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Unemployed Comments on the WSJFollow

#1 Jul 01 2010 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
There are 803 comments and counting on the WSJ's report on the failure of Congress to pass the unemployment benefits extension.

Many of the comments are from Republicans (or at least people who claimed to be Republicans) freaking out because their own elected representatives have abandoned them in their time of need. They are baby boomers, people who have worked hard for 30-40 years, then found themselves laid off and unable to get any kind of job because of their age.

It'd be comedy gold if it wasn't such a serious and depressing topic. As it is, unless the Republicans in Congress get their **** together in the next few weeks, they're in for a nasty surprise in November. A lot of the blame is also being spread to Harry Reid and other members of the Senate, for not writing the UI benefit as a stand-alone bill, but the general theme of the comments falls into:

- Unemployed people are trying really hard to find jobs, of which there are none
- The majority of laid-off workers are older people, who are considered unemployable for full time work due to age
- Living off $330/week isn't exactly living on the high hog
- Congress is out of touch for not realizing what people are actually going through
- Republicans in Congress especially are heartless bastards, and people who have voted R their entire lives are giving up and voting for Dems, since they are the only ones that seem to care any more

Another good point brought up by someone who is still employed is that the increase in desperate unemployed citizens will directly lead to an increase in crime, making it more dangerous for the employed people.

#2 Jul 01 2010 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
catwho wrote:

Another good point brought up by someone who is still employed is that the increase in desperate unemployed citizens will directly lead to an increase in crime, making it more dangerous for the employed people.

Which will also lead to war as desperate Americans cross into Canada and start plundering. And that will inevitably be the start of full scale nuclear war that is sure to wipe humanity off the face of the planet.

This is fun.
#3 Jul 01 2010 at 12:48 PM Rating: Good
15,512 posts
Not if you just direct them to Quebec
#4 Jul 01 2010 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol

F*ck these old lazy b*stards. They vote Democrat anyway. Why don't you blame the Democrats for once? I mean they are the ones who control the house, senate, and presidency?

And you're right evey incumbent running for re-election, particularly democrats, are going to be singing the blues come Nov no matter how much you try and pin this crap on the GOP.

#5 Jul 01 2010 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
F*ck these old lazy b*stards. They vote Democrat anyway. Why don't you blame the Democrats for once? I mean they are the ones who control the house, senate, and presidency?

You didn't read the comments. Here's a sample:

What in gods name is wrong with these people? Do they really think all these people want to stay unemployed? I'm 55yrs old. I have never in my life been out of work. My idea was to retire at 60. All my savings are gone everything sometimes i cant believe im living in the same country.But today i see where illlegals should be paid a fair wage i cant even find a wage and now not even unemployment.Is it war in the streets that these morons want?Are they trying to see how far they can push before we push back.

Given the spelling errors and the ******** about illegals taking his jobs, I'm gonna go ahead and bet he was a conservative baby boomer until he lost his job.

Here's one that regrets voting R:

I cant wait for things to come back on handout and I promise you they certainly will. Having voted a straight republican ticket my whole life I can assure you that will change. I also warn everyone to not vote for tea party nutjobs because they are even further right than the yahoo’s retards in Congress right now. Very ashamed of myself because I had a hand in voting Voinovich in office. No more republicans from me. Handout be man enough to show your face when us unemployed take to the streets and throw you obese repubs from your homes. It is coming my friend because I refuse to sleep under a bridge in the hood.

And another (this one can spell, oooh, might be a liberal plant):

I am an unemployed American that has been literally sending out hundreds of individually tailored resumes and cover letters. I am smart and articulate but have not received one opportunity to even interview! The unemployment funds that I’ve been receiving keep food on the table for my wife and I. I can only imagine what things would be like if we had kids.

I have voted Republican since I was 18 and I can assure you that because of their current stance on passing unemployment legislation, I will never again vote for the Republican party. I am going to use every ounce of influence that I have (550 facebook friends, college connections, friend, etc) to get the message out about what has happened in the Senate. (And yes, before you ask, I’ve exhausted all of these resources looking for a job). The Republican party is going down, you can take that to the bank!…facepumpers!

In response to that guy, we have this one:

I too like Andy Thomas (who posted at 5:50 pm today) am a smart, articulate man that has sent our more resumes and cover letters than I can count. Dispite my “Ivy League” degree I have not been able to find employment. I have depended on the benefits offered by this country ( a country that I have helped to support with my taxes for the past 30 years) to get through this difficult situation. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for this filibuster. They may be positioning themselves to win in the interim elections in November but they will not have my vote. I will be changed my party affiliation to Democrat after 35 years as a Republican.

Proper spelling and grammar, perhaps another liberal plant.

Or not.

The old saying was "A conservative is a liberal who has gotten mugged." I suppose we ought to change it to "A liberal is a conservative who has been unemployed for the last two years after working 35 years nonstop and suddenly finding himself laid off because he was the most expensive person to keep in the office."
#6 Jul 01 2010 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
5,159 posts
Catwho is rapidly becoming as much of a liberal troll as varus is a conservative one.
#7 Jul 01 2010 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent

What you're not buying all the elderlies sob stories?

Smiley: rolleyes

I love how all these people are blaming the GOP. Especially since we don't control one branch of the govn. Nov is going to be fun.

Smiley: grin
#8 Jul 01 2010 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
422 posts
that has sent our more resumes

Dispite my “Ivy League” degree

I will be changed my party affiliation

Bolded for emphasis.

Catwho, if this is what you consider proper spelling and grammar, then perhaps you are a conservative plant?
#9 Jul 01 2010 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
knoxxsouthy wrote:
I love how all these people are blaming the GOP. Especially since we don't control one branch of the govn. Nov is going to be fun.

Hey, ******** it was a republican filibuster that resulted in the law not being passed.
#10 Jul 01 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent

Cat can't be bothered with things like grammar when she's blaming the GOP for the current state of the economy.

#11 Jul 01 2010 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent

it was a republican filibuster that resulted in the law not being passed

It was the Democrats trying to pass more sh*t that caused it to be filibustered. Why not use the nuclear option?

#12 Jul 01 2010 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
knoxxsouthy wrote:

it was a republican filibuster that resulted in the law not being passed

It was the Democrats trying to pass more sh*t that caused it to be filibustered. Why not use the nuclear option?

So, the democrats try to pass something the people desperately need and want and the republicans block it, and it's the democrats' fault. Are you sure you want to say that?
#13 Jul 01 2010 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent

The Democrats try to steal more taxpayers money to continue to support the endlessly unemployeed and the GOP stops this and you think this is a bad thing? Smiley: laugh

Obviously the people don't want this because it didn't pass right? Isn't that what you liberals have been telling us republicans the last two years?

#14 Jul 01 2010 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
knoxxsouthy wrote:
The Democrats try to steal more taxpayers money to continue to support the endlessly unemployeed and the GOP stops this and you think this is a bad thing? Smiley: laugh

Obviously the people don't want this because it didn't pass right? Isn't that what you liberals have been telling us republicans the last two years?

Wow. Just... wow.
#15 Jul 01 2010 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent

Sucks when the other party refuses to work with you and you need them to get something done doesn't it? Maybe you'll stop putting people like Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, and Clinton in charge of the direction of this country. Democrats are going to get f*cked big time this Nov and you and every other liberal knows this and is p*ssed off. We are not going to let them pass another piece of god awful legislation this year. Cry and b*tch all you want.

I'll tell you what; you support repealing obamacare and I'll support extending these benefits. How's that sound?

Smiley: nod

Edited, Jul 1st 2010 5:30pm by knoxxsouthy
#16gbaji, Posted: Jul 01 2010 at 3:29 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Histrionics aside, extending unemployment benefits wont solve any problems. In 6 months we'll be debating the need to extend it further. The Republicans are taking the sane position rather than doing things that may make people feel better in the short term, but will have them running back to the government, hat in hand, once that short term benefit runs out.
#17 Jul 01 2010 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
422 posts
knoxxsouthy wrote:

Cat can't be bothered with things like grammar when she's blaming the GOP for the current state of the economy.

I was calling her out mainly because she was stooping to making some petty comments, and to be a little cheeky. Don't use me to make some petty, childish comments of your own.


I guess a question could be why are people not looking at the root cause(s) of the current state of the economy rather than focusing on a(nother) temporary band-aid when assessing what they are angry about?
#18 Jul 01 2010 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent

I'll use you how please thank you very much. If you can't handle that...Smiley: lol

#19 Jul 01 2010 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
422 posts

I'll use you how please thank you very much. If you can't handle that...Smiley: lol

Well you go right ahead. Luckily I don't have to spend time to make a case on this board of what an idiot you are.
#20 Jul 01 2010 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
CountFenris wrote:
I guess a question could be why are people not looking at the root cause(s) of the current state of the economy rather than focusing on a(nother) temporary band-aid when assessing what they are angry about?

I'm not saying extending unemployment is the only viable solution. If your kitchen is on fire, do you try to put it out with an extinguisher while you wait for the firemen, or do you just stand idly by and watch it the blaze consume the entire house?
#21 Jul 01 2010 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent

In this market? Let it burn. Of course i'm well insured. Smiley: nod

Edited, Jul 1st 2010 5:50pm by knoxxsouthy
#22 Jul 01 2010 at 3:51 PM Rating: Excellent
422 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
CountFenris wrote:

I guess a question could be why are people not looking at the root cause(s) of the current state of the economy rather than focusing on a(nother) temporary band-aid when assessing what they are angry about?

I'm not saying extending unemployment is the only viable solution. If your kitchen is on fire, do you try to put it out with an extinguisher while you wait for the firemen, or do you just stand idly by and watch it the blaze consume the entire house?

I'm not saying that unemployment benefits shouldn't be extended. I was responding to the comments Catwho posted from the WSJ site where people are seemingly blaming the Republicans solely for their hardship. I mean I understand; they are frustrated and anxious and now their extended benefits have been denied so they are angry. However, it's just interesting when there is enough blame on both sides to go around. Human nature, I guess.

#23 Jul 01 2010 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, I even acknowledged in the OP that a lot of the griping is also about Harry Reid and everyone in the Senate, not just the R senators. "Throw the bums out" is the big theme of 2010, and that's going to hit a lot of people regardless of party affiliation.

Also, please note, I'm not the one who wrote those comments - but those ones had relatively decent spelling and grammar in them, hence they "they must all be liberal plants" joke. The ones linked from the WSJ blog range from capslock of rage to "didn't even pass 5th grade" levels of grammar. The majority of them have no party affiliation labels, but quite a few of them do.

gbaji and Moe are the only conservatives I converse with regularly on the Internet who seem to know what a spell check function is.

#24 Jul 01 2010 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
BrownDuck wrote:
CountFenris wrote:
I guess a question could be why are people not looking at the root cause(s) of the current state of the economy rather than focusing on a(nother) temporary band-aid when assessing what they are angry about?

I'm not saying extending unemployment is the only viable solution. If your kitchen is on fire, do you try to put it out with an extinguisher while you wait for the firemen, or do you just stand idly by and watch it the blaze consume the entire house?

That's a really poor analogy though since extending unemployment doesn't put out the fire at all. A better analogy would be building extensions onto your home while it's on fire so that you can just keep moving yourself and your stuff into the new areas ahead of the fire itself. It provides the illusion of safety while consuming resources needed to fix the actual problem.

Sometimes the best solution to an economic problem is to feel the pain, move past it, and move on.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#25 Jul 01 2010 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
The best solution to this economic problem is open revolution.
#26 Jul 01 2010 at 4:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Sometimes the best solution to an economic problem is to feel the pain, move past it, and move on.

Well, move on assuming you don't die of starvation or exposure.
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