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#1 Feb 29 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
As many of you are aware, I don't flame Katielynn (also known as The Glorious Cherrabwyn). Why?

Because a good joke is ruined with overexposure, and flaming Katie is the board equivalent of asking why the chicken crossed the road. She's become so accustomed to the rhetorical sodomy she is subjected to daily that she doesn't even flinch when the verbal icepick is thrust betwixt her thighs. One might think that such a numbness of the ego is, in itself, worthy of criticism- personally, I'd be embarassed if my icepick was so small it couldn't be felt.

I've spent a fair amount of time attempting to understand her, and I regret to say that as of yet, my attempts to unravel the mystery of Katie's soupy mess of a psyche, have met only with failure. I have, however, discovered that I admire her. She makes no apologies for who and what she is, she's always honest, never self-aggrandizes, and has proven time and time again that although her house amongst the clouds may appear to be made of glass, no stone we throw is capable of even chipping its transparent paint.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed every time I see certain posters attack her without provocation. If you're an idiot, feel free to continue flaming Katie. But if you take yourself seriously, I hope you reconsider before flaming her.

There is more talent on this board now than ever before, despite what the old-timers may tell you. I'm not going to name names, because I don't want anyone to get the impression I'm looking for another circle-jerk, but you know who you are.

If you want to flame someone, pick someone that hasn't been flamed a gazillion times already, or at least someone who has the desire and interest in responding with a volley of their own. By attacking Katie, you're limiting yourselves; both because nothing you have to say about her can possibly be original, and because the battle will end before it's begun- and climaxing 10 seconds into a three hour flick makes for a pretty dull movie-going experience.

If Katie were a moon, and insults were comets, her surface would have long since deteriorated from the crater-covered satellite she was in her board youth, to the dwindling cloud of lingering, infinitesimal, dust particles she is today. And really, if I wanted to watch dust all day long, I'd stick an endoscope into my man-magnet and watch as the dirty little particles collected on the interior walls of my flesh-treasure.

I'm not trying to come off as a hero, God knows I'd have a better chance of being elected the governor of Texas after coming out of the closet than I would of convincing you guys I actually had any dignity or principles. And I'm not doing this because I feel sorry for Katie, who undoubtedly couldn't care less.

Why then did I do this? Well, originally I planned to threaten anybody that flamed Katie with a flame of my own, and then I realized how incredibly tiring it would become flaming 30 people a day. So I opted just to write this fascinating, yet utterly pointless, missive.

Edited, Sun Feb 29 02:15:30 2004 by Thundra
#2 Feb 29 2004 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
7,486 posts
holy sh*t, maybe i should actually start reading these boards again. in what thread did thundra come out of the closet, or did i just completely misinterpret what they said?
#3 Feb 29 2004 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
I have long contended that Katielynn has been given a raw deal from the majority of this board. While I have at times been complicit in the beatdowns, I too, recognise that she has a particular sweetness that is an acquired taste. She is, as you have said, Thundra, without guile or pretention, and displays a brutal sense of frankness which I suspect is at the core of what makes people turn on her.

All that aside, I like her. I genuinely do. My impression of her is that she would defend you tooth and nail once she considered you a friend and would sacrifice her own welfare in an instant for yours if the situation called for it.

So what if she can't articulate as well as some others on this board? She'd be in good company considering the vast morass that constitutes what passes for interesting reading material here. So give her a break, folks. Whatdya say?

#4 Feb 29 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Good
Why do people drink diet pop with cake?
#5 Feb 29 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Hmm, maybe I haven't been reading the threads thoroughly enough, but this seems a little out of left field to me. Why the sudden urge to defend Katie?

Personally, I find Katie's position on this board to be a little bit of a no-win situation. She is flamed for speaking her mind, blunty and brashly as is her style, yet to change it would only be giving in to the hordes of people who flame her.

If she stops being so disruptive, then she has been sussed by the flamers (hey, keep your mind out of the gutter). If she stops posting and, oh say, goes and kills herself, as many people have blatently told her to do, she has also let them win. Her only choice is to continue to post in her frank yet refreshing manner and continue to **** people off.

With all that said, I'd like to say that she pisses me off too, but some times a good arguement feels much better that any circle-jerking, even if it is with the master CJers of the forum.

So keep it up Katie, you stinking ***** -=P
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#6 Feb 29 2004 at 4:02 AM Rating: Good
16,160 posts
For the same reason they get an extra large Diet Coke with their super sized McBland sammich and Freedom fries. Pigs at the trough, baby, pigs at the trough.

#7 Feb 29 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
Can't we all just get along?

/throws up

What makes you think Katie doesn't like being flamed? The only time she is even remotely interesting is when she's defending herself.
#8 Feb 29 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
I agree with Angua. I think Katie says things in the hope that someone will at least take notice and flame her. "Her brash style" is just her being her, and that says a lot. I also agree with Thundra, about newcomers flaming her. It's not cool to jump in the fray and say a bunch of really nasty things to her when you haven't truly experienced her idiocy firsthand.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#9 Feb 29 2004 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Angua, I don't think California suits you. You seem to be becoming the female equivalent of Mren- the type of person that is happy only when they get to **** on something. As this affliction seems to be relatively new - or so it appeas - I can only blame the metamorphosis on your new surroundings.

Naysayers who say nay for no reason other than to say nay, are fu[i][/i]cking gay- but not the type of gay that is likely to become the basis of a reality TV show on the Fox, Bravo, or Lifetime networks.
#10 Feb 29 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
Awww, I'm sorry Thundra. Obviously I made a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom.

It seems a little odd to me that Tacosid was challenged to change everyone's view of Katie, and suddenly you're posting this ********* Smiley: oyvey

#11 Feb 29 2004 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
You are absolutely right, Angua. It's not just a coincidence.

I don't want to see anyone, much less gifted flamers, burying the usual garbage that is posted here, on this board, beneath a layer of tired and unimaginative prostitution, meth, and trailer park jokes.

I'm not opposed to such jokes ordinarily, only when they are targeted against the same person for the one bazillionth time. Only a talentless gayrod would choose to use Katie as a whipping boy.

Taco really did beat the proverbial stuffing out of Katie a million years ago. And he's done the same from time to time, just to stay in practice. What I have a problem with is the fact that there are a mountain of cowardly nancy-boys on the board who, after seeing Taco's effortless ego-bashing in action, have sought to emulate his success by picking up where he left off, and kicking Katie while she's laying helplessly in the prone position.

And such is how Katie has remaained for 2 or 3 years, the recipient of countless beatings from countless board cowards who are desperate to mollycoddle their limp noodles and sense of self-worth by picking on a victim of cruel fate.
#12 Feb 29 2004 at 9:16 PM Rating: Default
preach on sister thundra. for once some one finally gets it threw his/her head that what i have been repeating for years is the truth at face value.

btw I agree on the angua thing and said so about 2 months ago or so....
#13 Mar 03 2004 at 12:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Thundra wrote:
If you're an idiot, feel free to continue flaming Katie. But if you take yourself seriously, I hope you reconsider before flaming her.

So in other words, "do what I say, not what I do"?

Thundra wrote:
Why then did I do this? Well, originally I planned to threaten anybody that flamed Katie with a flame of my own, and then I realized how incredibly tiring it would become flaming 30 people a day. So I opted just to write this fascinating, yet utterly pointless, missive.

I don't see why this would be tiresome, I think only 2 or 3 of them have written anything above "lame" while attempting to flame Katie, I believe there was once something like "Did any of your Mother's children survive?" floating around at some point. Cutting indeed.

Thundra wrote:
Naysayers who say nay for no reason other than to say nay, are ******* gay- but not the type of gay that is likely to become the basis of a reality TV show on the Fox, Bravo, or Lifetime networks.

How about I just go eat some hey? I can make things out of clay and lay by the bay, I just may, whadaya say?

Katie wrote:
preach on sister thundra. for once some one finally gets it threw his/her head that what i have been repeating for years is the truth at face value.

btw I agree on the angua thing and said so about 2 months ago or so....

Yo, ******** she wasn't being nice to you, those were bad things being said about you.
#14 Mar 04 2004 at 12:35 AM Rating: Default
Bad? Which ones? The ones about un-talented wanna-be's in training trying their hardest to please Daddy Thundra/Skeet, by throwing idiotic, made up, unending repetitions of anything and everything you would like to believe about me, at me? Hmm... It sounds an awful lot like most of your posts. You are a talented writer, and by that I mean a very good LIAR. Try as you might until you get something "bad" that is true about me, all of what you try to pin on me is never gonna touch.
#15 Mar 04 2004 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
You smell like elbows. ELBOWS!!!

There's your originality.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#16 Mar 04 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
You are a talented writer, and by that I mean a very good LIAR

Are you sure you aren't referring to me? I'm the talented writer and liar. Skeeter's talented, and he makes me laugh fairly regularly, but it's not the way he writes that makes me laugh, it's what he writes. If the way he wrote made me laugh, then visiting any remedial third grade English class could very well cause me to enter into an interminable endorphin high, resulting in cranial meltdown, and ultimately make me **** myself to death in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

And he doesn't strike me as a 'liar'. Obviously, he makes some false statements from time to time, but he doesn't do it with the expectation of being believed.

So, it is my belief that you either accidentally forgot to whom you were speaking, or you are implying that Skeeter and I are one and the same. If the second explanation is the case, then I can assure you, I am not Skeeter.

On the other hand, if you were not implying anything of the sort, then please accept my sincerest apologies. I've kinda sorta developed a bit of a complex and hypersensitivity to accusations of sockpuppetcraft (and I have nobody to blame but myself... and maybe Jesus).
#17 Mar 04 2004 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Blah blah blah blah...blah..blah!

Blah blah blah blahblah blah blahhhhhh.

Thanks, Katie, for enlightening us...yet again.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#18 Mar 04 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
McDonalds is phasing out the phrase "Would you like that Supersized?
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#19 Mar 04 2004 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
what do you mean alwayslost?
#20 Mar 04 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Just that. In a feeble attempt to appear more health conscious, and realizing the McD's Supersize is the focal point of hate against the fast food industry, the boys in Oak Brook have decided to phase out the Supersize option by 2005.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 Mar 04 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
No, I was not implying that you and Skeeter are one and the same. He just trys so hard to model himself after you that one has to laugh in the face of his inferiority. Though, I admit from time to time, I still think you may have one or more sock puppets floating around out here.


NOUN: One that tells lies.

Yes, that would sum up pretty much everything he says about me.


NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. truths (trthz, trths)
1. Conformity to fact or actuality.
2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
3. Sincerity; integrity.
4. Fidelity to an original or standard.
5a. Reality; actuality. b. often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.

See, truth, this is something he cannot hit upon apparently. Try as he might, his stories that are meant to bring embarrasment to me, and enlighten meant to his train of cj'ing are nothing but fictional stories to try to make his stance on me being the white trash illiterate po-dunk Katie look factual. I doubt he can see pass that overly bloated ego of his at this point anyways. Congratulation Thundra! You have made this ego-tistical monster. He's your pet from now until the end. Arent you proud of yourself. You might want to find his leash soon and throw him in the dog house, else he might be sleeping on your thrown of "THUNDRANESS" soon.

#22 Mar 04 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Katie wrote:
Bad? Which ones?

What's really sad is that you honestly don't know which ones are bad, and about you. Here, I'll explain a couple of them for you, as we all know I'm to the English language as the meat grinder is to the cow.

Thundra wrote:
I've spent a fair amount of time attempting to understand her, and I regret to say that as of yet, my attempts to unravel the mystery of Katie's soupy mess of a psyche, have met only with failure.

Meaning: You're a crazy *****.

Thundra wrote:
She makes no apologies for who and what she is, she's always honest, never self-aggrandizes, and has proven time and time again that although her house amongst the clouds may appear to be made of glass, no stone we throw is capable of even chipping its transparent paint.

Meaning: You honestly don't know how much of an Idiot you are, therefore make no apologies, you have this fantasy that your life is nice and everything is going to turn out just dandy with you, and even though we all see through your Jerry Springer Castle upon the Clouds, nothing we say to you gets through that thick skull of yours, maybe that protruding, Neanderthal forehead of yours has something to do with it.

Katie wrote:
You are a talented writer

Thank you, but flattery will get you nowhere, accepting praise from you would be like me accepting scholastic praise from Bush Jr.

Thundra wrote:
Are you sure you aren't referring to me?

Yes, she's sure, not everything has to be about you.

Thundra wrote:
Skeeter's talented, and he makes me laugh fairly regularly, but it's not the way he writes that makes me laugh, it's what he writes. If the way he wrote made me laugh, then visiting any remedial third grade English class could very well cause me to enter into an interminable endorphin high, resulting in cranial meltdown, and ultimately make me **** myself to death in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

Meaning: Everybody knows Skeeter best from when he was KRSkeet and only had d1ck and fart jokes to offer, and I can't handle that he actually takes the time to string sentences together and actually express an opinion, so I'll do the equivalent of a Father telling his child to "Go ask your Mother" by trying to correlate his writing style with that of a 3rd graders.

That obviously can't be true, unless you go to a Catholic school, those are the only 3rd graders that have a chance of knowing what a Banana Hammock is.

Thundra wrote:
And he doesn't strike me as a 'liar'. Obviously, he makes some false statements from time to time, but he doesn't do it with the expectation of being believed.

Thanks, but no thanks, you are definitely the last person here I want to vouch for my credibility, for the moment I'll pretend it wasn't you who typed that and agree with it.

Thundra wrote:
So, it is my belief that you either accidentally forgot to whom you were speaking, or you are implying that Skeeter and I are one and the same. If the second explanation is the case, then I can assure you, I am not Skeeter.

On the other hand, if you were not implying anything of the sort, then please accept my sincerest apologies. I've kinda sorta developed a bit of a complex and hypersensitivity to accusations of sockpuppetcraft (and I have nobody to blame but myself... and maybe Jesus).

Y. O. U. You, pronounced yoo, not Thun-dra. The only "you" that you can always be sure is directed towards you is the one in Smash's sig.

Thundra wrote:
Only a talentless gayrod would choose to use Katie as a whipping boy.

So which am I? Milli or Vanilli? 'cause I still think Katie is a lazy *****.
#23 Mar 04 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
The dictionary that was plagiarized by Katie wrote:

NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. truths (trthz, trths)

1. Conformity to fact or actuality.

You are a moron, in all fact and actuality, and I conform to that.

2. A statement proven to be or accepted as true.

"Katie is a moron" I'm positive the majority of this board will believe this to be true.

3. Sincerity; integrity.

I sincerely think you are a moron.

4. Fidelity to an original or standard.

Tacosid thought you were a moron back in the day, and upon reviewing the evidence, I concur. "Katie is a moron" is the standard today.

5a. Reality; actuality. b. often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.

Eh, 4 out of 5 aint bad. Although, I am your Queen aren't I? Smiley: grin

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