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Skeletons in your closet.Follow

#1 Feb 19 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
So we all have skeletons in out closet, alot we would never admit to anyone we know. But we can tell perfect strangers on a message board. So take a load off.

1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

3. What about? TELL US!!

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

1. No, thank god, I have had a few "Close calls" where I have just finsihd up and someone has walked into my room.

2. Yep, I stretched the truth a few times, and flat out lied other times. Nohing major, just a few things that make me appear in a more favorable light then I normally would.

3. No

4. No felonys, no misdimenors, not even a trafic violation. Im good. I can rember two where I should have gotten a felony charge. One I attempted poisioned a teacher (It was a stupid prank with some ex-lax, some little ***** narked me out before my plan could go into effect) The police were summoned and I got the **** scared out of me, the teacher didn't persue it (PS The teacher DID deserve it) and pot a few times.

5. That is a toughey. I'm not one for any revenge. I really can't think of anything horrible ive done, something will come to me later im sure.

6. Yes, I keep trying to convince myself he was worthy of my wrath, but in truth he probibly wasen't.

7. Never.
#2 Feb 19 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
1) No. Never even a close call.
2) A qualified no. Define "lie". :)
3) See above.
4) Yes and yes.
5) I will tell you when the Statute of Limitation expires.
6) Yes and some yes, some no.
7) See #4.

EDIT: Even though Tare suggests God is in the details, I would submit that there are some things that really should stay in a proverbial Vegas.

Edited, Thu Feb 19 10:41:23 2004 by MoebiusLord
#3 Feb 19 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?
I'm assuming this applies to the ladies, as well. Never.

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?
Nope. I don't know you, so I could, but I'm honest by nature. That, and I don't care what anyone thinks of me outside of my family and Skeet.

3. What about? TELL US!!
Moving right along...

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?
Nope, I was pretty damn close to a reckless driving once, but managed to get it shrunk down to following too closely.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?
Called them Katie. Made them cry.
Oh and once I put bathroom cleaner in my father's girlfriend's body lotion.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?
No, I couldn't beat someone up if I tried. My fists are the size of granny smith apples. The organically grown kind. This isn't to say I haven't tried, though.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?
No. Damn but I'm boring.
#4 Feb 19 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Excellent
18,463 posts
Even though Tare suggests God is in the details, I would submit that there are some things that really should stay in a proverbial Vegas.

Welcome to Vegas. Here are your chips and your cheap hooker. Now spill it.
#5 Feb 19 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?

Of course. That and much more. Tact was never my strong point.

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

I tell half truths...but only because I'm desperate for y'all to like me!! Loooove meeeee!

3. What about? TELL US!!


4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

Hmmm. I got into a fist fight once. No conviction but I kicked that chick's ***! Heheeeee!

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

Hmm. Probably all the billions of times I've cheated on b/fs.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

See above.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

Not yet...but mortgage is coming up.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#6 Feb 19 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
(1) Where I hail from, "playing the skin flute" is a term applied to oral sex. I'm assuming Mren isn't admitting to constant close calls where he just finished blowing some guy, nor some sort of autoerotic hijinks as described in Clerks and is talking about good ole fashioned pole polishing. Anyway, a solid "No" on all accounts.

(2) Nope.

(3) N/A

(4) Nope on both counts

(5) No comment.

(6) Not "the hell out of". I've gotten into my share of physical altercations, but nothing beyond a few punches.

(7) I pretend to work and then spend time on internet message boards while accepting a paycheck.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Feb 19 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?

Not exactly, although I was played the one string banjo while having a shower in Botswana after 5 days canoing with bikinied beauties in the Okavango Delta. Unbeknown to me, the light in the shower cast a shadow underneath the door. I walked out to howls of laughter.

2. Do you routinley lie on this message board? Any message board?


3. What about? TELL US!!

Nearly got thrown out of University for vandalism in my first year. Not clever.

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

I was given a caution for common assault having tried to run away from a taxi without paying while very drunk after a work Christams party. The taxi driver rugby tackled me to the ground, banging his head in the process, and there was a brief melee before I escaped only to be picked up by a rozzer 5 mins later. The cops said they would either charge me for robbery if I denied any wrong, or caution me for common assault if I owned up. I used my phone call to phone in sick to work in the morning.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

My biggest regret is getting steaming drunk at my ex-girlfriend's Father's work christmas party (hmm theme!) and making a complete **** of myself, and embarrassing her and her father (who owned the law firm). I then left without telling her I had gone, and went and got screwed off my head on E until the morning, finally getting home at about 9am. I have never seen anyone so angry and upset, especially as she had been up all night worried about me. I have hardly touched drugs since (although I still go to Christmas parties), I was dumped a few weeks later after 2 years together. The memory is painful to this day.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

No. I have had the hell beaten out of me on more than one occasion (I have one of those faces). I find the idea of punching someone impossible to contemplate, even if I know I am about to get a kicking.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

No, but I have been a customer of people doing things immoral for money.
#8 Feb 19 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?


2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

Not this one, but I tell some doozies over on TOT.

3. What about? TELL US!!

Well, I'm not really sexually attracted to sheep.

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

Around 4 years ago I got reckless driving for going over 100mph(and getting caught)

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

I did you all wrong be recruiting some noobs from the EQ forum, my bad. Smiley: wink2

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

Wouldn't say I've beaten the hell out of somebody, smacked a few people for trying to steal my bike though.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

Immoral to whom? Does my accounting job count?

#9 Feb 19 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?


2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

Naw I don't lie on a message bored, no reason to.

3. What about? TELL US!!

See above.

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

I havent been convicted. Probably the only felony I have done involves speeding. On more than one occasion I have had close calls with a cop going over twice the legal speed limit. But hey I drive safe, just fast. I never saw the harm in going 140+ when no one is on the road.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

For the most part I am a decent guy. Probably the most dispicable thing I have done was cheated on my g/f then when I found out she knew broke up with her through an email rather than face the music.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

No, I don't get into many fights and normally they don't go anywhere if I do.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

I did take money that was not mine once. So I guess I have done something immoral for money.
#10 Feb 19 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?


2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?


3. What about? TELL US!!

See above

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

Yes. Possetion of stolen property over 500$. bought a stolen computer system that was taken from a house. the guy who actually stole it rolled over on me because the cops scared him into telling him who bought it from him.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

watching my sister take the blame for something i did and watching her get majorly punished for it.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

Nope and Nope

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

define immoral? never pimped myself out for money. used to sell weed in highschool...
#11 Feb 19 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Master Aadynn Litefoot wrote:
used to sell weed in highschool...

Can you hook me up, Aadyn? Smiley: laugh

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#12 Feb 19 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
Can you hook me up, Aadyn?

/dope slang voice on

sheeeeeiiiiiiittttt i used to get da BOMB yo!!!!

so crystalized it looked like it was dipped in sugar!!!!

one toke would put ya on yer ***!!!

i got 5 on that **** mang!!!!

blaze up f00!!!!

/dope slang voice off

Edited, Thu Feb 19 12:52:56 2004 by Aadynn Litefoot
#13 Feb 19 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?

Nope. I'm too crafty for that. Does it count when women find **** on your computer?

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

Why would I lie to impress a bunch of complete strangers who I will never meet IRL?

3. What about? TELL US!!


4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

Is battery a felony?

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

Well, all I can say is that it involves a freezer, a bunch of dixie cups, and urine....

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

Yes and yes

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

Well, if helping my friend write his college entrance paper for free lunch is immoral, guilty as charged
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#14 Feb 19 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?
Um, no.

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?
No. Honesty is important to me. WHat you see is pretty much what you get.

3. What about? TELL US!!
I lied to an 0utwarz poster once for a sting op.

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?
No. Maybe.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?
Made someone else eat some of my sister's cooking...

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?
Yes. The ****** stabbed me in the back three times first, so I should hope so. Ah, junior high school.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?
#15 Feb 19 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?
My mom once walked into my room when I was in bed with a girl, though we were decently covered.

2. Do you routinley lie on this message board? Any message board?
No, I fail to see the point. Some slight exaggeration maybe. If I wanted to make up stories about my life, I'd write a novel.

3. What about? TELL US!!
I have told you. My life just isn't that interesting.

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?
I was convicted of a felony and some misdemeanors, but I was 17 at the time and my criminal record was sealed as a minor.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?
I can't think of anything that really stands out as horrible.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?
I probably couldn't beat up a todler, though I did kick a fat kid to the floor in high school for taking my hat.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?
Not sure how to answer that...though some of the **** I pull on the job may be considered 'immoral'.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#16 Feb 19 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?
Yes. The ****** stabbed me in the back three times first, so I should hope so. Ah, junior high school.

Hardcore, man, to beat someone up with 3 stab wounds to the back. How many stitches did you get?

sorry, got nothin'.

#17 Feb 19 2004 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
Edit: posted in error

Edited, Thu Feb 19 15:14:33 2004 by yohomoe
#18 Feb 19 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Only about 7 or so. It was a small knife, and my spinal column and a rib took most of the impact. Deep holes though. This is why medically diagnosed scitsophrenics on heavy medication should not be allowed to attend classes with normal students. I think he learned his lesson after I was done though.
#19 Feb 19 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Smiley: yikes Kao!

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#20 Feb 19 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Hm. When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and paranoid delusions and put on medication, I was working at McDonald's and prone to self-mutilation. Though I did at one point throw a pickle slice into a kid's eye and blinded him for awhile.
#21 Feb 19 2004 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Lol! Pickle in the eye! AHHHHHH!!! That's the worse kind of sting. Second only to lemon in the eye, but that takes better aim.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#22 Feb 19 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?

Umm.... Scince I dont have one of those, I have to say No.

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

No, what ya see is what ya get.

3. What about? TELL US!!

see above

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

no, never been convicted. No, never commited one either.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

Announce all their sex-capades over a p/a infront of thier parents shop.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

Yes, she called me a *****. Too bad she was too busy crying to fight back....

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

No way!!
#23 Feb 19 2004 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
1. Have you ever been walked in on while playing the skin flute?

Close, but no. I steer clear of it now, tho..not worth my time (among other things) to do.

2. Do you ruotinley lie on this message board? Any message board?

Routinely? no..have I? probably have. definately don't try to, but i'm human, as we all are. lying sucks all around.

3. What about? TELL US!!

See above.

4. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Have you ever commited one?

yes. yes. not proud, but its in the past. I try to obey the law now.

5. What is the most dispicable thing you have ever done to another person?

On several occasions I've tried to destroy people psychologically. after reaping what I sowed, karma smacking me..whatever it is you believe in, the guilt was enough to not wanna do it again.

6. Have you ever beat the hell out of someone? Did they deserve it?

yeah...and vice versa. noone deserves it. there are better ways to settle things.

7. Have you ever done anything immoral for money?

i've never let an old guy go down on me for $20, but i've done things that caused others harm..again, i'm not proud and those things are in the past. If I could change them I would, but I can't. so instead I try to use them as examples in my life to keep me focused on being a better person.
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