sodas entirely. Which then turned into giving up sugar. And then wheat. Then corn. Then rice. And before I knew it, I was doing the Keto diet. I mean, I tried Atkins before, back even before 2006. But I felt like crap and made it three days before my inability to eat more broccoli that day caused me to give up. In hindsight, I had the Keto Flu and didn't have the information to know how to deal with it.
Well, I got past the new floor, losing almost 25lbs in a month(which probably 10 pounds of that was water weight, but it certainly helped morale). Since March, I've continued, and unlike counting Calories, it has been easy. I eat plenty. I'm rarely hungry, even though I've been combining Keto with Intermittent Fasting, going 16 or more hours between dinner and my next breakfast. And I love the food. I can see doing this forever, which hopefully means little chance of relapse.
Here's a pic of the scale at my parents' house, where I do my weekly weigh in. It's hard to read, but it's 297.0, which means I'm down 102lbs. At the rate I've been going, 2-3 months until I'm back at my high school weight in the neighborhood of 270-280. Then hopefully, on to my long time goal of 225 or so. And who knows, maybe even beyond.
TL;DR: Bragging about losing weight. Carry on, you glorious bastards.