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Worst Job / Best JobFollow

#1 Dec 08 2011 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
So much talk about liberals hating real work and it got me thinking (Yeah I know, that's never a good thing, especially when I'm a little bored). Anyway short back-story leads to question: what would you say were the best and worst jobs you've ever had? Why?

As for myself:

Worst Job: Environmental Science Lab, Fuels Extractions.

The first job out of college. 20 fume hoods crammed into 2 mid-sized rooms and there wasn't enough room to work really. You often got a solid buzz from all the various chemicals. It was impossible to both get all your work done and do it safely. People sent to the hospital coughing up blood after a particularly bad accident. 50-60 hour weeks on your feet all day moving around gallons of chemicals, no climate control. Went through a surprising amount of calories and water for a lab job. Thank god for overtime. Anyway, I got out of there as fast as I could.

Best Job: Intern at a Forestry Lab.

One of my college internships. We did 'last fish' surveys and macroinvertebrate sampling. Long days, but lots of fun. Was going to work there after college, but the lab head got a bad virus and missed a few months of work. That meant less contracts and grant money to go around and they couldn't bring me on.

It was good times though. You want to pay me to go hiking and fishing? Yeah ok. Smiley: grin

Edited, Dec 8th 2011 1:03pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2 Dec 08 2011 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
10,802 posts
Worst job: Paralegal in a large law firm. At the age of 22 while I was making about 2.5 times more than my friends, I was also working 80 hours a week and I burned the candle at both ends and hit burn out very quick. After that I realized that I did like my career path, just not that job.

Best job: The one I'm in right now. Small firm by the beach (my boss hits the surf most days and I can sometimes sit out on the sand during the day and soak up the sun). Admittedly, I'm making less money than I would be in a larger firm or in a different field of law, but quality of life is great.
#3 Dec 08 2011 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Best job: ZAM News Writer. I dunno if that counts, as it's part-time. But I play video games, write about them, and get paid. Sometimes get flown out to other parts of the country to cover events. Plus I get administrative rights for a site I've been a posted at for like 8 years. That's pretty awesome.

A close runner up would be my senior year in college as a resident assistant (RA). But it was the people, not the work, that made it fantastic.

Worst job: Waiter (or "server" if you want the fancy term). I was a busboy at the same restaurant for 3 years part-time before I became a waiter one summer. I hated it. The people were rude, my pay was $2 an hour, and if someone came in in a bad mood, I wouldn't make a tip no matter how good the service. We also had a lot of Europeans, many of whom didn't seem to understand the concept of tipping. I had the worst table sections, and just a terrible time overall. Hated it. I quit at the end of the summer and got a new job for all subsequent years. I'd take the jobs I had as a busboy or a landscaper over being a waiter any day.

My current full-time job is a bit above average. Great benefits, ok pay, lots of freedom, and close to where I live. But the work is boring and unfulfilling, and the average age of my officemates is about 10-15 years older than me. So a mixed bag, but I'm glad to have it.
#4 Dec 08 2011 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Best Job: The one I have now, I love my career. I get to help people and business with IT solutions and it's amazing. Nothing is more satisfying to hear a customer tell me that I've helped them out more than I could ever know.

Worst Job: The month I spent working as a stock boy for K-Mart in high school. I enjoyed the old ladies I worked with because I was the strong virile kid who could lift the christmas trees. But fml, stocking shelves gets really old, REALLY fast.
#5 Dec 08 2011 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Worst: Delivering newspapers to the apartments when I was 12. Hated having to get up so early to roll the papers then deliver them.

Best: Pro basketball player in to travel a lot play ball every day had everything paid for, even when we went to the clubs, and lots of hot german groupies.

#6 Dec 08 2011 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Worst would be working for my godfather's construction company. Yeah, Italian? In New York? Working construction? Who'da thunk it. Anyway, it was excruciatingly backbreaking, hot, and long hours. The pay was good, though. Best job would be garrison military police desk sergeant. I had to been in by 6am, I had to write up a report every morning, review other reports and make sure they were done correctly, and had to go to meetings three times a week. All of which I was finished with by 8am which left me another ten hours to trouble shoot occasional problems, but overall I just watched tv and played PSP.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#7 Dec 08 2011 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
7,568 posts

My actual worst job: Bartender, ok so the perks are pretty sweet, hot chicks, shots, tips, but dealing with drunk people destroys all of that. I love being drunk, but drunk people are @#%^ing morons. Its funny because when I am drunk I don't feel like an idiot. But I know the truth and any sober person would think I was a @#%^ing idiot.

Best Job: My current one, I went to school for it, and I am living the career I wanted. The work is pretty awesome even though the hours suck.

Edited, Dec 8th 2011 4:34pm by rdmcandie
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#8 Dec 08 2011 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Not sure if you can put the best and worst jobs being the same one. I'll say that my best job money wise was
at Dell as the Senior QA tech. I made 50k+ a year and tested and played with computers all day. That included testing Gaming computers. My best job was running a bicycle shop in California. I loved the job and did really good. However, the owner was one sick person and his antics finally got to me and I left and moved to Texas.
My worst job is my present one. I'm a Juvenile Corrections Officer and I literally babysit juvenile felons. They are the nastiest group of social rejects and its dangerous and highly stressful. But I have to pay the bills.
#9 Dec 08 2011 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
6,471 posts
Worst: Dairy Queen, probably. Not that it was particularly bad, but any time you deal with the public, the jerks really stand out in your memory. It's rather jarring to have people almost break out into fistfights over ice cream. Smiley: eek

Best: Current one. Working at a 30 person architectural restoration firm here in NYC. Pays pretty good, hours are reasonable, coworkers are nice, and there's a fair amount of variety to the job.

Edited, Dec 8th 2011 4:48pm by Eske
#10 Dec 08 2011 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
My stock answer for worst job (it's come up before):
My worst job was for a delivery distributor for the Chicago Tribune Sunday edition back when I was 14 years old. It wasn't a paper route or anything, but rather I worked collating the sections at some warehouse. You had to take all the Comics/Advertising sections and tuck them into the Real Estate sections which went into the Food sections, etc. The crappy parts were the hours and the wages. The hours were (keeping in mind that we were 14) Friday afternoons from 5pm-2am, Saturday morning from 8am-2pm and then 1am-4am on Sunday morning for the actual news sections that couldn't be printed in advance.

For this, we were paid piecemeal. They would assign a value to a package of Food sections and tell us that, per package of fifty copies of Food we filled, we'd make a set amount. Usually something under a dollar, often under seventy-five cents. It's wasn't ******** but it was probably about as close as you got in 1980's mid-America.

Anyway, it pales to a lot of work I could have been doing (gutting fish, cleaning out sewer pipes, fighting wildebeest, etc) and wasn't as emotionally exhausting as a lot of jobs but, for a 14 year old, it sure did blow chunks.

My best job is probably the one I'm in now. It's the same work as I was doing for the past 13 years but with a substantial increase in pay and in a much less stressful environment. Smaller office, nice people and pretty relaxed all around. I have a longer commute, but even that's not so bad as it's through some pleasant farmland out into the sticks. I even eat better since most of my lunches these days are from some little country store or a sandwich from the local butcher ship rather than fast food joints.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Dec 08 2011 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
Worst job: Camp counselor. 22 hours a day for what worked out to be around $2 an hour (without ANY tips at all) because they deducted "room and board" fees from us since we lived on the camp, ate on the camp, slept on the camp... My fellow counselors were wonderful people, and the entire experience would have been enjoyable were it just for them. But the children... The kids that were from well off families were total and utter brats, and the kids from poorer families were either nice or thieves. I nearly lost it when a six year old sat down at the pool, started crying for her mother, and wouldn't budge. It broke my heart. I had never felt so helpless in my life before or since. The camp food that I remembered being so delicious when I kid turned out to be made by school lunch chefs (their summer job), and as a young adult my palate was too sophisticated to really enjoy it any more.

Best job: Where I am now. Small IT firm, managed by two grizzled industry veterans who realized they would do better hiring vaguely computer savvy kids at cheaper prices and teaching them IT from the ground up than paying top dollar for ******** with a dozen certs behind their names. I've learned a ton in the year I've been there and had a blast.
#12 Dec 08 2011 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
My worst job was definitely working on a kebab van outside an RAF base. I worked there between the ages of 16-18, it was definitely not hard work. However, my job was assisting on thursday, friday and saturday nights from 10pm to 3am. Getting up for school was crappy on friday morning, but, without a doubt, dealing with the drunken new RAF recruits was what made the job terrible. They had a serious sense of entitlement and the occasional racism towards my boss (a Turkish immigrant) infuriated me. He was great for many things, even little things like as a muslim and me not even christian I would still get a christmas bonus. He also taught me the valuable lesson of picking up chicks a year or two younger than yourself when in school. That one will always stick with me, it worked!

My favourite was again only a semi-job. I was unemployed for a few months and done some volunteering at a cat shelter. These were all feral or abandoned cats and some of them had great personalities. I was lucky enough to work with the older male cats (meaning not as much liquid **** to clean). Just cleaning out there cages and feeding them. They were great fun, they had a shed that they would sleep in and when I came to clean it I would have to literally shove them out of the small hatch cut into the side of the shed that led to their outdoor caged area. This hatch had a door with a hooked lever and hoop type latch. The most cunning (and frankly the best) cat had long ago worked this out. Everyday I would see a little cat paw reaching in between the small crack the hatch lock system allowed. He would search for the lever and push it open then saunter in and look at me like I was the one doing something wrong. Needless to say, I always allowed him to open it, it always amused me greatly.

Nothing else I have done really stands out like these two. Sorry for the essay :P
#13 Dec 08 2011 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
7,568 posts
Worst job: Camp counselor

Id agree if it weren't for some of the lasting friendships I made working as a camp counselor. I also gained experience in personnel management and payroll which helped me organize my own framing company for a while (until the market went south). It was lousy as pay with kind of a ****** sop, but the rewards I took away from it for me made it totally worth it. I am sorry you didn't get the same experience I did.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#14 Dec 08 2011 at 6:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I'm not sure I've had a job I'd describe as bad. Menial, yes. Poorly paid, sure. But they always had their up sides as well.

I guess for "bad" I'd have to say an office manager job where I wasn't a good fit. It wasn't what I wanted to do, at all. I found something else ASAP. /shrug

I've had a metric fuCkton of good jobs, depending on the definition. Interesting or well paid or with co-workers I enjoyed being around or in gorgeous areas, etc. My current job is a mix of all of the above, in varying degrees depending on the project I'm on.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#15 Dec 08 2011 at 7:06 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I haven't really had an awesome job, but I'm still in college, so that's not surprising. Most of my jobs have been in the service industry, and the variety between them is largely superficial. I have spent three summers at a seasonable business on a beach island. The work was realistically just as bad as every other job, but I love the owners.

WORST? Cleaning for one of the hotels on the same island. Oh god, some of the things I saw in those trash cans...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Dec 08 2011 at 7:35 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Worst job was when I was a the graphic person for a small mid-TN newspaper. The owner was an obese tyrant that sat in his office all day (because he was so fat he could barely walk) and barked orders to all of us. He was one of those bosses you think you'd only see in movies. He belittled everyone, looked like a greasy used-car salesman and had a hot trophy wife. That job lasted less than a year.

Best was my last job, working at the country club. There was downtime so you didn't get too tired or burned out, but not so much downtime that you were bored to tears. The club was full of members that were just a hoot. Rednecks with money can sometimes be amusing. And it wasn't always the same job, lots of things going on it seemed. I'd probably go back to work there.
#17 Dec 08 2011 at 7:56 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts

So my graduating class this semester is somewhere between 5 and 7 thousand. Our career services department has a total number of "job" listings of 978. If you eliminate the unpaid positions, it goes to under 400. And plenty of these listings are only seeking experienced workers, because this system is also used for graduate students and alumni. Oh yeah, and a lot of those positions are actually also unpaid, because they list the job as having multiple positions. The one they are hiring for is the unpaid internship, not the paid entry-level position.

I have no future--you people are making me jealous. Smiley: mad
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#18 Dec 08 2011 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
9,395 posts
Worst Job:

Technician, Contact Center Support Company.

I was hired on by a contact center support company back in '08 to work as a tech for their annual conference in Vegas. The boss was kind of an idiot(knew nothing about the job we were hired to do but wouldn't take our advice, despite experience.), and everything that could go wrong, went wrong. I almost got sued, but a crisis was averted after I kind of screwed my partner out of part of his payment(and mine too), so that I could at least pay my rent and not live on the streets. Last I heard, that company has gone way down hill since then, and every conference thy have is fraught with misfortune.

Best Job:

Line Cook at a Bar & Grill.

I was hired on as a dishwasher, but when they hired a new cook, the guy was afraid of everything, even the toaster, so they switched us, and I ended up cooking. Was a fun job, I got to do something I loved, and get paid for it. It was a shame that it closed(I saw it coming and left a month before it did) because of the owner's coke addiction.

10k before the site's inevitable death or bust

The World Is Not A Cold Dead Place.
Alan Watts wrote:
I am omnipotent insofar as I am the Universe, but I am not an omnipotent in the role of Alan Watts, only cunning

Eske wrote:
I've always read Driftwood as the straight man in varus' double act. It helps if you read all of his posts in the voice of Droopy Dog.
#19 Dec 08 2011 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
This is an easy question. I've only had two jobs throughout my life.

Best Job:
Electrical Engineer. A bit of travel and new challenges all the time. Summer Work/Internship while going to college, full time after graduating.

Worst Job:
Stock boy at a local convenience store throughout high school. I don't know if people in states without deposit on bottles/cans can feel for me, but having to sort beer cans by the drum full all day long, half filled with rotting beer, is not a fun thing. By the end of the day my clothes and hair reek of cheap beer left in an open can for a week or two. I'd say that well over half the bottle returns handled were beer.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#20 Dec 08 2011 at 8:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
TirithRR wrote:
By the end of the day my clothes and hair reek of cheap beer left in an open can for a week or two.

Was it PBR? You'd smell like a hipster!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 Dec 08 2011 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:

So my graduating class this semester is somewhere between 5 and 7 thousand. Our career services department has a total number of "job" listings of 978. If you eliminate the unpaid positions, it goes to under 400. And plenty of these listings are only seeking experienced workers, because this system is also used for graduate students and alumni. Oh yeah, and a lot of those positions are actually also unpaid, because they list the job as having multiple positions. The one they are hiring for is the unpaid internship, not the paid entry-level position.

I have no future--you people are making me jealous. Smiley: mad

It's about the job(s) you get after graduating that matter, and there's a lot more opportunities outside of the career services department. Pound your own pavement and you'll get the good jobs! Smiley: nod

Worst Job: Paperboy. The old fashioned, "ride your bike up and down all the streets in an area lugging newspapers and tossing them into yards" style job. Honestly, at the age I was (junior high IIRC), it was ok money. I could make about $100/month (which was a big deal in the early 80s for a kid that age. What sucked was having to get up every freaking day to deliver papers. Rain or shine (although it was always dark, so there was no shine). And there were a couple steep freaking hills on my route as well. As soon as I turned 16, I quite that job and started working at a fast food place. It was a massively better job.

Best Job. The one I have now. IT engineer. Get to do high level work. I have my own office with an amazing window view. 6 figure salary. Bonuses, benefits, stock options, etc. The office I work in is a 10 minute drive from home (and I don't have to get on the freeway if I don't want to). There's a lot of work to do, but it's good productive interesting work, not menial tedious stuff. It's rewarding beyond the salary in that I can see my work being used by others who often thank me for making their jobs easier. It's good to know for sure that what you do makes a difference.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Dec 08 2011 at 9:42 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Worst job was probably working for Pretzel Time in the mall back when they still existed. The worst part was the neon pink shirt. Though I got to be reallly good at makeing pretzels! Hate those things soo much now though. This job can occasionally tie on bad days for worst though.

Best job would be my current job and a little bit this job. Working with computers, getting to play with hardware I wouldn't ordinarily be able to afford on my own budget, etc. its good. Also banning things is fun.
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#23 Dec 08 2011 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
589 posts
Best job was was my Sous Chef postion that I had just gotten the title for(was acting for 3 months) When I had to stop working. Long hours decent pay but was fun and had a lot of freedom with day to day operations.

Worst is a toss up between the shady body shop I work part time at or the Flash Foods(convenience store like 7/11) I worked part time. One I was worried about getting paid the other I was worried about getting held up, again. Had both of those during the slow downs at the resort I worked at
#24 Dec 08 2011 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
So much talk about liberals hating real work and it got me thinking (Yeah I know, that's never a good thing, especially when I'm a little bored). Anyway short back-story leads to question: what would you say were the best and worst jobs you've ever had? Why?

As for myself:

Worst Job: Environmental Science Lab, Fuels Extractions.

The first job out of college. 20 fume hoods crammed into 2 mid-sized rooms and there wasn't enough room to work really. You often got a solid buzz from all the various chemicals. It was impossible to both get all your work done and do it safely. People sent to the hospital coughing up blood after a particularly bad accident. 50-60 hour weeks on your feet all day moving around gallons of chemicals, no climate control. Went through a surprising amount of calories and water for a lab job. Thank god for overtime. Anyway, I got out of there as fast as I could.

I did almost this exact same job right out of college - extracting fuels from soil and water samples in a cheaply run lab. then i worked at land o lakes foods analytics lab for a bit. what a difference. <--- not the worst though. When I was 14 I lied about my age (we all did) and worked after school every night on an assembly line putting together circuit boards for remote control cars for Shaper-Cootie toy company. I didnt even last 3 months.

Maybe not my best job but i had a lot of fun waitressing at a sports bar for about 6 years. Made good money too.

Edited, Dec 9th 2011 6:10am by Elinda
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#25 Dec 09 2011 at 12:09 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
I never really had a worst job, but I guess working in the dishpit of a local breakfast join sucked pretty hard. It mostly sucked because the management was terrible and would swap schedules randomly and schedule me during school hours and then yell at me for not showing up.

Best job is the one I have now. I started as an intern when I was in university and transitioned to full time when I graduated. I did a year and a half of RnD and have now moved over to the consulting side. I'm getting to travel a lot, get paid well, and I enjoy what I do.
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#26 Dec 09 2011 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
I don't have a best or worst.

I've worked for Dollar General a few times to set up stores/remodel stores. Was not a hard job for me, but it was at the same time (you went home tired and sore). These jobs only lasted about 2 weeks.

For the last year and a few months I have been working for a company that is known for it's Diesel "solutions". They can help you squeeze a few more miles to the gallon, clean and repair your pumps and turbos. I work on the Turbo side of the company. I get large orders or dirty and rusty turbos that I take apart, decide what is ok/good or not to keep, and then sand blast most of the parts clean so they can be used in re-manufacturing another turbo that the public can buy and save money.
It is boring job. The only plus to it is I am allowed to listen to my headphones so my days are usually filler with me doing the same task over and over while listening to an Audio book.
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