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Senate Repeals DADTFollow

#627 Jan 04 2011 at 4:01 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Just doing my part for humanity and whatnot.

Alma's "I hit my posting quota for the day" remark just lost its spot as Saddest Statement in this Thread.

I haven't forgotten about the other responses, but I had to respond to this nonsense first.

Seriously WTF is so unbelievable about me creating a quota to stop posting to enjoy my Christmas break? Are you really that dense, or is this me acting "defensive" because you're not really saying anything of any value?
#628 Jan 04 2011 at 4:02 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Just doing my part for humanity and whatnot.

Alma's "I hit my posting quota for the day" remark just lost its spot as Saddest Statement in this Thread.

It's sad that I point out that those who accuse others of being bigots are often guilty of it themselves? Ok. Whatever floats your boat. Seems more like it makes you uncomfortable to have such revelations appear in a thread in which it's more convenient for your position if everyone simply argues on the most simplistic surface level possible.

It's terrifically easy to just label those who disagree with you as bigots. It's a lot harder to honestly examine the issue of bigotry and apply the same rules to everyone and not just those you already believe are wrong. And if it's somehow "sad" for me to point this out, then so be it.

Edited, Jan 4th 2011 2:02pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#629 Jan 04 2011 at 4:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
In other words, I can't have a sexual interest in Beyonce and not be attracted to her. That doesn't make sense.

Sure it does.

Well, maybe not in regards to Beyonce.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#630 Jan 04 2011 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
It's sad


Grats on typing a bunch of stuff though :D
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#631 Jan 04 2011 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
As a straight female, I am sexually attracted to straight men. Not ALL straight men. So yes, I can have a sexual interest in something, but not find all of that something attractive. (the "something" in question here are straight males)

Maybe that wasn't written clearly. That "something" is the same in both scenarios. I wasn't talking in a general sense. No one is attracted to all men or women... give me some credit...

Ding ding ding! And this is why having gay and straight men shower together won't make a difference. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to all other men.

And about what you said to Samira earlier, most women who get looked at by other men *have* grown up and learned to deal with it. It happens. And most of us don't cry about it and we are usually able to completely ignore it.
#632 Jan 04 2011 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
#633 Jan 04 2011 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Ding ding ding! And this is why having gay and straight men shower together won't make a difference. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to all other men.

So why do we have separate shower facilities for men and women? Not all straight men are going to be attracted to all women either.

Apply your logic to more than just the one case you're arguing and see how it works.

And about what you said to Samira earlier, most women who get looked at by other men *have* grown up and learned to deal with it. It happens. And most of us don't cry about it and we are usually able to completely ignore it.

So you support having men and women in the military share showers, barracks, etc? Just checking how far your principles of equality really go.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#634 Jan 04 2011 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Nadenu wrote:
As a straight female, I am sexually attracted to straight men. Not ALL straight men. So yes, I can have a sexual interest in something, but not find all of that something attractive. (the "something" in question here are straight males)

Maybe that wasn't written clearly. That "something" is the same in both scenarios. I wasn't talking in a general sense. No one is attracted to all men or women... give me some credit...

Ding ding ding! And this is why having gay and straight men shower together won't make a difference. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to all other men.

And about what you said to Samira earlier, most women who get looked at by other men *have* grown up and learned to deal with it. It happens. And most of us don't cry about it and we are usually able to completely ignore it.

I can't quite agree with the sentiment that you seem to be expressing. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with being uncomfortable with another person oggling you when you're nude.

With combined gay & straight showers, something like that is certainly a possibility, though I suspect it'd be a stretch to call it a likelihood. I wouldn't look down on someone for being a little leery. 'Course, the military already has combined showers, so that's no argument against DADT repeal. It's just that I could see people requesting some additional options for privacy...sure it'd be a little after-the-fact, but the rationale seems sound and moral to me.

It doesn't have to be about homophobia; a dislike of being checked out while exposed isn't unique to females, nor are gays universally above sneaking a glance at someone if given the chance.

If we respect that feeling within women regarding men (or vice versa), then I see no reason to dismiss it between same-sex folks. Hell, there are probably gays out there who'd appreciate some more privacy options to avoid the eyes of other gays a bit, too.
#635 Jan 04 2011 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
In other words, I can't have a sexual interest in Beyonce and not be attracted to her. That doesn't make sense.

lolwhat. Id **** the **** out of britney spears but I am not attracted to her, hell Id stick it in Demi Moore too just to say I did. The amount of places my ***** has been compared to the number of girls ive been attracted to is not very close to even. Clearly someone has never worn beer goggles home from the bar, or is still a virgin.

My ***** decides where it wants to go on its own, it doesn't mean the rest of me has to enjoy it.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#636 Jan 04 2011 at 4:43 PM Rating: Excellent
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#637 Jan 04 2011 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
For the millionth time: the straight and gay men are already showering together. All you straight guys were hanging out in the locker room in high school with at least one gay guy, I'd be willing to bet. And all this time, these gay men haven't out-and-out leered at you or made you uncomfortable, have they? They've been able to control themselves and more likely, they just didn't find you attractive. And if they haven't been able to exercise control, maybe it crosses over into sexual harassment and then it becomes a totally different issue.
#638 Jan 04 2011 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
So you assume that all women are smaller and weaker than all men?

It doesn't really change the point if there are some exceptions. By and large, they are.

Oh, really, please tell me what's so convoluted and circular about: "My argument is that not everyone who is against open sexuality in the military are bigots."?

Which is not an uncommon cover for, "I don't think gays should be in the military. aka There are reasons for excluding them other than bigotry." What you've been convoluted about is articulating a decent argument for what those other reasons might be. When you can't do that, or do a poor job of making that argument, saying it's not just bigotry is not at all convincing.

lol, I never stated that I was in a cat and mouse game. That's another false argument that you created. You obviously felt like the mouse and decided to retaliate with "No YOU ARE!!!"... If I'm having fun with you and you're having fun with me, how is one over the other?

The tone of your post was that you were toying with me, which was humorous. But if I misinterpreted something, then I'm willing to drop it.

Women are creating a threat that doesn't exist based off of prejudice.

I laughed so hard, I think my neighbors heard.

Oh, the willful naivety.

So why do we have separate shower facilities for men and women? Not all straight men are going to be attracted to all women either.

I don't see why it's necessary to rehash what I've already said. I gave a pretty thorough breakdown like a page back. In summation: some of the reasons apply loosely in principle to segregating gays and straights, but none of them apply in any meaningful way.

lolwhat. Id @#%^ the sh*t out of britney spears but I am not attracted to her, hell Id stick it in Demi Moore too just to say I did. The amount of places my ***** has been compared to the number of girls ive been attracted to is not very close to even. Clearly someone has never worn beer goggles home from the bar, or is still a virgin.

My ***** decides where it wants to go on its own, it doesn't mean the rest of me has to enjoy it.

Yeah, look at it this way-- how many old men are really physically attracted to their wrinkly old wives? Yet old people fuck eachother all the time.
#639 Jan 04 2011 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
gbaji wrote:
So you assume that all women are smaller and weaker than all men?

A tangent note, but I found it to be interesting since we typically consider men and women in terms of equality. A typical male is about twice as strong in the upper body as a female, and about 50% stronger in the lower body. This isn't just because males tend to be involved in more physical activities, but largely because they have massively more muscle fibers and base muscle mass. Males also have stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments enabling for greater physical exertion.

I was always perplexed by the idea of girl push-ups, but it does make quite a bit of sense.
#640 Jan 04 2011 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
Naddendum wrote:
Ding ding ding! And this is why having gay and straight men shower together won't make a difference. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to all other men.

This is the stupidest thing not said by Vabajieque in this whole thread, but more personally frustrating because I broadly share your stance.

Edited, Jan 5th 2011 12:34am by Kavekk
#641 Jan 04 2011 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Naddendum wrote:
Ding ding ding! And this is why having gay and straight men shower together won't make a difference. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to all other men.

This is the stupidest thing not said by Vabajieque in this whole thread, but more personally frustrating because I broadly share your stance.

Edited, Jan 5th 2011 12:34am by Kavekk

So you're also frustrated that no gay men have hit on you. Poor thing.
#642 Jan 04 2011 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
gbaji wrote:
I think that those who point the finger of bigotry at others the most are often guilty of not looking at themselves enough to put the issue in perspective
Have I ever said I'm not a bigot or a hypocrite? No, because I know what I am. Unlike you though, I'm aware of what I am and try to make steps forward. Nice try though.

Edited, Jan 4th 2011 8:59pm by Uglysasquatch
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#643 Jan 04 2011 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
RDD wrote:
Actually I think what people want is a source that supports your position that gay men in a shower with straight men is the same as straight men in a shower with women. So before you change your argument for the 3rd time. Answer my question from page 2.

Wait, so you want a source that says that homosexual men are no different than heterosexual men except for sexual interest? That's interesting. How are you fighting for "Equality" if you're doubting the equality? I'm sure I could whip one up, but as I mentioned in previous threads, those types of sources will be biased to whatever you're trying to prove.

What question from page 2? I'm sure I addressed it.

RDD wrote:
If you are already serving with gay men, are already living/showering with gay men. What difference does DADT make, outside allowing those gay men to come out, and in retrospect allow you to avoid those men if you feel uncomfortable. So I ask again, what is your issue, either you can tolerate gays, or you can't, either you are a bigot, or you are not.

My issue is people calling men bigots for feeling uncomfortable showering with homosexual men. I already explained the difference with the repeal of DADT. No one is denying the existence of homosexuals. Homosexuals don't walk around with a Scarlett Letter, so ANYONE can be a homosexual. It's all psychological, the same psychological thoughts that women have with men. There's no proof that the man next to her is remotely interested in her, yet he is separated as if he causes an increase of a threat.

RDD wrote:
Ill repeat this again because I am sure your mind has already tried to skew what I said for your own awkward outlook on things. You already live/shower with gay men, the only thing that is changing is those gay men can say if they are or not. So either you can tolerate being around gay men (like you do now unknowingly) or you can't (knowingly) which means you are either a bigot or you are not.

Read above.

Ugly wrote:
None that I can think of. I suspect that's one of two things going on there. A stall, to allow the homophobes to adjust or rhetoric, designed to placate the homophobes a bit.

Besides the fact that would contradict the claim that the military welcomes the repeal, the quotes I presented to you stated that he needed time to implement further separation.

Jophiel wrote:
Slow moving bureaucracy? Taking X many days to do something doesn't mean that doing something requires X many days.

Read above. If everyone is "for the repeal", then there wouldn't be any slow moving bureaucracy. If the plan is to implement further separation among servicemen and the rewriting of the UCMJ, I'm sure that will take more than 40 days and probably longer than a year.

Jophiel wrote:
Hahaha... nice strawman but you still managed to dork it up. Politicians matter because the new regulations will be determined by them. Gates, Mullen & Obama will ultimately decide the new rules, not Casey or Amos or whoever else. But, you know, feel free to keep saying "You only believe them because you think they never lie!" That was truly a cutting remark and stuff.

For that matter, the Chiefs of Staff are politicians. They are political appointees and serve at the pleasure of the president as they serve in a decision-making capacity in his administration. They may not act "political" in your eyes but they are definitely politicians.

I know Mr. Gates, Mr. Mullen and President Obama ultimately decide the new rules, but they aren't the ones that best understand what's going on. That was my point, not who makes the rules, but who is most knowledgeable on the situation. It's the Chiefs of Staff, that's why they advise the President and that's why Mr. Obama is allowing them the time to implement the changes. If the President isn't going to listen to the staff, then there is no point in having a staff.

Of course they are "politicians", that's why they didn't just come out and say that DADT shouldn't be repealed. If they thought the repeal was so necessary, they would have been fighting it all along, not when a new president comes in. FYI: The biggest difference between an officer in the military vs the enlisted, is politics. All Officers are "politicians" on different levels.

#644 Jan 04 2011 at 7:04 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
alma wrote:
the quotes I presented to you stated that he needed time to implement further separation.
Because the homophobes need time to adjust. Yea, I already pointed that out.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#645 Jan 04 2011 at 7:11 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Nadenu wrote:
Kavekk wrote:
Naddendum wrote:
Ding ding ding! And this is why having gay and straight men shower together won't make a difference. Not all gay men are going to be attracted to all other men.

This is the stupidest thing not said by Vabajieque in this whole thread, but more personally frustrating because I broadly share your stance.

Edited, Jan 5th 2011 12:34am by Kavekk

So you're also frustrated that no gay men have hit on you. Poor thing.

Suggesting that no gay man in the history of communal showers would ever sneak a glance or two at someone they find attractive would be pretty silly. Its not very hard to fathom. Personally, were I to share a shower with the opposite gender, i'd be damned hard pressed to not sneak some looks at somebody I found attractive. I'm sure there are a few like-minded gays out there. And if the possibility exists, its then perfectly natural to want some extra privacy options to help alleviate the concern. For better or worse, we've got a lot of social mores that disincline us from being seen nude, particularly by those who are sexually attracted to our gender.

It's a social construct, yes, but there's nothing inherently right or wrong about it. Its certainly got nothing to do with a lack of maturity, nor does it imply a self-consciousness about ones looks or package size. To suggest otherwise is just ad hominem.

But anyway, as I said before, its a poor argument against DADT repeal because gays and straights are already showering together. All I'm saying is that I see nothing wrong with someone making a case for some additional partitions and curtains to go along with the repeal. Nothin' wrong with that, right?
#646 Jan 04 2011 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Ugly wrote:
The one who decided to step outside of the chain of command and dealt with this inappropriately, while investigating the allegations of "looking at him sexually".

What does the Chain of Command have anything to do with that scenario?

Kachi wrote:
There you go, conveniently forgetting about "separate but equal" again.

Uh, he didn't forget it, there's just no comparison. Discrimination on physical traits, height, skin color, sex,etc. is completely different from discrimination of personality traits, sexuality, religion,etc. The former traits tells you nothing about the person, while the latter traits tells you something about the person.

Majivo wrote:
Are you really so convinced that everyone is lying to help their argument that you can't accept the answer you were given? For me, my response would be the same either way. You don't step outside the chain of command without a pressing need to do so, such as being placed in immediate physical danger, which is not present in the scenario you presented. Gay, straight, man, woman, doesn't matter.

There's the chain of command again... What does that have to do with anything?!?!

JO wrote:
Or, you know, we can sit and cry about scary liberal plots to call Gbaji and Alma bigots at the expense of our military which could never handle the horrific waves of gay-on-straight shower harassment looming over the horizon.

You must have me confused again. I think I stated a million times that my point is that not every person who is against open homosexuality in the military is a bigot.
#647 Jan 04 2011 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Ugly wrote:
The one who decided to step outside of the chain of command and dealt with this inappropriately, while investigating the allegations of "looking at him sexually".

What does the Chain of Command have anything to do with that scenario?

Everything? What, did you just completely fail to understand the scenario? If you break the rules, or there are allegations that you broke the rules, you get investigated. Attempting to take matters into your own hands because someone looked at you sexually is over the line.
#648 Jan 04 2011 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
What does the Chain of Command have anything to do with that scenario?
Sexual harassment. The soldier should have let superiors deal with it. And you're an officer? I imagine a lot of slackers would love to be under your command and have the freedom to do whatever they want.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#649 Jan 04 2011 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Uh, he didn't forget it, there's just no comparison. Discrimination on physical traits, height, skin color, sex,etc. is completely different from discrimination of personality traits, sexuality, religion,etc. The former traits tells you nothing about the person, while the latter traits tells you something about the person.

The point was about protecting the comfort of soldiers. If soldiers were uncomfortable sharing facilities with black men because they were bigots but had to suck it up, how is that significantly different from having to suck it up and share with gay men (which they're already doing)? Your best argument is that one discomfort is more legitimate than the other, but you haven't really managed to defend it so far.

I think I stated a million times that my point is that not every person who is against open homosexuality in the military is a bigot.

No, some of them just think it will make the bigots uncomfortable. Otherwise you've yet to make a successful compelling argument that exemplifies these people who are against DADT but aren't bigots.
#650 Jan 04 2011 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Nadenu wrote:
For the millionth time: the straight and gay men are already showering together.

In an environment where by rule no one is "allowed" to be gay. It's an offense that results in discharge. That some hide their orientation and join up anyway is irrelevant. It's somewhat like knowing that it's possible for someone to hide a camera in the clothing store dressing room and take pictures of you while naked, but you know it's illegal and if they're caught they'll be punished. Your argument is equivalent to saying that if we make putting cameras in the dressing rooms legal, no one should feel uncomfortable changing in them.

Of course they will. And soldiers will feel uncomfortable knowing that there's a gay person in their unit showering with them. Knowing this will make it worse than knowing it's possible. A lot worse.

All you straight guys were hanging out in the locker room in high school with at least one gay guy, I'd be willing to bet. And all this time, these gay men haven't out-and-out leered at you or made you uncomfortable, have they? They've been able to control themselves and more likely, they just didn't find you attractive. And if they haven't been able to exercise control, maybe it crosses over into sexual harassment and then it becomes a totally different issue.

I'll ask again: So why do we not require men and women to share shower facilities in the military? The same arguments you just made apply equally. As long as no one sexually harasses anyone, it should be all good, right?

I think some of you totally miss my position on this. My point is that society shouldn't have these hangups at all. We should allow all people to share facilities. Gay, straight, men, women, children, adults. Nudity shouldn't be an issue for us at all.

But it is. All I'm doing is pointing out that it's hypocritical to insist that one group of people drop one specific hangup while you (most of you) continue to cling to a whole host of equally irrational ones yourself. Any woman who thinks that no straight male should be bothered by showering with a gay man, should herself have no problems showering with straight men. And unless you can honestly say that, then you should admit to yourself that while we can say that such things are irrational, it is more than a bit unfair to just label it bigotry.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#651 Jan 04 2011 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
gbaji wrote:
In an environment where by rule no one is "allowed" to be gay.

No, you're allowed to be gay; you're just not allowed to know who is gay.
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