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Pffft, Florida...Follow

#77 Feb 10 2011 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Killienmage wrote:
There's way too much Canada in the Florida thread.
What are you talking about? Florida's 1/3 Canadians.
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An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#78 Feb 10 2011 at 1:46 PM Rating: Good
474 posts
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Killienmage wrote:
There's way too much Canada in the Florida thread.
What are you talking about? Florida's 1/3 Canadians.

Point taken.
#79 Feb 10 2011 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Killienmage wrote:
Uglysasquatch wrote:
Killienmage wrote:
There's way too much Canada in the Florida thread.
What are you talking about? Florida's 1/3 Canadians.

Point taken.

More like 1/3 rednecks, 1/3 Cubans, and 1/3 Northerns (including Canadians, but mostly New Englanders)
#80 Feb 10 2011 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
rdmcandie wrote:
Hell IMHO any drug that is natural should not be considered under that. This includes cocaine, mushrooms, heroin. These are natural products and have been used for thousands of years, its the chemical man made sh*t that can really @#%^ people up. I guess the big thing is, the natural drugs can't really be controlled, they grow naturally, the other sh*t can be controlled because it gets made in a tub.

Meh the US confuses me, home of the free indeed...
I've always hated that argument. Just because it's natural doesn't necessarily make something safer or better for you. That goes for drugs, food, anything really. And even if the drug is safer, that doesn't mean there isn't a benefit to society from controlling it.

Don't get me wrong. I believe that efforts to control marijuana specifically are a big waste of money as well as throwing away a potential source of revenue(from taxation) that the government could sorely use, but to say that a drug is safer simply by nature of it being natural just seems silly to me.

But alcohol, and tobacco are both legal and I can choose whether or not to consume either of them, and they are arguably both worse for you than marijuana,heroin and cocaine. All 5 can cause issues if you over consume but how is that 2 are legal. (actually all 5 were at one point but once modern medicine began creating pain killers and medicine for other ailments these drugs help fix or alleviate issue from they became a banned substance.)

The fact that all 3 of those drugs i listed are derived from natural plants. (Pot is harvested, Cocaine is ground out of the coca plant, as is heroin from poppy seed) Similar to the production of Tobacco and Alcohol (tobacco is harvested, and Alcohol is ground from various plants).

The simple fact is I should have the freedom to choose whether or not I want to consume them or not. Just like with smokes and booze. The choice should be there, legally, if you do not wish to consume these products, then you have that option to.

Just think how much money the government would save not having to house "criminals" who got busted for choosing to use or provide drugs if they were a legal choice. If it is about safety to ones self, then make tobacco and alcholoic products illegal too.

Uglysasquatch wrote:
Driftwood wrote:
No question that Harper's arrogant, but I don't think you guys are really paying attention if you think he's useless.

Tell me useful things he's done.
You live a sheltered life in Canada. The rest of the world got rocked when the US's economy tumbled. Canada felt a hit, but has survived quite well. Our economy has traditionally been very dependent on the US's economy, which means we should have bombed with them. While we may not be doing as much internationally, the simple fact is, things at home were taken care of.

Actually the main reason our economy was not hit as hard was because of the regulations in our banking sector, put in place in the late 90's early 00's by the Chretien Liberals. Talk to anyone in the manufacturing sector and ask them how well Harper did saving their jobs. Or any other market that relies heavily on American industry.

Don't kid yourself we were hit pretty good, but fiscally we survived because we didn't have to follow suit with the americans and bail out our entire banking system to save what was left of our economy.

Edited, Feb 10th 2011 4:48pm by rdmcandie
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#81REDACTED, Posted: Feb 10 2011 at 3:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Drift,
#82 Feb 10 2011 at 3:56 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Please refrain from referring to a politician as "batsh:t insane" if that person is not Michele Bachmann.

On this, we agree.

Hell IMHO any drug that is natural should not be considered under that. This includes cocaine, mushrooms, heroin. These are natural products and have been used for thousands of years, its the chemical man made sh*t that can really @#%^ people up.

Most chemical stuff people use is refined from natural stuff. Not adding anything new here, but natural does not make it safer than man-made. There are plenty of natural poisons that will kill you, and plenty of man-made drugs that can improve your health.

Natural=healthy is a fallacy that quacks believe and industries profit on.
#83 Feb 10 2011 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
Most chemical stuff people use is refined from natural stuff. Not adding anything new here, but natural does not make it safer than man-made. There are plenty of natural poisons that will kill you, and plenty of man-made drugs that can improve your health.

Again what does safer have to do with anything. I can tell you right now Ecstacy is worse for you then Weed, Meth is worse for you then heroin. The chemical based drugs are made by people who either want to get high or want to make money illegally. It is not a practice that has standards to follow like making an asprin. These drugs are made in tubs, in basements, garages. If you think that any of those are even close in safety to marijuana you most likely do not know very much about the illegal drug scene.

Also as I said before, if it was entirely based on safety, then why can I buy smokes and booze. Those aren't any more safe then drugs, yet they are legal.
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#84 Feb 10 2011 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
Don't kid yourself we were hit pretty good, but fiscally we survived because we didn't have to follow suit with the americans and bail out our entire banking system to save what was left of our economy.
I deal with manufacturing and construction and work in the hospitality industry. We were all it hard. The hospitality industry is typically one of the last to recuperate fully. We were not hit that hard compared to other nations. And yes, our banking system is a big part of what saved us. However, had either Ignatief or Layton been in charge, both would have completely overhauled the one thing that saved us. And then they would have spent billions on useless initiatives when they weren't needed. Harper did an excellent job of helping us ride out the storm. Pull your head out of your *** for a second.
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An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#85 Feb 10 2011 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
had either Ignatief or Layton been in charge, both would have completely overhauled the one thing that saved us.

How do you know that? They weren't in charge. Its easy to put potential blame on someone who isn't involved. Heck if they did reform it they would have just put more regulations on the banking system, they are leftists remember. Im not bagging on harper but he definitely was just in the right place, at the right time. He didn't do anything to save our economy, he also didn't do anything to ruin it, he is still more or less useless, but what else can you expect from an ex-reform party socialist nutjob turned conservative. (lol).
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#86 Feb 10 2011 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
Most chemical stuff people use is refined from natural stuff. Not adding anything new here, but natural does not make it safer than man-made. There are plenty of natural poisons that will kill you, and plenty of man-made drugs that can improve your health.

Again what does safer have to do with anything. I can tell you right now Ecstacy is worse for you then Weed, Meth is worse for you then heroin. The chemical based drugs are made by people who either want to get high or want to make money illegally. It is not a practice that has standards to follow like making an asprin. These drugs are made in tubs, in basements, garages. If you think that any of those are even close in safety to marijuana you most likely do not know very much about the illegal drug scene.

Also as I said before, if it was entirely based on safety, then why can I buy smokes and booze. Those aren't any more safe then drugs, yet they are legal.

I don't think that anyone's arguing that the current laws are perfectly logical, or that safety is the only reason that certain drugs are outlawed. They were just responding to this:

rdmcandie wrote:
Hell IMHO any drug that is natural should not be considered under that.

You seemed to be implying that any "natural" drugs shouldn't be banned. But there's really no way to make that claim without it being fallacious (See: Pot being "natural" or not has nothing to do with anything, really.
#87 Feb 10 2011 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
How do you know that? They weren't in charge.
Because there were minor changes made to the mortgage system and when they were discussed, both parties pushed for more changes.
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An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#88 Feb 10 2011 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I like you, Eske. You're a time saver.
#89 Feb 10 2011 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Kachi wrote:
I like you, Eske. You're a time saver.

I'm just stealing your +1's. Smiley: grin
#90 Feb 10 2011 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
7,568 posts
You seemed to be implying that any "natural" drugs shouldn't be banned. But there's really no way to make that claim without it being fallacious (See: Pot being "natural" or not has nothing to do with anything, really.

heh yet man made chemically produced drugs that have been shown to cause serious health issues are legal, hell cold medication can cause you more health issues than smoking a gram of pot a day and you can buy those off the shelf in any super market. Heck they even use cold medications to make drugs like meth, infact meth is mostly created using everyday items found in a super market.

You can diddle in your mindset all you want. The only reason pot isn't legal is because it is natural and anyone can grow it. Not to mention hemp oil has been show to cure skin cancers, as well as the stalk being used to make paper, the stalk and leaves can also be made to create clothing. That is three decent sized markets that are affected by one single plant. No the reason it is illegal is because it is natural.

As for cocaine and mushrooms these were used as painkillers, and cocaine was used as an energy supplement, long before pharmaceutical companies forced lobbied to have them banned. Hell Cocaine was consumed by children up until the early 50's in Coca Cola, they removed it and added an *** load of sugar.

If you want to argue the history of these drugs I suggest you do a bit more research and not link random anecdotal comments from lolwiki. When you are ready to seriously discuss the reasons why ill be around. These three drugs should be legal and they should be made available for consumption. You are kidding yourself if you think the reason is anything other than they can be grown anywhere, by anyone. They should be legal because they are natural, not illegal because they are natural.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#91 Feb 10 2011 at 10:45 PM Rating: Good

As for cocaine and mushrooms these were used as painkillers, and cocaine was used as an energy supplement, long before pharmaceutical companies forced lobbied to have them banned. Hell Cocaine was consumed by children up until the early 50's in Coca Cola, they removed it and added an *** load of sugar.


If you want to argue the history of these drugs I suggest you do a bit more research and not link random anecdotal comments from lolwiki.

You could have at least given the lolwiki a sidelong glace for some fact checking there. Coca-Cola moved to using spent coca leaves in 1904.

As for pot, do you honestly think that 3 gigantic industries would somehow be turned on their ear if their conspiracy to keep hemp out of the market suddenly was foiled? Is there suddenly going to be a huge upsurge in the demand for specialty coarse paper? Will cancer suddenly be cured by hempseed oil? Will hemp clothing rise to dethrone cotton as the king of textiles? I mean seriously, have you ever felt hemp cloth? It's burlap at worst and coarse linen at best.

Fuck it, you're an idiot. I'm going back to lurking.
#92 Feb 10 2011 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts
Paper industry. Currently the largest supplier for the pulp industry is the forestry industry. Considering the length of time it takes for trees to grow to a size capable of being produced into many things (trees become lumber, the shavings become paper, the chips become chips for gardens etc). The paper industry could essentially have a fresh crop of brand new paper producing plants in 4-5 months. This would hurt the forestry industry. Furthermore, it would create a huge competition in the paper industry driving down prices, since everyone can have renewable pulp source for next to nothing.

Cancer Treatment. Hemp oil will reduce the required chemo and other treatments if it can cure other cancers it will drastically reduce the amount of chemicals required to treat people. It may not cure internal cancer but it may prevent spreading. This will hurt the industries which supply cancer treatment products.

(check out for more info on the cancer curative nature of oil)

Clothing. No it likely will not dethrone the kingpins, but the the clothing can be made into outerwear, hats coats, stuff that you don't need to have skin to clothing contact to avoid that burlap feeling. But nonetheless, if cheap renewable clothing was available, many people would purchase it, they may not see as huge an effect as say the chem guys in cancer but it won't be as good times as they have now.

No don't get me wrong, I am not trying to paint it in a bad light. A marijuana/hemp/pulp industry would be a huge boost, the plant can grow inside and outside is very resilient, it grows fairly fast, and can create millions of jobs, in both direct and indirect industries. But the greedy men and women who pay politicians to keep things the same don't want that, because they will personally lost money.

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#93 Feb 10 2011 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
I'm actually pro-legalization, not that I would ever use it. That said, there are plenty of man-made chemicals that are completely safe, and plenty of natural substances that are incredibly dangerous. That's really all that needs to be said. If you want to talk about recreational drugs, then judge them on a case by case basis by all means. Just don't go around spreading nonsense like natural=good, man-made=bad, because there is no such rule. Pot is fine, cocaine is not. Cold syrup is fine, huffing paint is not.

You probably ingest so many more man-made substances than you know, and don't experience a single harmful side effect. Many of them are chemically no different from a natural derivative.
#94 Feb 10 2011 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
I'll give you that hemp has a great biomass ratio, but it still won't have an effect on the paper industry. Hemp is expensive, not solely due to it being illegal to grow in the United States. Other countries do not have prohibitions on hemp processing do not have exploding markets for the stuff.

I'm sorry man, but that pheonixtears website is pure quackery. Hemp oil may do something for someone somewhere, but it's just not going to be ever anything more than homeopathy.

Hemp is not warm. Hemp is not pliable. Hemp is very difficult to process, dye, and weave. Wool is warm. Wool is pliable. Wool is easy to process, dye, and weave. Most importantly, if we needed a source of renewable cheap fiber, the livestock industry could far more cheaply adapt to the changing forces than the agriculture industry. Not like the agriculture industry would even want to, for that matter.

I completely agree that hemp will have future use in industries, though I highly doubt it will be a game changer. Extremely high biomass will mean something to someone someday, but I'm pretty sure its not going to be the textile or paper industry. They've had access to hemp for the last 100 years at least and they aren't going anywhere with it. Who knows though, I may have to eat my hat when Cannabis cures cancer, but I think I'm safe on that one.
#95 Feb 10 2011 at 11:59 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
rdmcandie wrote:
You seemed to be implying that any "natural" drugs shouldn't be banned. But there's really no way to make that claim without it being fallacious (See: Pot being "natural" or not has nothing to do with anything, really.

heh yet man made chemically produced drugs that have been shown to cause serious health issues are legal, hell cold medication can cause you more health issues than smoking a gram of pot a day and you can buy those off the shelf in any super market. Heck they even use cold medications to make drugs like meth, infact meth is mostly created using everyday items found in a super market.

You can diddle in your mindset all you want. The only reason pot isn't legal is because it is natural and anyone can grow it. Not to mention hemp oil has been show to cure skin cancers, as well as the stalk being used to make paper, the stalk and leaves can also be made to create clothing. That is three decent sized markets that are affected by one single plant. No the reason it is illegal is because it is natural.

As for cocaine and mushrooms these were used as painkillers, and cocaine was used as an energy supplement, long before pharmaceutical companies forced lobbied to have them banned. Hell Cocaine was consumed by children up until the early 50's in Coca Cola, they removed it and added an *** load of sugar.

If you want to argue the history of these drugs I suggest you do a bit more research and not link random anecdotal comments from lolwiki. When you are ready to seriously discuss the reasons why ill be around. These three drugs should be legal and they should be made available for consumption. You are kidding yourself if you think the reason is anything other than they can be grown anywhere, by anyone. They should be legal because they are natural, not illegal because they are natural.

Holy hell. My post went about 40,000' over your head.

Where to begin.

Well, first of all, you seem to have gotten some crazy notion that I'm against the legalization of pot. I honestly don't have a clue where you got that idea. I'm pro legalization. So Reading comprehension.

All I was saying, was that if you want to make the argument for legalization, there are plenty of more fruitful paths to take than saying "It should be legal because it is natural." You could say, talk about its relative safety, especially when compared with legal drugs like alcohol. Or you could talk about potential revenue. Or you could make the ethics-based argument that we shouldn't legislate what someone does to their own body, if you wanted. Stuff like that. What you can't do, is argue an Appeal to Nature fallacy, because as others were pointing out, there are plenty of natural things that you really shouldn't do. Something being "natural" does not make it inherently good or bad. There is no correlation, and therefor, it's irrelevant to a discussion about whether a "natural" drug should be legal or not.

And no drugs are "illegal because they are natural." What an odd claim to make. I'd challenge you to come up with an argument to counter that, but you really shouldn't, because there is none. Pot is illegal largely due to a general perception that it's a more dangerous drug than it is. That it's a "gateway drug." That it makes kids accidentally shoot each other with their father's gun. It's based on emotion, and it's deeply ingrained. I don't think it's right, but that's the way it is right now.

Honestly, you wrote that all as if you were completely baked. It doesn't make an ounce of sense. It lacks focus and cohesion. And you completely misunderstood the point that I was making.

I think that legalization advocates would be better served if so many of them weren't making rambling, incoherent, emotional arguments for it. Perhaps that's asking too much?

Edited, Feb 11th 2011 1:06am by Eske
#96 Feb 11 2011 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Rdm is definitely smoking something...

Also, my biomass maximization buddies laugh at your hemp, and present to you their vastly superior superalgae. You can even make liquid fuel out of their stuff.
Just as Planned.
#97 Feb 11 2011 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
7,568 posts
Honestly, you wrote that all as if you were completely baked. It doesn't make an ounce of sense. It lacks focus and cohesion. And you completely misunderstood the point that I was making.

Im always baked, so it is likely I was baked at the time. Or drunk, either way. Also you must not know me well yet, my posts always lack focus or cohesion. Now pertaining to the discussion.

If you think pot/coke/mushrooms are illegal because the Government thinks it is in the best interest of the people, you are sorely mistaken. They are illegal because companies push to keep them that way. Mainly pharmaceutical companies, but some other industries that I eluded to earlier do as well. If the government based their decisions on what people felt, tobacco products would be illegal not just heavily restricted (there is a very large industry that relies on tobacco consumption). All these drugs were used for medical purposes long ago, and when we began man making things that did the job they did they all began to become illegal. Only recently did one of these drugs crack that and become legal with a prescription.

Something being "natural" does not make it inherently good or bad. There is no correlation, and therefor, it's irrelevant to a discussion about whether a "natural" drug should be legal or not.
No but it being natural is the reason it is illegal, because it is next to impossible to control things that people can grow themselves. The gvernment should not be able to tell me what I can and can not grow, or tell me what I choose to consume or not consume. These are personal choices that should be available to me to consume. I have a right to these drugs simply because I am a citizen of earth, and the earth naturally provides them for me to use.

However the reason I didn't include all drugs is because other drugs are man made with combinations of various chemical compounds, which are in turn combinations of various chemicals themselves. These are controllable as not everyone posses the capability to extract elements from objects and combine them with others, the chemicals themselves are generally controlled and controllable. Not to mention many of these chemicals can be used to actually harm people, outside of the drugs they create. Making the legal to produce these drugs could also lead to higher rates of chemical based assaults on the public. The fact that the base chemicals are controlled is the reason meth contains things like cough medicine and lithium extract from batteries. Easily accessible chemicals that are not controlled.

I may have missed your point but since all you did was quote lolwiki, I assumed you didnt have one.

Edited, Feb 11th 2011 8:11am by rdmcandie
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#98 Feb 11 2011 at 7:56 AM Rating: Excellent
6,471 posts
The reason that they're illegal is because they're natural; that anyone can grow them?

Okay. There are millions of things that are naturally derived, that you can produce for yourself, that are not illegal. Millions. That has nothing to do with legality, and nothing to do with pharmaceutical lobbyists. You know, you can make beer at home, too, and with entirely natural products, as well. I don't see a massive push against home brewing, though.

Pharmaceutical companies would stand only to make money from legalization. It's a new revenue stream. And as a large company, they're better suited to volume production and market control. Do you think they'll fight to keep from being able to sell something, on the grounds that others will sell it too, and take a portion of the new revenue that they don't yet have? Or do you think that pot's some panacea that will supplant the need for their products on a significant level? It won't.

No, the largest reason that pot is still illegal is stigma. You forget that government is made up of people, most of whom hold the same anti-pot bias. And that government is subject to the populace's majority (or loudest) opinion. Note how a politician is received when he's found to have smoked pot. Note voter ballots on legalization, and note how rarely they challenge, or even come up in most places. That's not the work of lobbyists. That's the populace.

Edited, Feb 11th 2011 9:04am by Eske

Edited, Feb 11th 2011 9:10am by Eske
#99 Feb 11 2011 at 9:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
rdmcandie wrote:
Clothing. No it likely will not dethrone the kingpins, but the the clothing can be made into outerwear, hats coats, stuff that you don't need to have skin to clothing contact to avoid that burlap feeling.

Ignoring most of this post (which I feel is wrong but whatever), most outerwear these days is made of synthetics. The stuff that isn't is made from denim or wool and, as pointed out, hemp is no substitute for wool. It can be beaten into some sort of substitute for denim outerwear (I don't know that I'd want jeans made from the stuff) but the cotton industry is so huge that simple economies of scale say that they can crank out cost efficient jean jackets without worrying about the mighty hemp menace stealing their profits. Hell, even if you include jeans, I doubt it's a dent. There's a lot of stuff in this world made from cotton.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#100 Feb 11 2011 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
ITT: We learn that hemp is the wonder plant and it will save us all.

Also? If you're baked "all the time," you've got issues.
#101 Feb 11 2011 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
4,042 posts
Okay, I think everyone is missing the point here. RDM is saying that pot is illegal because it's natural, which is the truth basically. You can't patent a naturally occurring weed, so there's little money to be made off of it by conglomerations, and much money to be taken away from companies that create marijuana/hemp substitutes. First, if we hadn't destroyed the industry, hemp would replace paper easily. It's grows faster than trees, which take decades to mature and when we farm them we destroy entire ecosystems. Hemp fiber is much more durable and lasts longer than tree pulp and cotton. My assumption that the higher cost to produce is caused by the lack of technological progression, where as with trees and cotton we've worked the entire past couple of centuries to make as efficient as possible.

Honestly, the hemp fiber is a small drop in the bucket, but pharmaceutical companies would hurt the most. A naturally occurring, pain reducing, anxiolytic, anti-nausea, blood pressure reducing, cancer treating drug is not compatible with making a dozen different chemicals to treat one disorder in a patient. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of pharmaceuticals that are in use that are specifically meant to target the same symptoms that are easily remedied by marijuana - and all of them have been known to cause death. Hell, Tylenol is a million times more deadly than marijuana, if just for the fact that it's easy to obtain and overdose on, and there hasn't been a single death ever been attributed to marijuana.

No, the point isn't that just because it's natural it should be legal. That is a dumb strawman. It should be legal because it's natural, safer that most of the other drugs we take, and just plain wonderful. I'll never understand people who take hundreds of pills every year and yet rally against the evils of marijuana. I know there are some people who refuse to take any sort of medication and just don't, which is wonderful for you, but not all of us are so lucky to be ailment free. Marijuana is basically a miracle drug and it's a crime against humanity that it's not readily available to people who could benefit from its use.
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