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The politicization of homosexualityFollow

#77 Feb 23 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:
lol, how can you say an opinion is innaccurate? geesh, who died and made you god?

Oh, you can have your opinion, Empyre, but when you go around espousing complete garbage, I have to call you on it. Many people are of the opinion that "white power" is a good thing, but that's doesn't make it right, now does it?

I'm not by ANY means saying "gays and lesbians are preying on people"..nice try on twisting my words. I have many good friends that are gay, and its their choice...not mine.

Hey man, it was your analogy. You used a sexual predator preying on neighborhood children as analagous to "innocent STD-free bystanders" being unwillingly and unfairly infected by, in your opinion, the gay lifestyle and people who live it. Your suggestion is that I would not stand by and wait for a pedophile to prey on my child, so why would I stand by and allow myself to be in danger of being infected by these dirty, diseased people. I'm sorry if you think I am twisting your words, Empyre. I am simply going back to what you have already stated and reminding you what you have said, and how you have said it.

standing near someone getting shot, helping with an accident you were in (or better yet being INVOLVED in an accident where blood is everywhere), someone with a nosebleed trying to get off the bus/train falls on you as it surges

Yes, that could happen, Empyre, on the same day that the planets align and monkeys fly out of my ***. Ok, ok..there's a chance that someone's nose could bleed directly into my mouth and I could contract HIV. I won't live my life wondering when a miraculous event like this might happen. I'm sure others would agree. And still, you have not commented on what exactly you'd like to see done. I mean, quarantine these sick people? What? Your argument makes no sense. I'll break it down for you:

"Oh my gosh, I'm afraid of contracting HIV or STDs, that most notably come from the gay community. I think there is a threat to those people not suffering with HIV or AIDS from this dirty sect of people. But I am not saying we should do anything. Or that I dislike anyone."

See how it kinda falls apart at the end? Smiley: wink2

There has to be some sort of accountability for actions like these, and a LOT more preventative measures. Currently its just "let everyone do what they want and pretend nothing happened until it happens to us.."

We'll all be living in bubbles soon. Maybe we'll sue each other for looking at one another the wrong way. I would argue that it's not at all "let everyone do what they want" or gay people would have marital rights already. Oh, the horror!!

EDIT: one more thing. the only reason my analogy didnt make sense to you is because you took it the wrong way, not my fault. I wasn't comparing gays to child molestors...i was talking about looking out for your own. nice job on completely missing the point tho.

Explain it then. Tell me exactly how a pedophile preying on children can relate to an argument on gay lifestyles, the spread of disease, looking out for my own and apathy. And, by the way, I missed the point?? The point of this thread was gay marriage, not the spread of disease. You feebly threw in something about our "founding fathers" and how we should adhere to their values, but didn't exactly explain how that would be a benefit to anyone at all. Yes, massa!!

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#78 Feb 23 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
Same sex couples can't have children. Not "may choose not to", or "may not be able to". They cannot, possibly, under any circumstances, have children together.

They can adopt children together. However it is not the children aspect that most gay people are seeking to be legally married for. It is the other legalities involved such as inheritance, medical authorization, hospital visitation, etc..

I see no reason why 2 people that want to get hitched outside of the church can't have this option available to them. I think the problem lays in the fact that a ceremony presided over by a justice of the peace is still called a marriage when it should in fact have a different name. Marriage should only be performed and sanctioned by religious institutions while government should sanction "civil unions". The rights would all remain the same under the civil union but would not step on the toes of those wishing to keep marriage as a "sacred" institution.

A marriage performed by a church could also be recognized as a civil union as long as all conditions are met. A civil union would not have to be recognized as a marriage by the church. This would satisfy the requirements of keeping church and state separate.

#79 Feb 23 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Well Dyzalot, I'm almost in the same boat as you on this issue, except that I don't have a clear opinion on whether gay marriage is right. I do agree that they should change the current system, but I'm not quite sure how they should change it. But now I must ask a new question of you.

If gay and lesbian marriages are now legally recognized in Vermont and California (any others?), should other states recognize marriages performed in these states? Should gay and lesbian couples have to live in either Vermont or Cali to have these "civil union" rules apply to them? Or should the national government step in and set the standard?

Just asking for your thoughts...
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#80 Feb 23 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
No. While there is an ongoing debate about one state's legal reading on this applying to all 50 states, at this time a gay marriage in Vermont, for instance, is not recognised elsewhere legally or otherwise (insurance-wise and whatnot).

#81 Feb 23 2004 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Well, to answer your question Twisted I don't believe they should be able to "marry" unless a church does it. But then again I don't believe that heterosexual couples should be able to either. Any living arrangement that is done from outside the church whether it is man/woman, man/man or woman/woman should have a different name but confer the same rights as marriage does today. And since I believe in the founders' vision of the states operating like a free market of government then each state should be able to decide what kind of civil unions are legal, provided that they conform to the US and state constitution.
#82 Feb 23 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Well I'm grateful for the statement of fact, Totem, but what I'm asking is if you think other states should recognize said "civil unions", or if the federal government should step in and lay down the law (pun intended).

Nice to see that my intelligent posts actually get response. I might try this more often....
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#83 Feb 23 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Well, to answer your question Twisted I don't believe they should be able to "marry" unless a church does it. But then again I don't believe that heterosexual couples should be able to either.

Excuse me but i have never stepped inside a church in my life, i pay my bills, help old ladies across the road and serve my country.
Why should i give a **** what the church thinks about my marital status, if you want to get married in a church that your business, but me i got married in a registary in a ankle length velvet Jacket because that what my wife and I chose to do. Thats MY business and nothing to do with church or religion it is however alot to do with Human rights, the right not to be persecuted for your beliefs, or discriminated because of them.

I don't interfere with any church members way of life and i will not let them interfere with mine!

It also goes the same if a gay man wishes to be with his partner in an offical capacity, he has the Human right not to be dicriminated against because of his beliefs.

Edited, Mon Feb 23 14:00:23 2004 by tarv
#84 Feb 23 2004 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
On the issue of marriage being there to take care of children:

As I stated before, I had both my children when I wasn't married. The oldest child is from a previous relationship and we were never married. But in the state of Tenn., the father still has to take some financial responsibility for his child, whether or not the couple is married. My ex carried our son on his insurance and paid me child support. Now, granted, I had to pursue this, but it wasn't hard. Sign a few papers, and bam, it's done. So the whole issue of marriage taking care of children didn't apply in my case.

Bottom line for me is, I don't see how gay marriage hurts anything. I know plenty of gay people who want the same rights as straight people when it comes to insurance issues, distribution of property if one dies, and as someone else stated, being considered "family" if their SO is ill.

I can't see how any gay people getting married will hurt me or any other straight marriage.

JMO, of course.
#85 Feb 23 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Umm Tarv, that was exactly my point. The problem however is that marriage is a religious institution. We need a different name for a secular ceremony that symbolizes the same thing otherwise you are mixing state and church. That is the only way to have equal protection under the law and keep the sanctity of marriage intact.
#86 Feb 23 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
OMG tare...are you a complete moron or do you just like to hear yourself talk? heres the analogy broken down for you...i'll try to use small words.

You wouldn't let your children (did you miss that part?) play openly in a neighborhood where a definate danger is lurking. I wouldn't want to dance around in a street where I knew a growing number of people with HIV were as well. geesh, use your head and stop looking for arguement. if I'm going to have to explain every freaking thing 400 times then don't argue with least learn to read first before you post.

and HIV will die when exposed to air..after a handful of seconds. the range is anywhere from a few seconds to just over a minute. and I suppose if the blood landed on your shirt Jophiel, you'd be all set except for maybe a little grossed out..but if you have an open wound somewhere the blood lands then.. (think about it...paper cut, the pimple you just popped, the cut from shaving..) YOU must live in a bubble if you don't think these things can happen. or maybe your one of those people that will protest its reality until it happens to you, then start singing "woe is me". Why don't you search the internet and start talking with some people that have contracted it innocently and tell THEM how unlikely it is.

And yes, there are 3rd world countries with a far larger epidemic than us. I'm not comparing and contrasting here, I'm stating a concern for the area I live in...which is high on the list as well. Pretty sad when our country (in places) is close on a list compared to 3rd world countries to life threatening STDs because people can't practice a little safer measures..if you want to start comparing. And I live in the SF Bay area, have gay friends and even go to gay clubs with friends on occasions..the things going on in a large portion (notice I didnt say all) of the gay community are FAR from safe.

You all keep attacking my concern as if I'm out to destroy homosexuals...get a grip. My concern is valid as it relates to my safety and well being as well as those I care about. I think people other than gays are at fault as well..not everyone is safe when it comes to sex and there are a ton of drug users spreading it as well. The only reason I stated the concern as it relates to homosexuals is because 1) reported cases (alone) in the gay community in the area I live is HUGE, and 2) this thread is about "The politicization of homosexuality". When talking about politically accepting and supporting a way of life that studies are showing has an abnormal growth in the rate of HIV, I'd say my concern is a valid one. Any good politician would tear apart ANY new politically supported agenda to see its entire cause and effect on the population.

Summary: I'm not attacking gays for being gay. I'm attacking the effect the lifestyle is having on the world around them. The rate of HIV in that community is high and rising, and that occasionally bleeds out to an innocent victim or two. The higher the rate grows, the greater the chance I or someone I care about becomes that innocent victim, and that my friend, is a valid concern.

(you twist this around and turn it into some self glorifying gay rights movement or whatever it is your saying OTHER THAN WHAT I AM CLEARLY STATING I MEAN Tare, then go bark in a aren't going to waste my time anymore)
#87 Feb 23 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
The problem however is that marriage is a religious institution. We need a different name for a secular ceremony that symbolizes the same thing

My marriage was not part of a religious institution, and is no less valid than any of my christians friends marriages <More so than in some cases> so why would you require a different name for the same thing? all you choose to do is segregate those you feel are not as good as you.

If you where to say black people's marriages should be called something else because they are not white you would be discriminating and labeling non religious peoples Marriage differently is the same.

I think you should come down of your Pedastal that you have erected for yourself and realise that your blood is red too.
#88 Feb 23 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:
You wouldn't let your children (did you miss that part?) play openly in a neighborhood where a definate danger is lurking.

No, I didn't miss that brilliance from your original post. I actually stated that exact thing in my response, dumbass. Yet again, you cannot explain that bizarre analogy. I think I understood perfectly what you were saying.

but if you have an open wound somewhere the blood lands then.. (think about it...paper cut, the pimple you just popped, the cut from shaving..)

Odds in a billion. Yay! Strong case there, Empyre.

YOU must live in a bubble if you don't think these things can happen.

Again, I did appease you and say it could happen, but it's not likely and I, for one, won't live in fear of it happening.

or maybe your one of those people that will protest its reality until it happens to you, then start singing "woe is me". Why don't you search the internet and start talking with some people that have contracted it innocently and tell THEM how unlikely it is.

Why don't you search the net, since this is the basis of your weak argument? Back up your claims with fact, for a change.

Summary: I'm not attacking gays for being gay. I'm attacking the effect the lifestyle is having on the world around them. The rate of HIV in that community is high and rising, and that occasionally bleeds out to an innocent victim or two. The higher the rate grows, the greater the chance I or someone I care about becomes that innocent victim, and that my friend, is a valid concern.

I repeat: what shall we do, oh mighty Empyre? No, you aren't attacking gays for being gay, you are attacking their lifestyle. Anyone else see an outright contradiction here? The original point I was trying to make was that both gays and straights are spreading disease. Both gays and straights can give you HIV, or the clap, or hepatitis, and on and on. I do take issue with you pointing your finger at the gay community and saying "fear those guys, for they are the greatest spreaders of disease."

you twist this around and turn it into some self glorifying gay rights movement or whatever it is your saying OTHER THAN WHAT I AM CLEARLY STATING I MEAN Tare, then go bark in a aren't going to waste my time anymore)

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#89 Feb 23 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
My point about marriage and children is not that if you are married you must have children or any such nonsense, but that it is understood that traditionally marriage is the vehicle through which two people commit themselves to each other and provide a nurturing structure for the resulting children. The various tax breaks and other perks are designed to facilitate the welfare of those families who are rearing children. Certainly this is not difficult to get your minds around, is it? It is equally understood that in a traditional society homosexuality is not the norm and no children can be produced from such a union, thus marriage and the other tax breaks, etc. are not applicable to them. This also is not difficult to get your minds around, yes?

However, once you accept homosexuality as being an alternative to the norm, then it logically follows that any type of union between two or more consenting individuals is also acceptable. Note my specific terminology here in this last sentence. Regardless of the harm or lack of it from state sanctioned and approved marriages between homosexuals it then opens the door to any number of other types of unions, which in turn revamps our laws and the basis for civilization. Is this hyperbole? No, it recognises that once a non-standard form of behavior is allowed and condoned, then the floodgates are open to anything.

Call me a wild eyed Chicken Little trumpeting that the sky is falling, but you cannot refute the logic that all forms of behavior will then be legally challenged. And why not? No harm, no foul, right? That is, after all, what the rest of you are basing your argument off from-- if no one ostensibly suffers then it should be OK to do. Just let me know when your parents (or for you parents reading this, your kids) buy into that line of reasoning.

#90 Feb 23 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
If you where to say black people's marriages should be called something else because they are not white you would be discriminating and labeling non religious peoples Marriage differently is the same.

the institution of marriage supports races. it specifically states it as the union of a man and a woman. its not a matter of black and white. gay people want to change this definition to fit their own personal agenda's..and want the world to bend over backwards to support them. I think THAT is the debate, not race.

If I brought my chicken up to the courthouse and started protesting the law should support the union of us two, are we going to change it again? Sure, sounds pretty silly, but its no different saying a man and a chicken than saying a man and a man or a woman and a still goes against what the institution of marriage defines.

I also have a car that goes 140 mph. I wont lie, I like to drive fast...I try not to. But just because I like to drive fast, are we going to start changing the definition of our speed laws and car requirements just because I and a growing number of other people like to speed?
#91 Feb 23 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
Tare, your a freaking moron. And if you and smash are not the same person, you guys should hook up. you both couldn't see the wide side of a 2x4 if it hit you square between the eyes. you obviously like to argue, and love to ask the same question over and over regardless of the answer.

I recommend the personal companion software. They even have some decent ones run through AIM SNs. They won't stop talking to you no matter how much of a moron you turn out to be.
#92 Feb 23 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
the institution of marriage supports races. it specifically states it as the union of a man and a woman.

No Empyre your Homophobic definition of marriage states that my 'Equality' definition states it as a union between two humans as equals regardless of colour, sex or religious denomination or lack thereof.

If I brought my chicken up to the courthouse and started protesting the law should support the union of us two, are we going to change it again?

get a grip on reality will you.

My post was trying to show you that discrimination is discrimination, be it colour, sex or sexual persuasion. not to turn it into a race debate.

Edited, Mon Feb 23 15:29:41 2004 by tarv

Edited, Mon Feb 23 15:31:51 2004 by tarv
#93 Feb 23 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
I also have a car that goes 140 mph. I wont lie, I like to drive fast...I try not to. But just because I like to drive fast, are we going to start changing the definition of our speed laws and car requirements just because I and a growing number of other people like to speed?

Did you really just attempt to compare one of the growing social issues of our time to an issue of public safety? I mean, you couldn’t have just tried to completely trivialize yourself and your point with that gross miscalculation of an analogy’s effect, right?
#94 Feb 23 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Moe, I strongly urge you to check his "other" analogy. Even more effective!

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#95 Feb 23 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Well, actually, I think the other analogy has more legs. I think it's assinine and obtuse, but it has more legs that comparing redefining marriage to raising the national speed limit to 140mph.
#96 Feb 23 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
The Great Empyre wrote:
Tare, your a freaking couldn't see the wide side of a 2x4 if it hit you square between the eyes....they won't stop talking to you no matter how much of a moron you turn out to be.

This is the part I love. When an argument is so obviously inaccurate, unsupported and flawed that the only response left is name-calling. Yay!
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#97 Feb 23 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
YOU must live in a bubble if you don't think these things can happen
I live in a world where my papercuts and shaving nicks clot over within minutes of them happening. Which means the tainted blood sits on the surface and the open air destroys the HIV virus. If I happened to have open lesions or something on me, I'd at least slap a bandage over them before I head out into public.

I suppose it's possible that I might one day be on a public bus reading a CDC pamphlet when a sudden jar causes me to get a papercut just as the AIDS infected homosexual reading over my shoulder rams his nose into my shoulder and then violently sneezes, spraying blood into my non-clotted cut.... but I have to worry about the chance of being eaten by saber-toothed tigers thawed out from glaciers being carted across Lake Michigan today. There's a slightly greater chance of the tiger thing happening, you know.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#98 Feb 23 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Jophiel, what happened to your guru-dom?

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#99 Feb 23 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
His (Empyre's) point is valid, however. When a man wishes to marry his chicken (I prefer dog since it will offer so much afirmation for it's master and his decisions) and claims it is his right to do so, I can only assume that each of you will be fine with this. Smasharoo has already stated as such. The rest of you just need to jump on board.

After all, a person's dog wags his tail in love, willingly followed him up the steps of the courthouse, and will pant, bark, drool, and crap to signify its' desire to be married. Because since when did a marriage have to strictly take place between two humans? It's supremely unfair to the Patricians of the world to exclude them from the tax breaks and tolerant-- nay, approving --smiles of the government and church just because he's in love with a sheep. It's just an alternative lifestyle and all, right?

#100 Feb 23 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
There's a slightly greater chance of the tiger thing happening, you know.

Don't go clouding the issue with common sense, Jophiel.
#101 Feb 23 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
No Empyre your Homophobic definition of marriage states that my 'Equality' definition states it as a union between two humans as equals regardless of colour, sex or religious denomination or lack thereof.

if a woodchuck could chuck would..huh? so YOUR defintion is greater than the definition it is defined and has been for many years?

get a grip on reality will you.

My post was trying to show you that discrimination is discrimination, be it colour, sex or sexual persuasion. not to turn it into a race debate.

I'm not turning it into a race debate. I didn't even bring race into it, just simply showed that the debate as it stands has nothing to do with race, that YOU used as an example. and quite simply, anything other than a man and a woman when it comes to marriage is against what the institution of marriage defines. so as silly as the chicken statement was, it was no inaccurate in relation to this institutions definitions as between man and man or woman and woman. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this debate in the first place.

Did you really just attempt to compare one of the growing social issues of our time to an issue of public safety? I mean, you couldn’t have just tried to completely trivialize yourself and your point with that gross miscalculation of an analogy’s effect, right?

sigh. no, and once again someone takes an analogy and uses an aspect not involved in the comparison to try and make the analogy seem something other than it was meant. I was simply stating that we shouldn't go changing our laws and institutions to cater to the needs as expressed by special interest groups.

if people want change, do it the right way and get the votes from the majority of the people. if that happened, I would (speaking honestly here) say I would cringe due to my religious beliefs, but couldn't argue it more than my own opinion as it would have been done the right way. the problem is that the majority is NOT agreeing with the change, but select people in power are using their power to go against this for political momentum within certain areas to try and legalize it locally in some areas. That is just as wrong and maybe even MORE unsafe than me driving 140 in a residential area.
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