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#477 Jul 30 2013 at 2:14 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
The key is that he continued to punch Zimmerman in the face *after* pinning him to the ground

HI. Allegedly. I think you're conflating a finding of reasonable doubt that Zimmerman murdered someone with a finding of fact that Martin was assaulting Zimmerman. The only evidence that took place was the account of the guy who killed him.

And, you know, the witness who saw them from about 20 feet away, clearly identified both of them, and said that Martin was on top and "raining down blows" on Zimmerman mere seconds before the shot was fired. That and the physical evidence. Zimmerman's injuries are consistent with the events as described. Oh. And there's the forensic evidence, specifically the gunshot residue patterns which clearly indicate an upward shot, traveling slightly right to left (left to right into Martin's chest), at close range, but with the outer clothing being closer than the skin (which can only happen if Martin was on top of Zimmerman when the shot was fired due to the whole gravity always pointing down thing). All of which is perfectly consistent with a man on the ground, pinned by an assailant, pulling a pistol from his right hip and firing upwards into the other mans chest.

But yeah. Aside from that it was *only* the word of the guy who killed him. Smiley: rolleyes

May be entirely accurate, but it doesn't seem outlandish to suspect a small amount of bias.

Sure. Which is why you look for evidence which contradicts or supports his claim and weigh it. Aside from one witness, who had a poor and long distance view, and who changed her story three times, there was no evidence to refute Zimmerman's claim. There's a boatload of evidence that directly supports it though.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#478 Jul 30 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
Let me make this clear, gbaji.

Once upon a time a cop was at my door, pounding on it and demanding entry.

He had an warrant for another address. I called dispatch. I asked if if this lost officer entered my property what were my options. Dispatch said "just don't kill him".

ETA: Some states have combat laws that don't allow staight murder.

Some states? Um... Florida law covers that too:

776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—
(2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:
(d) The person against whom the defensive force is used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who enters or attempts to enter a dwelling, residence, or vehicle in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person entering or attempting to enter was a law enforcement officer.

But hey. You just continue to assume that it's the law that's the problem, and not an emotional state resulting from false information you were originally given about this case that is driving you to find some reason to arrive at any conclusion other than "I fell for a bogus story".
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#479 Jul 30 2013 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:

Gbaji wrote:

I don't know. I suspect he didn't.

That's good! So, if Martin didn't run away from random people on the phone sitting in parked cars, then that means Zimmerman must have been suspicious enough to Martin in order for him to run. Unless that is, you believe that Martin "just had a feeling"?

That's one theory. But that's not the only one. Another one is that Martin realized that what he'd been doing for the previous couple minutes might look suspicious, and that the man in the car watching him and talking on his cell phone might just be calling the cops on him.

I happen to believe that's a far more reasonable possibility. I mean, Zimmerman thought what Martin was doing looked suspicious, right? Else he would not have called the cops. Seems unlikely that Martin wouldn't realize that what he had been doing would look suspicious to someone else, even if he wasn't actually doing anything wrong at all. People run from police all the time, sometimes for no reason at all. The point I was making was that this behavior is more prevalent among black men than other groups, and perhaps this is part of the problem that should be addressed.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#480 Jul 30 2013 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
****, I will regret this, but...
gbaji wrote:
That's one theory. But that's not the only one. Another one is that Martin realized that what he'd been doing for the previous couple minutes might look suspicious, and that the man in the car watching him and talking on his cell phone might just be calling the cops on him.

I happen to believe that's a far more reasonable possibility. I mean, Zimmerman thought what Martin was doing looked suspicious, right? Else he would not have called the cops. Seems unlikely that Martin wouldn't realize that what he had been doing would look suspicious to someone else, even if he wasn't actually doing anything wrong at all. People run from police all the time, sometimes for no reason at all. The point I was making was that this behavior is more prevalent among black men than other groups, and perhaps this is part of the problem that should be addressed.

Zimmerman was a frequent caller of 911. Zimmerman was taking it onto himself to patrol the neighbourhood after a rash of break-ins. Zimmerman had a history of aggression, especially when placed in positions of power or authority.

I would appeal to your logical side, to how you might react, but then you are either emotionally dead or mentally enfeebled to the point of lacking any relation to human reaction. So I suppose I will try to relate this in terms you might possibly understand.

You just went to a store, you know, a place in which you exchange a form of currency for goods. You are walking home, you know, without having a large collection of plastics and metals surrounding you and propelling you forward. Then you notice that there is such a contraption slowly rolling up behind you, or near enough to you. You attempt to ascertain the identity of the driver, and you discover that it is the local unstable leader of the neighbourhood watch. Are you (A) going to strike up a jaunty conversation about the poor weather (B) going to turn around and walk away slowly or (C) run and hide because you are uncertain as to why or how long this particular nutbar has been following you.

Now, I'm not saying Martin chose the best option. But Zimmerman most certainly chose the utterly worst one. Had he contained his hatred for "these ********", sat in his truck like a good little boy, then we wouldn't be discussing any of this. Instead, a boy is dead, a murderer is free, and you're posting a novel in 200 posts.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#481 Jul 30 2013 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:

That's one theory. But that's not the only one. Another one is that Martin realized that what he'd been doing for the previous couple minutes might look suspicious, and that the man in the car watching him and talking on his cell phone might just be calling the cops on him.

That's the same thing as, "Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin". That doesn't mean that Zimmerman did anything wrong. Whether or not its because Martin thought Zimmerman was a cop, killer, drug dealer, or whatever, something about Zimmerman made him think "I should run". So you agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run?

#482 Jul 30 2013 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts

And? There was a crime problem in the neighborhood. Zimmerman didn't "take it on himself to patrol the neighborhood", the HOA had a series of meetings where the problems with break ins were discussed and decided to start up a neighborhood watch program, and Zimmerman volunteered to be part of it. It's not like he was doing this all on his own or anything. Zimmerman's "history of aggression" is subject to debate, but also something that Martin could not possibly have known merely by looking at him sitting in his car.

You just went to a store, you know, a place in which you exchange a form of currency for goods. You are walking home, you know, without having a large collection of plastics and metals surrounding you and propelling you forward. Then you notice that there is such a contraption slowly rolling up behind you, or near enough to you.

Except that's not what happened. Would people please stop repeating this utterly false rumor created in the first weeks of this thing before the facts were known? At no point did Zimmerman follow Martin in his car. Zimmerman was parked in his car while Martin walked towards him.

You attempt to ascertain the identity of the driver, and you discover that it is the local unstable leader of the neighbourhood watch. Are you (A) going to strike up a jaunty conversation about the poor weather (B) going to turn around and walk away slowly or (C) run and hide because you are uncertain as to why or how long this particular nutbar has been following you.

Martin certainly did not know who Zimmerman was, just as Zimmerman didn't know who Martin was. Ergo, if we're going to use that logic you spoke of, we can't make assumptions about what Martin was thinking based on information about Zimmerman. All he saw was a guy sitting in a parked car, looking at him, and talking on his cell phone.

So let's replay the scenario. You're walking back from the store. You've done nothing wrong, are doing nothing wrong, and have done nothing that anyone might think is odd or suspicious at all. As you're walking in this perfectly normal manner towards your home, you notice someone sitting in a parked car on the side of the road. You notice that he's already seen you (cause you're walking in the street, and he's sitting in a parked car), and is talking on his phone. What do you do?

A. Continue walking home as normal?

B. Flee from this person in the car?

A, right? I mean, there's no reason to do anything else. Why would you run? No reason at all. But Martin did run. He ran from someone he had only seen moments earlier, and who had done nothing more than see Martin walk down the street and talk on his cell phone. We can certainly speculate that Zimmerman did something else to make the perfectly normal Martin flee, but we have an audio recording of the whole thing, and there's nothing on the recording to indicate that Zimmerman did anything other than sit in his car up to that point. So that speculation, while possible, is highly improbable. That leaves us to speculate about what other reasons Martin might have for fleeing, and we have one really obvious one: The entire reason for the phone call was that Zimmerman thought Martin was acting strangely. If we accept that this is true, then certainly Martin would have realized that his behavior would look strange/suspicious to someone else. Thus, it makes a hell of a lot of sense that he would assume that Zimmerman had seen him, thought what he was doing was strange, and was on the phone with the cops.

Given that that's exactly what Zimmerman was doing, it can't be that unreasonable to speculate that Martin was able to noodle this out, right? Your speculation requires huge leaps in logic which aren't supported by fact. Mine only requires that we're able to assume that Martin could figure out what Zimmerman was actually doing sitting there in his car talking on the phone. I don't think that's unreasonable at all.

Now, I'm not saying Martin chose the best option. But Zimmerman most certainly chose the utterly worst one.

Huh? Up to the point in time that Martin ran from Zimmerman, all he'd done was sit in his car, observe someone walking down the street, and call the police. Which is exactly what he was supposed to do

Had he contained his hatred for "these @#%^s", sat in his truck like a good little boy, then we wouldn't be discussing any of this. Instead, a boy is dead, a murderer is free, and you're posting a novel in 200 posts.

What hatred? You're injecting your own assumptions into this. And you've also skipped the key question here. We're talking about why Martin ran. Martin ran before Zimmerman got out of his vehicle. Thus, whether he should have gotten out of his truck is completely irrelevant to that question. I'm asking why Martin ran. And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops. The reason I brought this entire aspect up was to observe that perhaps by teaching young black men to fear the police and authority, we're creating the very problem that caused this tragic death.

If my speculation is correct, than Martin's death was the direct result of his own fears of police/authority. Had he not reacted as he did to a man sitting in a parked car talking on a cell phone the way he did, he would be alive today. But he (and many young black men) have been indoctrinated into a culture of fear and distrust of the law and police. This unfortunately leads many young black men to make incredibly poor choices when confronted with these sorts of situations, often escalating them in ways that cause ridiculously out of proportion negative outcomes (almost always for the young black man). I'm arguing that we should *not* be responding to this case by reinforcing that fear, but that's exactly what many are doing. And the result of this will be yet more black men in prison or graves because we're unwilling or unable to be honest about what's actually causing the problem.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#483 Jul 30 2013 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
If I'm in Florida, I likely chose B, since you know, they're all ******* crazy down there.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#484 Jul 30 2013 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:

That's one theory. But that's not the only one. Another one is that Martin realized that what he'd been doing for the previous couple minutes might look suspicious, and that the man in the car watching him and talking on his cell phone might just be calling the cops on him.

That's the same thing as, "Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin".

Of course it's not. Hence why it's a different theory. You're the one who's assuming Martin thought Zimmerman looked suspicious. I'm disagreeing with that assessment and saying that Martin thought Zimmerman was calling the cops on him.

Whether or not its because Martin thought Zimmerman was a cop, killer, drug dealer, or whatever, something about Zimmerman made him think "I should run".

Yeah. But which of those is somewhat relevant. I mean, if he ran because he thought Zimmerman was a killer, then it makes his actions seem more like self defense than if he ran because he thought Zimmerman was a cop (or was calling the cops). One makes him look like a potential victim trying to protect himself, while the other makes him look like someone trying to elude the law.

Kinda important, don't you think?

So you agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run?

No. I don't agree. Have you just not been paying attention? People don't run from the cops because the cops look suspicious. They usually run from the cops because *they* look suspicious. Which is more or less the whole point I'm trying to make here. Everyone keeps repeating this myth of Martin running from Zimmerman because Zimmerman was a scary guy who Martin thought was a killer, or rapist, or criminal of some sort, while Martin was this sweet innocent boy who was just trying to get home with his candy and drink, but I think that myth is complete BS. I think Martin was doing something he knew looked suspicious. I think he realized that someone saw him doing this and was on the phone. And I think he (correctly) realized that said someone was calling the cops on him, and ran, not because he was afraid of a criminal, but because he was afraid of the cops.

Edited, Jul 30th 2013 5:20pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#485 Jul 30 2013 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
30,086 posts
Sure. Which is why you look for evidence which contradicts or supports his claim and weigh it. Aside from one witness, who had a poor and long distance view, and who changed her story three times, there was no evidence to refute Zimmerman's claim. There's a boatload of evidence that directly supports it though.

Yeah, that's just completely false. I'm not interested in litigating why. I don't really have a dog in this fight, I would have found him not guilty just like the jury did. Insisting on your Republic Serial narrative to justify your position just makes it and you look intellectually weak and lazy. What happened is unclear. That's almost always the case in criminal trials and is certainly the case here. Insisting that your point of view is so right that only an idiot would think otherwise doesn't work in this case. It DETRACTS substantially from your argument, which, unusually for you, is fairly sound otherwise.

There is no useful evidence that Martin was in danger of doing much harm to Zimmerman. His injuries were superficial. Entirely possible that Martin was on top of him, striking him in the face. Entirely possible that never occurred. Given the nature of the evidence offered a reasonable person would judge it somewhere in the 60/40 it happened range. What definitely didn't happen was Martin badly beating Zimmerman. The complete lack of fractures or significant soft tissue damage indicate that while Zimmerman may have feared for his life, the reality was that it was in little to no danger.

To make a long story short, I don't take any responsibility for anything I post here. It's not news, it's not truth, it's not serious. It's parody. It's satire. It's bitter. It's angsty. Your mother's a *****. You like to jack off dogs. That's right, you heard me. You like to grab that dog by the bone and rub it like a ski pole. Your dad? Gay. Your priest? Straight. **** off and let me post. It's not true, it's all in good fun. Now go away.

#486 Jul 30 2013 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Smasharoo wrote:
Sure. Which is why you look for evidence which contradicts or supports his claim and weigh it. Aside from one witness, who had a poor and long distance view, and who changed her story three times, there was no evidence to refute Zimmerman's claim. There's a boatload of evidence that directly supports it though.

Yeah, that's just completely false. I'm not interested in litigating why. I don't really have a dog in this fight, I would have found him not guilty just like the jury did. Insisting on your Republic Serial narrative to justify your position just makes it and you look intellectually weak and lazy. What happened is unclear. That's almost always the case in criminal trials and is certainly the case here. Insisting that your point of view is so right that only an idiot would think otherwise doesn't work in this case. It DETRACTS substantially from your argument, which, unusually for you, is fairly sound otherwise.

There is no useful evidence that Martin was in danger of doing much harm to Zimmerman. His injuries were superficial. Entirely possible that Martin was on top of him, striking him in the face. Entirely possible that never occurred. Given the nature of the evidence offered a reasonable person would judge it somewhere in the 60/40 it happened range. What definitely didn't happen was Martin badly beating Zimmerman. The complete lack of fractures or significant soft tissue damage indicate that while Zimmerman may have feared for his life, the reality was that it was in little to no danger.

That's great Smash. But that wasn't what I said and to which you said "allegedly". Just to refresh your memory:

Smasharoo wrote:
The key is that he continued to punch Zimmerman in the face *after* pinning him to the ground

HI. Allegedly. I think you're conflating a finding of reasonable doubt that Zimmerman murdered someone with a finding of fact that Martin was assaulting Zimmerman. The only evidence that took place was the account of the guy who killed him. May be entirely accurate, but it doesn't seem outlandish to suspect a small amount of bias.

There's very little doubt that immediately prior to the shot being fired, Martin was on top of Zimmerman, pinning him to the ground, and punching him in the face. That doesn't mean that there's "no doubt", but if Zimmerman had not been armed that night, and the trial had instead been to determine if Martin had committed felony assault on Zimmerman, based on the testimony and evidence in the trial, it's very likely the same jury (or hell, almost any jury) would have found Martin guilty of assault beyond a reasonable doubt. Why? Because the evidence overwhelmingly indicates this.

That's not racism. It's not unfair. It's the evidence we have in the case.

Edited, Jul 30th 2013 7:29pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#487 Jul 30 2013 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
Of course it's not. Hence why it's a different theory. You're the one who's assuming Martin thought Zimmerman looked suspicious. I'm disagreeing with that assessment and saying that Martin thought Zimmerman was calling the cops on him.

Assuming you know what the word "suspicion" means, there is no difference. Martin being suspicious that Zimmerman is calling the cops doesn't change the fact that Zimmerman was suspicious to Martin. So you agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run? If not, please provide a contradicting definition of "suspicion".

Gbaji wrote:

Kinda important, don't you think?


Gbaji wrote:
No. I don't agree. Have you just not been paying attention? People don't run from the cops because the cops look suspicious.

If Zimmerman were a cop in a cop's car, then you might have a point. Since, Zimmerman was a civilian in a civilian car, there are only three possible solutions:

1. Martin ran from random cars
2. Martin was suspicious of Zimmerman and ran
3. Martin just had a "feeling" and ran

Pick one. This is not mutually exclusive. Criminals are always suspicious of other criminals. There were no cops in this scenario, so your point about running from the cops is irrelevant to this case.

#488 Jul 30 2013 at 9:58 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,972 posts
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#489 Jul 30 2013 at 10:34 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
I don't know how to pronounce &

Edited, Jul 30th 2013 11:35pm by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#490 Jul 31 2013 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.

It's because of this, I realize that he is just trolling at this point. He is intelligent enough to know that you can't make an argument based on stuff that you made up.
#491 Jul 31 2013 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Sir Xsarus wrote:
I don't know how to pronounce &
Clearly he said niampersandampersanders.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#492 Jul 31 2013 at 11:12 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
Almalieque wrote:
I realize that he is just trolling at this point. He is intelligent enough to know that you can't make an argument based on stuff that you made up.
Who you talking about?
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#493 Jul 31 2013 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.

Except for the whole audio recording that we have, in which he didn't do this. So not as valid.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#494 Jul 31 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
Of course it's not. Hence why it's a different theory. You're the one who's assuming Martin thought Zimmerman looked suspicious. I'm disagreeing with that assessment and saying that Martin thought Zimmerman was calling the cops on him.

Assuming you know what the word "suspicion" means, there is no difference. Martin being suspicious that Zimmerman is calling the cops doesn't change the fact that Zimmerman was suspicious to Martin. So you agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run? If not, please provide a contradicting definition of "suspicion".

Your lack of grammatical understanding is astounding. You honestly have no clue that you just used the root word in three distinct and different ways, do you?

Gbaji wrote:
No. I don't agree. Have you just not been paying attention? People don't run from the cops because the cops look suspicious.

If Zimmerman were a cop in a cop's car, then you might have a point. Since, Zimmerman was a civilian in a civilian car, there are only three possible solutions:

1. Martin ran from random cars
2. Martin was suspicious of Zimmerman and ran
3. Martin just had a "feeling" and ran

Pick one. This is not mutually exclusive. Criminals are always suspicious of other criminals. There were no cops in this scenario, so your point about running from the cops is irrelevant to this case.

Um... Unless what he suspected of Zimmerman was that he was calling the cops. Let's not lose sight of the forest for the grammatical trees here. It doesn't matter what words we use to label things. My point is that Martin likely ran from Zimmerman, not out of a fear that Zimmerman represented some kind of criminal threat, but that he represented a "lawful threat". But such a thing would only be a threat, or something to fear *if* one has adopted a mentality that says that the law is something to be feared.

Which is the entire point I'm trying to make. If Martin had not been taught to fear the law, he would not have reacted the way he did. Zimmerman would not have seen what appeared to be a confirmation of his suspicions about Martin. He would not have followed him on foot. They would not have had a confrontation. And Martin would not have been shot.

If this were just a one off situation, we might dismiss it as strange or unusual and move on. But the unfortunate fact is that this kind of things happens all the time. And it's not because of the cops unfairly targeting black men. It's because far too many black men are taught to fear/hate the law. So when a cop shows up, they run. When they are chased they continue to try to get away. And when they're cornered, they fight.

Edited, Jul 31st 2013 12:13pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#495 Jul 31 2013 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
Your lack of grammatical understanding is astounding. You honestly have no clue that you just used the root word in three distinct and different ways, do you?

That doesn't answer my question. So you agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run? If not, please provide a contradicting definition of "suspicion". If using the word "suspicion" throws you off for some reason, replace "suspicion" with "suspicious". If you do not agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run, then provide a contradicting definition of "suspicious" which would make that statement false.

Gbaji wrote:
Um... Unless what he suspected of Zimmerman was that he was calling the cops.

See above
Until you provide a contradicting definition of the word "suspicious", that fits under #2.

Elinda wrote:
Who you talking about?

I'm talking ABOUT Gbaji.

Edited, Jul 31st 2013 10:30pm by Almalieque
#496 Jul 31 2013 at 3:14 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,972 posts
gbaji wrote:
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.
Except for the whole audio recording that we have, in which he didn't do this. So not as valid.
Can you prove he didn't do this before he called the police? Huh? Can you? No? Well, I guess I'm still winning!
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#497 Jul 31 2013 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.
Except for the whole audio recording that we have, in which he didn't do this. So not as valid.
Can you prove he didn't do this before he called the police? Huh? Can you? No? Well, I guess I'm still winning!

Obviously he didn't do it, because he was too busy reading Martin's mind when he found out that Martin was thinking about maybe perhaps committing a crime. The evidence is clear, Martin thought about thinking about perhaps maybe for sure committing a crime. When Martin realized that Zimmerman had read his mind and found out that he was thinking about maybe committing a crime, he ran! Although he was on the phone with his "girlfriend".
#498 Jul 31 2013 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.
Except for the whole audio recording that we have, in which he didn't do this. So not as valid.
Can you prove he didn't do this before he called the police? Huh? Can you? No? Well, I guess I'm still winning!
This thread is really going places...
#499 Jul 31 2013 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Gbaji wrote:
Your lack of grammatical understanding is astounding. You honestly have no clue that you just used the root word in three distinct and different ways, do you?

That doesn't answer my question. So you agree that Zimmerman looked suspicious to Martin, causing him to run?

If "suspicious" includes "looked like someone calling the cops on him", then sure. I think you're twisting words around to make that comparison, but if that's what you've fixated on, I don't think there's much value trying to talk you down.

The larger point is that there is a difference between "running from someone you think is going to commit a criminal act against you" and "running from someone because he's calling the cops on you". If you want to say that both are "suspicious", that's fine I guess. But can you acknowledge that there is a huge difference between those two reasons for running?

Until you provide a contradicting definition of the word "suspicious", that fits under #2.

I don't care to argue with you about the definition or use of the words "suspicious", "suspect", or "suspicion". I care about which is the more likely reason he ran from Zimmerman. I believe it's because he thought Zimmerman was calling the cops on him. And regardless of whether you think that makes Zimmerman "suspicious" from Martin's perspective, it still *also* means that Martin was not thinking like your normal law abiding citizen.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#500 Jul 31 2013 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
And my speculation is that he ran because he realized that what he'd been doing looked suspicious, and that someone had seen him doing it and had called the cops.
As long as we get to create the narrative here, I'll say that Zimmerman must have drawn his finger across his throat while yelling NI&&ER and that's why Trayvon ran. My stupid speculation is just as valid as yours.
Except for the whole audio recording that we have, in which he didn't do this. So not as valid.
Can you prove he didn't do this before he called the police? Huh? Can you? No? Well, I guess I'm still winning!

Lol! Um... Prove? No. Show that it's highly improbable? Absolutely. If Zimmerman had done that prior to calling the police, and that's what made Martin run from him, then why was Martin walking down the street, apparently oblivious to Zimmerman's presence? I don't know about you, but if a guy in a car made some clear sign to me that he wanted to kill me, and I ran away from him, I'd be keeping an eye out for his car for the remainder of my walk home.

Unless Zimmerman faked the entire conversation on the phone with police! OMG! The real story comes out... It was aliens!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#501 Jul 31 2013 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Gbaji wrote:
If "suspicious" includes "looked like someone calling the cops on him", then sure.

According to the definition. I didn't make up the rules. Blame the English language.

In any case, so we finally agreed to the following points:

1. Martin's future actions could have been "anything".

2. Due to #1, there are no facts, proof or evidence to support the notion that Martin was about to commit a crime.

3. Martin became suspicious of Zimmerman and ran.

Is this accurate so far?

Edited, Aug 1st 2013 5:09am by Almalieque
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