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Omnibus Politics Thread: Campaign 2016 EditionFollow

#727 Feb 05 2016 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
He's telling a popular untruth that happens to appeal to young people who haven't yet figured out that what he's saying is a set of BS wrapped in a nice semantic burrito.
Sounds like your kind of guy.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#728 Feb 05 2016 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
4,148 posts
Kanye version:
lolgaxe wrote:
it's time to shove fingers in rears and spin everything

Dandruffshampoo wrote:
Curses, beaten by Professor stupidopo-opo.
Annabella, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
Stupidmonkey is more organized than a bag of raccoons.
#729 Feb 05 2016 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
Debalic wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Timelordwho wrote:
He should be deported in order to help make America great again.
First step is we need to build a wall around Canada to keep more Justin Beibers out.

Too bad we couldn't keep Cruz out.
The **** we import called reality TV? You guys deserve those in return.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#730 Feb 05 2016 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,593 posts
Canadians are all about making sure people are comfortable in their surroundings so we sent Beiber and Cruz to the US so they'd fit in.

We're truly sorry aboot any inconvenience, have some syrup, maybe you'll feel better.
#731 Feb 05 2016 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
As for my opinion on Bernie, I wouldn't care at all if all the absurd tin-foil hat crybaby things Republicans say about him were 100% accurate. He'd still have my support, if not more. What is doom and gloom for them is a new beginning to me. When something is as rotten as it is, you need to tear it all down and start over. Let it all burn. Anything is better than allowing things to stay the way they are.

That seems incredibly short sighted though. Whenever someone says "it can't get any worse", they are usually proved wrong.

Ok. Let me put my total conservative tinfoil hat on here and present the world that could be if folks like Bernie Sanders were running it.

You wont be able to get a job on your own, but you wont have to because the government will assign you one, which will be determined based on a battery of tests you will undergo to determine how you can best contribute to society. You will not be paid for this because that might allow for inequality. Instead, the government will provide you with a standard government issue apartment, in a government issued tenement building, with government issued food and government issued clothing. You'll have a government issued TV on your wall, which provides you with government approved/censored/issued educational and entertainment programs designed to ensure that you are never exposed to dangerous ideas or have non pro-government thoughts. These things are dangerous and might lead to a less peaceful and cooperative society. Of course, for your safety you will be monitored 24 hours a day by the government. You will be allowed to go places when and where the government tells you to do so, and may only engage in approved activities that the government has decided are healthy and safe. In short, it'll be paradise, right?

And that's not even the scariest future I could think of. You do get that the kind of classic socialism that Sanders follows used to be quite openly discussed in the early 20th century, and advocates had no qualms about the need to eliminate the less productive members of society, for the "good of the whole". That's socialism. There's a reason why it's despised. Now, modern socialists have backed away from that language and attempt to paint a much nicer picture, focusing entirely on the positive benefits for the poor and working classes and pretending that there's no cost for all of this, but there's nothing in the ideology of socialism that doesn't preclude the possibility that once your usefulness fades to a low enough degree (or never exceeds some degree), society might find you are more valuable reporting to the Soylent factory than consuming resources walking around and breathing.

That is the possible future when a society adopts the idea that the individual rights its citizens are less important than the good of the society as a whole. And that's fundamentally the underlying ideology of socialism. Do I think Sanders is itching to send people to the Soylent factories? No, of course not. But his ideology is one that could make decisions like that at some point in the future, and I'd prefer we don't go remotely in that direction. Long before we might get to such a horrific end, we'll already have lost so many rights and freedoms that it's a bad idea anyway.

You aren't really being promised prosperity. You're being promised a cage. The cake is a lie.

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 2:18pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#732 Feb 05 2016 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
Timelordwho wrote:
The luxury to focus on health care, paychecks, and education is granted because other people deal with the much harder issues of dealing with wars, terrorism, foreign policy, trade deals, having sufficient business infrastructure to have a tax base to pay for things, etc, etc, etc. Ignoring all of those isn't a sign of his strength. It's a sign that he has no answers for those things and wants to just focus on how to divvy up a pie that others have baked. Again, this appeals to a very very simplistic understanding of national level politics, but just doesn't actually work as real policy.

He's focusing on those issue, because, shocker, those are the issues that voters care about.

When their base starting point is an assumption that those other things are being handled. In much the same way you might care about tonight's cable TV line up, but only after you've eaten dinner.

People broadly don't care about the petty wars the US is fighting. There is no existential threat...

Gah! Pet peeve time. Do you mean to say exigent threat? Because anyone arguing for action in response to an existential threat is being nonsensical.

...there are just a lot of annoyance level groups that we'd like to die in a hole somewhere, but what we'd like more is to spend that money on ourselves rather than random acts of violence.

I disagree. 3000 people on 9/11 presumably would disagree as well, if they weren't dead now. Pretending these problems will just go away if we ignore them is insanely stupid. And Sanders doesn't really have any plan or answer to this. I think that's a problem. He can talk all he wants about income distribution, and food programs, and health programs, and education programs, but I promise you people care about those thing *after* they believe that their commander in chief is doing a sufficient job making sure someone isn't going to blow them up while walking down the street.

It's actually the job of the president to do things like foreign policy. It's not his job to provide food and shelter to Americans. Sander's focus on such things may be appropriate for a Senator, or a Mayor, or a state assemblyman. It's not really appropriate for a president. I get that this resonates, but then by all means, Sanders can go seek a job in HHS, or some other part of the government that deals with such things. That's not really what the president should be focused on though.

The average voter neither understands trade deals, nor really thinks much of them other than the nagging sensation that they are getting screwed over somehow.

Sure. But they assume that the person in charge *does* and is handling such things. When they realize that he doesn't and isn't and wont, that's a problem for his electability.

The reason he is doing well is he is focusing on issue that people care about, instead of sweeping them under the rug and focusing on (and this is a direct quote) "boring **** that no-one cares about".

I disagree. His unwillingness to address such things is going to hurt him. Once people start looking at him as a potential candidate to vote for and not just a name to repeat in a poll that they heard about on TV maybe, they'll see that he's not a great choice.

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 2:43pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#733 Feb 05 2016 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
gbaji wrote:
You wont be able to get a job on your own, but you wont have to because the government will assign you one

Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#734 Feb 05 2016 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Jophiel wrote:
gbaji wrote:
You wont be able to get a job on your own, but you wont have to because the government will assign you one

Smiley: laugh

Ok. What do you think happens down the line when all these young people who think that socialism means they get to sit at home, smoke pot all day, and get their needs provided for actually do just that? The next step will require that they be put to work somehow. You know... for the good of the whole. A workers paradise somewhat requires that people work.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#735 Feb 05 2016 at 5:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Yeah, I'm not actually going to debate your delusional boogeymen with you.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#736 Feb 05 2016 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
I disagree. 3000 people on 9/11 presumably would disagree as well, if they weren't dead now.
Presumably if those three thousand people hadn't died they'd be pretty disgusted at how people like you use the dead as faceless props to prove their hypotheticals.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#737 Feb 05 2016 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,970 posts
gbaji wrote:
You wont be able to get a job on your own, but you wont have to because the government will assign you one, which will be determined based on a battery of tests you will undergo to determine how you can best contribute to society. You will not be paid for this because that might allow for inequality. Instead, the government will provide you with a standard government issue apartment, in a government issued tenement building, with government issued food and government issued clothing. You'll have a government issued TV on your wall, which provides you with government approved/censored/issued educational and entertainment programs designed to ensure that you are never exposed to dangerous ideas or have non pro-government thoughts. These things are dangerous and might lead to a less peaceful and cooperative society. Of course, for your safety you will be monitored 24 hours a day by the government. You will be allowed to go places when and where the government tells you to do so, and may only engage in approved activities that the government has decided are healthy and safe. In short, it'll be paradise, right?
As opposed to a GOP dominated government rounding up the gehys, non-Christians and pro-choice advocates, executing them and confiscating their property, right?

My strawman can beat up your strawman.
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#738 Feb 05 2016 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Nah, no one with half a brain would have interpreted CNN's story like that. Plus, the Cruz campaign added in some made-from-whole-cloth bit about how the Carson campaign was going to have a "major announcement" which was nowhere in the CNN report.

Cruz's campaign lied. No reason to sugarcoat it -- his campaign just straight up lied.

Honestly, I don't see how anyone following politics could think that THEIR candidate dropped out without any verification in a world with "BREAKING NEWS!!".
#739 Feb 05 2016 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Yoda wrote:

....he's not talking about race, ... he's talking about things that actually matter to the people who are going to vote.
I'm going to assume that you're white.

As for the wars, people don't like talking about them, but they are part of reality. You don't have to support it, but you need to know what's going on, because you WILL have a part in it regardless.

Yoda wrote:
Hillary is only still doing well because of name recognition. There is very little you could reveal about Bernie that would dissuade his current supporters because his supporters really don't care about anything you could dig up so the only direction he can go is up.

If you don't think the GOP doesn't have a ton of material lined up to attack against a socialist with pie in the sky ideas with no actual plan or possibility of becoming true, you're sadly mistaken. There's a reason why the GOP isn't attacking Bernie, it's because he's a much easier opponent.

There's a reason why you can count all of his congressional/ gubernatorial support on one hand, it's because his ideas are unrealistic. We barely passed the ACA, which is a GOP concept, how do you expect the congress to even think about single payer system.
#740 Feb 05 2016 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
As opposed to a GOP dominated government rounding up the gehys, non-Christians and pro-choice advocates, executing them and confiscating their property, right?

Except that one of these sides believes in using the power of government to enforce their vision of society on the people, and the other does not. The political left and right are not equal opposites, with one supporting groupX and opposing groupY, and the other supporting groupY and opposing groupX, so we'd all better pick a side based on whether we're in groupX or groupY. Rather, we have a case where one side believes we should use government power to support groups they like and oppose groups they don't, while the other side thinks government shouldn't be supporting or opposing any groups at all.

The problem is that liberals project their own identity based ideology on conservatives and thus assume first that the conservatives oppose liberal social agendas because we like or dislike different groups than they do and secondly that if conservatives were in power, they would use that power to oppress the groups that liberals like and benefit the groups they dislike. You know, exactly like you just did.

Now if you wanted to present a more likely "scary outcome" of conservative influence, it would be that a sufficiently distanced federal government might allow for abuses of groups of people within the states. So something like failing to pass federal legislation to prevent segregation, for example. Um... But that doesn't mean that said harm would be the result of conservative actions though. In fact, it was conservatives who fought against segregation and other oppressive laws for nearly a century. But we did it at the state and local level. The liberal approach, once they finally decided to move away from segregation was to pass a big law from the highest level possible. Again, that's the difference. Liberals pick a position on something and then use the biggest government hammer they can find to make it happen. So when they thought that keeping blacks disempowered via segregation was a good idea, they made segregation happen. When they decided it wasn't working any more, they got rid of it. Point being that when liberals are in power, all groups in society are subject to whatever whim of like/dislike the current liberal thought happens to favor. Conservatives, on the other hand, believe that most things should be dealt with at the lowest level of government/society possible and we should avoid using government power to directly benefit or harm anyone based on their identity group. We look at people's actions, not their race, or gender, or religion. And along the way we provide "the people" the most power over their own lives and local society as possible.

Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But conservative ideology wont result in government rounding people up and putting them in camps. Liberal ideology does that. It's just a matter of which groups they like or dislike at any given time.

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 5:34pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#741 Feb 05 2016 at 7:29 PM Rating: Default
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
I disagree. 3000 people on 9/11 presumably would disagree as well, if they weren't dead now.
Presumably if those three thousand people hadn't died they'd be pretty disgusted at how people like you use the dead as faceless props to prove their hypotheticals.

If they hadn't died, then the threat posed by Islamic terrorists would still be hypothetical. Um... But they did. So it's not. See how that works?
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#742 Feb 05 2016 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
If they hadn't died, then the threat posed by Islamic terrorists would still be hypothetical.
Their reactions would be the same reaction as the other eight million who didn't die. Which would be a couple of months of anger followed by not letting the attack affect their lives and their choices.
gbaji wrote:
See how that works?
It's a hypothetical. It's stacked to "work," not reflect reality.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#743 Feb 05 2016 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Nah, no one with half a brain would have interpreted CNN's story like that. Plus, the Cruz campaign added in some made-from-whole-cloth bit about how the Carson campaign was going to have a "major announcement" which was nowhere in the CNN report.

Cruz's campaign lied. No reason to sugarcoat it -- his campaign just straight up lied.

Honestly, I don't see how anyone following politics could think that THEIR candidate dropped out without any verification in a world with "BREAKING NEWS!!".

You seem to be expecting much of Carson's voters. And that is apart from our current culture of... oh shiny!

And this **** is everywhere. Just yesterday, I found out that strategic planning at a company is now, at most, and even that is considered too long a horizon, one year. And that is a business with people who typically know what they are doing. And you expect longer attention span from a voter?

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 9:09pm by angrymnk
Your soul was made of fists.

Jar the Sam
#744 Feb 05 2016 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Almalieque wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
Nah, no one with half a brain would have interpreted CNN's story like that. Plus, the Cruz campaign added in some made-from-whole-cloth bit about how the Carson campaign was going to have a "major announcement" which was nowhere in the CNN report.

Cruz's campaign lied. No reason to sugarcoat it -- his campaign just straight up lied.

Honestly, I don't see how anyone following politics could think that THEIR candidate dropped out without any verification in a world with "BREAKING NEWS!!".

Yeah. There's no way to know exactly how much impact this actually had on the results anyway. What I find more interesting is that Trump, who benefits from the story itself just via media speculation of the impact without having to do or say anything at all, managed to nullify that by stepping into it full boar and whining about it. Which, predictably, didn't go over so well.

The big winner out of all of this has been Rubio. He's starting to look like the top mainstream Republican in the race, which, barring some dramatic change in fortunes in the next week or so, will likely result in a wave of endorsements and support coming in. The reality is that the GOP backers know they need to find a "normal" GOP candidate to back, and soon, before Trump can earn enough delegates. Cruz isn't well liked, so Rubio will likely fit that bill. Unless someone in the pack (Bush, Christie, Kasich really) can somehow get some really good numbers in NH and SC, I don't see any of them sticking around much longer, and their support will almost exclusively go to Rubio (or whomever out of the more mainstream candidates is at the top if it turns out to not be him).

Honestly, my biggest issue with Cruz (and I have a few, including his apparent lack of neck), is that he seems to speak almost exclusively in negatives. He talks about what's wrong with this, what's wrong with that, etc. He always comes off to me like he's complaining about the world all the time. That, and he just doesn't come off like he really believes what he's saying, but has just put on a suit of stock positions and rhetoric that test well with the tea party patriot crowd, and then goes out and wears the suit and repeats the words over and over. Rubio lacks some polish (although he was fantastic in the last debate and in his speech after Iowa), but if you've watched him give an interview, it's obvious that he actually does understand and believe in the principles he's operating on. To me, that's more important than specific positions on issues, because it tells you why he holds a given position and how he makes decisions. And yeah, it makes him appear a heck of a lot more honest. Rubio has also noticeably been using positive language in his speeches. Which I think is quite smart. He's not spending so much time complaining about past mistakes, but rather talking about what we'll do right in the future. IMO, that's a more winning message.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#745 Feb 05 2016 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,970 posts
gbaji wrote:
Liberals pick a position on something and then use the biggest government hammer they can find to make it happen.
As if a federal law to BAN same sex marriage isn't a giant hammer. Are you fucking stupid?

gbaji wrote:
So when they thought that keeping blacks disempowered via segregation was a good idea, they made segregation happen.
Those were conservatives. Are you fucking stupid?

gbaji wrote:
Point being that when liberals are in power, all groups in society are subject to whatever whim of like/dislike the current liberal thought happens to favor.
Like conservatives trying to quash abortion.. Are you fucking stupid?

gbaji wrote:
We look at people's actions, not their race, or gender, or religion.
AHAHHAHAHA. Are you fucking stupid?

gbaji wrote:
But conservative ideology wont result in government rounding people up and putting them in camps. Liberal ideology does that.
Yep..rock fucking stupid.

For the millionth time, read some actual history for once, Bill "Malmedy" O'Reilly.Smiley: oyvey
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#746 Feb 05 2016 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
gbaji wrote:
If they hadn't died, then the threat posed by Islamic terrorists would still be hypothetical.
Their reactions would be the same reaction as the other eight million who didn't die. Which would be a couple of months of anger followed by not letting the attack affect their lives and their choices.

Interesting. So those 3000 people, had they lived and a different 3000 people died, would not have supported rebuilding a tall building on the same site? Would not have supported the whole "shine giant tower shaped lights up to honor those who died" that happened on the 10 year anniversary of the attacks? They would have forgotten them and just moved on? I think you're moving the goalposts here.

I'll also point out that I mean that had the attack not happened at all, and no one died at all, then we could say that the threat of large scale attack from Islamic terrorists was hypothetical. But since 3000 people did actually die in the attack, then the threat is no longer hypothetical, but is very real. Which 3000 it was isn't really the point here. The fact that 3000 people did die, means that this sort of thing is a reality we must deal with. We can't just bury our heads in the sand and hope it wont happen again. Refusing to recognize that or to take action, or to even talk about it as a serious subject is incredibly foolish. Which is what I originally said about Sanders. I'm not saying we need to place undue weight here, but one of the praises given for Sanders was that he's not spending any time at all on those subjects, because apparently they don't matter, but is focusing exclusively on economic issues, because apparently that's all any one cares about.

I disagree with that. While we can argue about the degree to which some other candidates may place too much weight on those foreign threats, in today's world, any candidate for president needs to be able to, at the very least, be able to competently speak about the issue. He doesn't seem to be able to, or even want to. Which I suspect many people will find problematic. Hand waving it away by insisting that most people really just care about the economy doesn't change the fact that whomever sits in the oval office next will have to deal with the reality of these threats, and we as voters kinda maybe ought to expect a candidate to at least answer a question about it and provide us at least some confidence that he'll be able to make good choices in this area. Isn't that somewhat the point of debates asking a range of questions?

gbaji wrote:
See how that works?
It's a hypothetical. It's stacked to "work," not reflect reality.

Uh... Except it's not hypothetical. It was hypothetical that we might be at risk of a large scale terrorist attack on the day before 9/11/2001. It is no longer hypothetical. It's a real thing that anyone running for president must be able to address. It's not like we're asking about what a president would do in case of an attack by space aliens here. That would be hypothetical. This is not. It's quite reasonable for the voting public to expect the guy who wants to be our commander in chief to have some sort of plan with regard to terrorism. Don't you agree?

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 7:09pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#747 Feb 05 2016 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Liberals pick a position on something and then use the biggest government hammer they can find to make it happen.
As if a federal law to BAN same *** marriage isn't a giant hammer. Are you fucking stupid?

The GOP has never passed a law banning same sex marriage.

Once again, you fail to grasp the difference between banning a behavior and failing to reward it.

gbaji wrote:
So when they thought that keeping blacks disempowered via segregation was a good idea, they made segregation happen.
Those were conservatives. Are you fucking stupid?

No. I'm not. I'm also not ignorant of history. The Democrats created segregation in the south. This is not speculation. It's historical fact.

gbaji wrote:
Point being that when liberals are in power, all groups in society are subject to whatever whim of like/dislike the current liberal thought happens to favor.
Like conservatives trying to quash abortion.. Are you fucking stupid?

Again, no. I'm also not failing to see key differences in how/why decisions are made, which I thought I already explained. Abortion is an action, not a group of people. See. This is exactly what I was talking about. Liberals make decisions based on the groups that are benefited or harmed. Conservatives make decisions based on the morality of the action in question. In this case, they oppose abortion because they believe that the act of aborting a fetus is wrong. It's not about liking or disliking women.

gbaji wrote:
We look at people's actions, not their race, or gender, or religion.
AHAHHAHAHA. Are you fucking stupid?

Again, no. Do you see how opposing abortion is about the act of abortion? Creating incentives for couples who may produce children to marry prior to doing so isn't about the identity of the couple, but about the consequences of their actions within or without the institution of marriage. It's you liberals who view and define everything through the lens of identity. It's how you guys do things like insisting that a drug should not be penalized based on the relative harm of the drug in question in the quantities in question, but rather based on which racial group is more likely to use one drug over another. It's how you guys decide to skew college admissions processes, not to ensure that the process is fair based on the academic qualifications of the students, but with the goal of making the student body more racially similar to the overall population. It's how you guys consistently judge, not the actions of the police, but the impact of those actions on a population based on the relative racial makeup. So it doesn't matter that Michael Brown robbed a liquor store and attacked a police officer. All that matters is that he was black, and black people get shot more often relatively speaking than white. It doesn't matter that Martin was straddling Zimmerman and punching him in the face when Zimmerman shot him. All that mattered was that he was black and Zimmerman looked white. It doesn't matter that a kid brought a clock to school that he had disassembled and placed into a metal case in a manner likely to be mistaken for a bomb. All that mattered is that he's a Muslim.

This is you guys looking at things this way. And what's funny is that you insist that we conservatives must view things the same way. And then you conclude that we're evil, or bigoted, or stupid, because we don't arrive at the same conclusions that you do. Um... It's not for those reasons. It's because we are actually making our decisions based on a completely different set of criteria than you are.

Seriously. Stop making assumptions based on your own viewpoint. Just for one minute accept that what I say is correct. Then go back, one issue at a time, and look at the actions and positions of conservatives through our lens instead of your own. You'll find that we are very very consistent. We judge the actions of people, not their identity. You guys are the ones who obsess over identity and make decisions based on how the results will statistically affect those groups of people.

Stop projecting your methodology on us. It might just help you to understand things a bit more clearly.

gbaji wrote:
But conservative ideology wont result in government rounding people up and putting them in camps. Liberal ideology does that.
Yep..rock fucking stupid.

I'm sorry. Could you name for me the only president in the last century who locked an entire set of people up in camps based purely on membership in an identity group? Can you name his political party? Um... He was also a "Democratic Socialist" btw. You know, the whole "new deal" thing? Social Security? Ring any bells? WTF!? And you're calling me stupid.

Maybe you should be reading history?

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 7:17pm by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#748 Feb 05 2016 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
gbaji wrote:
Which 3000 it was isn't really the point here. The fact that 3000 people did die, means that this sort of thing is a reality we must deal with. We can't just bury our heads in the sand and hope it wont happen again. Refusing to recognize that or to take action, or to even talk about it as a serious subject is incredibly foolish.
Let's pretend for a second this is actually what you meant and ignore what you actually posted and got called out on. So why do you insist we bury our heads and refuse to take action or even talk about the 300,000 people that have died between 2000 and 2010 in this country? Similarly, why do you constantly insist we can't solve problems by throwing money and solutionless band-aids at problems inside the country but somehow doing just that abroad will create world peace?

And back to not pretending, everyone knows you were saying that those three thousand dead New Yorkers would agree with you if they hadn't died.
gbaji wrote:
Isn't that somewhat the point of debates asking a range of questions?
Have you watched a debate? Ever? No, the point of a debate is to pander and shill. It's to convince the dumbest people in our society, the undecided voters, that they're the right choice.
gbaji wrote:
It's quite reasonable for the voting public to expect the guy who wants to be our commander in chief to have some sort of plan with regard to terrorism.
If you were at all "concerned with the lack of plans to fight terrorism" you'd be livid with Ted Cruz's "we're going to win by winning" strategy.
gbaji wrote:
Don't you agree?
I don't agree that was your point.

Edited, Feb 5th 2016 10:14pm by lolgaxe
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#749 Feb 05 2016 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
gbaji wrote:
When their base starting point is an assumption that those other things are being handled. In much the same way you might care about tonight's cable TV line up, but only after you've eaten dinner.

No, there is no such assumption. These are actually the issues that are cared about, and thus, shockingly, people vote based on those issues. Those other issues are largely the concern of elites, as they care about them and sometimes understand them.

People broadly don't care about the petty wars the US is fighting. There is no existential threat...

Gah! Pet peeve time. Do you mean to say exigent threat? Because anyone arguing for action in response to an existential threat is being nonsensical.

No. I said what I mean and meant what I said. The US is not fighting an existential threat. I did not mean an exigent threat or I would have said so. Examples of Existential threats the US has faced: The British Empire, the Confederacy, and the Soviet Union.

...there are just a lot of annoyance level groups that we'd like to die in a hole somewhere, but what we'd like more is to spend that money on ourselves rather than random acts of violence.

I disagree. 3000 people on 9/11 presumably would disagree as well, if they weren't dead now. Pretending these problems will just go away if we ignore them is insanely stupid. And Sanders doesn't really have any plan or answer to this. I think that's a problem. He can talk all he wants about income distribution, and food programs, and health programs, and education programs, but I promise you people care about those thing *after* they believe that their commander in chief is doing a sufficient job making sure someone isn't going to blow them up while walking down the street.

It's actually the job of the president to do things like foreign policy. It's not his job to provide food and shelter to Americans. Sander's focus on such things may be appropriate for a Senator, or a Mayor, or a state assemblyman. It's not really appropriate for a president. I get that this resonates, but then by all means, Sanders can go seek a job in HHS, or some other part of the government that deals with such things. That's not really what the president should be focused on though.

These problems don't go away, these groups generally go bother whoever is their current enemy at the time. Terrorism isn't perpetrated without reason, it's a response to a set of actions or policies. Regardless, terrorism, despite all the coverage it receives, kills a very small percentage of Americans. There are roughly 200-250 terrorism related deaths per year in the US. Gun suicides, which make up less than 1% of all deaths in the US per year, claim ~20000. As frustrating, upsetting, and generally shitty terrorism related deaths are, it is annoyance level threat. If it is the President's job to protect Americans from dying, HHS does far more than random bombings of people we don't like.

The average voter neither understands trade deals, nor really thinks much of them other than the nagging sensation that they are getting screwed over somehow.

Sure. But they assume that the person in charge *does* and is handling such things. When they realize that he doesn't and isn't and wont, that's a problem for his electability.

Usually it isn't. the public can generally be mugged a few times without it impacting electability (a definite feature of a choice limiting FPTP voting system) as there are a lot of other issues they care about.

The reason he is doing well is he is focusing on issue that people care about, instead of sweeping them under the rug and focusing on (and this is a direct quote) "boring **** that no-one cares about".

I disagree. His unwillingness to address such things is going to hurt him. Once people start looking at him as a potential candidate to vote for and not just a name to repeat in a poll that they heard about on TV maybe, they'll see that he's not a great choice.[/quote]

He has a platform for all these issue. He doesn't campaign on them because that's not what people care about, and shockingly during a campaign you give speeches about things people care about. I, for example, disagree with his trade policy. I will still be voting for him in the primary.
Just as Planned.
#750 Feb 05 2016 at 9:43 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
. This is not. It's quite reasonable for the voting public to expect the guy who wants to be our commander in chief to have some sort of plan with regard to terrorism. Don't you agree?

Not causing trouble is a fairly good plan in that regard, if we would like to reduce terrorism.

Here is a link for details, should you care to read them.
Just as Planned.
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