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#77 Feb 20 2004 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
Tacosid wrote:
You are, of course, not the first person to express this sentiment. I have correspondance courses that teach wit and creativity...unfortunately your current post creativity does not merit acceptance into the program due to your failure to meet minimum requirements.

I took this course(lied on my entrance exam).

I want my money back. You didn't miss much, all we did was sit around and read old strips of "Garfield" comics.

I dropped out right as they were about to switch to "Farside" comics, I had a feeling it wouldn't differ too much from what I had already experienced.

I don't even remember any or your old posts Taco, and your current ones still feel old and used, much like Gary to your Ace; Katie.

Don't fret though, I enjoy our "correspondence". (figuratively speaking, of course)
#78 Feb 20 2004 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
You must have been placed in the derelict class that Hippo used to teach. That class was a remedial course.

I don't even remember any or your old posts Taco, and your current ones still feel old and used, much like Gary to your Ace; Katie.

You on the other hand are arguably the least memorable person that posts here with 3000 plus posts. Given that puts you in pretty good company, but geez other than the last couple of months and your obsession with Thundra I can really not remember anything you ever posted before the forum got switched over. I think you were KRskeet right? This is really saying something considering I have a good memory for such stuff.

The difference between yourself and I are simple. When I stop posting people openly wonder why I have disappeared and openly call for my return. (Hell, even people that have reason to loathe me) While you are the person who calls for people to return. (Thundra)

Give it another run skeet, and I may get the energy to pick apart some of the gems you have crapped on this forum in the last few months.

I voted for the other guy.
#79 Feb 21 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default
#80 Feb 21 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
while I knew that seemed familiar it took me a second to realize that you named your character after two magic the gathering cards. How utterly ingenious of you! I bet you took that name only after your 68 attempts at spelling "Gandalf" failed...choosing it over Gganndalllffff.

hmmm so how do you explain my other chacters are called Iaedian, Adeara, Oakblossom, Allseeingeye, Ebondraco, Genelorm and Falcone then? Your theory is a little weak much like the rest of your posts.
Yes Jarkeld was named after a magic card so what? doesn't everyone name thier toon after something special to them?
I named him after the card that i got in the prerelease that i met my wife at if you must know.
Anything is better than Rezzya Forplat and that crowd.

Neither does becoming a cheerleader for a simpleton. End point I think you are a twit...for reasons I have named and can be think I have no personality...which is utterly ludicrous.

i am not a cheerleader for anyone i have and will argue with Moe on various issues. but here is the problem i have with you. you never attually argue with intellegent comment you just ***** at people like you are with me.

Generally your posts consist of:- you are inferior, i am better than you, look at me, look at me. Moeb can at least back his post up with humor and a brain that stretches further than insults.

Edited, Sat Feb 21 03:58:37 2004 by tarv
#81 Feb 21 2004 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
/looks around

What did I miss?

MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
Just so you're all clear, this is the challenge that has been presented, and accepted.

Well Moe, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are the most well-spoken (written?) person who posts here, and for anyone to think they could make you look inferior to somebody as brash as Katie is sheer insanity. Go get 'em.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#82 Feb 21 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
hmmm so how do you explain my other chacters are called Iaedian, Adeara, Oakblossom, Allseeingeye, Ebondraco, Genelorm and Falcone then? Your theory is a little weak much like the rest of your posts.

All that was listed is your main..whose name has all of the originality of the backstreet boys. Other names listed include Oakblossom (I bet that one is an elf...probably a druid or ranger right?) Allseeingeye- Gotta love those "multiple word smashed together" names...Iaedian and Adeara which are basically a bunch of vowels smashed together most likely also to sound elvish. Given ALL of these names are better than your main, but hell how do I know they exist. For all you know I have an alt named Tarv and that is why your very existance annoys me.

Yes Jarkeld was named after a magic card so what? doesn't everyone name thier toon after something special to them?
I named him after the card that i got in the prerelease that i met my wife at if you must know.

Thank you for the tearfully joyful testimony. You met your wife at a Magic the gathering pre-release? Ok. I won't even comment on that one other to say that there is a lid for every pot.

Anything is better than Rezzya Forplat and that crowd.

Or "allseeingeye" for that matter!

i am not a cheerleader for anyone i have and will argue with Moe on various issues. but here is the problem i have with you. you never attually argue with intellegent comment you just ***** at people like you are with me.

When in the hell have you argued with anyone? Barring the notoriety that you are gaining by my posting in response, neither I, nor anyone else here could list a single other thing you have posted on. Where did you get the five hundred posts that are under your name? Must be the star wars forum because I have never, ever had reason to read there. As for ************* you would like to give my verbal mastery such a crude synonym I would first like you to look at what you have posted. It is absolutely nothing of substance. Basically all you have said has been "I don't like you taco" and "Taco your style is used." I have an idea for you now...why don't you start saying "Taco, you are a hasbeen!" That has been the mantra of most people I have verbally raped over the last year or so.

Generally your posts consist of:- you are inferior, i am better than you, look at me, look at me. Moeb can at least back his post up with humor and a brain that stretches further than insults

Normally I would add more, but in this case I think it would be close to unanimous that I am indeed superior to you. Please show me where Moe has once said something funny on this forum. Hell I personally like the gem he created last night I quote...


l33t pron!

If this is your idea of humor and the use of a brain then I truly pity you.

Now for what was said by Twistedsamurai

Well Moe, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are the most well-spoken (written?) person who posts here, and for anyone to think they could make you look inferior to somebody as brash as Katie is sheer insanity. Go get 'em.

Most well spoken person have to be ******** me right? Ok...lets just assume that you are not my biggest fan and eliminate me from this formula. You are saying Moebius is more well spoken than Smasharoo, Thundra, Jophiel, Gbaji, Mren, Kaolian, Allakhazam...etc...etc...

Neither you or I can say that with a straight face. I would once again like to quote this famously funny and well spoken moebius line from the **** thread.


133t pron!

If this is your literary idol, then I pity you.


Edited, Sat Feb 21 10:17:27 2004 by Tacosid
I voted for the other guy.
#83 Feb 21 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Default
8,619 posts
I rest my case, the above post is written with all the literary genius of a five year old, has nothing what so ever resembleing humor and is formed solely from personal attacks upon people who he <mistakenly> think to be 'Less' of a human being

Where did you get the five hundred posts that are under your name?

Mainly from helping people in EQmain forum and general posts on OOT.
But since my posts are generally not flaming everyone i come across you probably missed them, either that or your head was so far up your own **** you have difficulty reading.

Smiley: wink2 thanks Kao missed that one

Edited, Sat Feb 21 12:03:08 2004 by tarv
#84 Feb 21 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
The crowd tenses in anticipation, They see the opening with the near fatal mispelling. The question is, whill he go for it, and will he be able to make the landing stick, or will corrective action be taken ahead of time. The judges on the sideline stand poised with scorecards at the ready, all except for the russian judge who is already holding up the 0.2 card she has been showing for the last 20 rounds. What will happen? the crowd can only wait...

When suddenly, in a flash of smoke and green showery sparks, the spelling disaster is averted. The crowd settles back in to atch the show.

Edited, Sat Feb 21 12:43:15 2004 by Kaolian
#85 Feb 21 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
What, did you try to correct your spelling? Might wanna try again.

Claiming Moe is the most 'well-written' contributor of this forum is slander to the actual intelligent people here.
#86 Feb 21 2004 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
I rest my case, the above post is written with all the literary genius of a five year old,

Give me examples please. Instead of generalizing how about you back up a little of what you say here. Thus far all you have shot at me is " SUCK." Great job so far.

has nothing what so ever resembleing humor and is formed solely from personal attacks upon people who he <mistakenly> think to be 'Less' of a human being

Thank you Tarv for restating exactly what you have said in your previous two posts. In the next post that you are driven to post about me, on a thread started about me, please understand that I have gleaned this charming bit of information from what you have said this far. Also I understand that you consider me arrogant and conceited.

Mainly from helping people in EQmain forum and general posts on OOT.
But since my posts are generally not flaming everyone i come across you probably missed them,

General posts in OOT? I read most of what goes on in OOT and either you are so unmemorable that I can not place you (very likely) or you don't post here much. As far as the EQ forum, I guess you could be right there...I don't read that side often.

either that or your head was so far up your own **** you have difficulty reading.

Who is supplying you with this constant barrage of witty retorts? I am at a loss at how to answer something as original as someone claiming I have my head up my own ***. I will just close this post amidst stupification and say Bravo Tarv! You have foiled me once again!

I voted for the other guy.
#87 Feb 21 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Yep, it looks like the money in my wallet is as safe as gold bullion in Fort Knox. I hope that this is just a limbering up, Taco, a verbal hamstring stretch, because my $50 isn't going to be mailed to the vicinity of North Carolina any time soon at this rate.

C'mon. Get serious about this already.

#88 Feb 21 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
4,396 posts
Rome was not build in a day Totem.
I voted for the other guy.
#89 Feb 21 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
../pulls up a chair to sit back and watch

If it wasn't for the katie yardstick my money would be resting firmly and squarely on Taco,,, but Moe's no slouch.. and Taco gave himself a lot to beat when he set that level, so this is going to be an interesting fight. Just warming up nicely.

Good luck

(sheesh i wish i wasnt gona miss the end of this, I love watching people that can string a sentence together and brawl at the same time

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#90 Feb 21 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
egnaro the Braindead wrote:
sheesh i wish i wasnt gona miss the end of this

going somewhere?
#91 Feb 22 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I wouldn't go anywhere until after March 11, Egnaro. This one looks like it's going to go the full 12 rounds.

So far though, I'm not very convinced. Maybe this post will put this thread back up to the top and we can get back to the fun -=)
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#92 Feb 22 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,257 posts
Too late, damit I'll be somewhere hot and sunny:(
9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#93 Feb 22 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
Ok, but in this particular situation Rome needs to be built in less than 28 days, Taco. 24 days to be exact. That is, unless you need more time? Even Remus and Romulus would have had difficulty with that deadline, help from the gods notwithstanding.

You have your work cut out for you, buddy.


Edited, Sun Feb 22 12:38:21 2004 by Totem
#94 Feb 22 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Rome was not build in a day Totem.

I know you guys 'frown' upon Grammar ****'s, but you honestly can't expect people to take you seriously with such blatant misuse of the English language.

I'd rather read a post from a decent poster with great grammar and spelling than a post from somebody "well versed" who doesn't bother to fix obvious grammar errors.

Just sayin' is all.

Carry on.

Edited, Sun Feb 22 13:38:40 2004 by Skeeter
#95 Feb 22 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
I'll go ahead and hold my issues with Taco for a while, seeing as how he needs to focus on Moe, but really, I don't need to address it, anybody here, (who isn't a twit like Taco or an Idiot like Katie, or Dutch) can see the flaws in your remarks towards me.

One more thing, I suggest you ask Katie to stop posting, as she is really making it worse for you with every bit of concentrated idiot that she drips on this forum like a dog that used to get beat drips urine uncontrollably when anything that could be a threat approaches it.
#96 Feb 22 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
My dear tacosito, don’t you understand when you are being talked down to? It’s ok. In the future I will go back to monosyllabic grunting and pointing so you can understand. Will that do it for you?

I must ask, what precisely are you trying to accomplish? These half-assed attempts at making me look foolish are getting you nowhere. Not once have you forced a defensive posture, not once have you been able to point out an instance where I have demonstrated an intellectual level low enough to be in the same time zone as the Texas Angel. I must agree with a previous poster and hope to god you are stretching out your fingers, because so far, my your fetid attempts at remaining in the test are laughable at best. Of course, given the ill conceived challenge, I should expect nothing more.

Sorry if being my ***** is uncomfortable, but it’s your own damn fault. Nothing less than a complete victory is going to get you out of that position. When George Foreman comes back to fight, he fights people he can take. Smart old war-horse. You on the other hand, are like Ali coming back for no reason other than to get his head beat in. But if you want to walk around for the rest of your life slurring your words and beating your arms uncontrollably against your chest, it’s fine by me.
#97 Feb 22 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,396 posts
About skeet.

I know you guys 'frown' upon Grammar ****'s, but you honestly can't expect people to take you seriously with such blatant misuse of the English language.

Its called a typo. I suppose that you may have never once created such an anomaly but there you have it. If there is one in this post,ore evven more pleese feele free to lett me know.

One more thing, I suggest you ask Katie to stop posting, as she is really making it worse for you with every bit of concentrated idiot that she drips on this forum like a dog that used to get beat drips urine uncontrollably when anything that could be a threat approaches it.

Not to be a grammar ****, but that seems like a run on sentence. How do you exxpect peoplle to take you serioussly?

Now to what Moe has to offer...

My dear tacosito, don’t you understand when you are being talked down to? It’s ok. In the future I will go back to monosyllabic grunting and pointing so you can understand. Will that do it for you?

Ugh ugh...Good good! It seems that the new mantra for the group I shall now call M.O.O.T (or Morons Organized to Oust Taco) shall be that I have a derelict mind incapable of understanding anything more than one word commands. I suppose in this fantasy land one of my nursing home assistants wheels me to the keyboard so that I can perform this mass verbal labotomy with autistic-esque speed and skill eh? Makes no sense? I guess the point is M.O.O.T.

I must ask, what precisely are you trying to accomplish? These half-assed attempts at making me look foolish are getting you nowhere. Not once have you forced a defensive posture, not once have you been able to point out an instance where I have demonstrated an intellectual level low enough to be in the same time zone as the Texas Angel

Not defensive? Hell then dont answer me anymore. I suppose this is recreational and relaxing for you eh? If you want the world to buy the fact that you are not being defensive I would suggest not answering my posts anymore. Of course that suggestion is ludicrous as I have the kind of draw that demands that people answer me.

As for the intellectual comment I once again quote you from the **** thread.


133t pron!

This is even substandard for Katielynn.

I must agree with a previous poster

Of course you must. You are incapable of conceiving an original thought to use against me.

my your fetid attempts at remaining in the test are laughable at best.

This is not a defensive stance. Nah.

Sorry if being my ***** is uncomfortable, but it’s your own damn fault.

Please give me an example of this. Just because you say it is so, does not make it such.

You on the other hand, are like Ali coming back for no reason other than to get his head beat in.

Finally! It only took 5 posts for you to go back to the old standby used by Thundras sockpuppets, Robpickles, and yes even katielynn herself. The old "Tacosid is a has been incapable of defending himself." I would argue this, but alas the point is M.O.O.T.

But if you want to walk around for the rest of your life slurring your words and beating your arms uncontrollably against your chest, it’s fine by me.

Of course according to your earlier comments I am already in this state. Plus all of these big words have gone and confused me. Please be considerate and use monosyllabic words and gestures for now on Moe.

In closing I would like to say...


133t pron!


I voted for the other guy.
#98 Feb 23 2004 at 6:49 AM Rating: Good
5,372 posts
I would politely request that you get in touch with your ****-erotic side with a more appropriate person. My suggestion would be Patrician

That stings sugar cups. That really stings.
#99 Feb 23 2004 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
I am waiting for my lobotomy, Tacosito. And wondering when this prowess you claim to posess at demoralizing and humiliating other posters will rear its ugly head.
133t pron!

Yeah, I kinda liked that one, too.

By the way, who is Robpickles? I am curious because it appears to be yet another in a growing list of correct thinking posters which one would think should have imparted a hint to you over lo, these long years.
Please be considerate and use monosyllabic words and gestures for now on Moe.

I will try my best. How’s this?
Bad Taco.
133t pron!

Heh heh. That one makes me laugh.
#100 Feb 23 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
who is Robpickles? I am curious because it appears to be yet another in a growing list of correct thinking posters
Take this just as advice from a bystander, but you're not doing your cause any favors to take Rob under your banner.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#101 Feb 23 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
16,160 posts
T minus 23 days.

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