gbaji wrote:
To Allegory's post? Ok. Maybe I should have quoted just the first half of the paragraph to be a bit more clear, but I assumed most readers would be able to noodle out via contextual clues what I was talking about...
Oh-ho! So you wanted to take what he said out of context. Got it.
gbaji wrote:
I was talking about Bill Maher in that particular statement, and he's on HBO I believe.
gbaji wrote:
It's kind of like Bill Maher claiming the same thing (without the puppets of course).
Uhhh. So the first sentence was a comparison that went absolutely nowhere, because the second sentence was a statement only talking about Bill Maher? Ok, cool. Why did you make the comparison in the first place?
gbaji wrote:
And it's not about taking them "seriously". It's about taking what they say and using it to form opinions.
Oh. Ok.
gbaji wrote:
Thus, you don't have to argue your's, just denigrate the other guy.
Maybe the other guy should start to act in an intelligent manner.
gbaji wrote:
strictly liberal talking points doing the same thing.
Aha! It's Gbaji's Hatred of the Liberal Mainstream Media again. I'm glad we got to the root of the topic so quickly.
Edited, Jun 10th 2009 10:16pm by CBD