Has anyone heard of groups that do it? Otherwise I might start one.
The idea is pretty simple: We're heading towards disaster because of global warming. It's a matter of survival, if not for us, then for our kids or grand-kids. Since governments are slow to take real measures to curb pollution, it's up to citizens to increase the cost of pollution themselves.
So we start a movement. We do simple affirmative action to increase the real cost of polluting. It can range from simple measures, such as slashing the tyres of 4x4, to planting bombs that do damage to polluting property, such as factories or coal plants. You could do sit-ins, chain yourself to stuff, sabotage, hacking, lots of different actions which will in effect increase the cost of polluting.
Because we all know that money is what it comes down to. If governments don't want to increase the costs of polluting, isn't it up to the citizens to do so? Isn't it our duty, as responsible parents or future parents, to do precisely this? And isn't it ridiculously easy to do so, especially with tools such as the internet? And if done on a large scale, wouldn't it actually be quite effective? Not only would it raise awareness, it could eventually contribute to changing behaviour.
Of course, no damage would be done to people. Only to property. This is not about harming individuals, but purely about raising the cost of polluting through direct action. Legal or illegal.
I'd seriously consider if I was slightly less apathetic. And a bit more knowledgeable about climate change. And if I didn't have a job. And had more friends. And more money. And a bigger ego.
But still, I can see this happening in the future, and I'll be quite sympathetic to it. You?