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Need a Good Spank?Follow

#27 Mar 06 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Well, I and my brothers were spanked as kids, and it didn't adversely affect us. My parents, well mostly my dad, hit us right on the ear with a short, sharp slap. It was quite clever really, because a slap on the ear is the gift that keeps on givin'. You ear rings, throbs and reminds you for hours why you got a slap in the first place. Of course, there were mishaps - like when he accidentally hit me on the chin, but all in all, I'd say it was fine.

I plan on being a spanker of any future kids I have. I think a good clip is a great attention getter, and a mark of seriousness that kids recognize. I do not support the use of "spanking aids" like belts, swatters or rolling pins...that's just a bit much. For me, it'll be the ol' "stunner", the good old days.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#28 Mar 06 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
I will spank any and all of my kids if they deserve it. I'm more of a take a way (insert fav thing here) type of person, but there are some cases when a child just needs to be beat. I saw a little kid the other day in the store call his mom a stupid ***** and threw a box at her, she just half way yelled at him and let him run off. BEAT THAT CHILD!!!!
#29 Mar 07 2004 at 5:20 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Man, if my unborn kids ever call me or my future wife a stupid *****, a beating will be the least of their worries. Think about it. You are their sole source for food, shelter, and all those toys they love. Somebody's going to bed in the garage without dinner tonight. And that's after the whoopin'.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#30 Mar 07 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
What's the law say about beating somebody to stop them from having kids with Katie?

That aside, I was spanked a few times, but I had to be pretty damn bad to get spanked, or just catch my mom on a really bad day. Being the youngest, and the only boy, I got away with a lot, so much in fact, my sister would bribe me to take the blame for things she did like break a china cup.

My sister and I fessed up to that a few years ago, and my mom spanked us both when she saw us next. Not hard, though it probably was as hard as she did when I was a kid, just hurt less now.

Chances are, if you were one of my good friends, you've been spanked by my mother, she'll spank you for language, for odd things like not wanting to eat, or for having sex with me (right flea?).
#31 Mar 07 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
TwiztidSamurai wrote:
Man, if my unborn kids ever call me or my future wife a stupid *****, a beating will be the least of their worries. Think about it. You are their sole source for food, shelter, and all those toys they love. Somebody's going to bed in the garage without dinner tonight. And that's after the whoopin'.

Oh damn, absolutely. The kid needs to remember he/she's a product of my love for the woman he's mouthing off to; she was there first, and if I have to pick between them or her, the choice will be *so* obvious.

Two quotes I think sum it up nicely;

"You know, I brought ya into this world and I'll take ya out. And it don't make no difference to me cuz I'll make another one looks just like ya." -Bill Cosby

"...when did everything become "for the children"?....what about us, the adults? You know, the survivors of childhood? Those that made it out alive?" -Bill Maher
#32 Mar 08 2004 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
Tare wrote:
I plan on being a spanker of any future kids I have. I think a good clip is a great attention getter, and a mark of seriousness that kids recognize.

what if your kids behave so properly they wont give you any good reason to spank them(after all you intend to educate them in the best way you can, I am sure)? Will you hurt them anyway from time to time to teach them what happens IF they misbehave seriously?
#33 Mar 08 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Leiany wrote:
what if your kids behave so properly they wont give you any good reason to spank them(after all you intend to educate them in the best way you can, I am sure)? Will you hurt them anyway from time to time to teach them what happens IF they misbehave seriously?

What kind of a retarded question is that? No, I probably won't spank my kids just for the "fun" of it, Leiany. I plan to, as most parents do, discuss things with my children and teach them right from wrong. However, I honestly believe there are times when a good clip expresses quickly that children need to curtail their behavior - in situations when discussion is not the most viable option. If, as you say, my kids are behaving properly, why the hell would I spank them? Smiley: rolleyes

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#34 Mar 08 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Default
You don't like to hear that I am sure but its a simple pattern of behaviour that if somone decidedes in advance to use *whatever* as part of education that *whatever* WILL BE USED - no matter how the children behave..... sad but true
#35 Mar 08 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I don't see what wrong with knowing the limits of behaviour that you will adhere too in a relationship.

I would never smack my wife <Unless she asked nicely Smiley: wink> because i do not have to dicipline her.

I would not smack my staff because i have other more effective means on installing dicipline.

I would however smack my child if i feel it was the only effective way to install the correct amount of fear of misbehaving in certain ways. T he example of one child biting another is an example of a situation where a child should fear the consequences of the action so much that they would never do it again.

I would never bite my boss because i fear the consequences <Loss of job> but a child would never think that way.

having predetermined limits is a good thing not bad, since that way your child knows the rules that they must live by and the consequences if they do not.
#36 Mar 08 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Leiany wrote:
You don't like to hear that I am sure but its a simple pattern of behaviour that if somone decidedes in advance to use *whatever* as part of education that *whatever* WILL BE USED - no matter how the children behave..... sad but true

Wow - that's so insightful. Did you read that out of Redbook or something? You are are assuming that I have no restraint. So, by your reasoning, if I decide to do anything in advance, I have to do it expressly and completely. No devations in my child-rearing techniques, it's all or nothing! Did I say in my original post anywhere that I would only spank my children? No. Is you argument weak? Yes. There's a difference between spanking a child and preconceived all-out child abuse.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#37 Mar 08 2004 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
Once there was a Superman TV series (the one with a later bond girl as Lois Lane) where the Lex Luther char (great acting btw) stated about killing someone: "Killing him is the only way? I BEG you! If you have to kill somone you are just showing weakness. There are better'll see" *grins meanly*

So the bottom line is: If you are sometimes at a point where you feel you cant else but hurt your children - **** happens and no blame on you....but if that **** happens over and over again you obviously failed as father.

Take this and stick this up your *** - our job as parents is not to hurt our children

I wonder how you'd react if you have a grandchild one day and you see your son in law educating it with the belt....guess you wont like it ;-)
#38 Mar 08 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Leiany wrote:
So the bottom line is: If you are sometimes at a point where you feel you cant else but hurt your children - **** happens and no blame on you....but if that **** happens over and over again you obviously failed as father.

No one is suggesting that you should spank you child again and again and apply no other method to "parenting" - in fact, all we are saying is that a spank here and there is sometimes warranted and can be useful. Hey, if you don't want to spank your kids fine, but at least learn to read and comprehend before you try and come back to my ideals. I have never stated anywhere in this thread that spanking will be my only recourse and the only means by which to parent my kids. I said, dumbass, that I wouldn't be averse to using it as a parenting tool, when situations call for it. So before you try and comeback with another you-are-so-mean-only-spanking-your-kids-and-not-discussing argument, re-read the thread and think about it.

Take this and stick this up your *** - our job as parents is not to hurt our children

And again, I am not talking about hurting them. I got the odd slap here and there as a kid. I am not emotionally damaged. Perhaps you'd care to explain how "discussion" with a 3 year old that's throwing a tantrum in the middle of a store is appropriate. You honestly think a screaming 3 year old will respond with, "Oh, I'm sorry Mommy. I was inconsiderate to your feelings!" I am just saying that a slap on the *** to get a child's attention is faster that having a pow-wow with a child in a situation like that.

I wonder how you'd react if you have a grandchild one day and you see your son in law educating it with the belt....guess you wont like it ;-)

Can you read, idiot? I stated very clearly before that I don't support the use of belts etc. in spanking your child. Furthermore, if the spank my son gave was "sans belt", warranted and effective I would have no problem with it. Get your head out of your ***...I am not talking about beating kids senseless. I am talking about a smack on the *** when they misbehave. Talk about blowing it out of proportion. Smiley: rolleyes

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#39 Mar 08 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Let me preface this by saying I do not now, nor will I ever have children.

My mom had "the voice", which she employed in a very consistant manner. When Mom used "the voice" we knew instantly that her tolerance of bad behavior had reached its limit. "The voice" was not loud or emotional. On the contrary, it was cold and dispassionate (at least to our ears.)

These 3 questions had the power to stop us dead in our tracks.

  • "Do you want me to get the belt?"

  • "Do you want me to stop the car?"

  • "Do you want to go sit in the car?"

  • Now we all knew from experience how things would end for us if she got the belt so I don't think any of us ever found out what would happen if she either had to stop the car or make us go sit in the car :::shudder:::.

    In my adult life I have discovered that I can also employ "the voice" and it really does snap people to attention. Once in a while I'll use it in a group of friends if things are getting all boisterous and loud, just for my own amusement.

    I simply say "that's enough." and watch everyone jump and take on the appearance of a guilty 6 year old. Then I cackle and recommence the rambunctiousness.

    It really is impressive though.
    #40 Mar 08 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
    1,292 posts
    I was spanked when I deserved it, by hand or wooden spoon. I will have no hesitation in using a spanking on my children when it's deserved. I'm not going to be hitting them hard enough to leave bruises for weeks on end. But it will be hard enough to get their attention, you can be sure of that.

    Just talking to a kid when he/she is throwing a tantrum just doesn't cut it. You have got to get their attention, whether it's by a sharp spanking, or by ... lighting off a firecracker. Got to do what you got to do.
    #41 Mar 08 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Excellent
    YAY! Canaduhian
    10,293 posts
    Lowwatt wrote:
    I will have no hesitation in using a spanking on my children when it's deserved. I'm not going to be hitting them hard enough to leave bruises for weeks on end. But it will be hard enough to get their attention, you can be sure of that.

    Careful, Lowwatt, you'll be called a child abuser! Did you know that if you even consider doing that once, you can never use any other technique - discussion, for example. You have to beat your children for all eternity!!! And the beats go on!

    What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
    #42 Mar 08 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Default
    It really surprises me how you pychos keep subcribing hurting your children with getting there attention

    I just imagine your to-be-son in law gives your daughter later on a little slap from time to time to get her attention while your visiting them.

    And when you ask her why she lets her hubby do that she will look very surprised and tell you she deserved it - "remember dad? I always deserved it"

    Thats the way psychos breed and educate other pychos.....
    #43 Mar 08 2004 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
    Tare wrote:
    I said, dumbass, that I wouldn't be averse to using it as a parenting tool, when situations call for it.
    I understand - before you loose to your child (which will be the product of YOUR education)you will use force to be the winner again - a typical brave american *applauds*

    Tare wrote:
    I am not talking about hurting them.
    You ******* moron - if you slap a 3-year old of course it will hurt her!

    Tare wrote:
    I am just saying that a slap on the *** to get a child's attention is faster that having a pow-wow with a child in a situation like that.
    That tops it really - laziness as an excuse to educate by fear and force is new even to me!

    tare wrote:
    leiany wrote:
    I wonder how you'd react if you have a grandchild one day and you see your son in law educating it with the belt....guess you wont like it ;-)

    Can you read, idiot? I stated very clearly before that I don't support the use of belts etc. in spanking your child. Furthermore, if the spank my son gave was "sans belt", warranted and effective I would have no problem with it

    so what if your son in law DOES use the belt and worse? - and thinks of you as a candyass and talkes to you the same way you talk to me now? would you let your grandson/daughter be disciplined in a way you wouldn't use yourself? I think so - after all its his child and he just does what he has to do :))

    Edited, Mon Mar 8 20:01:55 2004 by Leiany
    #44 Mar 08 2004 at 8:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    YAY! Canaduhian
    10,293 posts
    Leiany wrote:
    I just imagine your to-be-son in law gives your daughter later on a little slap from time to time to get her attention while your visiting them.And when you ask her why she lets her hubby do that she will look very surprised and tell you she deserved it - "remember dad? I always deserved it" Thats the way psychos breed and educate other pychos.....

    Wtf are you talking about? Now, your grasp of written English is not atrocious, but bad enough to make this post utter nonsense. Are you refering to a spousal abuse situation now? How the hell is that at all related? Adults can communicate on a level playing field, whereas children cannot often comprehend adult expectations and understanding. That's why they are the children and we are the adults! Yay! So, no, abusing your adult wife is wrong because you can successfully communicate with your wife and formulate an understanding between eachother based on adult feelings and ideals. Children can be communicated with too - but sometimes, I feel, they require the additional parental tool of a slap on the bottom in order to gain their attention. You do not have to subscribe to this. I did not ask you to and I could really care less what the hell you do with your kids.

    I'm beginning to see your logic, Leiany. You think in all or nothing terms. Hit a child once: child abuser forever. Drink a beer: alcohol abuser forever. Smoke a joint: drug abuser. Quite a master of the skills of communication and debate, really, you are. You must be a hoot a parties.
    What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
    #45 Mar 08 2004 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
    5,311 posts
    Cripes, I don't think anyone mentioned random beatings for their children (except SelfishMan)!

    The fact is, studies still show that more parents spank than don't.
    #46 Mar 08 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
    YAY! Canaduhian
    10,293 posts
    Leiany wrote:
    I understand - before you loose to your child (which will be the product of YOUR education)you will use force to be the winner again - a typical brave american *applauds*

    Loose? Learn to spell.

    I am not American.

    You ******* moron - if you slap a 3-year old of course it will hurt her!

    It will not. I am talking about a "spank," ******, not a slap across the face!

    That tops it really - laziness as an excuse to educate by fear and force is new even to me!

    Educate by fear and force? You really are the queen of overreaction. I'd really like to see you try and reason with a screaming kid in a crowded store, because I think you're full of ****.

    so what if your son in law DOES use the belt and worse? - and thinks of you as a candyass and talkes to you the same way you talk to me now? would you let your grandson/daughter be disciplined in a way you wouldn't use yourself? I think so - after all its his child and he just does what he has to do :))

    No, I said before that I don't support it. So I wouldn't support it. Period. My children will grow up the same way I did... I had a normal childhood, I got spanked, my parents love me, I love them. All is well.

    Now, go away, Leiany. Your argument is weak, your writing is awful and I won't waste my time with it anymore.

    What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
    #47 Mar 08 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Excellent
    YAY! Canaduhian
    10,293 posts
    Yanari wrote:
    Cripes, I don't think anyone mentioned random beatings for their children (except SelfishMan)! The fact is, studies still show that more parents spank than don't.

    Exactly. Who knows what Leiany is talking about?

    What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
    #48 Mar 08 2004 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
    I may not be a native english speaker but you obviously know nothing about the basics of psychology.

    Behaviour patterns are given from one generation to the next. Children who got "slapped" will slap their children, children who got beaten will beat their children, children who are abused will most likely abuse others when they have grown up.

    This pattern tends to get worse over the generations until at the end a serial killer hits the streets.

    So all you "I got my punishment, I am super-ok, not deranged or everything - and I will treat my children the same way" - ********* can either support your local morgue on the long run or start treating your children more respectfull and caring than you got treated yourself.

    Or are you just a bunch of lazy ******** who have no intention to become "better" than the last generation? If so - say goodbye to your country which will probably evolve backwards with the help of your ilk....
    #49 Mar 08 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
    Tare wrote:
    I'd really like to see you try and reason with a screaming kid in a crowded store, because I think you're full of ****.
    My 2 children never did that. I got ONE slap ever in my whole childhood, my children got none....

    tare wrote:
    Now, go away, Leiany. Your argument is weak, your writing is awful and I won't waste my time with it anymore.
    Next time you better think twice before you post such a wise-*** ******** **** of a thread if you can't live with opposition!
    #50 Mar 08 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Excellent
    YAY! Canaduhian
    10,293 posts
    Leiany wrote:
    Behaviour patterns are given from one generation to the next. Children who got "slapped" will slap their children, children who got beaten will beat their children, children who are abused will most likely abuse others when they have grown up.This pattern tends to get worse over the generations until at the end a serial killer hits the streets.

    Oh, this will happen, huh? No reason to think it will go any other way, folks. Leiany, knower-of-all-things, has filled in the blanks for us. Explain more of this magical psychology, Leiany!! If this pattern will happen to all kids who get spanked, where are all the serial killers? We should all be serial killers, shouldn't we?

    Or, as you put it, "at the end" the result is a serial killer? Does that mean that the last in any given lineage is certain to become a serial killer?

    You have got to be kidding. Smiley: laugh
    What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
    #51 Mar 08 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Default
    Tare wrote:
    Loose? Learn to spell.

    I am not American.

    And hopefully no native english speaker either. Otherwise you are just to dumb to spell your own languages basic words correctly - you ******* looser!

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