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Senate Repeals DADTFollow

#702 Jan 06 2011 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Kachi wrote:
lol, gbaji. It was a stupid argument, and that's all there is to it. You should be able to acknowledge that in retrospect.

Alma, let me help you out, straight from the military on the DoD policy:

Homosexual conduct is grounds for barring entry into the Armed Forces and for separation from the Armed Forces.
Sexual Orientation is NOT a bar to enlistment or to continued service.

You're wrong, you lose, good day.

As for your other bullsh*t, I'm growing tired of dealing with you, and have an upcoming trip to Vegas, so you'll just have to continue being wrong, I guess. It's not like that would probably change if I responded, so...


I was actually waiting for such a response... I have been reading the Homosexual Conduct Policy since yesterday, so you can't fool me in any way shape or form. It was a PDF file, so I would have to type it, but you leave me no choice. It clearly says that your sexual orientation is your own privacy. That's exactly What I said. That's why they stopped asking it. That didn't authorize you to be a homosexual.

Let me quote and actually SOURCE it for you since you refuse to read it yourself.. wrote:
{....] A basis for discharge exists if - [....]

(2)The Soldier has said the he or she is a homosexual or bisexual, or made some other statement that indicates the propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts....


(c) A reliable person states that he or she observed behaviors that amounts to a nonverbal statement by a Soldier that he or she is a homosexual or bisexual(that is, behavior that a reasonable person would believe intended to convey the statement that a Soldier engages in, attempts to engage in, or has the propensity or intent to engage in homosexual act)

#703 Jan 06 2011 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
I'm not in the scenario. The scenario is Jon and gay Billy.

I don't get it what are you trying to say then?

Almalieque wrote:
You forget that people move in the military. Even if Jon showered with gay Mark everyday, doesn't mean he's comfortable showering with gay Billy, the new guy. It also doesn't mean that Jon is comfortable showering with Sam, the open gay guy in his new unit.

Well, let me try it again...

Two scenarios:

Scenario A: Jon showers with Mark in open showers. Jon finds out that Mark is gay. Jon is cool with showering with Mark because of their past. Gay Billy joins the unit. Jon is not comfortable showering with gay Billy.

Scenario B:Jon showers with Mark in open showers. Jon finds out that Mark is gay. Jon is cool with showering with Mark because of their past. Jon moves to another unit. Gay Billy is at Jon's new unit. Jon is not comfortable showering with gay Billy.

The point of these scenarios is that just because a guy is comfortable showering with one gay person or has showered with a gay person, it doesn't mean that he should be comfortable showering with another.

Women have showered with men in their past, that doesn't mean that they are comfortable showering with every other man.

Ohhhh I see you were trying to make a point. Ok well how about this.

Scenario A: Jon showers with Mark in open showers. Jon finds out that Mark is gay. Jon is cool with showering with Mark because of their past. Gay Billy joins the unit. Jon is comfortable showering with gay Billy too since he just doesn't give a sh*t.

Scenario B:Jon showers with Mark in open showers. Jon finds out that Mark is gay. Jon is cool with showering with Mark because of their past. Jon moves to another unit. Gay Billy is at Jon's new unit. Jon is comfortable showering with gay Billy because he just doesn't give a sh*t.

Nothing wrong with those scenarios you mentioned, but you can't pretend as if they are the only two scenarios. Furthermore, you can't pretend that since one man showered with one homosexual, then he should be ok to shower with another one...

Edited, Jan 8th 2011 2:32pm by Almalieque
#704 Jan 06 2011 at 7:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Or... It's labeled as a stupid argument by those who don't want to be reminded that their political positions are pretty much solely based on word manipulation.

Or it was just a stupid argument.

what we're doing isn't in fact a repeal of DADT.

The fact that you obviously don't know what a repeal is doesn't mean it's not a repeal. It just means that you're ignorant.

that only makes it more interesting to see some people argue so strongly against it.

Gee, I feel so shamed now. I guess I better just admit that your idiotic understanding of the law is correct because I'd sure hate to have you imply that I'm ever so scared to have people know the "truth".

Or maybe you're just wrong and it's pretty trivial to point this out since, you know, you're wrong.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#705 Jan 06 2011 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Furthermore, you can't pretend that since one gay showered with one homosexual, then he should ok to shower with another one...
Actually he can. What you shouldn't do is pretend since he was ok showering with one gay, and is ok showering with any other gay, that everyone would be comfortable showering with any gay. What we also shouldn't do, is worry about that group, because, you know, they're bigots.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#706 Jan 06 2011 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
7,568 posts
I never once said it did, and I never once said there was anything wrong with people feeling uncomfortable. But segregating people based on sexual orientation is discriminatory. You are arguing that feelings might get hurt or stepped on, guess what it happens in life. Some people get over it, some people avoid it, and others they go down the right avenues to address it.

In this case Jon has a couple choices.

A. He tries to avoid showering with billy as much as he can
B. He notifys his unit cheif of the situation so maybe he can be reasinged or put on alternate duty rosters
C. He takes it in stride and tries to deal with it
D. He leaves the army.

Separating Homosexuals and Heterosexuals is discrimination. This is the point of your argument that is bigotry. Not having uncomfortable feelings, but demanding that ****'s be separated.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#707 Jan 06 2011 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Just for additional lulz, in the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" (hahaha... nice name; stay classy, Eric Cantor!) contains this provision in it...
lolcantor wrote:
(a) Job-Killing Health Care Law- Effective as of the enactment of Public Law 111-148, such Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted.

(b) Health Care-Related Provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010- Effective as of the enactment of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-152), title I and subtitle B of title II of such Act are repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such title or subtitle, respectively, are restored or revived as if such title and subtitle had not been enacted.
(bolding mine)

Why... it's almost as though Rep. Cantor might be lacking in the legislation naming talents but he understands that repealing a law doesn't magically make all the other laws from the past rush in to fill its place! Who'd have thunk it?? Oh... I can think of someone....

I previously wrote:
gbaji wrote:
I'll point out again that it was already an offense to be engage in homosexual activities while serving in the military prior to the passage of DADT

It. Does. Not. Matter. Section 654 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 is what governed homosexuality in the military. That's it. That was the law of the land. It's not like pulling up carpeting where you remove the shag and say "Now the new floor is this tile laid in 1955! Oh, wait.. we pulled this up and now the new floor is this hardwood from 1940!" Do you really think this is the case? Seriously? There was no hardwood under the DADT policy in the 1993/94 bill -- that policy was the law.


Edited, Jan 6th 2011 8:13pm by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#708 Jan 06 2011 at 8:29 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Just for additional lulz, in the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act" (hahaha... nice name; stay classy, Eric Cantor!) contains this provision in it...
lolcantor wrote:
(a) Job-Killing Health Care Law- Effective as of the enactment of Public Law 111-148, such Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted.

(b) Health Care-Related Provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010- Effective as of the enactment of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-152), title I and subtitle B of title II of such Act are repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such title or subtitle, respectively, are restored or revived as if such title and subtitle had not been enacted.
(bolding mine)

Um... You just proved my point Joph.

A "repeal" restores the law to the state it was before the repealed act was passed. So if you repealed DADT, it would restore the law to the state it was before DADT was passed. As I stated repeatedly, this is not what the current changes are doing. If it was, then the law would go back to how it was prior to the passage of DADT. In which case homosexuals would not only be barred from service, but the military could go back to asking them if they are gay as a condition for enlistment, promotion, access to classified information, etc.

Which is exactly the point I made in the previous thread. This is *not* a repeal. And no amount of calling it a repeal makes it so. What Cantor is talking about *is* a repeal since they're going to try to make it as though the health care act was never passed. I honestly can't figure out how you could actually post that and still not realize that you're wrong. It's right there. You even bolded the relevant portions. A repeal returns the law to the state it was prior to the passage of the repealed act.

Are we trying to return our military code to the state it was in prior to the passage of DADT? Yes or no?

Edited, Jan 6th 2011 6:31pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#709 Jan 06 2011 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
5,684 posts
Kachi wrote:

You're wrong, you lose, good day.


Edited, Jan 6th 2011 8:32pm by Bardalicious
#710 Jan 06 2011 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I previously wrote:
gbaji wrote:
I'll point out again that it was already an offense to be engage in homosexual activities while serving in the military prior to the passage of DADT

It. Does. Not. Matter. Section 654 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 is what governed homosexuality in the military. That's it. That was the law of the land. It's not like pulling up carpeting where you remove the shag and say "Now the new floor is this tile laid in 1955! Oh, wait.. we pulled this up and now the new floor is this hardwood from 1940!" Do you really think this is the case? Seriously? There was no hardwood under the DADT policy in the 1993/94 bill -- that policy was the law.


Yes. So a repeal of DADT will restore Section 654 back to whatever state it was prior to the passage of DADT. It will also restore any other Sections which were changed by DADT to the state they were in prior to the passage of DADT. Because that's what it means to "repeal" a Act.

Get it yet? If they do that, the law goes back to how it was before. We are not repealing DADT. We are passing a new law, which strikes out sections of the military code which were created by DADT, but that's not the same thing. I'll point out your own bolded sections from the previous post. For it to be a repeal, it would not only remove the Section in question, but it would restore the previous language to its form prior to passage of DADT.

How can you not understand what "repeal" means? It's just surprising that you're arguing with me about this. I swear it's like you suddenly can't understand English or something.

Edited, Jan 6th 2011 6:38pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#711 Jan 06 2011 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Um... You just proved my point Joph.


A "repeal" restores the law to the state it was before the repealed act was passed. So if you repealed DADT, it would restore the law to the state it was before DADT was passed.

Erm, no. Hence the additional provision that the laws would be restored. A completely unnecessary provision if this was the default rule. You would simply say "Job-Killing Health Care Law- Effective as of the enactment of Public Law 111-148, such Act is repealed" period-full-stop.

Are we trying to return our military code to the state it was in prior to the passage of DADT? Yes or no?

Again, you don't understand legislation which is why you thought this was some tricky question. No, we're not. That doesn't mean what you think it does. What makes it a repeal is when it plainly says that the section consisting of DADT is struck from the law.

For it to be a repeal, it would not only remove the Section in question, but it would restore the previous language to its form prior to passage of DADT.

Erm, only if you have some newbie's understanding I guess. Which you are apparently hellbent on proving you do.

How can you not understand what "repeal" means?

lulz. wrote:
The abrogation or destruction of a law by a legislative act. wrote:
to annul an existing law, by passage of a repealing statute [...] 2) n. the act of annulling a statute.

There is a general idea that a repeal of a repeal restores the original law. So if the DADT Repeal Act was in turn repealed by the Repeal The Job-Killing DADT Repeal Act, then DADT would be restored. But only because we're dealing specifically with repealing a repeal act. The military appropriations bill in 1994 didn't "repeal" anything, it simply set a new standard of rules.

I already understand that you're not able to follow along with this. I understand that you will keep saying "But repeal only means this!" like some twit arguing that the theory of gravity is just a guess because it has the word "theory" and they only grasp the most simplistic meaning of the word and can't wrap their noggin around the idea that it might have a deeper and more nuanced definition within specific professional circles but, well, it's always fun to watch you try.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#712 Jan 06 2011 at 9:26 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Lol. Interesting mental gyrations there Joph. Look. We all know that when you repeal a law, it undoes whatever that law did. That's what "repeal" means. Even grade schoolers know that you are wrong, so why not just drop it?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#713 Jan 06 2011 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
Look. We all know that when you repeal a law, it undoes whatever that law did. That's what "repeal" means. Even grade schoolers know that you are wrong, so why not just drop it?

LOL. That's your golden argument? "You have legal definitions and examples from legislation but I have school children who agree with me!! You hear me?!! SCHOOL CHILDREN!!!"
I just wrote:
I understand that you will keep saying "But repeal only means this!" like some twit arguing that the theory of gravity is just a guess because it has the word "theory" and they only grasp the most simplistic meaning of the word and can't wrap their noggin around the idea that it might have a deeper and more nuanced definition within specific professional circles but, well, it's always fun to watch you try.

Thanks for proving me correct so quickly. And congratulations on siding with school children over legal dictionaries.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#714 Jan 06 2011 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts

I was actually waiting for such a response... I have been reading the Homosexual Conduct Policy since yesterday, so you can't fool me in any way shape or form. It was a PDF file, so I would have to type it, but you leave me no choice. It clearly says that your sexual orientation is your own privacy. That's exactly What I said. That's why they stopped asking it. That didn't authorize you to be a homosexual.

Let me quote and actually SOURCE it for you since you refuse to read it yourself..

Great, so you acknowledge that you were wrong, I was right, and gays are allowed to serve in the military so long as it's a secret. I can enjoy my trip to Vegas without that on my mind... phew!
#715 Jan 07 2011 at 12:41 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Thanks for proving me correct so quickly. And congratulations on siding with school children over legal dictionaries.
Legal dictionaries were just created by the gays to destroy the military man.
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#716 Jan 07 2011 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
You guys should really stop discriminating against gbaji.
#717 Jan 07 2011 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Furthermore, you can't pretend that since one gay showered with one homosexual, then he should ok to shower with another one...
Actually he can. What you shouldn't do is pretend since he was ok showering with one gay, and is ok showering with any other gay, that everyone would be comfortable showering with any gay. What we also shouldn't do, is worry about that group, because, you know, they're bigots.

Oh, I forgot who I was arguing with. You're just trolling now.. For the people who actually believe that nonsense, his statement is false because 1 person doesn't represent an entire group of people. That's like telling women who ever showered with a male significant other that it's no different showering with a group of male strangers. The only way his idiotic claim could be true is if all homosexuals were the same.

RDD wrote:
I never once said it did, and I never once said there was anything wrong with people feeling uncomfortable. But segregating people based on sexual orientation is discriminatory. You are arguing that feelings might get hurt or stepped on, guess what it happens in life. Some people get over it, some people avoid it, and others they go down the right avenues to address it.

In this case Jon has a couple choices.

A. He tries to avoid showering with billy as much as he can
B. He notifys his unit cheif of the situation so maybe he can be reasinged or put on alternate duty rosters
C. He takes it in stride and tries to deal with it
D. He leaves the army.

Separating Homosexuals and Heterosexuals is discrimination. This is the point of your argument that is bigotry. Not having uncomfortable feelings, but demanding that ****'s be separated.

Now, we're getting somewhere. If your argument is based on "discrimination", then guess what? In life we discriminate. That's what happens, there is no way around it. Discrimination is not inherently bad or good. Separation by sex is discrimination. In some situations it's justified in others it isn't justified. If you can justify it, as I did with homosexuals, then the discrimination stands. If you can't justify it, then the discrimination falls. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't justified. I don't like the fact that women have an entire 3 extra mins to run on their physical fitness test than me, but it doesn't change the justification.

Kachi wrote:
Great, so you acknowledge that you were wrong, I was right, and gays are allowed to serve in the military so long as it's a secret. I can enjoy my trip to Vegas without that on my mind... phew!

I guess you realize that you're wrong now, by your short responses and attempt to change your argument. Uhhhh.... my argument was that homosexuals are ABLE to join as long as they kept it secret. That was the whole point of DADT, to enable homosexuals to join without lying. That doesn't mean being a homosexual is allowed. You responded that I was confusing being homosexual with homosexual conduct, that those people are being discharged for homosexual conduct. I quoted in the policy where the person doesn't have to actually do any homosexual conduct, just have evidence that s/he is a homosexual.

So, you're wrong. You know you're wrong. Just admit it. It's not that hard.

By the way, you forgot to answer my question below.

I didn't say anything about assault, so please answer the question."So, you're saying that a woman who expresses anxiety about a man checking her out makes her a heterophobe?"
#718 Jan 07 2011 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
Now, we're getting somewhere. If your argument is based on "discrimination", then guess what? In life we discriminate. That's what happens, there is no way around it. Discrimination is not inherently bad or good. Separation by sex is discrimination. In some situations it's justified in others it isn't justified. If you can justify it, as I did with homosexuals, then the discrimination stands. If you can't justify it, then the discrimination falls. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't justified. I don't like the fact that women have an entire 3 extra mins to run on their physical fitness test than me, but it doesn't change the justification.

Which has already been covered, men have a ***** and women have a ******, gay men and straight men both have a *****, gay women and straight women both have a ******.

as for why women have a slightly longer time on their fitness test. That is because they have less overall muscle mass then men. Meaning they are slower, while still capable of doing stuff like a man, they are at a disadvantage due to anatomy, and they can do nothing about that.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#719 Jan 07 2011 at 6:43 AM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
Now, we're getting somewhere. If your argument is based on "discrimination", then guess what? In life we discriminate. That's what happens, there is no way around it. Discrimination is not inherently bad or good. Separation by sex is discrimination. In some situations it's justified in others it isn't justified. If you can justify it, as I did with homosexuals, then the discrimination stands. If you can't justify it, then the discrimination falls. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't justified. I don't like the fact that women have an entire 3 extra mins to run on their physical fitness test than me, but it doesn't change the justification.

Which has already been covered, men have a ***** and women have a ******, gay men and straight men both have a *****, gay women and straight women both have a ******.

as for why women have a slightly longer time on their fitness test. That is because they have less overall muscle mass then men. Meaning they are slower, while still capable of doing stuff like a man, they are at a disadvantage due to anatomy, and they can do nothing about that.

So,you agree that discrimination isn't inherently wrong.

If it were because of body parts, then both men and women would be separated in the office too. Men don't lose their penises in the office, nor do women lose their vaginas in the office. So, why aren't men and women separated in the office? Why are they separated in the bathroom? Now, every bathroom have stalls and urinal dividers.

If you want to live in fantasy world and believe that this has nothing to do with privacy and comfort, go ahead, but it'll be difficult to answer those questions without leading to that conclusion.

Edited, Jan 7th 2011 2:44pm by Almalieque
#720 Jan 07 2011 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
If you find a nude office let me know.

Look the reason men and women are asked to shower separately is because a long long time ago the wonder Catholic Church deemed it inappropriate to see the other sex naked. This has carried on through society for hundreds and hundreds of years.

It is not something new that was made up to make women or men feel comfortable, it was something that was made up to prevent the possibility of sins. This was done way back when the church ruled the world. Long before equal rights movements, long before free speech movements long before people had any rights at all, other than the right to worship God.

Personally I think anyone should be able to shower together regardless of sex, but that is not how it works, and because of hundreds and hundreds of years and generation after generation of teaching children that nudity is wrong here we are.

The reason in this case that it is discriminatory is you are stating that gay men and gay women are not men or women. You are asking to have them separated further. Gay men can like the same things, and perform the same tasks as straight men, likewise for gay women. The only thing that is different is their sexual orientation, in the sense gay men are attracted to men, and gay women are attracted to women. Other than that there is nothing different about them.

Now like I said I think everyone should have to shower together, this is not because I am some sex crazed pervert, If I want to see naked women I have the internet. But that just isn't how our societies work. Like I said before, if someone is uncomfortable then there are roads they can take to get comfortable. It is no different then any other workplace, you have a discomfort with someone you avoid them, notify your super, leave.

Separating homosexuals because they have a different sexual orientation is discrimination of their sexual orientation, it didn't work for separating Blacks and whites in schools, and it didn't work for separating boys and girls in schools. It would not surprise me that one day women and men were able to see each other naked again. But that won't happen until society itself accepts that it is not a sin, and that we give up a stupid rule imposed on us by the corrupt organization that was responsible for the most wonderful period in our history, the dark ages.

I know what you are saying, and ive not disagreed with your reasoning, I only disagree with your solution, it is ineffective, and is full of bigotry. The best solution is the same one we have everywhere else in society, if you are uncomfortable deal with it appropriately. Gay men are men, Gay women are women, there is nothing differet about them and therefor they should not be forced to be separated further because a few people are legitimately uncomfortable. (I say legitimately because most of the people complaining only do so because they hate homosexuality.)

Lastly, in every major country that has open service, there have not been reports of gays being any issue. In canada I think we have had maybe 5 cases of harassment in all the years it has been like this. Your argument is just simply not realistic. Unless of course it is based on a predetermined position on gay people, most people just do not give a ****.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#721 Jan 07 2011 at 10:26 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
Almalieque wrote:
So,you agree that discrimination isn't inherently wrong.

stealing from joph,
legal-dictionary.freedictionary wrote:
In Constitutional Law, the grant by statute of particular privileges to a class arbitrarily designated from a sizable number of persons, where no reasonable distinction exists between the favored and disfavored classes. Federal laws, supplemented by court decisions, prohibit discrimination in such areas as employment, housing, voting rights, education, and access to public facilities. They also proscribe discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, nationality, disability, or religion. In addition, state and local laws can prohibit discrimination in these areas and in others not covered by federal laws. wrote:
Discrimination refers to the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.

Alma, when people use discriminate they are referring to these definitions most of the time. You arguing about the ability to discriminate between apples and oranges is irrelevant because that's a different definition, and you very well know how they are using it. It is a completely correct use, and in this use discrimination is inherently wrong.

Edited, Jan 7th 2011 10:27am by Xsarus
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#722 Jan 07 2011 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
rdmcandie wrote:
Look the reason men and women are asked to shower separately is because a long long time ago the wonder Catholic Church deemed it inappropriate to see the other sex naked.

Good point. No other culture prior to c.50 AD or outside of the Middle East/Southern Europe ever developed customs regarding modesty.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#723 Jan 07 2011 at 11:31 AM Rating: Excellent
#724 Jan 07 2011 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
13,240 posts
MoebiusLord wrote:
Just as Planned.
#725 Jan 07 2011 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
RDD wrote:
If you find a nude office let me know.

How does nudity have any part in the discrimination of sex in the office? Answer my questions. Why aren't men and women separated in the office? Why are they separated in the bathroom? Now, every bathroom have stalls and urinal dividers.

RDD wrote:
Look the reason men and women are asked to shower separately is because a long long time ago the wonder Catholic Church deemed it inappropriate to see the other sex naked. This has carried on through society for hundreds and hundreds of years.

It is not something new that was made up to make women or men feel comfortable, it was something that was made up to prevent the possibility of sins. This was done way back when the church ruled the world. Long before equal rights movements, long before free speech movements long before people had any rights at all, other than the right to worship God.

Personally I think anyone should be able to shower together regardless of sex, but that is not how it works, and because of hundreds and hundreds of years and generation after generation of teaching children that nudity is wrong here we are.

Overlooking the fact that you're just making up crap that sounds good to you, your argument is "well that's the way it has always been, so why change?".

rdd wrote:
The reason in this case that it is discriminatory is you are stating that gay men and gay women are not men or women. You are asking to have them separated further. Gay men can like the same things, and perform the same tasks as straight men, likewise for gay women. The only thing that is different is their sexual orientation, in the sense gay men are attracted to men, and gay women are attracted to women. Other than that there is nothing different about them.

No, this isn't about treating homosexuals differently than their sex, but treating them the same in reference to the situation regardless of their sex. The real reason is about comfort. People don't feel comfortable with the possibility of someone looking at them while being nude. That's the bottom line. So, society has segregated men from women for modesty reasons. Now in 2011, more people are open about their sexuality and so the same concerns exist with men as they do gay men. So, they are treated the same, segregated for comfort reasons in the showers. If this separation occurred in the office, then you could claim unjustified discrimination.

RDD wrote:
Now like I said I think everyone should have to shower together, this is not because I am some sex crazed pervert, If I want to see naked women I have the internet. But that just isn't how our societies work. Like I said before, if someone is uncomfortable then there are roads they can take to get comfortable. It is no different then any other workplace, you have a discomfort with someone you avoid them, notify your super, leave.

So, if society agreed to the ban of homosexuality in the military, you would be ok with that?

RDD wrote:
Separating homosexuals because they have a different sexual orientation is discrimination of their sexual orientation, it didn't work for separating Blacks and whites in schools, and it didn't work for separating boys and girls in schools. It would not surprise me that one day women and men were able to see each other naked again. But that won't happen until society itself accepts that it is not a sin, and that we give up a stupid rule imposed on us by the corrupt organization that was responsible for the most wonderful period in our history, the dark ages.

Dude, really? You're not helping your team.

1) Separate But Equal didn't work because it wasn't equal, not because it was separate. People fought to end that because the only way to be treated equally was to not be separated. This stupid belief that black people wanted to hold hands and work and live along side white people is beyond delusional.

2. No one is arguing that gay people shouldn't be able to work along side or go to school along side heterosexuals.

3. What do you mean All Boys/Girls schools *didn't* work, they still exist.

RDD wrote:
I know what you are saying, and ive not disagreed with your reasoning, I only disagree with your solution, it is ineffective, and is full of bigotry. The best solution is the same one we have everywhere else in society, if you are uncomfortable deal with it appropriately. Gay men are men, Gay women are women, there is nothing differet about them and therefor they should not be forced to be separated further because a few people are legitimately uncomfortable. (I say legitimately because most of the people complaining only do so because they hate homosexuality.)

I like how you said "most" in your reference to making stuff up. Hating homosexuality has nothing to do with the comfort of not wanting to be checked out in the shower. There are women that I don't want checking me out in the shower. As I said, people like you, are only using hate speech as a way to scare people to agreeing with you. I hate thieves and liars, but I have no concern with them in the shower unless they are checking me out, regardless of sex. You're trying to make this about sex when it's about modesty and comfort.

RDD wrote:

Lastly, in every major country that has open service, there have not been reports of gays being any issue. In canada I think we have had maybe 5 cases of harassment in all the years it has been like this. Your argument is just simply not realistic. Unless of course it is based on a predetermined position on gay people, most people just do not give a sh*t.

Look at nude beaches.. The same argument can be made there, so why are we separating by sex? Oh, that's right, because people do care.

If you believe that there were only 5 cases in Canada where a homosexual at least checked out a heterosexual, you're sadly mistaken. As stated earlier, there was this Soldier in my last unit that was sexually assaulted by a homosexual, that's 20% of your claimed cases.

Your statement is implying that I believe their would be a noticeable increase in sexual harassment/assault cases with homosexuals. That isn't my argument. I'm not concerned with the numbers, because I don't know. My argument is that a man can feel uncomfortable with the idea that someone might be checking him out and not be a bigot/homophobe based on the same reasons used by women.

Sir X wrote:
Alma, when people use discriminate they are referring to these definitions most of the time. You arguing about the ability to discriminate between apples and oranges is irrelevant because that's a different definition, and you very well know how they are using it. It is a completely correct use, and in this use discrimination is inherently wrong.

It is not inherently wrong because within that definition it states "where no reasonable distinction exists between the favored and disfavored classes"

I gave him and Belkira a chance to explain the reasonable distinction between the groups. Stating the distinction (i.e. ***** vs ******) is not stating the reason for discriminating against the ***** and ******. I'm not asking you what you're discriminating, I'm asking why are you discriminating against the two?

For example, RDD said that women have extra time to run in the military because they run slower. That is a reason for discriminating against having a *****. You can't say, women have extra time to run because men have penises. That doesn't make sense. So, along that same line of thinking, I want a justification for the segregation of men and women in the showers.
#726 Jan 07 2011 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
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