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I'd like to thank Bush for bringing Socialism to the EUFollow

#52 Mar 19 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
flishtaco wrote:
How about these two then, Andrew Sullivan, in Nov 11, 2001 Washingtion Times, and Nov 13, 2001 O'Reily Factor, with guest Jeff Kuhner, editor of the Washington Times, blamed Clinton's administration for 9/11, your welcome to look at the transcripts. Obviously there are many many more sources but it really wouldnt matter to you if I listed all them or 10 of them or 100 of them you still are going to put your blinders on and hold you hands over your ears and say that I am wrong.

A newspaper that 99% of the US citizens don't read, and a show that 99% of the US citizens don't watch. Both of which I've never read or watched either (Ok. I may have caught the O'Reily Factor at some point. I'm a channel surfer and love to watch anything political).

How about the local ABC news broadcast? I think that gets a slightly larger target audience. Or NBC. Or CBS? Or Fox? Do you seriously do nothing but wander around fringe news sites to get your news? Not that the networks are great or anything, but if we're going to talk about how something is presented to "the public", then I'd think talking about how it was presented in the major networks is significant.

I could sit here and quote transcripts from Bill Maher's show, and while that might be interesting, I would never ever ever expect that the discussions on that show represent anything close to what "the public" is hearing about various issues.

Edit--never saw anyone comment on this after I said it so again I will bring it up, no one said anything laying blame when the WTC was bombed in Clinton's adminstration. Would love you to find anyone who did blame BushSR for this I will even take a left wing nut.

Um... Also. No one blamed Clinton for the attack either. Since so few people were killed, and the perpretrators were caught so quickly, it did not prompt the amount of public attention that 9/11 did. There were many articles I found critisizing Clintons actions *after* the attacks (yes, even ones long before 9/11 in case you're thinking their all "after the fact"), but I couldn't find a single one that pushed the issue of blame for the event itself.

Which IMO just highlights what I've been talking about. The difference in this case was that the event occured on a Dem president's watch, but no one jumped to blame him. Since the Reps never blamed Clinton for the WTC bombing in 1993, there was no backlash from anyone asserting that the intelligence failure had to have occured earlier (ie: During Bush Sr's term).

Contrast this behavior to 9/11, where you've got Dems jumping to blame Bush for the event itself. This then prompts the Reps to respond by pointing out that most of the intelligence failures that lead up to the event had to have occured during Clinton's administration. Do you see the difference here? It's a matter of which party is stupid enough to think that they should start out by blaming the other guy first. When it happened on a the Dems watch, the Reps didn't place that kind of blame. When it happened on a Rep's watch, the Dems didn't hesitate to place blame.

You're just strengthening my argument here Flish...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#53 Mar 19 2004 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, you proved my point, just stick those fingers in your ears and start chanting I cant hear you, its worked well for you so far Gbaji and you once again prove that you can write 8 paragraphs about how well you can do it =).
#54 Mar 19 2004 at 8:47 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
flishtaco wrote:
Lol, you proved my point, just stick those fingers in your ears and start chanting I cant hear you, its worked well for you so far Gbaji and you once again prove that you can write 8 paragraphs about how well you can do it =).

Um... What exactly did I prove? Oh yeah! That if you look hard enough, you can find an article or site that takes virtually any position you want to find. Thus, the fact that you can find such things is irrelevant when talking about public perception of events.

Public perception is based on mass media coverage. How do the network news services present information? What spin do they put on an event? What stories do they even choose to cover? That's what's significant. Pulling out the opinion of an extreme left or right individual as stated on a political talk show with a narrow audience to begin with is hardly indicative of what the general public is hearing/seeing about an event.

Can you understand that? I'm arguing about what the general public is having shoved down their throats as "fact" every day on the TV. You are arguing about some esoteric argument someone made in a venue that most people never see. Trying to say they are equivalent is ridiculous. Just like your argument.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#55 Mar 19 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
Ah yes the good old everyman defense to be employed after one gets beat down with the facts.

Still sounds like a Jack Nicholson quote to me, " you can't handle the truth."
#56 Mar 20 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Sure. But I'd bet 100,000 dollars US that if the situation were reversed, and say that 9/11 had occured in 1993 intead of 2001, you'd be arguing the exact opposite point. You'd be saying that Clinton couldn't be blamed becuase he'd just taken office, and squarely placing the blame on Bush Sr. Gore being in office isn't an issue for you since the previous administration would also have belonged to your precious Democrat party. I'm fairly certain that had Gore been elected, you would have found some way to push blame all the way back to the Bush/Reagan era...

You'd lose your bet. Name one single time where I've blamed the party not in power for something the party in power presided over.

You can't. Because you don't care about reality, just what you'd like to be true. It'd be shame to muddle your pathetically simple views of issues with the facts, I know, but your projecting your behaviour on me without a whit of evidence to stand on.


Face it Smash. You don't take positions based on what's best for the country, or what makes the most sense, or even what's right and what's wrong. You take positions purely based on your own political party and what will make them look better. It's pretty sad and pathetic actually.

It's pretty false actually. Why don't you just call me a giraffe. There's as much evidence indicating that I am as there is that I behave the way you'd like to characterize me.

It's really very simple. I take positions based on what I believe in. I don't blame Nixon for us having troops in Vietnam, I blame Johnson. I don't blame Ford for the energy crisis, I blame Carter.

I am in fact, perfectly consistent. Unlike you who attributes sucesses to your party when they're in power and attributes successes to your party when they're not in power. You also blame failures on the other party when they're in power, and blame failures on the other party when they're not in power.

I can quote about ten thousand examples of you doing this very thing and you can't find one of me doing so.

Why is that, do you think?

I imagine you'll attribute it to some sort of left wing consiparacy to take your hard earned money, even though you're in an income bracket where you use more in government services that you pay for.


To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#57 Mar 21 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
Interesting article in today's Newsday.

A quote from Bush's one time counterterrorism coordinator:

"Frankly, I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism," Clarke told CBS. "He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something."
#58 Mar 21 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
Ya I saw a campaign add for Bush this morning saying that in the first 100 days the president sets the tone of his presidency, Bush went on vacation. While Clarke was imploding trying to get him Cheney, Rice anyone to let him brief them on terrorism.
#59 Mar 22 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Now, I'm the least likely guy on this board to defend Bush, however...

Rich Clarke is a bitter underapreciated mid level beurecrat. He's one of those people with an axe to grind anytime presicely what he asks for doesn't get carried out by a government.

Trust me, I can relate to that.

The Bush administration absolutely did ignore a very real impending threat they were aware of, but it wasn't because they ignored Rich Clarke. It was mainly because they simply didn't bother to pay much attention to any foriegn policy at all untill forced to by 9-11. That's why Powell is so pissed off. As Sec-State he was essentially weilding carte blanche to effect his vision of American influence throughout the world. After 9-11 that was put into the hands of men like **** Armatige, Scooter Libby and Paul Wolfowitz.

With disaterous consequences.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#60 Mar 22 2004 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
You'd lose your bet. Name one single time where I've blamed the party not in power for something the party in power presided over.

You can't. Because you don't care about reality, just what you'd like to be true. It'd be shame to muddle your pathetically simple views of issues with the facts, I know, but your projecting your behaviour on me without a whit of evidence to stand on.

Well hold on their skippy. Lets set us some ground rules first (cause I know you'll weasle out of anything I pull up).

By "blamed the party not in power for something the party in power presided over", what exactly do you mean?

Does "not in power" mean "control of the presidency", or "control of congress", or some mixture of the two?

Does "in power" mean the party that controls the presidency? Or the Congress? Or some mixture of the two?

See the problem is twofold:

In order to find you blaming the Reps for something that happened while Clinton was president, I'd likely have to go farther back then this forum currently goes. You know this. Kinda makes your position easier, doesn't it.

Secondly, even if I found a post with you blaming the Reps for something that happened during Clintons watch, you'd most likely say that it wasn't the Dems fault because Clinton wanted to fix it (and of course would have!), but was unable to due to those pesky Republicans being in power in congress.

I'd actually have to do some research to figure out when the last time a Democrat ran the office with a Democrat controlled Congress. If those are the conditions you're proposing then your arguing a null point.

Nowever, I can say by way of opposition that you've done nothing but point out how everything that you see as "wrong" today is firmly the fault of the Republican's even when those things clearly were brewing during the Clinton administration.

Look. You can critisize Bush's lack of action *before* 9/11 happened. However, he'd only been in office for 9 months. Sure, maybe if he'd looked over more intelligence briefings, maybe he would have taken some action that would have prevented 9/11. Who knows. Maybe not.

However, perhaps the more important issue is to look at what a president does *after* a terrorism event. When we look at Clinton's record, it was pretty dismal. We see the first WTC bombing, and nothing is done. It's treated as a purely criminal matter an not one of national security. We see this repeated throughout his administration as we go through a series of embassy bombings, assasination attempts, and the Cole bombing. No real reaction. At least nothing decisive. Just more of the same kind of wishy washy action that only proves to the terrorists that we have no resolve to deal with them, and only proves to everyone else that we're willing to bomb folks in retaliation for acts, but not do anything to prevent the next act. One can argue that Clinton's reactions to the early Al-queda attacks only helped their cause.

Contrast to Bush's actions after 9/11. Whether you agree with the actions (and I don't even 100% agree with them), they have been decisive. Lot of other nations may not agree with what we've done, but you can bet that there are no terrorists in the world right now thinking that if they take action against the US, the US wont do anything back to them. You can also bet that there are no nations in the world that are thinking that they do not need to police terorrists within their borders since the US will not take action against them merely for the actions their citizens take against us.

Right, wrong or indifferent, his administration has made some decisive actions. They have changed the face of the terrorism equation. I think it's pretty clear that the methods we've been using for the last 20 years have not been working, and it can be argued led directly to the 9/11 attacks. Clearly, some policy needed to be changed. Bush changed it. Again, you can argue the appropriateness of the actions taken, but you cannot say that he did nothing in reaction to 9/11. Unlike Clinton, who literally did nothing not just the first time, but the 6th time we had a major terrorist action against us.

But hey! We're not pointing fingers here are we? After all, the OP wasn't finger pointing, right? So why sould anyone point fingers in response? That's just silly...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#61 Mar 22 2004 at 11:02 PM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
Well hold on their skippy. Lets set us some ground rules first (cause I know you'll weasle out of anything I pull up).

Considering there's nothing to pull up I imagine that's largely and irrelevently true.


By "blamed the party not in power for something the party in power presided over", what exactly do you mean?

Does "not in power" mean "control of the presidency", or "control of congress", or some mixture of the two?

The presidency. If the president doesn't have a majority of Congress from his party, that's his problem.


Does "in power" mean the party that controls the presidency? Or the Congress? Or some mixture of the two?

I heard you the first time.


See the problem is twofold:

In order to find you blaming the Reps for something that happened while Clinton was president, I'd likely have to go farther back then this forum currently goes. You know this. Kinda makes your position easier, doesn't it.

No, what makes my position easier is that I simply don't do it. Now, the fact that you randomly accuse me of something without anything to back it up at all, well, that's your problem. I see the excuses have allready started however. We both know how this will end. You'll run like a coward and stop posting or create imaginary things that don't exist and refuse to provide any actuall facts.

As ussual.


Secondly, even if I found a post with you blaming the Reps for something that happened during Clintons watch, you'd most likely say that it wasn't the Dems fault because Clinton wanted to fix it (and of course would have!), but was unable to due to those pesky Republicans being in power in congress.

No, that's what you would do. Don't project on to me, Skippy. I'm not the one justifying every Republican failure by saying the Democrats in Congress did it, or that it was the fault of the previous Democratic President.


I'd actually have to do some research to figure out when the last time a Democrat ran the office with a Democrat controlled Congress.

Perish the thought that you might actually have to spend some time studying the history of politics in America. The fact that you don't know offhand the last time is rather enlghtening actually.


If those are the conditions you're proposing then your arguing a null point.

Good thing they're not then I guess.


Nowever, I can say by way of opposition that you've done nothing but point out how everything that you see as "wrong" today is firmly the fault of the Republican's even when those things clearly were brewing during the Clinton administration.

Because the Republican's are in power now, and no, nothing was "clearly brewing" during the Clinton administration other than the greatest economic period in the history of the nation.


Look. You can critisize Bush's lack of action *before* 9/11 happened. However, he'd only been in office for 9 months. Sure, maybe if he'd looked over more intelligence briefings, maybe he would have taken some action that would have prevented 9/11. Who knows. Maybe not.

Sure. Qualify everything. It makes it easier not to have to actually take a position or have an oppinion. Maybe the universe exists, maybe not. Maybe I'm a butterfly dreaming to be a man. Grow a pair and take a position. Maybe if Bush didn't set a record for days on vacation in the first nine months he would have done something.


However, perhaps the more important issue is to look at what a president does *after* a terrorism event. When we look at Clinton's record, it was pretty dismal.

Well, that's a matter of oppinion, I suppose. Contrasted with Bush's record after the same terrorist events I'd say it was a pretty outstanding record. No one flew any airplanes into massive office buildings if I recall. Or does Bush not have to respond to terrorist events that occured before he took office? Look, when Kerry wins I fully expect him to respond to the ludicrous Bush tax cuts by rolling them back. If he instead ignores them and the economy colapses, I'd blame Kerry, not Bush. Inaction applies as much responsibility as action.


We see the first WTC bombing, and nothing is done.

Aside from that whole "capturing the responsible party" part. How's Bush doing with that, by the way?


It's treated as a purely criminal matter an not one of national security.

It WAS AND IS a criminal matter and not one of national security.


We see this repeated throughout his administration as we go through a series of embassy bombings, assasination attempts, and the Cole bombing. No real reaction. At least nothing decisive. Just more of the same kind of wishy washy action that only proves to the terrorists that we have no resolve to deal with them, and only proves to everyone else that we're willing to bomb folks in retaliation for acts, but not do anything to prevent the next act. One can argue that Clinton's reactions to the early Al-queda attacks only helped their cause.

One could argue that it was the best possible course and that there would have been a nuclear holocaust if we had responded diffrently in any way. One could argue that they paid for Lewinsky's services as barter for not being attacked. One could create any sort of fantasy they want. It wouldn't be plausible, just as arguing that Clinton's response somehow emblodened people willing to die to carry out attacks wouldn't be plausible.

Think about what you're saying for just a minute here. You're making the argument that if the people willing to kill themselves to harm us were more afraid that we'd...what? Kill them? They wouldn't have attacked us? Intresting theory. Maybe if the Japanese Kamakazie had only realized that we'd try to shoot them out of the sky they wouldn't have attacked our ships.

Contrast to Bush's actions after 9/11. Whether you agree with the actions (and I don't even 100% agree with them), they have been decisive.
Sure. He did nothing for a fairly long period of time, allowing the leaders of Al Queda to go underground and then he destabilized Afganistan. Fantastic. Oh, and then he invaded Iraq at the cost of ~600 US lives because 9-11 was a good excuse to do that even though Iraq is wholly unrelated to 9-11.

Lot of other nations may not agree with what we've done, but you can bet that there are no terrorists in the world right now thinking that if they take action against the US, the US wont do anything back to them.
I don't know what it takes for this to sink in for you. You can't defend yourself from suicide attacks with an overwhelming force docterine. People who are willing to die to hurt you really aren't terribly detered because you make it clear you're willing to kill them. Ask the Isralis. Oh yeah, them! This isn't a new idea, you realize. We're essentially following the doctrine of a nation who's been fighting terrorists for 20 years. As models of sucess in keeping your nations people from being killed I wouldn't put them at the top of my list, personally. Clinton understood that the solution to Islamic terror attacks resides in the middle east peace process. Bush doesn't understand that.

You can also bet that there are no nations in the world that are thinking that they do not need to police terorrists within their borders since the US will not take action against them merely for the actions their citizens take against us.
Saudi Arabia. QED.

Right, wrong or indifferent, his administration has made some decisive actions. They have changed the face of the terrorism equation.
Yes, they've recuited an etire new generation of suicide bombers. They've also taken US citizens out of the US, put them next door to where many of the terrorists reside, painted large targets on the US troops backs and effectively provided a shooting gallery on the borders of Syria and Lebanon. How much easier for a Jihadist to kill American's when they're just an hours drive away instead of across the world.

I think it's pretty clear that the methods we've been using for the last 20 years have not been working, and it can be argued led directly to the 9/11 attacks.
I think it's pretty clear that the methods we're using now have been used by Isreal for the last 20 years with disaterous results. I imagine next we build a big wall around the borders too, right? It can be argued that the US unwavering support of Isreal regardless of what actions it takes, including the outright assasination of the families of suicide bombers led directly to the 9/11 attacks. One could easily argue that the Mossad is state sponsered terrorism. It'd be hard to counter that argument. If Isreal was run by Muslims we'd be bombing them about now.

This isn't to say I'm anti-Isreal, because I'm not. But if you want to look at the causes of Islamic terror attacks on the US, that's the place to start, not with some ludicrous theory that we've been to permissive with them.

Clearly, some policy needed to be changed. Bush changed it. Again, you can argue the appropriateness of the actions taken, but you cannot say that he did nothing in reaction to 9/11.
Well, I can say he didn't do enough. He took resources out of fighting Al Queda and used them in Iraq. QED again. That can't be argued against. There's a finite number of resources that can be applied and he applied a good deal of them to Iraq instead of Al Queda.

Unlike Clinton, who literally did nothing not just the first time, but the 6th time we had a major terrorist action against us.
Firstly, Clinton certainly did do a great many things in response to those attacks. Arguing he did nothing just exposes your partisan bias. Or perhaps your lack of understanding of the history of terror attacks. Either way, it's wrong. You can take ignorance as a way out if you want, it's probbaly easier.

But hey! We're not pointing fingers here are we? After all, the OP wasn't finger pointing, right? So why sould anyone point fingers in response? That's just silly...
No, I think we should absolutely point fingers. I think we should hold the President in power acountable for things that happen on his watch. Period. It's not a complex idea to understand. I realize you can't do it because it exposes your party for the greedy, exploitive, beholden hacks they are. But hey, that's not my problem.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#62 Mar 22 2004 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:

We see the first WTC bombing, and nothing is done.

Aside from that whole "capturing the responsible party" part. How's Bush doing with that, by the way?

Sure. Let's be fair though:

How's Clinton doing on that? Oh wait! That's right. Clinton served out 2 full terms *after* the WTC bombing and never caught the guy who did it. Incidentally the exact same guy who masterminded 9/11.

So. How exactly can you blame Bush for not catching Osama in the last 2 and a half years, but you don't think Clinton is at blame *at all* for failing to catch him for nearly 8 full years.

Um... That happend on his watch Smash. When did he arrest him? Huh? Just tell me that...

Smasharoo wrote:

It's treated as a purely criminal matter an not one of national security.

It WAS AND IS a criminal matter and not one of national security.

So then it's not a matter of national security that Bush hasn't caught Osama yet, right? If that's the case, then unless Osama comes into the US, or comes under a nation with extradition treaties with us, then you can't really blame Bush for not catching him, right?

Which is it Smash? Pick one. This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's ok for Clinton to not find and arrest Osama for 8 years, but it's totally reprehensible for Bush to have failed to arrest the guy in the last 2.5 years.

Oh. And in case you're wondering, in 1996, both the Sudanese and Qatar governments separately offered to extradite Osama to the US, and the Clinton administration declined the offer! Why was that? If the goal was to arrest the criminal behind the at that point obvious pattern of terrorism against the US? How on earth can you state that this was not Clinton's doing?

I can't imagine why someone might get the impression that you simply blame Reps when things go wrong on their watch, and excuse the Dems when the same things go wrong on theirs. See how that works? Can you also understand that had Clinton found and arrested Osama at any time during his 8 years as president, we might still have two very tall buildings in NYC?

Once again, the rest of your post devolves into slobbering giberish. My point is made Smash. You are so ludicrously partisan it's funny. I'm willing to accept the possibility that Bush maybe could have looked at the old security reports from all the terrorist events that occured between Feburary 1993 and October 2000, made the connection that they were all from the same group, then made the realization that this group maybe wanted to do nasty things to us, and then started up a task force to deal with the issue. I'm even willing to accept that there's a chance that even coming into the situation as late as Bush did, that he might have been able to stop 9/11 from happening. However, can you accept that if Clinton had at any time during his 8 years in office made the exact same realization, and taken the exact same kind of action that would have been required for Bush to prevent 9/11, that he also could have prevented it from happening? Can you also accept that since Clinton had 8 years to make those same realizations and take those same actions to prevent 9/11, that maybe, just maybe, he's a bit more "to blame" then Bush?

So who's fault was it that Osama Bin Laden was not arrested during Clinton's administration? Who's fault Smash? Just answer me that...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#63 Mar 23 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
30,086 posts
To avoid another 9000 word post let me reply breifly (for once).

Blaming Clinton for a terroist event that happened on Bush's watch is the quintessential example of being a partisan hack brainwashed beyond the ability to see the facts.

Thanks for proving my point.

To your specefic questions, a couple of things: One, Bin Laden has never ever been tied to the '93 WTC bombing. He was named as an unindicted conspirator with 172 other people. Basically a laundry list of Islamic militants at the time. That he was somehow the "mastermind" behind the first bombing is something that's been manufactured after the fact because it's much easier to point a finger at one person than it is to admit that there are several orginisations out to kill us. So unless he had a magic crystal ball Clinton, or anyone else for that matter, wouldn't have arrested Bin Laden in February '93 if he was on the White House tour. Hammas had more to do with the '93 bombing than Al Queda. Pakistan had more to with it than Al Queda. So your imaginary brainwashed propaganda that he was somehow Puplic enemy #1 after that event is slightly flawed to say the least.

As to Clinton having "eight years" to do something about him, I'm not sure where to start there. Pretending that Bin Laden was an equal threat when Clinton took office and when Bush took office is insanity. I mean if you're going to go that route why not question why Kennedy didn't take him out when he had the chance? That being said, at a certain point he became an equivilent threat to what he was when Bush took office. '98 say. Is Clinton responsible for not capturing him between '98 and '01? Sure he is. Does that make him repsonsible for 9/11? Nope. Does that make Bush responsible? Yup. Why?

Because it happened on Bush's watch. I'm not sure which word of my easily understandable philosophy regarding this you don't understand. I hold the person in power accountable for things that happen while he's in power. Simple.

We didn't accept the offer to extradite him in '96 because there wasn't enough evidence to indict him. Evidence, remember that? Remember back when we killed people for specefic reasons we could prove and not just arbitrarily because they had a lot of oil reserves? Anyway...

Was that a mistake? Yes it was. Was that Clinton's fault? Yes it was. Does that make him responsible for 9/11? No it doesn't.

As to Bush, he had every opportunity to turn up the heat on Al Queda and did nothing. I know, I know, that's Clinton's fault too. It's all Clinton's fault, of course. It's Clinton's fault that Bin Laden shows up at his son's wedding in 2001 in Kandahar and we do nothing. It's Clinton's fault that we used 9/11 as a pretext to invade Iraq, pulling invaluable resources off teh search for Bin Laden. Clinton had eight years to remove Saddam from power too.

I imagine it's Clinton's fault also that North Korea is building Nuclear Weapons. He, after all, had eight years to do somehting about Kin Jung Ill. I'm sure it's also Clinton's fault that we resolved a massive Genocide in the Balkans. Oh wait, that ended well, that must be Regean's doing somehow, I'm certain of it.

The Recession is Clinton's fault too, right? I mean you've made that clear previously. It's Clinton's fault that Cheny let Enron dictate energy policy in secret meetings and now won't release them to Congress I imagine.

Here's what I see you saying. Correct me where I'm wrong, please:

Regean get's credit for an economic boom which Clinton inherits and somehow screws up before Bush gets into office.

Regean causes the collapse of the Soviet Union by spending a ******** of money on star wars. (even though it happens when Bush Sr. is in office).

The national debt is unimportant because it finances growth, so any problems related to it are just in the imagination of Democrats who foolishly ballance budgets and reduce it.

Bush inherited such a horrible economy from Clinton that he will be the first President not to create jobs during his tenure since Hoover (a Republican by the way, I'm sure that was really Wilson's fault).

Clinton is responsible for 9/11 because he didn't capture Bin Laden when he had the chance.

Clinton is responsible for terrorist attacks on the US in general because he wasn't "tough enough" on terror groups.

Clinton is responsible for intelligence failures in Iraq because...I'm sure you have a reason, fill me in.

Startlingly what you believe looks remarkebly like a Fox News broadcast. I wonder why that is? What could possibly be the connection? Hmm.

At any rate, you're a pathetic true believer brainwash victim of the Republican Party machine. Don't feel bad though, you haven't become a Nascar fan yet. It's good that you haven't sold out completely I guess.

I think you should get a little sign for your desk that reads "The Buck Stops OVER THERE". With an arrow pointing to a map of Massachussets. Liberal paradise and cause of every ill known to man.

Edited, Tue Mar 23 01:31:19 2004 by Smasharoo

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#64 Mar 23 2004 at 5:26 AM Rating: Default
Fellgaze wrote:
Now at this point, American patriotism may rear its ugly head and quotes of the "Yeah? Who cares what the rest of the world thinks, ? We're the STATES! DEAL WITH IT!" type, and other such drivel, may start to appear...
may start? kidding, aren't you - thats exactly what you get on this very board if you mention that the US lost a bit of popularity since WWII ;-)
#65 Mar 23 2004 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
We didn't accept the offer to extradite him in '96 because there wasn't enough evidence to indict him. Evidence, remember that? Remember back when we killed people for specefic reasons we could prove and not just arbitrarily because they had a lot of oil reserves? Anyway...

Was that a mistake? Yes it was. Was that Clinton's fault? Yes it was. Does that make him responsible for 9/11? No it doesn't.

As to Bush, he had every opportunity to turn up the heat on Al Queda and did nothing.

What event in the first 9 months of the Bush Administration or what unclassified or top secret known intelligence analysis was available during the first 9 months that would have allowed Bush to LEGALLY "turn up the heat on Al Queda"? Let's say Bush Had gone after Al Queda before 9/11 you'd be ******** right now that he had no right to go after "innocent" people that where just trying to get flying lessons on our own soil.

The fault does not lay with the Commander In Chief at the time, the fault lies in the inability of a buraucratic system that legally did not allow interaction between the agencies that could have, should have and probably would have been able to piece together an accurate risk assessment and scenario had they only been able to talk across the hall. Do not blame the Bush administration for the lack of attention to the situation that occured on Clinton's watch. Planning, coordination, and preparation for execution of such a disastrous event as 9/11 takes more than 9 months of effort. You're a buraucrat Smash you know this. Hell it probably takes you 3 meetings just to decided to have a meeting about a single project.
#66 Mar 23 2004 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Thank you Stok. That's exactly the point I've been trying to make.

There were no actions taken by Al-queda for the first 9 months of Bush's administration. No reason why he should have taken any more action towards that group then Clinton did. Yet some folks are first on the "Blame Bush for 9/11" bandwagon.

Let me clarify. I'm not trying to place blame on Clinton for 9/11. Not in the slightest. I am merely responding to those who are trying to blame Bush (like Smash and his "it happened on his watch" argument). I am saying that if you're going to place blame on Bush for failing to prevent 9/11, then you *have* to place even more blame on Clinton.

Events don't happen in a vacuum folks. Al-queda did not suddenly appear on Jan1 of 2001 and decide to plow some planes into some large building in the US 9 months later. There was a lot of history going on. It's an extreme oversimplification of what really happened to just look at 9/11 and say: "It happend on Bush's watch".
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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