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Why Stay?Follow

#1 Apr 05 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Lately I have noticed a good deal of bickering going on on the board and, while that is not new, it has made me wonder...

Why do you continue to post here?

For some posters it's obvious that none of the banter found here is personal and many of the OoT gang actually get along quite well. There have been, of late, a few posters who come here, make a post, get shot down (or shot at) and then complain that the OoT is the worst forum ever, and the posters here are a bunch of assholios. Do they leave and promise never to return? No. Rather, they continue to make posts and seem to suffer increasing frustration at the hands of this motley OoT crew. Why stay, if you don't like it? I am not pointing fingers because, well, just because. This is not another "who do you hate" post - I really am curious. Enlighten me.

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#2 Apr 05 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
I would hate to think I am one of the above mentioned, instead I am going to assume I am not one of the above mentioned, if I was one of the above mentioned I would end up saying things that would make me look like one of the above, I think.

Should a post not entertain me within the first few lines I skip it and move on. Should a poster consistantly not entertain me I skip over their future posts. In this way I do my little part to seperate the grain from the chaff. In my experience OOT posters tend to either ignore or ridicule into oblivion the uninteresting and the trolls. All others are fun and fair game.
#3 Apr 05 2004 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
GitSlayer wrote:
All others are fun and fair game.

But is it truly "fair game" Git? Because I think that there are more than a few people posting on this board that are not up to the challenge, think that they are, and get handed their *** on every thread. Why do they come back for more? Do they just not get it? Or do they enjoy it somehow?

It's sort of like sticking a kick-me sign on the fat kid in here sometimes.
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#4 Apr 05 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
'Cause all my stuff is here. Like my stars. And my avatar and my post count.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Apr 05 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,563 posts
It's a power trip, nothing is more satisfying then to know I can make someone cry from halfway around the world simply by typing out a few lines on a keyboard.
#6 Apr 05 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Jophiel wrote:
'Cause all my stuff is here. Like my stars. And my avatar and my post count.

Smiley: lol True, Joph...maybe that is all there is to it. I am willing to suffer humiliation and insult, so long as my avatar shines like a beacon and my stars pronounce my glory for all to see!

Even if it took me 800 posts of utter ***** to get here!

Edited, Mon Apr 5 18:45:54 2004 by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#7 Apr 05 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
6,730 posts
Think of it in Darwinian terms. Do you really want 1337 idiots giving you eye strain, semi literate morons who couldn't put together a compelling argument if their simple minds depended on it or condescending, self righteous, self important ego maniacs filling the board? Oh right, they do anyway.

The point is if we treat them like and stick them with the proverbial "kick-me sign on the fat kid" it is most likely because they deserved it. This isn't the EQ side or any other game side of the board. There are no freebies for acting like an n00b unless you give them to yourself. In other words the only person making these posters feel bad are themselves. Christ, if I got upset everytime someone here called me a name or insinuated something horrible about me I would have HUNTED EVERYONE OF YOU MOTHERF'KERS DOWN and, uh, killed... oh sorry another one of my 'lil episodes. heh.
#8 Apr 05 2004 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
I stay here because I'm a stubborn ******* that refuses to believe anything any of you Motherfu[b][/b]ckers say unless it's a compliment to me or somebody that I like (ie, people that like and compliment me), or an insult to anybody that doesn't like me.

People say that Katie takes a bashing and doesn't care, I'm Katie x10, you can quote this post and tell me that I once said I'm a stubborn *******, and being the stubborn ******* that I am, I will flat out deny it and drag it out into a long, >100 post thread on why I am right and you are wrong.

Chinese-finger-trap is my middle name, and I'm as lethal as a tiny net. Think about it. It's a net..... and it's tiny.

#9 Apr 05 2004 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I think of it kind of like home. Sure, it has it's ups and downs, But I'm not planning on going anywhere. OOT's in a lull right now it seems. It happens every so often.

Besides, I want to see what happens when i hit the magic 10k mark
#10 Apr 05 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
There have been, of late,
I don't think she's talking about you people with the big post counts. Nobody who has answered yet has less than 1k posts to their names.

So as a janey come lately, I'll put my head on the block. Also, I've ticked some people off and made it to more than one "you suck" thread, so I'm probably one of the people she's referring to, though I never stated or insinuated that people here are mean or this is a terrible oot forum.

I don't take a lot of the "you suck" comments personally, since nobody here knows me personally. I'm pretty secure in my opinion that I'm actually a pretty likable person.

I actually haven't done a lot of forum posting anywhere and truthfully, I don't really have any idea how to find a "good" one.
#11 Apr 05 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm pretty secure in my opinion that I'm actually a pretty likable person.

That's generaly the opinion of most people that suck.

Smiley: laugh
#12 Apr 05 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
I continue to post here in the hopes that somewhere, somebody will read a post of mine and laugh. I'd even take a smirk or a giggle. It doesn't really matter to me as long as my opinion, however sarcastic and pessimistic, is appreciated by somebody other than myself.

Also, I feel that we have a small semblence of a family here, be it disfunctional. I've grown accostomed to the quirks of certain posters just as one grows accostomed to the various petty annoyances of a cousin or sibling-in-law. You guys are like a second (or third) family to me. <hugs>

Well, some of you.

The rest of you I want to hog-tie to the back of a pickup truck and drag through a field of glass shards and rusty nails, but that list is very short.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#13 Apr 05 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
*edit* I post here to get weird-*** double posts every day. Fun stuff.

Edited, Mon Apr 5 21:28:57 2004 by Skeeter
#14 Apr 05 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Yanari the Puissant wrote:
I don't think she's talking about you people with the big post counts. Nobody who has answered yet has less than 1k posts to their names.

Not necessarily, Yanari. I am suggesting that lately some people have been less than complimentary about the board and its posters. I just wonder why these people would come back for more, when they clearly dislike the people and "flavor" of this board.

That's all. Smiley: grin

What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#15 Apr 05 2004 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Tare, this subject would be a lot more interesting if you compiled a list. I don't really know what the fu[/i]ck that would accomplish, I'm just hoping that I'd get to be on it. I love lists.

Everybody who posts on message boards does it out of egotism. They want to be liked, or respected, or laughed at, or feared. They all think their insights and opinions are unique and special, and that everything they say is a beautiful flower in a garden of wisdom. That's why people that are ignored completely disappear, never to be heard from again, rarely accruing more than a handful of posts before they realize it's pointless. Their egotism wasn't sated. But the newbies who are attacked tend to stay a while. Why? Because they are entertaining the vain ambition of swaying their antagonists with their perceptive and insightful views of the world. They are misinterpreting their attackers' assault as success, progress- but more importantly, their egotism is being sated.

In short, 'I' is more interesting than 'you'. And despite the illusion that we're all happily engaged in a multifaceted dialogue, we're not. We're just indulging our unconscious desire to be heard. The opposite of speaking is not talking, it's waiting. And that's all we're doing- waiting for our chance to contribute our meaningless jibber-jabber.

The reason I am such a successful poster is because I know my target audience so well. When I speak, I speak only to myself. And goddamit, I'm fu[i]
cking fascinating. You all just happen to be in the fortuitous position of witnessing my ************ self-indulgence.

Edited, Mon Apr 5 22:08:17 2004 by Thundra
#16 Apr 05 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Hey Thundra, check your email.

Smiley: wink2
#17 Apr 05 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I've ticked some people off... I don't mind though. I like OOT, and the fights are very amusing. If I have something to say, I'll usually type it out, even if that means I get flamed until my ears are burning. It's fun. It's harmless for the most part. It takes up the 30+ hours that it has been since I was last able to log-in.
There. I answered your question. I don't post a lot, because I'm usually laughing too hard to think about what I want to say.
#18 Apr 05 2004 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good
YAY! Canaduhian
10,293 posts
Overlord Thundra wrote:
Tare, this subject would be a lot more interesting if you compiled a list. I don't really know what the fu[/i]ck that would accomplish, I'm just hoping that I'd get to be on it. I love lists.

You are on all my lists, Thundra. Good and bad.

Nah, I don't want to list the perps, because they'll get all bent out of shape about it - and start posting the garbage I have mentioned in this thread too. Yay!

[i]Edited, Tue Apr 6 00:27:32 2004 by Tare
What's bred in the bone will not out of the flesh.
#19 Apr 05 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
Hey Thundra, check your email.

Either I'm once again the target of your cruel mockery and unaware of it, the mail server ate a missive, or you have accidentally missent a message. I'm not really sure which.

But I do know that I'm gonna go eat some pancakes.
#20 Apr 05 2004 at 11:30 PM Rating: Good
Ah hell...let me throw in my two cents.

I very well may be one of the people Tare is talking about. I keep posting because...well, 1) I get bored easy at work, and 2) Yall remind me of people I used to hang out with in old chat rooms and what-not.

To me, there is a thrill in an intellectual debate. It's been a while since I've hung around people of my true intellectual capacity...and sadly, it shows. It's been too long since I've hung around people of sharp wit and sharper tongues.

So for me, it's kinda a dual purpose...entertaining, and somewhat educational.

That, and who knows...maybe make some EQ buddies, or --God forbid-- an email buddy or two.

I know sometimes I go off on some of the posters here...but then again, who doesn't? I've been reading some of the back pages, and I don't see me doing anything that hasn't been done before. for that matter, I don't see ANYone doing ANYthing that hasn't been done already.

I really don't take any insults here personally, one would have to be a ****** to take them personally. I mean, c'mon...sticks and stone may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me. Wait, was that the right cliche? Oh well. Anyway, I like it here. I think the people here are pretty cool and I like the interaction.
#21 Apr 06 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
kaolian wrote:
Besides, I want to see what happens when i hit the magic 10k mark

Thats easy.. new servers will arrive and Illia will reset all the postcounts in the crossover../nods

In answer to the original question, I don't post much anyway, fits and starts mostly. Will I continue .. who knows ? would anybody notice? not a chance. Its a non question. It would be more interesting to find out why the people that don't post any more don't.

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#22 Apr 06 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Excellent
Thundra wrote:
Either I'm once again the target of your cruel mockery and unaware of it, the mail server ate a missive, or you have accidentally missent a message. I'm not really sure which.

Smiley: laugh

Haha! Made you look!

Sometimes the best jokes are the old ones mostly used by adolescent kids.

To those of you that are likely to get butt-hurt about this and complain how much of a moron I am, fu[b][/b]ck you, it made me laugh, and that's good enough for me. Raise up off my sack, ********

#23 Apr 06 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
That was funny... when I did it to DK 9 months ago.

I'm just bitter.
#24 Apr 06 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
Oh yeah...just thought of something. I'm happy as a pig in sh*t yall don't use RACK anymore. I cringed everytime I would reason someone say RACK this and RACK that. I feel dirty just for bringing that up...
#25 Apr 06 2004 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
5,019 posts
That wasn't reverse psychology, right? Please try to remember that I'm an exceptionally spiteful person.
#26 Apr 06 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
That was funny... when I did it to DK 9 months ago.

I'm just bitter.

I couldn't sleep last night, and my sleepyness was making me very giddy. I seriously laughed out loud for about 10 minutes at the thought of you checking your email because I told you to, and the fact that I didn't send anything.

Lol, actually, even while not tired, I still find that very amusing.

Rack it!
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