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Saddam wasn't slaughtering people? No!! Can't be!!Follow

#1 Jan 26 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#2 Jan 26 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
So those recently uncovered mass gravesites and thousands of missing iraqi prisoners were what then?
#3 Jan 26 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Congrats on 6k by the way too.
#4 Jan 26 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
So those recently uncovered mass gravesites and thousands of missing iraqi prisoners were what then?


#5 Jan 26 2004 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
I am sure he reformed and was a real sweetheart right before the war started, no feeding people to the lions and so on, probably just misunderstood. HA!!!!
#6 Jan 26 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Oh were we attacking Iraq to punish him for acts in which we were wholly complicit during the last Bush administration? Or were we attacking Iraq to punish him for using the WMD technology we sold to him during the Regan administration. I guess I'm just unclear.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#7 Jan 26 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
This is a good precedent; if Saddam can be cleared of those human rights violations from a few years ago, maybe we can finally do away with affirmative action? Get rid of the reservations and incorporate american indians? C'mon, there neesd to be some consistency.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#8 Jan 26 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Oh were we attacking Iraq to punish him for acts in which we were wholly complicit during the last Bush administration?

Wait, so if I decide to shoot someone but someone else holds my hand steady, it means it's not really my fault? Woot!!!

/goes on that long-overdue killing spree
#9 Jan 26 2004 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts

Wait, so if I decide to shoot someone but someone else holds my hand steady, it means it's not really my fault? Woot!!!

/goes on that long-overdue killing spree

Bad metaphor. If you come to me and say you want to kill lots of people and then I sell you a flamethrower and you light people on fire with it, that'd be more apt.

Although in reality to be comprable, I'd sell you the flamethrower, let you light the original people on fire, and do nothing. Then I'd let you light your family on fire and do nothing. Then my brother would buy a flame thrower recycling company and go kill you so he could make some money off your flame thrower. Then I'd justify killing you because you killed people with the flame thrower I sold you.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#10 Jan 27 2004 at 1:51 AM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Ya, those mass grave sites are just the product of feverish Republican imaginations, obviously overwrought and delusional. The Spencer Gifts store in Baghdad had a run on plastic skeletons as I recall... <rollseyes>


#11 Jan 27 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Although in reality to be comprable, I'd sell you the flamethrower, let you light the original people on fire, and do nothing. Then I'd let you light your family on fire and do nothing. Then my brother would buy a flame thrower recycling company and go kill you so he could make some money off your flame thrower. Then I'd justify killing you because you killed people with the flame thrower I sold you.

So you've done this before. In your hypothetical scenario, does any of this make me any less of a *******, or just a ******* with a ******* partner-in-crime who will eventually become a turncoat?

Just to clear up my point of view on this, I don't agree with the war, but I do think Saddam was 'evil'. However, we ignore 'evil' people all the time, and I'm not sure I own enough fingers to point at all the things I need to.
#12 Jan 27 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
"Evil" doesn't exist. It never has. If it did, dropping fire from the sky on to thousands of conscripted infantry would certainly qualify, don't you think?


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#13 Jan 27 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
I disagree, evil does exist, but Saddam is no more evil than others we've ignored.
#14 Jan 27 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I don't mean to belittle you, and I love you, man. However. If you believe "evil" exists you set up a moral absolute against which to judge every action of every person in the world. Doing that implies that you can establish a certain threshold where something goe from being not "evil" to being "evil". Were, praytell, would you draw that line?

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#15 Jan 27 2004 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Not so much a line as a cast, a darkening of the light. Sex=good/bad, Rape=evil, Liberal=good, conservative=bad, Rush Limbaugh=evil.
#16 Jan 27 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
Hmm does evil really exist.......? Or is it just an opinion. What is evil?
For the next few minutes I ask you to forget everything that you have been taught to believe as right or wrong.

Ok, someone makes up a list of 100 things that can be perceived as "good" or "evil".

Lets say that Person A believes that items 1-49 are good and items 50-100 are evil.

Person B believes that items 1-49 are evil and items 50-100% are good.

Person C believes that items 1-25 and 75-100 are good and items 26-74 are evil.

Question: Who is right? Is anyone or is it just an opinion, a point of view? Who decides?

Our current situation: Someone was raised to believe that we are evil. So they attacked and killed a bunch of us. Well, they just attacked and killed a bunch of us, so hey they must be evil, so we attack and kill a bunch of them.

Are they correct in believing that we are evil? or are we correct in believing that they are evil?

Image that you are a third party, uninvolved with either party, which one do you think is right or wrong? Good or Evil?

(This is not a personal belief, just a logical argument. I love my country and served it for 8 years. I also think that terrorism is a terrible and cowardly act)
#17 Jan 27 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
I *really* need someone to explain to me how it can possibly cowardly to blow yourself up for what you believe in. If a US soldier did the same we'd be awarding him the CMH posthumously. You can disagree with the suicide bombing tactic all you want, but one thing it *isn't* is cowardly.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#18 Jan 27 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
ok this is an easy one. there is no good or evil. you see, long ago everything was good, no strolled around in a pretty garden and everything was cool.

there was one tree man could not eat from..the tree of knowledge of good and evil. long story short, we ate and gained the knowledge of good and evil..thus CREATING good and evil, or more accurately made us look at everything in terms of good and evil. weighing and judging everything we saw on a system of measurements with values that didnt exist. this is our punishment, and until the veil is lifted we're gonna shout at each other and throw stuff. its our own fault, he told us not to. THE END.

duh. Smiley: grin
#19 Jan 27 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
That GAWD, he can sure spin a yarn, can't he?
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#20 Jan 27 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
1,817 posts
aye..but any more details your gonna hafta ask him yourself. he's pretty cool to talk to anyway...kinda chilled layed back kinda guy til ya tick him off. and no, his name is not Smasharoo (sorry bud). Smiley: bowdown God (only)
#21 Jan 27 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
/looks up from her Darwin

Huh? Gawd? Got no time for his jibber-jabber...Smiley: grin

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#22 Feb 03 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
there is no god
#23 Feb 03 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
546 posts
sure there is and shes a hell of a drinker. dont ever **** her off after shes been on a 3 day bender.
#24 Feb 03 2004 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Gads! Can't believe I missed this one.

Yes. I'm sure the presence of the north and south no-fly zones and the presence, even if continually misidirected, of UN inspectors, had nothing at all to do with the lack of mass killings of minority groups and "undesirables" in Iraq between 1990 and 2003. I'm also sure that the global attention being paid to Iraq and what it was doing had nothing to do with it either...

This is a completely irrelevant story. It's equivalent to saying that there's no point to building a house on that vacant lot because ever since they tore down the last one, no one has lived there.

I just find it amusing that we live in a world where everyone constantly wonders: "Why didn't we *prevent* that horrible thing from happening before all those people got killed", yet when someone actually does act proactively, everyone second guesses the action. Many people critized the Bush administration for not preventing 911. Oddly those same people are critizing that same administration for taking action before people get killed. Is it really about human rights? Or partisan politics? You be the judge...

While I don't agree with everything the Bush administration has done, I can at least respect them for being consistent in the reasoning behind what they are doing. The Dems, on the other hand, seem to float all over the map. The only consitency I see is that they'll take whatever position allows them to use rhetoric to attack Bush.

Hehe. Apparent Dem position: "Ok. We're going to blame you if you're unable to prevent bad things from happening to us... um... but you can't be proactive, or attempt to identify potential threats, or do anything to anyone before they hurt us first..."

Ok. Where the hell is the logic here?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#25 Feb 03 2004 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
Dem logic = convoluted logic

That's all you need to know for the liberal mindset.

#26 Feb 03 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Good
188 posts
You are an *** Totem. How's that for dem logic?

Seriously, when you lump half the country into a group and say they have convoluted logic, you are being an ***. Very easy to dismiss everything multiple people say with an insult. Grow up.

How can anyone blame Bush for 9/11? Or Clinton ar anyone else besides the men behind it? I have yet to hear anyone from either side blaming anyone but bin Laden, with the exception of the Bush team who somehow keeps trying to blame it on Hussein. Now that is very sound logic considering that there were 0 Iraqi Dinars put towards the venture and 0 Iraqis helping out.

All conservatives aren't hicks, gun nuts, ultra-rich, misled or church people. Many are very intolerant of people who disagree with them, and instead of having a *gasp* debate about these things instead resort to blanket statements with no firm foothold in reality.

Totem, if you want to have a political discussion, I am ready. I can debate every issue with you and hold my own ground. Tell you what, I'll even concede things when you are right. Ask Moebius. But until you come up with more than "Dems have convoluted logic", you are an ***.

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