As we approach Paddy's Day (bejayzus), I hope we can distinguish between the romanticised, forty-shades-of-green nostalgia from expatriate Irish-folk, and the blind, hateful stupidity of those hiding behind the Orange, White and Green.
These bastards didn't just kill two British squaddies in cold blood, (they dropped them with a few rounds, then unloaded into them on the ground), they even shot the Domino's Pizza Guys who were delivering to the barracks. The soldiers killed were about to deploy to The 'Stan.
I am pro-Republican. I believe we should find a way (it will take a long time) to enable self-government across the whole of Ireland without waking the beast of the British descendants living in Ulster.
Meanwhile, the 'better' me hopes we find the gumen and bring them to justice. The 'worse' me wants a few deep-cover boys from the Hereford Gun Club to find 'em.