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I'm calling it. Dean is toast.Follow

#1 Jan 23 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I like Howard Dean. I really do. Not enough to give him money, mind you, I've been a Kerry Supporter from the start for a variety of reasons.

Now I know what you're thinking. “Good going, Smash, it’s really tough to predict the political death of a guy who’s red faced ‘YEAAHAHAHAIEEE!” video circulated the ‘net faster than Paris Hilton’s.”

But that’s not it. Today he was making a speech and going after the other candidates for being members of the “establishment” (read: John Kerry is crooked as a dog’s hind leg). Fine. All well and good. But then he went on.

Dean said he would replace Allan Greenspan. I fainted at that point, so I’m not sure on the specifics, but one thing I do know is that it’s political SUICIDE to mess with the big G. So, as Michael once said to Fredo: “I know it was you Howard. You’re liberal, so I love you, but I know it was you. You’re dead to me now.”

Anyway if Dean wins the nomination, I’m voting for Bush. Take it to the bank.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#2 Jan 23 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I don't see how it will matter much in the long run. Even if a Democrat gets in the big chair, all that's going to happen is pointing the finger at the previous administration's ***** ups. Every single one of the politicians are crooked.

This is America. Anyone that's in power has either been or can be bought off.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled post.
#3 Jan 23 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts

Please please please please, Lord, let Dean get nominated!

#4 Jan 23 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good
Every single one of the politicians are crooked.

This is America. Anyone that's in power has either been or can be bought off.

Umm, are you a cynic? Sounds like it to me. Of course, you're right, and I admire that. I was just pointing it out. :)
#5 Jan 24 2004 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
Umm, are you a cynic?

Not really. I try to believe in human nature being good and wholesome most of the time. Then I see all the fricking morons that waste air around me every day.

The whole political thing boggles me. I simply don't understand how a country can get so worked up on electing someone new into office that will just do the same things the previous guy did.

Why even have Republicans vs Democrats anyway? Why can't someone just step in that <gasp> stands in the middle and knows how to compromise? It seems that our country will never truly be united and free of racial turmoil when our very government is split down the middle.
#6 Jan 24 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
NO! I'm calling it! Dean is Dean and toast is toast. Silly 'mericans.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#7 Jan 24 2004 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Meistern, I want drilling rights to your head when naivete reaches $35 a barrel...

#8 Jan 24 2004 at 2:08 AM Rating: Good
It seems that our country will never truly be united and free of racial turmoil when our very government is split down the middle.

How old are you?

No, wait. It's not really important. My unborn child knows that the world is what it is. There's no way your glasses can have the amount of rose tint you seem to display.

Sorry Totem. Drilling rights won't do you any good. He's leaking out as I type.
#9 Jan 24 2004 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Dean fired me up, for that I thank him. He filled a lot of folks with hope, someone finally stood up to Mr Bush against a mood of 'for us or against us' which lingered with insinuations of some phantom terror link with Iraq in the SOTU address.

Honest cons like Moebius are very rare. Bush will lie to everyones face, and almost all of his supporters will vomit out these same obvious lies back onto people who should be paying more attention. How can the fundameltalist church leadership support this obvious liar and bully?

Fun facts about the war on terror!

1. Clinton tried to bomb Bin Laden, but it was during his impeachment hearing and was then ridiculed by the so-called liberal media.

2. The Project for a New American Century started planning the Iraq war in the mid 90's. Leaders of this think tank were Cheney, Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and Carl Rove. It is documented that they believed that this agenda couldn't be put forth until some devestating event happened, like Pearl Harbor.

3. 9/11 killed 3000 Americans and destroyed the world economic center.

4. The Iraq War has killed thousands more innocent Iraqi's, the number is fuzzy and a non-issue in the liberal media.

5. There are American citizens locked up in Cuba with no due process rights by the federal government.

Jeebus i could go on for days.


#10 Jan 24 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
4,396 posts
I have been pulling for Dean since the get go. I still hope he wins the nomination because there is absolutely no way in hell he could ever, ever beat bush in November.

I voted for the other guy.
#11 Jan 26 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
There's no way your glasses can have the amount of rose tint you seem to display.

Please enlighten me on this. I'm not quite understanding what you mean.

The world is what it is because (most) people are complacent. Most civilizations are content with doing the same things simply because that's the way it has always been.

Please, find a drill bit. I would appreciate the drainage of excess useless knowledge (i.e. my current job skills) for the exchange for more useful knowledge.
#12 Jan 26 2004 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
Meistern -
The comment was in reference to seeing the world through rose colored glasses. It is a phrase referring to the propensity of some to not see the world for what it is. Personally, I am a cycnic. I believe that the nature of man is not good. I believe good is a conscious choice that some make, and some don't, a majority of the time. While I will grant that all of us make a mixture of the two, most of us have a definite preference, consious or not. That you believe in the good of man indicates to me a naive sense of the world. As to complacence, or however that is spelled, I would submit that this world has not become complacent, rather it is the default state. Much as in physics, an object in motion tends to stay in motion, but an object at rest tends to stay at rest. It takes an outside force to reverse the state. People are similar in that most of us are content to take the path of least resistance. Were that not the case, you and I would surely live in a markedly different world.
#13 Jan 26 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
Honest cons like Moebius are very rare. Bush will lie to everyones face, and almost all of his supporters will vomit out these same obvious lies back onto people who should be paying more attention.

Meadros -
Honest cons are not as rare as you might think. Most cons, in their way, will tell you exactly what they are gonna do before they do it. Me? I like to tell a man I am gonna bluff. Then I like to watch the look on his face when I show him king hi after he folds. I like to tell a person he's being hustled and watch the his spirit crumble as he realizes I wasn't screwin around. :)

The trouble is, people don't pay attention, like you said. The vast majority are apathetic creatures who want nothing more than to be told that it's safe to go to sleep, that it's safe to send your kids to school. Bush is accomplishing that by playing on the fears of Americans. I could be wrong, but I have always believed fear to be an incredibly effective tactic in controling the masses. It appears that I am right, when given the current state of politics in this country.
#14 Jan 26 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm. Admittedly, I am naieve in some aspects. I wouldn't say the world on the whole is good, but I do think that most of the "bad" people are due to a governing voice that leads them differently. Good people can do bad things, especially when they are force fed crap over long periods of time. In addition, stroking one's ego is one of the surest way to gain support. If someone has "this is good, go do it" beaten into their heads long enough, they are convinced that it actually is good, even though the rest of the world sees it as bad.

I am cynical of governments and authority. (I've been told I have a problem with authority on numerous occasion.) As long as the people are complacent with the elected officials and policies, then I don't think there is any hope. When people start thinking for themselves and make changes, then maybe we will see a different world.
#15 Jan 26 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Wow. I didn't think I was the only conservative to post here...

Anyways, I think that Smash is right, Dean shot himself in the foot the other night, and it's going to be hard for him to dig himself out. Even if he does win the nomination, I have a strong feeling that Bush will serve another term, regardless of who is the Democratic candidate.

And Meadros, I pity you and your lopsided view of things. Try to be more open-minded and look at what the war has accomplished also, instead of just what it has cost. Bush has done the best job that he can in office so far, and I think he has done well so far. Do you think that you could have done things any better?

Oh, and only 2 of your "facts on the war on terror" actually relate to the war on terror. /smack
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#16 Jan 26 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
Wow. I didn't think I was the only conservative to post here...

You're not. Trust me.

/gives the secret handshake, glancing over his shoulder to see that no pinkos are watching
#17 Jan 26 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Hmm. Admittedly, I am naieve in some aspects. I wouldn't say the world on the whole is good, but I do think that most of the "bad" people are due to a governing voice that leads them differently.

Give it a few years and you'll come to the conclusion that people are inherantly "bad" if by "bad" you mean greedy, selfish and dishonest.


Good people can do bad things, especially when they are force fed crap over long periods of time.

No one's force fed anything. People are just, on the whole, too stupid to diferentiate between lies and truth. That's not the leadership's fault. Everyone lies to get what they want. Two year olds lie to get what they want.


In addition, stroking one's ego is one of the surest way to gain support. If someone has "this is good, go do it" beaten into their heads long enough, they are convinced that it actually is good, even though the rest of the world sees it as bad.

People aren't brainwashed. People are lazy. Anyone with suficent motivation could research the issues and come to a conclusion on their own. People aren't willing to do that however. They *want* to be spoon fed the answers to problems they don't even fully comprehend the causes of. That's not the politician's fault. That's the people's fault. The process didn't get corrupted to this point because politician's are brainwashihng people, it got to this point because politicians realized that people weren't going to ever take the effort to understand complex issues and would accept any solution.


I am cynical of governments and authority. (I've been told I have a problem with authority on numerous occasion.) As long as the people are complacent with the elected officials and policies, then I don't think there is any hope. When people start thinking for themselves and make changes, then maybe we will see a different world.

That will never happen. In fact, it's quite likely that as you age, you'll just start to accept that and try to elect the people who will do the least amount of damage.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#18 Jan 26 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts

And Meadros, I pity you

While I doubt your sincerity, I am looking for dialogue, not pity.


and your lopsided view of things. Try to be more open-minded and look at what the war has accomplished also, instead of just what it has cost.

You know, sometimes I wonder if Bush is really an idiot savant and he is on the right track with his foriegn policy. Maybe it is good to blitzkreig 3rd world nations who have bad leaders. Maybe we can spread democrocy to these places through force, alone and against the will of a complacent world. But then the administration does things so cynical as hypocrytical like blaming Iraq for 9/11 while protecting the Saudi's Monarchy (who were the real force behind 9/11 and despots in their own rights).

So, in my heart I believe that this war was wrong regardless of the reasons given before the war and since, despite the costs or benefits.


Bush has done the best job that he can in office so far, and I think he has done well so far.

I agree, Bush is inept and a figurehead. He has done very well for himself in that role.


Do you think that you could have done things any better?

That is beside the point. A better question is "Do you think a democrat could do better?"

The answer is "Depends". Many weak dems supported this tragic comedy. But like Smash said, which candidate will do the least damage? I think Bush loses in this aspect to any of the four democrats who are seriously challenging him.


Oh, and only 2 of your "facts on the war on terror" actually relate to the war on terror. /smack

It is the administration that keeps insisting that the Iraq War has a something to do with the war on terror.

I hope that war goes better than the war on drugs and the war on poverty, but I seriously doubt it. Since it is pretty impossible to have a war on ideas it makes sense that the administration instead picks a handy scapegoat so we can fight the kind of war our military is built for.

Edit: fixed broken quote bracket

Edited, Mon Jan 26 15:08:36 2004 by Meadros
#19 Jan 26 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
Good points, Smash. I definitely agree people are lazy. I should have used the word influence instead of force fed.

Why wouldn't it be the policitian's fault? Isn't he/she elected based on the fact that they are the representative of his/her state? So, yes it is the people's fault for keeping someone that is selfish in office, but I think part of the blame should be on the politician for being selfish when they were put into office as a voice of the people.
#20 Jan 26 2004 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
The will of the people is to have massive government services with no taxes, a crime free society with no taxes, and a world in which they, as American's are worshiped as the most powerfull and influential people on the globe.

That's pretty much the "voice" of the people. "Gimme gimme gimme and make the other gu pay for it" I think elected officals do a great job of mirrioring the will of their electorate.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#21 Jan 26 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent

Just out of curiosity, what are your views on flat tax vs current system and welfare?
#22 Jan 26 2004 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I think a flat tax would be a great idea. I'm also aware, however, that's it's as utterly politically unviable as bringing slavery back.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#23 Jan 27 2004 at 12:59 AM Rating: Good
I'm also aware, however, that's it's as utterly politically unviable as bringing slavery back.

I think you're wrong, Smash. I think if we lobbied really hard, we could get ******* to give up the vote and get back in the kitchen.

/runs rapidly away as the hand grenade prepares to explode
#24 Jan 27 2004 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts


The trouble is, people don't pay attention, like you said. The vast majority are apathetic creatures who want nothing more than to be told that it's safe to go to sleep, that it's safe to send your kids to school. Bush is accomplishing that by playing on the fears of Americans. I could be wrong, but I have always believed fear to be an incredibly effective tactic in controling the masses. It appears that I am right, when given the current state of politics in this country.


I have to say I agree across the board. If I said these things on a serious political board I would quickly be branded an intellectual elitist, unpatriotic or both.

A land where the masses are ruled through fear and consummerism is maybe the most efficient means of government. I think we are squandering our freedoms for this and I don't like it. Call me unpatriotic.
#25 Jan 27 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
A land where the masses are ruled through fear and consummerism is maybe the most efficient means of government. I think we are squandering our freedoms for this and I don't like it. Call me unpatriotic.

I would not call you un-patriotic for that. I would wonder, though, if there wasn't some inherant responsibility to educate one's self to take advantage of the freedoms being squandered. I personally believe that freedoms gauranteed by the constitution are a great thing. However, freedoms such as these in the hands of the uneducated, disinterested, apathetic masses can be a bad thing.

For example...
Dan Quayle was the Vice President of the US. In a spelling bee he read the incorrect spelling of a word and has never lived that down. It was reported in the media, and the stigma of a less intelligent person has followed him since. He is unelectable because people were fed an image and kept it.

Animal rights activists launch a campaign to save the dolphins caught in tuna nets. Does no one else see the irony here? Americans en mass have demanded "dodlphin safe tuna", and as a result, dolphin safe tuna is now the norm. What about the tuna?

I believe that in the society in which velcro closing shoes were invented that a good measure of control and illusion must be excersized on the masses. If it weren't, a reign of idiots would be ushered in that would make the shrub-one seem like a true MENSA candidate. The illusion of freedom is enough for some people.
#26 Jan 27 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Stigma?? Granted he didn't flunk out of Yale, like the current Veep, but he certainly wasn't a bright guy.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

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